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Magnus the Red(s) under the bed(s) edition

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First for speculate on these: Special rules with names like “The Butcher’s Nails”, “Many Heads of the Hydra” and “Iron Within, Iron Without” bring the well-loved background of the Heretic Astartes to life, and will be available to any detachment or formation pledged to the appropriate Legion (much like their loyalist brethren have access to Space Marine Chapter Tactics).

Without shitposting about how it'll be copy paste loyalist stuff.

First for Dark Eldar

Third for Taurox with wheels

>bringing up this skubtastic topic at the literal beginning of the thread
>beating DEposter to do it

Welp, I'll see you guys next thread, enjoy your shitstorm.

GW could do that and loyalist son of bitches would praise GW

Now that is an APC

It looks okay but then I look at the autocannons and the exhaust pipes and remember it's still a piece of shit. If I get one of these I'm putting it on wheels, putting the secondary guns on the turrret, and doing fucking something with those pipes.

You know how the thousands sons have their thing where you are only allowed to take their characters and there is the incredibly specific buff of blessings grant +1 to invul? It is literally just going to be some more minor things like that

>Night Lords get Fear

oh you tried good job friend

Speaking of Deldar was kind of disappointed today, went into my local hobby shop and they were all out of scourges.

So I got a venom instead, probably am going to need a few of those anyway

Fear, stealth, hit&run.

Emperor's Children get Sonic weapons (Doom sirens, etc.) available as equipment on their lords.
All of the must take MoS and VotL (like 1kSons)
The effect Slaanesh models have on Eldar.
Artifact: Blissgiver from 5e.

That gondola is adorable.

>having any DE in stores at all

I'm jelly, man. I had to order mine from a store an hour away for 25% off. I need at least another Venom, but I'm thinking about a 3rd SC! Box because of how cheap it is.

I still have to assemble/paint what I have, though. Ugh


SC box is a great value, but more than 2 Archons is unneccesary. Sell the 3rd arhcon for some extra dosh.

Just scored some Kasrkin, gonna run them as Scions (obviously). The sergeant's sword is hopelessly mangled so I'll have to snip it off and replace it, should I go with another power weapon or just a chainsword?

I've decided I'm going to buy 2 Start Collecting! Dark Eldar boxes. Then once I get that shit painted I'll get 2 Venom, 2 Talos boxes, a Haemy, and some stuff to convert a few Grotesques.

I don't really have anything to add to the topic I'm just pretty excited. I guess I also wanted to see if my fellow DE bros have any advice on whether my plan is retarded

I've actually been planning the fluff for my kabal for months now but I was hesitant to start DE and get BTFO every time I played a game. I've overcome that now though. I just want to paint cool spiky pirate rape drug elves.

Does anyone have any good ideas for some blue/brimstone horror conversions?


Should have bought them from GW, dude.

I Fucking HATE the Archon, was just going to convert a fantasy dark elf fleet captain into one when I get the money after christmas.

I love the box set though just finished building mine last week, might buy one more but dont really want to go full raider spam.

Space wolves BTFO

I would have but I only found out about the made to order thing like a week too late. Ebay was my only choice. I actually did pretty well, got them cheaper than new and the model in question was the only real defect

Why are you buying two venoms without any troops to fill them with?

space wolves have a codex that isn't shit

No. Fuck you.

That sounds pretty good then.

Power weapons are trash on scions. Chainsword.

not original user but because they look cool duh

Tell me bout your Kabal

also what are you using for grotesques?

How do people feel about using these to transport veterans as opposed to Chimeras? I mean, if you want meltavets at the midfield, then this thing is cheaper, gets an autocannon, never gets stuck in terrain, and has extra exit points.

Is the +1 front armor and a second gun that will likely be firing snapshots at cruising speed really better than all that AND the extra ten points (assuming you spring for smoke launchers).

Paint pink horrors blue
put some fire looking stuff on a base

So I can do this:
Archon + Grotesques in Raider #1
10 Warriors in Raider #2
5 Warriors in Venom
5 Warriors in Venom
Dark Artisan
2x 3 Reavers

I'm sorry you hate fun user.

AV11 makes them too fragile for my liking.

Not him, but I plan on buying some Crypt Fiends/Crypt Flayers and slapping on some of my Cronos/Talos bits from when I built my Dark Artisan.

AV 11 makes them vulnerable to S5 shooting.

Should I magnetize the Burst Cannons on my Crisis Suits? I've NEVER used them and I've never seen anyone run them.

Yeah thanks mate
Will do, cheers user

>>I spend two hours pouring free shit onto the table until you lose

Only if you have the opportunity for casual games and still want to spam suits.

No. See, I like fun. That's the issue.

>Must plan to spam the everloving crap out of them.
Every time, never change.

I only own 6 suits, but even then, I already have plenty of S5 AP5 shooting from my Fire Warriors, Hammerhead, and Stealth Suits.

And we really only play "casual-competitive" in my friend group.

The exhausts are retarded, either shave down the bracing on the front edge of the side door and put a big rig style shrouded exhaust there, or a more standard underside exhaust like you see on commercial trucks would fit neatly under the footplate of the door.
>pic related

Even 4 units of new horrors is almost endless tide of models that you cant kill.

Yeah, just have the crisis do literally anything else.

Crypt Horrors with extra bits from the 2 Talos boxes

Also basically I rolled some silly stuff on the 1d4chan Kabal Creation Table and tried to run with it. tl;dr
>Kabal of the Endless Rain
>Arose from the merger of two kabals; the first the broken but proud remnant of a Commorrite noble house, the second the owners of a considerable realspace fleet, banished from the Dark City by the Overlord himself. When the noble-descended kabal went broke, they retained their prime real estate space. Eventually they negotiated a deal wherein the space-bound kabal would merge into theirs, outwardly remaining the same, but inwardly reflecting a radically unusual leadership structure: there are two head Archons, one who sits on the Throne of Storms at the top of the kabal's tower, managing their new-found fleet, and the other who sits on the Drowned Throne beneath the tower, managing basically everything else
The name
>Long before they came to Commorragh, the noble family traced their history to an ancient Eldar hero. This hero lived on a world in the process of colonization, before the coming of the Eldar Empire. The legend states that some foul sorcery clouded the sky and brought with it 100 days and nights of torrential rain. Each night, creatures appeared in the darkness and attacked the Eldar colonists, terrorizing them until the sun came up. After the first night, the hero took up arms and fought back. For 99 nights he protected the colonists, and then the storm receded. The nobles still told this story when they established their dominion in Commorragh, but as the Dark Kin tend to do, they twisted and inverted it. Over time, the story came to mean that the family had terrorized their weaker cousins during a massive storm, attacking every night for 100 days and returning to Commorragh with a massive treasure in slaves and goods.
>When Vect b& noble houses they took the name of their kabal from this story

Why would you use rubber tires in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium?

Feel free to hate the treads but they match the aesthetic of 40k, this just looks out of place considering the fact that literally no other IG vehicles have wheels.

Brimstone horror = doom lost soul

Greenstuff some flames on a skull

True, but is it really that difficult to get a flank shot on a chimera? Especially one thats making for the middle of the board? I ask because I'm reaching the 1000 points mark where transports stop being an option and more of a necessity.

Thousand sons have a planet that isn't completely fucked and a primarch

Stupid idiot

Well shit, I might as well just glue on 1 Fusion, 1 Plasma, and then Missile pod on the shoulder and save myself the trouble of magnets. I never use flamers either.

He just made the list.

>Even 1/6 of the army being pinks makes too many blues -> brims.

Does VotLW from the sorcerer in a squad of tzangoors mean 5++ birdmen?

the planet of sorcerers was completely fucked by the rubric, and having magnus isn't exactly something to be listed as a positive

NOT having their retard primarch around is arguably a point in the wuffs favor

Im not mad at you, maybe your meta is stronger than mine, maybe you keep your power level low, but I've not had fun fighting 2++ rerollable horror blobs already, so this addition feels like even less fun.

I usually squad up multiple units with different gear, if you do this you will likely confuse and annoy people. (also its a super easy magnet job)

I believe it only affects the sorcerer himself.

Hello all, wanting to get into 40k and Dark Angels look cool, as well as their lore interesting me.

Are they any good/fun compared to the other armies? And is spamming plasma something I can do or will it lable me That Guy?

Not for long with said planet being very much accessible to the imperium now. It is definitely very possible it will get fucked over in the near future

t. thousand sons player

It is if you run your Chimeras in pairs like you should be doing and fan them out in V shapes.

>kill a unit
>lmao no you didn't, here's a bigger unit that therefore gives me more warp charges to zap shit with and isn't meaningfully worse than the unit you killed
If you can't see the problem you're part of the problem

Welcome to Chaos, brother!

Always treat top tier armies like top tier, and don't kit 'em up vs weaker books. I've never been in a meta not like this idfk.

At 1500, thats 27 models of pinks, 54 blues and 54 brimstones. Total of 135 models. For 250pts.

And they all shoot with heavybolter + some other potentially powerful shot. Or summon stuff.


That's Forgeworld crap, not a GW codex model. Try again.

Of course we are. ;-)

>no other IG vehicles have wheels

There are Imperial Guard rough riders that had, and might still have, a biker model as I recall.


I actually don't mind these jokes.

Now get in the sack, 'brother'.

That's a fucking cool backstory. I just ran with the Black Heart Kabal paint scheme, but if I feel up to writing a 2nd chunk of fluff for an army I might make them "copycats" or a wannabe Kabal or a splinter Kabal or something.. Here's my recently finished Venom. I intentionally left the gunner off because she went through 2 stripping sessions and didn't end up too well.

poor gunner

There's so much worse shit you could spam than plasma. Like grav, and bikes, and relentless grav bikes. Plasma at least has a chance to blow up.

Plasma is cool. Plasma is flavorful. Spam plasma. It's okay.

Was it really humid or too cold when you sprayed that? Or did you just spray primer straight over the original paint? Looks lumpy as fuck.

Good thing you posted that user, for a minute there I thought you were actually retarded and not just baiting.

Again, who the fuck actual plans to run that many?
Going agro b/c people want to run (model) something, because you can spam it is just being a pain.

The state of you lad

>"Archon, do you love me?"
>"Be strong, Claryxxa, be strong for mother."

I don't know if it was too humid or not, but the Army Painter Primer I originally used messes up like that every time I spray with it. I found a Rustoleum one that goes on SUPER fucking flat instead. I did a coat of Abbadon black over the primer, so it accentuated the bumps.

I'm curious, has any recaster had the idea of making a billion copies of the Tauros wheels and selling them individually?

Ah, cool.

I was thinking about doing the Consecrators since they look cool, and what they have regarding their fluff is also cool. The Betrayal at Calth set also look perfect for them as well since fluff-wise they don't have any MkVII or MkVIII armor.

Though, that gives me the problem regarding some of the Dark Angel vehicles that have MkVII marines operating them.

Also, does anyone have a higher quality version of this pic?

It's even better for $64 with free shipping, which is why I'm planning on getting another.

As for the Archon, I was probably going to convert it into something. Hell, if I get enough, they make for decent Trueborn.

Yea. Edgy McAnimesmirk is a bit of a shit.

I like Raiders more than I like Venoms, and now that the FAQ happened, Raiders are actually usable again.

I also love Wyches and wanted to focus more on a Wych cult, but they need some love to be anything more than ablative wounds for my Succubus. Or so I'm told 27n still haven't played yet.

Have you seen normal CD lists? 4 units of 10 horrors is actually very common. They are great backfield objective holders.

And now they are even better at it.

Thanks user!

Your Venom looks great. I will be amazed if mine come anywhere close to that, to be honest. I'm not very good at painting, which is too bad since DE have such beautiful models.

Rip in peace Planet of Sorcerers. Goodnight, sweet daemon prince.

t. Thousand Sons fan

>Competitive 40k
>won't just have other top tier lists with plenty of large blasts to deal with it

>It's common, but I'm mad someone wants advice on modeling them.

How was your day today?

Sorry about the link belloflostsouls.net/2016/11/40k-8th-ed-rumors-primarch-schism.html


So, Thousand Sons.

Massive psychic firepower, big invuln saves on everything, but very elite army with low model count.

The invuln saves mean that AP3/2/1 weapons are not worth their points against Thousand Sons, but the lol23pointsperMEQ means they die to massed small arms fire. They might take a casualty or two from an overcharging riptide, but will die just as easily to half that many points worth of genestealer cultists with lasguns and heavy stubbers.

A possible solution to the problem with Thousand Sons, then, is to find a way to counter large masses of cheap infantry. Thousand Sons can take warpflamers now, but must get within rapid fire range of the enemy to use them. There are other anti-infantry units available to CSM, though, that can eliminate the hordes for relatively cheap to put your good stuff on an equal footing with the enemy.

I think Thousand Sons might not be quite as terrible if they play to their strengths(psychic powers and invuln saves) and take a squadron of Autocannon+Heavy Bolter+Havoc Launcher predators, or even cheaper, three Quad Heavy Bolter Rapier field guns(if you have a CAD). Alternatively they can ally/summon deep striking Flamers of Tzeentch, or deep strike 3 man Terminator squads with combi-flamers. Thoughts?

I'm gonna say no, because Atia's said the Black Crusade is lasting a long time, with the next Daemon Primarch coming in 2018 at least.

I doubt the Black Crusade will be over before the Primarchs and D Primarchs we've heard about come back.


>It's BoLS
>anonymous source
Not even worth discussing.

If they take infantry hordes to bury the Rubrics in cheap firepower a Defiler will have an absolute fucking field day.

Well they're also going to struggle against Vehicles. Witchfires aren't going to be quite reliable enough.

None that I know of.
Not like wheels like those are hard to get though, there's always some from various third party bits sites. Ramshackle is especially great if you want tons of super cheap vehicle bits that smell like shit and have a ton of thick flash (aka, you're a poor sod that play Orks).

It's just a shame the birdmen aren't cheaper. Fielding hordes of them is gonna be expensive.

would it make sense "lore wise" for the Disciples of Caliban to have a caesteus assault ram?

Hey guys. Struggling to make a good ig and space wolf list. How do you think this will preform?

++ Allied Detachment (Space Wolves: Codex (2014) v2003) ++

+ HQ +
Iron Priest [Bolter, Thunder Hammer]

+ Elites +
···Dreadnought [Blizzard Shield, Dreadnought, Fenrisian Great Axe, Smoke Launchers]
···Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]

+ Troops +
····Grey Hunters [9x Close Combat Weapon, Wolf Standard]
······7 Grey Hunters [Bolt Pistol, Bolter]
······Grey Hunter [Meltagun]
······Grey Hunter (Meltagun]
····Rhino [Dozer Blade]
····Wolf Guard Pack Leader [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword]

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Astra Militarum: Codex (2014) v2000) ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

···Primaris Psyker [Force Staff, Psyker Mastery Level 2]

+ HQ +

···Company Command Squad [Carapace Armour, 4x Veteran w/ Lasgun]
······Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser, Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber]
······Company Commander [Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Orders,
····Master of Ordnance

+ Elites +

······· [3x Ratling]

+ Troops +

········Veterans [Grenadiers, Krak Grenades for Squad, Veteran w/ Heavy Flamer, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun, Veteran w/ Meltagun]
············Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser, Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber]
····Veteran Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon]

········Veterans [Grenadiers, Krak Grenades for Squad, Veteran w/ Heavy Flamer, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun, Veteran w/ Meltagun]
·····Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser, Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber]
····Veteran Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon]

+ Heavy Support +

3 basiliks
