Humanity, fuck yeah

Humanity, fuck yeah

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I personally think this movie is the perfect example of humanity fuck yeah, 3 drunk fuckers kicking the shit out of a bunch of alien robots, and then telling the big dude to fuck off.

Hi there

Why don't you get back in your fucking rocket, and fuck off back to Lego land you fucking cunt

That one's less "Humanity Fuck Yeah" and more "Humanity, Fuck Ourselves Out Of Spite."

>"Humanity, Fuck Ourselves Out Of Spite."
So basically HFY?

Exactly mang

i have never understood that g


What does it mean

I think it's a Latino thing.

>implying legoland isn't the ultimate expression of human superiority
bitch don't send fucking cthulhu mythos shit to my lego stores


The worlds end

HUMANITY FUCK YEAH! I actually rooted for the Human expansionnists in Avatar, fucking dirty xeno scum.

Get this faggy shit out of here.
HFY is the dumbest garbage.

Fucking Xeno Scum



Fuck you buddy, we'll piss all over your entire species and make that a fetish.

one of the best

Fuckin noice

I didn't really root for either side, although I at least appreciate that the humans weren't condescending pricks.

I just opposed the movie as a whole, because it made both species look stupid.

>Character: "We tried offering the Na'vi trade in return for the unobtanium, but they don't want anything.
>Me: "Really? They don't want *anything*? Why?"
>Movie: "Because shut up, that's why."

Jake Sully is the ultimate race traitor.

For the last fucking time this was never spoken in the fucking movie.

Its from some chuckle fuck roleplaying 40k in Avatar

I was wondering when you'd show up.

Bitch, we waifu'd you.

I hate how people always make 40k this mega HFY wet dream

When in in reality it really is not.

The World's End, movie by the same guys who did Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Humanity Fuck Yeah!

This is so cringy. You should be embarassed.

Common man, you know your lego stores need some cyclopean blocks made with non-euclidian geometry.

Turned our common transportation into massive bombs that can collapse entire towers.

I mean, what was done with it was heinous. But terrible things can also still be impressive accomplishments.

HFY comes around when we stop being terrible to each other and start being terrible to aliens. Whether or not they deserve it varies according to author taste.

HFY is cringy fedora tier fanfiction for autists to jack off to.

If aliens were to make contact with us we wouldn't stand a chance and all the HFY fags would be getting anally probed and dissected alive.

But that's not really "Humanity Fuck Yeah" that's "Humanity DEEEEERP"


If you dont actually believe we are the #1 species in existence that will win everything, those are just a fun read. No need to get triggered.
Also, I feel like the HFY stories started off really fresh and interesting, but are stale at this point in time. But at first, its was nice change in pace to most "Space elves" and "Humans r dumb lol" tones present in many modern works.

I get hating on Avatar but this autism always annoys me.

Humanity - Fuck It

Which is what all this HFY shit boils down to.
I'm surprised you guys are trying to crawl back here from Reddit.


HFY stories were never good. They're either torture porn or boring "humans win everything forever" drivel.

>Avatar 2, 3, 4 and 5 planned for production

Kill me now.

Then read something you FUCKING LIKE. You massive faggot.

It's been forever since I've seen Avatar, but isn't it made fairly obvious that the Na'vi don't do materialism?

Holy shit, what the fuck do some of you guys got against humans?

Yeah, but we're never told what they were offered. Obviously not something the humans really cared about them having, so no weapons. Did they have a camp where the hybrids played with the xeno kids? What was going on there?

I love humans. That's why I hate HFY gayness.

IDK man, the movie doesn't need to spell out everything. Just assume that the humans are all like "Would you like [Earth Shit]?" and the Na'vi are like "We don't really care about [Earth Shit]".

Nothing. Just tired of HFY autism shitting up the board. Take this shit back to /r/hfy

I dunno, I feel like it's pretty important. If they turned down something that could've improved their lives, then yeah, fuck 'em, but I'd like to know if the deal was raw no matter what they did.

Both of you need to take a long, deep breath, and accept that you can never make people not like things. Veeky Forums has accepted these threads. Move on.

HFY threads and stories make me lose faith in humanity.

>Veeky Forums has accepted

Please, don't pretend a small group from reddit is the voice of Veeky Forums.

HFY is a flimsy writing prompt that was mined of any good ideas it might have years ago, and now only gets dragged around by sunk-cost fallacy idiots who just want to spam their unreadablely bad stories every few days.

You redditors need to stop being such cringe.

You can... not read them?

>Please, don't pretend a small group is the voice of Veeky Forums.
Stop speaking then and hide the threads seeing as there is only fucking one of them on the board at any given time.

>Veeky Forums has accepted these threads
Speak for yourself. I don't care about these threads one way or another, but Veeky Forums isn't one person or even one group.

All but maybe three anons are on board in this thread.

Rest of board ignores it and lets it stay.

That's accepting it, you shitmonkey.


Take that shit to leddit.

tolerance =/= acceptance.

People are either ignoring this garbage or actively complaining about it.

Just fuck off to r/HFY/ you dumb nigger. You'll fit right in.

>HFY is the dumbest garbage.
Might be true, but it is worlds better than the shits that whine about it.

user one.

user two.

Guess I highballed the amount of assholes who don't like people having fun wrong.

This is more "Humanity, pretty cool and comfy".

Bump. Give me a spark of humanity.


OMG this is real subreddit. Reddit continue to be disappointing.

There are literally two good HFY stories:
>insectoid hive species member subjugated as slave by their people, freed by humans waging war on their overlords and accepted as equals into humanity
>one random human miner dude sacrificing himself to save a shipful of aliens, and aliens coming in as the cavalry during human war, citing the sacrifice as their reason; humans didn't even know who the miner was

Almost everything else is shit. It's basically the white nerd version of WE WUZ KANGS

those two are shit, especially the second one. That's a massive pile of liquid shit

Same reason people like the starship troopers movie. Are the creators of 40k super liberal too?

Hey, at the rate that fuck produces movies you'll be dead long before #3!

I would offer that the one where we bro it up with alien dragons is good too. Because we are not the strongest or the smartest or anything, we just upset some galactic politics and economics by befriending a race that they had been exploiting for centuries to our mutual benefit. We don't even do it for altruistic reasons, we just think its amazing that they look like fucking dragons.

I thought they looked like regular dragons, not fucking dragons

>See movie with Mining Engineer
>Have to listen to him yell though the whole movie, "This conflict is Pointless just mine it out from under them you idiots! They won't even know your there!"
>"That's great, but what is it used for? What makes is valuable?"
>"Seriously did they not bring a mining engineer on the interplanetary mining expedition?"

Nuke that movie from orbit it's the only way to be rid of what I'd like to say but the bomb would just safely pass though one of it's many plot holes.

Hey maybe they will finally proof read the script and fill in the plot holes with something other than pretty visuals.

Wasn't the unobtainium some kind or retarded antigrav supermagnet found in floating islands?
The Navis were patrolling around the islands one their birbs or some shit.

the thing that humanity still exist and doesnt go extinct just in spite for the other races and chaotic murdergods of unfathomable horror its pretty hfy tho.

The movie doesn't tell us. They just say it's got a high price on the market, and it's rare. Nothing about what it's actually good for, or why humanity wants the stuff. The guy running the place has a chunk of it in ore form just sitting on his desk so it obviously is a metal. That's all we know.

I mean if you had some material that made huge chunks of rock float in the sky, it's be valuable to make superlight chassis if anything.
I don't know if it's magnetism, antigrav or some other kind of phlebotinum, I clearly remembers there being floating islands.

>retarded antigrav supermagnet
>nothing about what it's actually good for
>some other kind of phlebotinum

It was a room-temperature superconductor, you nincompoops

There were floating islands yes but that wasn't attributed to the McGuffin-ium

I don't remember them saying that during the coarse of the theatrical cut. Was that in the extended edition?

Its also, apparently, what makes FTL possible.

I'm not sure if that's because they need room temperature superconductors for that, or if it serves multiple purposes.

When in the movie was that stated?

This. HFY isn't about humans being badass it is about aliens being gigantic pussies 99.9% of the time. Two of the gayest things i've read in HFY stories
>Lasers just give humans a light sun burn, humans can punch through aliens armour, and aliens consider adrenaline a combat drug
>The idea of headbutting someone is absolutely inconcievable
Plus the stereotypical "nailed our god to a piece of wood and poison our air to root out the weak" is pants on head retarded.

If you don't like the fictional thing, don't read the fictional thing. Don't think about it. Go on. I know you can do it if you really try.

>I don't remember them saying that during the coarse of the theatrical cut. Was that in the extended edition?

I never watched the extended edition and it wasn't outright stated in the theatrical release. It was blindingly obvious to anyone who knows what superconductors are. The mountains floating in an area with strong magnetic fields was the hit-you-over-the-head clue. Superconductors levitate in magnetic fields. Remember the rock in the manager's office? Levitating in the little magnetic holder?

>Its also, apparently, what makes FTL possible.

Did you pay any attention to the film? Let me break it down. Alpha Centauri is three lightyears away. It takes them six years to travel there from Earth. So how fast were they going...?

I've always thought the UCM from Dropzone Commander were a good example of HFY. They aren't the best at anything, they aren't even particularly special compared to other known races. The only thing that sets them apart is basically incredible rage; the Scourge killed or captured 90% of their population and only left the rest alone because they didn't know where the shitty border colonies were and it wasn't practical to look.

Then the small handful of humanity that's left spent the next 160 years turning their society into a military state who's entire purpose is vengeance. They don't have the best tanks, but the ones they have are incredibly efficient. They don't have the best ships, but they've got a lot of them. They don't even have the most troops, but they've come up with a thousand ways to compensate for it.

And they get wins because their enemy never thought that they'd be stupid enough to come back.

hello fellow /dcg/fag

>And they get wins because their enemy never thought that they'd be stupid enough to come back.
Yeah, but now that the element of surprise is gone the UCM is stalling the fuck out. Their blitzkrieg has started to turn into a war of attrition, and their tech-inferiority is really starting to show now that shit hit the fan.

I would agree with you, overall, that the UCM are a good example of HFY, but at the end of the day RAEG will only get them so far.

We had one a while where aliens never contact us and basically build a zone of exclusion around our space because they've all become Terraboos from pirating our media and don't want to ruin their TV. That was funny.

John Ringos troy rising seiries, that is all.