Heroes and Halfwits

What do you guys think of it? I like it more than say, Critical Role, just because I think it's a more realistic depiction of playing with friends.

Tabletop Lets Watch thread in general too, I guess.

They voted Hillary.

That would make them the good guys.

I'm not going to fall for this bait, but fuck.

>rape enabling thief who stole billions from Haiti and murders anyone who poses a real threat.

This is the fastest I've ever seen a thread go to shit. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. It's about to get political.

/pol/ why must you ruin everything

Also, no one reply to them (I know I just did, I'm a lesser man)

I say this just as an outsider but I can't quite pick up on the appeal of this type of thing. It feels like a good game should be fun for the players but it's actually rather rare for it to naturally make for a good show as well.

Points for not needing a token girl, though.

Three posts and it's already derailed. Holy shit that might be a new world record!

They have one they just didn't put her in the poster.

Unfunny cunts

Why wasn't THIS the first post

People who like Hillary are not smart & funny.

The first post hinted at this

So you like Hillary?

Judging by low quality of your posts, it seems you like her quite a lot.

Sigh, someone needs to patch the /pol septic tank again

That was my first post in this thread you retard.


Bring back nazimod

Sorry, two retards sound the same to me.

So you were talking to yourself all long?

You are pathetically bad at this. Are you Canadian?

You are pathetically stupid. And I don't care where your retarded ass is.

Yep, quality posts keep coming as expected.

Go QQ back in /pol/.

That's where your kind belongs

No you!

watched 15 minutes, dropped it.
although D&D in general is not very interesting to me.

no you

Halfwits indeed

I find them just as entertaining as critical role, so not a fan, no.

And she was the lesser of the two evils!

Said the halfwit