Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

How often does your kitsune spend time in fox form? Are they as cute and fluffy-tailed as foxes as they are as foxgirls/foxboys?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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Oh you bastard. We had 3 good OPs in a row, now look what you've done.

/pfg/ does anybody have a level 10 unchained summoner build on hand with a skill eidolon? I need one for the game I'm running tonight and won't be able to put it together properly myself.


How could I justify an LG witchwolf hunter|warder in Sandpoint banging a wolf companion every day (best way to show unconditional love to an intelligent wolf) WITHOUT being a Lamashtu worshipper?

Stop making threads. You are not wanted.

I don't know why the argument for "X PoW thing isn't broken" is "here are things that casters can do that are more broken". Something else breaking the game should not be an argument for game breaking things.

We've discussed before, one of the biggest issues in PoW to normal character is a tier 3 character (Magus, Inquisitor, Alchemist, Bard) are completely left in the dust in combat, especially in terms of defense due to how counters are designed.

In games I have run this problem has become very apparent. One can not challenge the defense of the Bard and the Warder simultaneously, the Warder is many times more resilient (hell he is more resilient than tier 1 characters). If I do something to challenge his defense the Bard will simply die, if I challenge the Bard's defense the Warder doesn't feel a tickle.

This is a problem as it does not encourage mixed parties.

Heck, an initator can accomplish the following:
>General Support

The only things it can do is Battlefield Control and a lot of Out of Combat utility. This is a huge divide as in those four combat roles it severely outperforms tier 3 characters.

What does a Magus bring to the table that a Warlord does not do simply better?

Just be an Erastilean practicing your 'animal husbandy.'

By jumping off a fucking bridge to your death.


Being Int based :^)

The correct way to put this forth was 'What does a Magus bring to the table that a WARDER does not simply do better.

By killing yourself you giant faggot.

I hate incorporeal enemies
I hate enemies that do ability damage
and I hate incorporeal enemies that do ability damage through touch attack the most

>Forcing a wolf to bang every day.
>Not letting it just do its' thing during mating season and letting it rest during the rest of the year.

Found the degenerate.

Well first of all, a Companion does not have ahigh enough Int stat, so its ethically wrong due to lack of sapience.

So, you're automatically Evil aligned, or at best a skeevy Neutral.

That being said, best deity for that would be either Lammashtu or that one sexual predator god

>Being Int based :^)
You're average Warder is now Wis based because Ordained Defender was a fucking terrible idea.

PoW and Spheres are very crunchy systems for people who want more crunch to play it, no matter how badly it actually fits normal pathfinder.

Which is the kind of people who stay here all the time...

How does a level 4 Dex/Int magus stack up against a level 4 Dex/Int stalker (vigilante)...

... In combat?
... Out of combat?

Build encounters to challenge the bard's defense, and if it doesn't challenge the warder's defense that's okay. Your game isn't going to collapse just because one character is hard to kill.

yeah and ZS doesn't trade enough, what else is new.

>mattering in PF

>Out of Combat
>not being more important for determining a character's capability for being OP than just higher numbers

Go back and review your Tiers moron.

First of all: you don't do that you degenerate. Second of all, if you can't be persuaded otherwise, there was a sorcerer a while back who used a magic item to turn his cat familiar into a human. See if your GM allows custom magic items.

I can only assume they're going for Courtly Hunter or whatever. One archetype gives the companion the scaling Int a familiar would have.

>sexual predator god

Folca? He's just about diddling kids actually.

And if that player ever complains that he is bored and does not feel engaged, he should know he wanted that kind of character

Pray you're never forced to search for "cub"

>the Warder is many times more resilient (hell he is more resilient than tier 1 character
Now I call bullshit.


The most annoying thing, I find is that they don't even have the patience to fuck with the thread itself.

The threads are devoid of flufftail fuckery, they just show up for the OP then fuck off again.

Well he seems very focused on humanoid children since his MO is handing out candy to lure them into his white wagon.

Spheres is actually a lot more fluffy, since it can be molded to so many more themes than vancian.

D&D magic only really does D&D magic well. Spheres can do magic like how most other media do magic.

>constant fluffy tail kitsuneposting for months
>not a single fetishbait kitsune character has applied to any of the recent games so far

kitsuneposters confirmed for low-effort shitposters

There's also Slandrais.

I actually considered making murder bob ross sword and Shizuka a kitsune character but decided against it simply to spite kitsuneposters.

I really dig spheres if only because it works well for build a mage but it does really fuck with some assumptions about when you have access to certain abilities.

Don't worry user, I'll have my kitsune shota Fey Sorcerer || Mesmerist soon enough.

Oh yeah, Captain Date Rape. Almost forgot.

I have found that spontaneous casting allows for most fluffs people might have.
I mean those that are not like vancian casting

I don't think people here could handle actually playing with someone who's got a Kitsune character.

Too much rage

Well Espagnoll used Shuguru already.

He has an Aasimar tittymonster this time.

Fuck Shadows. I lost one of the best characters I've ever made to one in the first session.

The worst part is that the DM didn't know how Shadows work.
The encounter came from a random table he rolled on mid-session, and he had to ask me what happens when it reduces someone's strength to 0 rather than just reading the effect a little farther down the page.

i wish the Cha magus wasn't a total joke.

Just be a Sphere Magus.

Nigga I know you felt sick just bringing that build up, don't you lie to me.

I was debating ways to try playing the shota crossdresser straight, but cannot think of a single logical reason for a character to end up like that. Like, there's no justification for it, no matter what build I look at or what background I shoot for, it just doesn't add up.

>the Warder is many times more resilient
The best defense is a good offense
Or just teleporting/magically retreating away.
Or divining the trouble ahead of time
or just save-or-suck the encounter and coup de grace

All initiators are good for is Damage with rider effects, and even then aside for a very select few manuevers, which are on the chopping block for errata, their best means of damage most of the time is to full-attack, much like how Barbs and Fighters already do, and most of their utility comes from having an incentive and points to invest in skills.
Really, PoW does less "fixing" martials than it claims to do, but rather gives them options for other things to do in combat without having to spend all of your feats on being able to inflict combat conditions.

If your rubric for "broken" relies purely on "teh damages", then you fail to understand roleplaying games and PF in particular, and are one of the reasons why PF and Paizo are complete shit.

Now, shut the fuck up and go back to fellating Monte Cook for coke money

>Shota crossdressers just don't make sense.


i would probably if i was making that kind of character

unfortunately sphere magus doesn't stack with Kensai/Bladebound magus so

Maybe i can ask the DM about it


Some people just enjoy crossdressing. Nothing wrong with it.

It's actually the single legitimate reason to play an Arshea worshiper. She's all about not feeling comfortable in your gender role, so just go LG kitsune Ninja||Paladin of Arshea and crossdress to your heart's content.

Magus is a really weird class
It does very few things very good
I find Eldritch Knight does good job of making melee arcane casters

Crossdressing in fantasy settings is easy. The parents needed a girl for diplomatic reasons. There.

Regrettably, I recall some user was working on a project to make an optional rule where Sphere archetypes are the base version, while the other archetypes were converted to be applied to the Sphere magus. But then he abandoned that project because he realized he was autistic

Honestly what I really want is the black blade and int to AC from Kensai and there's no other real way to get that reasonably.

yeah i would have done that too

There are some cultures, notable in Japan, that practice raising all their children as the same gender (usually female) until they reach a certain age.

ITs kinda what happened to Bridget, the iconic trap, except for him it was more because his village believe twin brothers were bad luck

No, stop.

Stop it.

I'm being fucking serious. FUCKING STOP.

Some guys just make better girls than, well, girls.



just report the fucker

>not mattering

Posting once more for the new thread.
Looking for players around Sunday, 6pm PST for about 3-4 hours to play in a campaign that focuses on dungeon delving, inter-guild fighting, city politics, and lewdness.
If there's any issues, please let me know and I'll try to fix them.

There's a surprising dearth of martials that have been submitted.

Or example a 2 round Dominate Monster in a cone.

In what way is he not? Counters by design are made to be highly defense focused. A Warder is even more so than a normal PoW character.

I should correct myself and say "there's no way to play it straight without it still being a complete joke". Not being comfortable with your gender in Golarian amounts to "I need to save up some cash for an Elixer of Sex Shifting", and "Parents needed a girl" hits the same snag. "Was mistaken for a girl and raised as one" just seems to fail as a foundation for a character.

>ever playing an Arshea worshipper
>especially with a character that's explicitly supposed to be childlike

dude no

Defense only matters if its DR or Saves.
If your Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, or Bloodrager cannot 1-2 round a CR appropriate or slightly higher single enemy, then you aren't building them right.

Yes, and? How does that not mean that counters are fantastic? They negate attacks, give you enormous bonuses to saves, and more. Counters blow other defenses out of the water.

>Allows PoW
>One martial submitted, a synth summoner.
What the fuck? How the hell do you have two sorcerers but no one using SoP, and two summoners?

>Not being comfortable with your gender in Golarian amounts to "I need to save up some cash for an Elixer of Sex Shifting", and "Parents needed a girl" hits the same snag.
That is a good point.
If you think of it logically, traps and trannies really have not reason to exist in Golarion. You either use a potion to get the change done, or just straight up admit you're a dude who likes dresses.

Because Combat will never last long enough to properly use them anyway. At most you "may" use one to avoid dieing in one round due to an enemy winning initiative.

Unless you decide to give enemies those things too, in which case they suddenly become useful, and you start having to better managing your manuevers and action economy, whichafter a while will jsut balance itself out since both you and your enemies now stop using their optimal damage output in favor of actual tactical combat instead of uber rocket tag, which also favors the Casters to ramp up their control aspect.


You're actually retarded. Saying "you'll never be able to use them" makes zero fucking sense. They become more important the shorter combat lasts as rocket tag is taken out of the equation for a warder. Rocket tag no longer works on him and he need no longer fear the 3 round death trap.

Your argument is more damming to spells because spells can't be done as immediate actions.

GM here, player asked if they could play a Strix(pic related) for a 4th level campaign Im starting up

How broken is their ability to fly

Also what is /pfg's opinions on races with innate good flight in general? Is it game breaking and if so how?

Can't the warder only do the "more than 1 counter a round" thing a few times a day.

>because spells can't be done as immediate actions.
>He doesn't keep scrolls of Emergency Force Sphere and other Quickened spells on him at all times
Let me guess, you only got your Associates Degree in Theoretical Magic

Imagine having a kitsune character that isn't weaboo garbage or blatant fetish bait.

I know it can be done. Please validate my confidence, someone.

By 4th or 5th level, Casters get the Fly spell, which has perfect maneuverability, and they start getting to the point where they can buy items that allow them to fly in situations where it would be narratively important anyways.

Races with innate flight aren't broken. Honestly, I think it'll be a bit underpowered, since flight is a bit overcosted as far as what a monster's ability line can do.

Make it a dude who a cranky conman asshole who spends most of his time in human form, and switches forms to get away with his scams

EFS puts YOU out of combat as well by denying line of effect which is required for the majority of spells. And quicken is +4, you can't even do it until 9th level unless you spend massive amounts of money on a rod.

>spells can't be done as immediate actions.
But they can!

>isn't weaboo garbage
Define. Do you mean "not at all related to the japanese mythology" or "isn't a katana-using, kimino-wearing faggot"?

>blatant fetish bait
Someone's character for RotJR amounted to "I'm a literal animal, but I want to be a human hero". He's more like a westaboo fox that just so happens to be a shapeshifter, and the name(s) he uses are all Hebrew.

Most of the time they don't need to unless they become a heavy focus for enemy offense. If they do then it isn't hitting their allies.

I had one who was a monk and just wanted to get a library to himself, but was stuck inbetween SKYRIM FOR THE NORDS type people.

He looked down on just about everyone and spent most of his time trying to sleep to pass the time. So he made up stories about his mom and dad being cannibals in hopes they'd quit bugging him.

>not wanting to be a katana-using kimino wearing weeaboo faggot

But its fun.

Yes at +4 spell level.

Even then this isn't the point. I'm not arguing for Initatirs vs 9 level casters. I'm arguing Iniators vs Tier 3 characters in terms of offense and defense.

I don't care much for PoW, but I just think that there's too many counters for too many situations. They always have an answer to everything, no matter what you throw at them. I'm not saying that's bad, it's just not for me. I'm a boring player. If you'd remove the counters, I'd be fine with PoW for the most part.

Well yea, but it's not always something you should do.

Oh yeah I forgot I enjoyed Zootopia despite not being a furry aberration.

The second one. I've seen Japanese mythology done really well in RPGs, it's definitely doable. Also the reverse westaboo thing is something I've never seen done, wish I'd see it there. Closest I got was playing as a Japanese westaboo in Shadowrun.

We need more of you

I mean yeah.

but its fun as heck

Like, even a wizard needs to prepare the right contingencies in most cases, even if it's a minimum of thought. They need to actively prepare for that one event where they'll need to be on the defensive, while the initiator just has his abilities on standby at all times, just waiting to get triggered and be used.

>initiator just has his abilities on standby
>an initiator definitely has access to EVERY SINGLE MANEUVER from ALL HIS DISCIPLINES at ALL TIMES
>he doesn't have a limited list of known maneuvers
>he doesn't have a limited number of prepared maneuvers


Except that the initiator needs to not ready other maneuvers to have his counters readied. Given that generally you at least want 1 single-target damage strike, 1 damage boost buff, 1 debuff, 1 AoE, and 1 mobility maneuver at the minimum, there isn't much space for counters until later levels unless you invest in extra readied maneuver.

>Yes at +4 spell level.
Yes and no.

>want to make martial
>want to try out the scarred monk because it looks neat
>major problem is that it embodies fetishes that i dont want to be anywhere near
What do

Refluff away the fetishes?

Personally, I would be happier with the system if you limited how often you could recover manuevers, like making them only able to recover once every 5 rounds or so, so you aren't auto recovering after the first round.

After that, just nerf Counters to make them un usable in the same round as a full attack, and everything is hunky dory.

Which works since your list of known and prepared maneuvers is much smaller than known and prepared spells of other casters.

Embrace the fetishes.

>scarred Monk is a fetish

I guess? I could always tone it down or something, so instead of pulling piercings off of the characters' flesh it's a titty twister.

I may have made a mistake, but I really want to try it because it's a cool archetype.

how would one incorporate diminished spellcasting from an archetype into spheres.


Know one less Talent than they normally would
Or gain a drawback without it counting towards bonus spell points or boons