Your guilty pleasures:
>opposing factions are required by circumstance to work together
Your guilty pleasures:
Other urls found in this thread:
Characters getting horrifically wounded but keep standing back up despite seemingly lethal injuries. Related to getting beaten down to absolute basics and still fighting.
>the ruling church is corrupt
>the town is infested by a cult
>both at the same time
>they're not the same faction
Does it count as guilty if I'm completely unashamed of and revel in it?
>the antagonist group is a mirror of the protagonist
Whether they're just people with the same skills or straight up alternate versions. I love it.
The BEBG happens to be the Hero of the last Five Man Band to save the world. Bonus points if he hasn't done anything differently than the current hero would in his position.
IE - He rose to fight because his people were oppressed, then naturally chose every choice that benefited his people, even if it meant stomping on the civilians of the old villain faction.
Just keep switching who's the resistance/rebellion/insurgents/terrorists forever and ever unto eternity.
Crumpled on the floor, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, tossing the crown at the new guy's feet and cackling as they boldly claim he might as well start wearing it now.
Every single person the PCs have helped shows up to return the favor and help them in the final battle against the BBEG's army in some way.
>the hero humbly moralfags despite it being a shitty world. No grand gestures. Just things as simple as refusing payment for jobs, helping people to safety, or even something as simple as getting a lost girl back to her folks.
>Huge, hulking badass has an adorable sidekick he protects with his life
>Hoping that Sisters of Battle are removed as a playable faction, but not squatted.
Because Squatting implies that they'll be removed from the setting, never to be mentioned again.
I hope they are squatted. They're shit and the only reason anyone cares is boobies.
This is so fun.
This is also very fun.
Read Gash Bell man. It's chock full of that good shit.
Laughing at fags like Just like how the only reason people care about Space Marines is their toned and chiseled abs, right? :^)
>big strong guy/small fast guy that always fight as a team
>mfw this was me and my best friend in an underground Mexican luchador fight club because of his massive debts and my inability to say no
Good times
Psychological shit. Hallucinations, indoctrination, insanity, psychosis. My favorite games are when the antagonist is often not some shadowy figure or a big threat, but rather themselves.
My only other guilty pleasure is splitting the party. I intentionally make them fight and have collision points.
Do Anything The Plot Demands Robot.
While R2 should not fly, I do enjoy his technobabble skipping versatility.
Seconding because I love the fuck out of this.
Social into Investigation into Combat Encounter
It's very satisfying to earn my adventure and then earn combat against the big bad
>When a character with a rigid world view has their convictions challenged
I don't care if they double down on their beliefs or if they change how they think. I just love these types of conflicts, especially if it happens between party members.
Alright but I haven't pretyped it or anything so there may be a gap between posts.
>Be four years ago
>Living in Mexico City with best friend
>Both working for a local tourism agency
>Friend can't go back to Canada because that fucker somehow pissed off the triad or the Mafia or some shit.
>I don't know and I don't want to know.
>Decide to go out for drinks one night
>Get pretty tipsy, though I handle my alcohol way better than my piss drunk friend
>Dip into the toilets, come out to see my friend nowhere to be found.
>Ask around, he went to the gambling parlor next door
>By the time I walk in he's already bet all of his money on roulette.
>Loses everything. Drunkenly tries to formulate a plan to get some more.
>Bartender in the parlor overhears us and beckons us over
>Tells us to meet him in the basement after hours if we want to make some quick cash.
Those two guys. You know the ones.
Easily replacable, one a well-meaning bumbler who has flashes of insight and the other a snarky guy who thinks himself too smart for his own good.
That sounds awesomely grim.
Two questions:
How corrupt is the church? Supernatural or just mortal evil, and if so, how bad?
How evil is the cult? Supernatural 40k horrorfest, mortal but horrifying culty evils, also how bad?
The boss fights very similarly to yourself, 1v1, in a duel, no tricks, no goons, no traps.
>He draws his sword, taunts, then waits for your move. After 10 seconds, he starts slowly walking towards you.
The recurring quirky mini-boss squad.
The appeal to me is being caught between a rock and a hard place, but if we're going by my preference:
>church is well meaning, but sanity is slipping away and members lose touch with reality. The law of the church is more important than the intention
>supernatural, willing to kill and mutilate people to appease the gods, connected to grotesque, monstrous beings that they worship, harmful because they prioritize worship over the people and so end up sacrificing them (figuratively and literally)
>cult is more amoral than specifically evil, but at such extremes that they're willing to sacrifice all aspects of their own humanity and the lives of individuals are trivial
>supernatural, conducting experiments on people and turning them into monsters, attempting to gain knowledge/power, do things like routinely kidnapping people or summoning demons haphazardly and don't clean up after themselves, mostly harmful because they're stirring shit up
In a metaphor, one is scrubbing the pot too hard and wearing a hole into it, and the other is just letting grime build up.
Quixotan figures that relentlessly pursue what's right, even if the world is set against them.
I did that once. They ended up with a domineering vampiress and her daughter plus a legion of vampire knights and skeletal warriors, the ice witch queen Erika with her frost-heart Phoenix and her 100-ft ice colossi, and Gwyndolin the sorcerer who can transform into a dragon.
It was a silly campaign.
I found it interesting that when I read Quixote, the characters who ended up coming across as the most reprehensible were the Priest and the Barber; for two people claiming to be trying to cure Quixote of his madness, they sure did like to mock him and push him further down the rabbit hole.
Silly characters in otherwise gritty universes or vice versa. It shouldn't be too often else it loses its effect. My two favourite examples are orks and Lich prank wars
>It was ancient ayys
My guilty pleasure is npcs that appear helpful but will ultimately fuck th party over. I don't do it often, cause if you do your players hate your ass, but I love doing it.
This. Even better if they endure so much that their enemy starts to get panicked and slowly grows more afraid or angry each time they refuse to stay down.
>Climatic scenes accompanied by pop music.
Its like my favorite fucking thing in the world. I always throw something on for myself whenever anyone is going clutch mode in some character arc/plotline finale.
I don't even do the "Character theme song" stuff but still I love doing this.
I try to do this with every game I run.
>Rival Group
>Ancient advanced technology or aliens in a dungeon
>Hookers with hearts of gold
>Cute boys
>Letters home found on dead NPCs, whether villainous, friendly, or neutral
>Old people are retired high level adventurers
>Plot- or character-relevant vision quest brought on by hallucinogenics
I have a veritable harem of guilty pleasures, and I'm running a wild west game now, so they're all in my bag of tricks.
The "I've had enough" or disillusioned hero.
>Party saves the town/kingdom/world from catastrophe
>powers that be repeatedly act against their interests
>fear/greed/stupidity time and again
>party grows more jaded and bitter until they eventually turn
This goes for any big bad. Hell in ME my headcannon is still Shepard laughing on earth while the reapers roll in
A character with sort of a nihilist attitude that just wants to be left alone by the goverment or anyone in power. It turns out the character values friendship and liberty. And he/she would fight to the death for his friends and the freedom of others.
Try her adopted father for example.
Grey Voice had a psychic compulsory in his brain to extract massive amounts of pain if he ever ensued violence, and STILL went full-toucan on Mother Brain and Ridley.
I am sick of animated Star Wars! Give me a tv series with actual human beings playing a character.
Please see Marvel Superheros, Star Wars.
I love:
>old guy rouge with more tricks up his sleeve than sand on the beach
>grizzled old general that laughs, smokes, and bullshits with his men
>happy go lucky rouges
>fighters that lose their shit and are found standing in a bring of bodies covered in wounds
>death defying jumps.
>Warrior monks
>enemy, that was once a friend who believes he was abandoned, seeks revenge
>finding out your family/clan/hometown leaders were planning on betraying you to the bbeg
The corrupt Church of evil/ Evil Empire/ Corrupt merchant guild/ Soulless megacorp are actually well intentioned. It's just that at the start of the game the PCs have no idea what is really at stake and why they're doing what they're doing.
Also: The good guy that the PCs think will turn evil/be revealed to having been evil all along (the shifty, mysterious court wizard, the ambitious general, the second son of the king) not only is actually a good guy but he's been secretly helping them from the shadows from day one and he'll be their strongest ally by the end of the game, of they don't murder him in a fit of paranoia.
>Sci-fi without aliens
>Sci-fi with very limited FTL travel
I also tend to make at least one of them really interested in the PC group for some sweet "Romeo and Juliet" style of trouble, and inevitably have them work together at some point, by choice or force.
It helps that I rarely have more than 1 campaign with the same people twice, so no one ever actually notices the trend.
Worst case is bad though, still had this one group where I had 3 female players, who was all instantly stricken by the rogue from the antagonist group. The remaining guy was desperately trying to keep the group on track, while the 3 girls tried everything from recruiting the guy, to straight up joining him.
Had to kill the poor bastard to avoid derailing everything too hard, mostly because we had a sudden influx of highly lethal PvP, when they started fighting over him.
>thicc leather belts
>witch hunters in great coats
>black powder rifles, pistols, and shotguns
>down on their luck detectives
>1v1 boss fights
>the "Civilized Savage" who is known as a traitor
>witch cults!!!!!!
>magic that has side effects
>soldiers that idolize their "Boss" for no other reason than " HE'S SO GREAT! I WANNA BE LIKE HIM." Bonus points if the "boss" doesn't care about them till they get into trouble before he saves them.
>constant in game bantz
>PCs are invited to the BBEGs resort, castel, mansion so he can toy with them
>PCs having to work outside their fields to afford supplies to continue their adventure.
This always works wonders for RP when its a 1920s or later CoC game. Had them in a big box store trying to make enough money to rent a shitty apartment and chase down a mook. But little did they know, there was more than milk to clean up on isle 3.
Hello have you heard of the Energeos setting because I have.
>Using the PCs friends and families as way to drag them deeper into the game.
Not using the typical "the BBEG murders your parent" but have PC actions affect the lives of the people they know.
The whole book revolves around how everyone is a cunt except the absolute madman and the guy mad enough to follow the madman.
>a hero gets turned into a horrific monster
>when the time is right they regain some of their sanity and self control and absolutely wreck shit
>there's a scatterbrained or otherwise incompetent ally
>they turn out to be incredibly strong in a fight, sometimes to ludicrous degrees
>bonus points of they are genuinely that bumbling, and weren't pretending to be; they were just really strong and really not good at what they do
Edgy dark costumes.
Bonus points if the ones who wear them are just normal or even nice guys.
>the absolute good guy, all about doing the best he can for the world he lives in, knowing it's fucking hard and likely to fail, but does not compromise the justice he strives for
>the true bastard that lives to get what they want, and will burn everyone that stands in their way
Holy fuck, so much yes for general, old rogue and enemy.
>Immortals actually enjoying their immortality.
>Casual looking fighter who is always calm turns out to be master swordman.
>Legendary heroes who retired and do normal, everyday shit with their families and time to time do something fucking badass.
>Smuggler who actually turns out to be smuggling supplies for poor people and medicals for wounded.
>Wizard of the court turns out to be young and inexperienced, but extremely powerful guy who is also a bro in terms of personality.
>PCs searching for Thieves Guild ask around the time and are sent to various other people until they almost snap and during revelation it turns out that all of people they met were actually members of the guild playing joke on them.
>Women in positions of power and respect.
>Factional genocide and open racism
>Criminal cartels in control and corrupting every layer of society.
>Turbo-fanatic religious orders that take everything to the extreme.
>MMO-like bossfights with area of effects, cast times and adds.
>Inflicting scars and wounds on my PCs to make them understand their mortality.
And my favorite of all
>Upgrading and naming useless goons the PCs fail to kill after several initiative passes.
>recurring enemy group who is basically a Team Rocket clone
>a hero gets turned into a horrific monster
>when the time is right they regain some of their sanity and self control and absolutely wreck shit
I too do like Ludwig the Holy Hunter
So, Dark Heresy?
around the town*
this is exactly how i play my berserker
Star Wars The Old Republic actually.
Everything about that fight was great.
Pretty much the entire main gane Ludwig gets hyped up as a badass in the item descriptions, which you are bound to see on the loading screens, and when you finally fight him he's that pitiful looking horse thing.
Then halfway through the fight he turns right back into a powerful swordsman, cementing the fact that he's just THAT cool, and while wielding the Holy Moonlight Blade no less.
>PLAYING LS sith warrior female who isn't retarded bitch and actually want to do good for people of the Empire.
Feels great. Any other playstyle I should try? I just freshly subbed.
I rolled with a smug, bored looking and bare-chested body type 3 pureblood male. What should of been the mindless bruiser Baras dispatched to reset shit ended up being a well-spoken and reasonable bastard. Enjoyed bants with his bosses's minions, took the time to actually solve problems and likewise worked to be less sith when it came to failure beyond other's control or any reasonable effort.
Never killed any of my one men who didn't truly deserve it. To this day I'm annoyed that the betrayal has to happen
My favorite trope, that I have only pulled twice, is the time travel trope.
I love the idea of the PCs having to time-cop meets Bill & Ted through an adventure that THEY created.
its kinda hard to do without them knowing, since the first half of the game sets the pace for the second half (When they time travel) but its usually great. Very Orciana of Time-ish
The honor-bound BH route is pretty good. You get to take DS and LS choice to keep your honor.
Trooper choices are also good, you can be the dirty spec ops guy who does shit for his superior or this super-patriot.
Do you actually get a chance to kick Brass in his fat, masked ass?
At the end of the class story you and him duke it out in front of the council. He is stripped of his newfound role, his pride and life while you are anointed with the kind of role that- depending on the era is either a singular honour, or a pointless bit of ceremony
>the power of friendship saves the day
Completely guiltless.
Are you me?
>Beat Agent chapter 1
Well that was an obvious twist I wonder where Intelligence will send me nex--
>Beginning chapter 2
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHThank you, I am fine. Awaiting further orders.
And now I want to play the old Thief games again.
"Going to the bear pits tomorrow. You wanna come with?"
You drive Nomen Karr to the dark side by pointing out that you're better than him, that he and Darth Baras are just two old men fighting out an old grudge and quoting the Jedi code at him as he slowly descends into insanity. When Jaesa shows up, the Warrior asks her to look into her master's heart and see the truth, showing how far Karr's fallen. Then the Warrior asks her to look into their own heart, showing only fairness, mercy and compassion. You can top it all off by sending Nomen Karr back to the Jedi Council so they can 'rehabilitate him', which comes across as an epic troll and final humiliation.
Holy fucking, that is KOTOR 2 tier of badass.
Dammit I was basing my BBEG on this and I hadn't even realised it. I'll probably even use the last sentence literally.
The whole of chapter 2 builds towards the betrayal. Conflict with Baras was inevitable.
They just dropped the ball in how it all goes down.
yeah the agent story is pretty good. It and warrior are far and away the best. after that BH does well after a somewhat..rocky start while the sorc story is just abject trash.
swtor has some moments, yes. However now I need to fire kotor2 back up and hear kreia's voice again
Destiny and cycles, beyond anyones ccontrol. I love that shit, I could eat "rage Against the dying Light" all day and still come back for seconds.
Holy shit, I thought you meant it happened in a campaign but this is even better
>massive brutal melee fighter is actually the friendliest and most agreeable member of the party
>Old, crumbled and spent hero rises up to the challenge, if not to win, but at least to fight one last time
Why is Anakin not in the middle of that? Symbolism opportunity lost....
Keyphrase: onomatophobia
where is that from?
r8 my agent
The Evil Entity of the Apocalypse chooses an innocent child as it's vessel.
Veteran Vampire/Monster Hunter NPC still searching for the monster that ruined his life.
The Spaceship is a hunk of junk barely holding together
>>Women in positions of power and respect.
>>Factional genocide and open racism
>>Turbo-fanatic religious orders that take everything to the extreme.
Some of my favorite characters are ones who took an order too seriously, and regret it. Making them jaded and a bit spiteful, but on their own path to redemption
>>MMO-like bossfights with area of effects, cast times and adds.
Best boss fights
>>Inflicting scars and wounds on my PCs to make them understand their mortality.
My players love this. One rped when his character cutting out stitches using a pail of water as a mirror and a dagger while another character leaned against the door way asking if he wants to talk about it.
>And my favorite of all
>>Upgrading and naming useless goons the PCs fail to kill after several initiative passes.
10/10 would play the hell out of.
Advanced technology indistinguishable from magic.
Bikini armor and fantasy nudity.
Weirdly erotic demon cults.
Heist plots.
Willpower as magical force/power.
>the tank/melee-powerhouse is thin as a rake
>the quiet character has a berserk switch
>blood-based powers
>redeemed villains
Basically everything about Crona's design is a guilty pleasure for me
Taking magical items and spells and using them to create technology.
>the hero/ine and the villain/ess fall in love
In the same vein,
>the hero becomes a villain for love
>grizzled old general that laughs, smokes, and bullshits with his men
>fighters that lose their shit and are found standing in a bring of bodies covered in wounds
>Warrior monks
These are gold, my favourites are
>The old grizzled veteran, maybe mentor, that sacrifices himself so the party can escape from the BBEG
>Last Stands, those back to back moments when the party is surrounded and instead of fleeing they chose to go out in a bang. And probably be saved at the last moment by a group of NPCs that they helped during their travels.
>The BBEG liutenant that follows his master for a noble cause, like protecting his children from serving evil.
>Honourable bad guys, they do evil yes, but they still hold to their honour. Be it healing the party before fighting or not killing anyone who can't defend himself.
>Casual looking fighter who is always calm turns out to be master swordman.
Love this so much.
>playing in a game where we are traveling with a caravan most of the time. It makes week long stops at every major town, and has a lot of new faces every time, except for a handful of regulars like ourselves.
>this one hobo type of dude, always playing on this flute of his.
>he's okay, but overall it is just his friendly and carefree attitude that makes him likeable.
>never seen him fight, we just know he was the hired sword originally, before we joined in. Lazy as fuck kind of guy.
>A fight went sideways later on, these dragons giving us massive troubles because one is old as fuck, and they are still 3 against 4, and we are like level 9.
>suddenly guy joins in
>tanks a dragon breath to the face, and cuts the dragons jaw open, before mounting it as it tries to escape.
>wrecks its shit hard
>we manage to deal with the two larger ones
>dude is just frowning, didn't really wanna fight.
>asks if the fighter, wielding a mere +2 longsword, wants to trade it out for his +5 longsword of fuck you (it don't have enough space to describe what it does, it's nuts.)
>we are left bewildered, while the guy just goes back to playing his shitty flute, chilling in the back of the caravan.
0/10 not in uniform.
>Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
It's a real shame he got sidelined so hard.
>Genuinely awful villain joins good guys for reasons even he isn't entirely sure of, becomes part of core cast.
Was supposed to be to you.