Stat us up Veeky Forums.
Stat us up Veeky Forums
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Are those LARPers of some sort? Some items look way too mismatched.
No, just ukranians.
Is that an old anti-materiel rifle from WWII?
Also digging grandpa glushenko bottom left there
Banana republic army easter polish provinces bum edition.
This is my kind of hohol.
>that huge fucking PTRD
Holy shit, who knew people would still be using them.
>Day 73
>The gwai lo still haven't realized I'm a PLA infiltrator.
They grow up so fast.
>people amazed over the use of WW2 weapons
>ignore the fact that things like M2 and M1911 date back to WW1 and are still in active use
WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 Sv5+.
Because those are still produced, anti-tank rifles are at minimum several decades old.
>watching video about pkk
>some guy using a musket thatwas passed done through generations of his family
The passing down through his family was probably bullshit and he just "found" it in a bombed museum. But still, he's using a musket to fight guys armed with looted american gear.
WW1 era made and used weapons exist still and are perfectly serviceable. I doubt the rifle would have seen much action after WW2. Could have been late production that was moth-balled somewhere before it was found and put into use. I heard the ammo they used was WW2 surplus as well.
Hell, didn't they find a bunch of Stg.44s in Libya, still in crates? They might be old, but if they've been stored away with little to no use, they're perfectly serviceable. Does it matter if the gun was made a week ago or 50 years ago, if it's in good condition and works?
It bothers me to see arabs and nigs fighting with weapons worth tens of thousands of dollars because of sheer ignorance.
They're not even near Arabia you condom
Culturally they're Arabs, they are the decedents of berbers and Arab invaders, they speak Arabic, and their country was called the
>Libyan Arab Republic
until it was renamed the
>Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
They're arabs, bro.
There's more than enough of them around to keep for their historical value. Weapons of war were made to fight wars, not gather dust in some collectors wall.
This is their BBEG. Stat them.
Dr. Vladimir, I'm tooth decay.
>Blue beret
-10 hp
a 1911 will still do its job perfectly well. Men didn't become more difficult to kill over the last century. On the other hand, a ptrs up against a modern tank won't do shit to the armor. Probably wouldn't even dent it
could use it against infantry i guess, or unarmored vehicles
>"What is anti-materiel rifle?" for 300 rubles, Ivan.
In the middle
> "Half-Inch" Vasily. He will tell you his combat name was coined by the caliber of his gun, but that's a lie. He might be compensating for something.
Well, even modern anti-materiel rifles do fucking nothing to MBTs, the PTRSs in Ukraine (which might I add are also firing ammo made in the 1940s) are primarily used to engage APCs and other AFVs, or for a more traditional AMR role against unarmoured vehicle engine blocks.
Well, it bothers me to see people killing other people they could normally be friends with because of sheer ignorance, but we can't all have what we want.
not Veeky Forums but:
>tfw used to basically be this in arma 3 with some of my old friends until they got super serious about it and now won't do anything other than hardcore milsim bullshit
even zeus has to use a fucking radio
now Veeky Forums:
i want to play in a GURPS campaign like that
>I heard the ammo they used was WW2 surplus as well.
>the PTRSs in Ukraine (which might I add are also firing ammo made in the 1940s)
14.5x114mm is still actively produced, mainly for KPV.
But if they sold just one of those StGs they could buy gear for a whole squad.
>even modern anti-materiel rifles do fucking nothing to MBTs
Yeah, because that's not their job. You got a lot more stuff to shoot than just tanks and it'd be a waste to fire anti-tank missiles at everything. Trucks, emplacements, etc. are viable targets for anti-materiel rifles.
I think they mean the ammo was WW2 surplus, not new production. You have to remember that just because it's the same cartridge the load in them can differ and that can pose problems. Usually military munitions at any one time adhere to one spec, which makes it easy for all manufacturers to adhere to. No danger of weapons breaking due to too powerful loads or failing to cycle due to underpowered loads. It's possible modern 14.5mm cartridges operate with different specs from WW2 ones, which could give them different ballistics, penetration, etc. It's possible the WW2 era guns couldn't even handle modern munitions.
Just a thought. Or they just found WW2 ammo with the guns and used it, because it was available.