How Autistic is your local game store Veeky Forums?

Are they traditional regressive basement nerds or have they managed to accept the changing times? Tell me your stories.

I run a game at my college games club. last week all my players had a heart felt discussion about being bullied in school. Turns out my whole group has autism or ADD. Not sure how to feel to be honest. They're good people and I like playing with them but I just can't relate to their experiences.

The local games store is no better. Smells of balls and has nothing decent in stock. Its going out of business soon from what I heard, good riddance.

actually its pretty well varied and has incredibly low levels of autism.

Smells of balls

What else can I say? The autism level is peak. Everyone in there thinks they are incredibly smart and it's just kinda sad.

Genuinely full of autism. Went there for about a month, every week, to play in AL and I wanted to kill myself.

I thought the basement-dwelling sperg-idiot was just fiction...


I dont want to go in, everytime I walk past all I smell is bo. What is it about this kind of stuff that attracts so many smelly cunts

A good distribution of autists and otherwise chilled guys. Mostly the chilled guys and chicks playing 5e or other variants. Autists are mostly there for TCG. All good-hearted people though.

It opened fairly recently. Its a bar/gaming store and I appreciate it mostly for the selection of local beers on tap and being within walking distance of the bar/arcade and the bar/waffles.

I like it so far, tried out some board games and then wandered over to the arcade to drink some more and play smash.

I've been to quite a few nerd shops. Most are chill. One is run by a dude who is just a complete bro- gave me a big discount on a Dark Heresy book I ordered and waited months for, and is always cool with shooting the breeze if it isn't too busy.

Two crappy ones come to mind, though.

One had a bunch of snooty, weird, hipster asshole employees who would make very...questionable comments. Two stories I've heard is that one dude bought some Witchblade comics, and the guy behind the counter sneered at him and said "Got enough boobs in your comic?". Another instance was that they had, for some reason, a DvD of Bible Black there (I wouldn't have thought they would have it there, but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised).
A customer saw it, picked it up and decided to buy it, knowing full well what it was and pleased with the find. When he went to purchase it, the guy behind the counter (unsure if it's the same dude), looked at the customer and sneered "You're gross". The customer thought it was a joke and started laughing, but the clerk cut him off and said "No, seriously, you disgust me"

I went there once to try to get some of those old Conan RPGs, and one of the clerks got all flustered when he couldn't say "Hyborean" (which he kept stuttering). When I gently corrected him, he shouted "WHATEVER! Here's the stupid thing!"

I mock him to this day.

The other nerdstore I can think of shut down, and the place was run by either someone who was really fucking dumb or super Autistic, and he and his whole store smelled of an odd mix of KFC, vinegar and BO.
The guy made his own Magic Card, with him wearing some sort of horned headdress like the Druid 'Tim' from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He displayed it at the cash register to make sure EVERYBODY could see it.
Kept pushing Magic on me too. Didn't know when to take his smelly ass away from me.

Are you in Washington state?

Mine is actually a great place, with good ventilation. All the people that go there are great and generally hygienic. The guy who runs the place has no tolerance for assholes or smelly people and will outright call people on it. If they refuse to change they are banned from the store. In short, it keeps out the riff-raff.

Sounds like a good guy.

I mean, unless he banned a guy who smells bad because of medication or something. Apparently that can happen.

Although...I was told that it was illegal to ban someone for smelling bad

You can ban anyone for any reason that isn't a protected class (in America anyway.)

There are two places near me that sell game stuff, comics, and assorted other stuff. One is your typical BO-ranch run by a fat bearded dude and frequented by smelly, obese autismos.

The other is run by a sort of awkward but generally cool guy in his 50s. It's a nice place and lots of normal people shop there. He doesn't host games which I think keeps the spergs out.
Only problem is one of his sons is the worst kind of fedora-tipper asshat so it sucks buying shit during his shifts. He's the type of guy who aggressively questions and criticizes all of your purchases despite having terrible taste.

No, it's not the AFK.

SJW types? Those have infested a comic shop I generally like in the city nearest to where I live. I can't stand autists, but I prefer them to elitist judgemental shits like that. At least autists often mean well and are just terrible at expressing themselves. Hipster and SJ types tend to have black fucking souls and use their elitism to bully people.

It sucks. People stick to their own cliques, and it's a giant pain in the ass to even get people to talk to you. Most of them are just MTG-fags, too.

Most look like normies, even chads with the occasional stereotypical fat guy, but everyone is super knowledgeable about the stuff they play.

I've got Three LGS to choose from withing about 5 miles of me. One is the MTG Store, which sells MTG and games, the other is the Comic chain that sells comics and board games, then there's the Tabletop store, that sells Board and RPG games.

All in all, I like the community at the Table top best, but MTg is where i go for FNM, as they have the best stuff for Magic, best prices, and most players, both serious and casual.

My old LGS was pretty accepting, although most of the people there were still guys and were still cocknuggets at times. I moved though and it's too soon to tell.

Wait a second, do all bad LGS smell of balls?

I had this hipster guy at a local game store I barely go to this store I walked in to buy Deathwatch it was when FFG lost that GW license. Guy seemed cool at first I even offered to DM a Death Watch game if anyone is interested.

He asked what Death Watch was about so I just gave him a quickrun down for it

"Its awesome players play as space marines and they go on missions to destroy xeno scum across the galaxy" he told me it sounded like a masculine power fantasy which is basically is but after I told him that he declined my offer to DM.

Their main game is Heroclix...
MTG is runner up.

The magic players are pretty regular cool people, with some introverts

The yugioh players are, as far as I can tell, a whole new species of human which survive from huddling together in small groups and whispering small nothings into each other's ears

The wargamers wouldn't look out of place in a law firm

the roleplayers look like your traditional group of nerds, big, loud guy with a beard, skinny, talkative guy with long scruffy hair, short, quite guy, woman who's obviously a man, etc, but they're all cool people

Shop isn't big enough to hold vanguard or other card games.

Seriously though I did my time playing yugioh, the playerbase in my town is nothing like I've ever seen before.

Bigger question: Why do they know what balls smell like?

Pittsburgh here

There are 2 main stores I've gone to, one's cool and one's shit.

>Phantom of the Attic
>Autistic neckbeards
>Love 40k to ridiculous levels, but they're all shit
>Tiny circle of poor hygiene and self loathing
>Get literally angry if you don't understand something
>Generally act like complete faggots

Legion Games
>Generally good guys
>Lot of players
>Awesome game boards
>Run a lot of events

You can guess where I prefer.

nah, these weren't SJW types. Just shitty hipsters

Looks like you dun fucked up with the description.

You can hate lowbrow stuff without being an SJW. Witchblade is basically cape shit, for example.

I have two in my area - both are more comics/MTG stores than anything else and I just moved here so I don't know too much but I'll explain what I can.

The first LGS I went to was one a few blocks up and around from where I live in the city. The guy behind the counter is always too busy on the phone with who I assume to be his mother based on what I can glean from his conversations and the two times I went there he acted like a smartass when I had some basic questions so I left and never came back. Place was pretty small - smaller than my tiny-ass apartment and had a shitload of cards, comics, games and minis all crammed in wherever they could along with figures all over shelves on the windows to draw people in. It looked like they had a radio show or podcast thing set up in the back because they had a table with broadcast and recording equipment on it but I never bothered to ask or care. The clientele looked to be about your average - fat grognards who I'm surprised fit through the doors and a few normies that probably play kitchen table Magic.

The second store completely fucking baffles me. They're in this mall that I found once by accident. The mall has literally no one in it ever - I always see the same group of old people and a few token cashiers at the kiosks but that's about it. The place is literally deserted every single time I go, no matter what time or day. The actual LGS is situated in this mall and frankly the store's fucking huge. They seem to be about 50/50 MTG and comics with hundreds of boxes for each and deals out the ass for cards and comics, and a small section for GW minis, paints and supplies. The clerks in this store are actually pretty chill and will have a conversation with me about damn near anything but you have to break the ice - they'll never start a conversation on their own and are usually always busy with something.



Anyway, these clerks are almost always busy with something store-related, like unloading new comics, categorizing cards or comics or just stocking shelves. Like I said though - cool people. The place looks like it has a huge FNM focus because they clear out most of their tables on Fridays and have a bigass countdown timer til FNM that runs the entire week. I've never been inside on a Friday night but I assume they get most of their money from FNM since the place is only slightly more alive than the rest of the mall. I've only seen one or two more shoppers there besides myself and they usually just buy their comics and go. Like I said, they must make the bulk of their money on FNM. I'm honestly entirely baffled how the damned mall stays open when it's a goddamned ghost town. You know how empty the mall was in that shitty Dawn of the Dead remake? It's more dead than that. When I pulled up I honestly thought the place was closed but it isn't. I buy my minis from there and chat with the clerks every now and then but since I work a weird schedule I don't have the free time to really come in for FNM and I'm honestly so out of the loop as far as MTG goes I'd get tabled in three turns anyway.

There's one in my state as far as I know, and it was pretty tiny before, kind of off in it's own corner in a pretty popular shopping center. It smelled mostly like the inside of new miniature boxes, and had a sort of new book smell. The clerks were always pretty typical "nerd" types I would say, but were pretty chill. I never could buy anything then because I was pretty broke. Went recently, found out they moved to another shopping center, but their new location is huge. Actually got to meet the owner who is there day to day. He saw me browsing, asked me if I played, told him I never did but was thinking of getting into it just as a painting hobby at first, dude helped me out, was really enthusiastic about his store, their new location. Came in a few months later, guy remembered be, shot the shit with me a bit. It's unfortunate that I've gotten rid of my car since then, because I do my ordering online mostly now, and the shop is one pain in the ass of a busride away.

I feel ya. There are three game stores, THREE, in my rural town, and yet they only accommodate MTG fags

You've never did the smell test by scratching your own balls and then sniffing your fingers?

Seriously, man. If you can still smell balls after you towel off then you need to hop right back in that shower.

It's a total fucking dump is what it is, probably the messiest and filthiest place around, but since this is LA there aren't a ton of competitors and parking is a goddamn nightmare. The people there are a mix of autistic basment nerds and normal people, and as much as I hate the place I love going there.

All really cool people. Mostly middle aged family men, with a fair amount of fellow college students. Some really good painters too, yet a majority NEVER PAINT SHIT. Pic not related

previous poster here, he is a good guy, he just doesn't want his store to become like "those stores"

Ah, someone familiar with Legions. I like the place myself, I really appreciate their selection of wargames, even have a bunch of rare and oop Warhammer kits. On the downside, they're awfully light on RPGs and boardgames, and if you bring in models to sell, you will get the gamestop treatment. In retrospect I should have known better on the last count.


You guys ever try Drawbridge Games? Guy who runs the store is amazing, plus the place has a great schedule for games. Light on actual stock, but orders are 10% off and he does those whenever you want.

>The people there are a mix of autistic basment nerds and normal people, and as much as I hate the place I love going there.

so Veeky Forums irl?

Sounds a lot like my old LGS.

It too was in a mostly abandoned mall, and was pretty damn big. Clearly it used to be a comic store, but the owner is a pretty good business man and adapts with the times, becoming a split comics+/wargames+ store.
Coolest thing was that he also had another store that had closed in the mall which he gutted and had for playing, every day was a different game.

Best thing going for it though was the bowling alley/bar right next to it in the mall. Readily available beer makes for much funner games.

Overall not bad, but holy shit some of the people...

One guy who insists he knows how to pronounce ancient Latin, so he knows the "proper" way to say GW's made up shit in 40k.

A guy who insists all Tau players are that guy, and even if they're doing a full infantry list with 1 or 2 suits it still justifies him running 3 flyrants, 3 harpies, and 3 exocrines because the Tau still have the advantage.

The dick who says he's basically a pro painter, but he just chooses to do easy techniques like dry brushing and dipping in wash to get everything done quicker; but he still knows more about painting than you because he saw a video about how to wet blend and tried it on a sword once.

Another guy who critiques everyone's smallest painting mistakes and constantly spouts "thin your paints" even though he has "self diagnosed ADHD" so he can't focus long enough to paint any of his models beyond priming them.

And the last one I can think of off the top of my head; the guy who has every tank imaginable, carries them around the store on game night, and randomly slams them down in the middle of your game and yells "reinforcements! BANG POW BOOM" then laughs and walks away.

Jesus it sounds so much worse when I list these out...

I used to go alone in game shops back in high school to buy those magic cards for my brother. He's quite a neet, going out only for family and work reasons. I'd go to the game store on my way from school, I take about 20-30 minutes there while I scan for specific cards. Boys there are nice but quite 'weird' you can tell by their body movement and choice of words. I've always believed it's a culture thing.

Cringiest thing that happened there was when I got near the playing table. I was looking for a nice gift for my brother, and many of the figures and toys are locked in a glass shelf near the tables.

>Open tables in main room where a few people (generally the owners/friends of the store) display and play big wargames
>Back room with many WH terrain tables set, people generally keep to themselves
>MtG crowd generally keeps to their own pockets, and you can easily smell which of the players are regular people or serious robots from a mile away
>YGO crowd is almost entirely the latter
>Various roleplaying games at tables around, nobody is a major disturbance

However, there was that one time.
>Play D&D 5e, the first system I really delved into and learned how to DM and very readily the player options
>Want to scratch player itch since my friends are all too casual to bother reading up like I have, go to a public Adventurer's League game
>The DM carries over a bunch of nonexistant rules from 3.5 or PF mostly irritates me because AL games are supposed to be very strictly by the book and these had no prior mention, and DM never budged during breaks when I brought rulings up
>Other players are either total newbies to the hobby trying their first CN elven ranger type characters, friends of the DM, or old guys without proper groups who are themselves used to the old rules and don't care to differentiate them
>After session, decide it isn't worth my time to play a half-game, turn 360 degrees and nope out of future AL events, though I still use the store for minis and paint and similar supplies

The place is generally friendly and casual and smells nice, or at least I can't smell anything, but then I live with a smoker and cats so that's generally the case.

it's so authistic i don't even have one. Closes one is 500 km away

The Games Workshop is an utter shithole, I went today and I remembered why I left and never wanted to go back.

The FLGS however is pretty sweet.

Nice, I'll look for them next weekend

I'm pretty sure my FLGS breaks the laws of game store physics, because the Magic players get along with the tabletop players really well and love to watch the 40k players when they're doing games. To the point of rooting for certain models and getting involved in the games. They know jack shit about the game but apparently watching us play is a cool little sporting event to them. It's cool to see them interested and just enjoying it even if they don't play. We'll often come over and watch magic games or just ask stupid questions. They're very competitive but will gladly explain how their deck works and why they have 3 of one card but would never consider 4 or whatever.

I don't play magic at all, but I would probably give it a try with them if they offered a deck for me to borrow. Which is saying something, considering I normally hate card games.

Crowd runs the gambit from weird guy who sits in the corner playing league all the time and never buys anything, to the average stereotypical gamers for 40k and magic, to "normies" in 40k, magic and X Wing, and regular old joes in their 40's-50's with jobs. It's really weird to see a store that just blends like that, especially since I've gone through 10 stores before this one and none of the rest ever did that.

I think it has something to do with all the board games the store has opened up for people to play for free. It gives everyone a way to hang out and chill, even if you don't really play the same main games, everyone can enjoy a good game of splendor or something.

>the Druid 'Tim' from Monty Python and the Holy Grail


My LGS stole one of friends magic decks and put it up for sale

Money G cards and collectibles and it's owner can go fuck itself

It's this> >50413348
Some people don't dig 40k if you explain it too heavily "in universe", which sounds like what you did.
"You're genetically enhanced warriors sworn to eradicate the enemies of the fanatical theocracy that created you," sounds much cooler and is more accurate than "all aliens are bad and you get to kill them."
Cafe Mox/Card Kingdom? That place is the tops.

I dont have many stories. no one is really ree normies autistic. I've played yugioh in probably 5-6 stores, back in the day, and they were all fairly normal people, with the average amount of social misfits, but where I live right now, this is something else. I've seen autism before, this is not it, this is people who have zero social skills and they all look just weird. One guy with long hair wears it out, but he looks like he started brushing it and stopped as soon as he found a knot. They stare worryingly at people as they walk past, as if hoping no one will figure out they're playing yugioh, then go back to playing while looking like they're in concentration camps.

None of them have ever had a sperg outbust or anything, and in the brief amount of time I played YGO with them they were nice and knowledgable, just awkward and weird as fuck.


Ughh right, right. Sorry. This cold I have must be turning my brain to mush

Your college group sounds exaclty like mine.
It's not even funny any more how true it is that RPG society hoovers up all the sad weirdoes not weird enough to be cool.

The FLGS is as non-autismal as I've ever seen a gaming-related venue though, so that's nice.
Everyone seems to play some sort of sport at a high amateur level - we got tennis coaches, BJJ medal winners, county cricket players. It's almost aggressively abnormal for an FLGS.

Comfy store, good terrain for WHFB, smells nice and visitors are Veeky Forums or at least just look normal.
Maybe it's because the store is in slavland, and degenerates and neckbeard scum are being shunned here.

I have a theory.
Its all about the games you play.

I play historical games and we have the odd sperglord but its 90% dorky dads and ex military guys. most of us have kids wives etc.
GW and RPGs seem to attract the kids who get bullied.

anyone else got similar experiences or??

>Normal people
>Veeky Forums irl

it's not bad, i don't go to events or anything though but it's convenient and their selection is awesome. most of the people there are friendly enough. actually love heading in there though, they've just got an absolute ton of shit to pick through. this jank picture doesn't really do it justice.

I used to like my old LGS, but the owner made the mistake of hiring people who were game enthusiasts above all else. Unless he was in personally, there was no chance of getting help since all the 'staff' were sitting at one of the tables playing MTG with regulars.

I mean fuck, I don't mind the staff getting chummy and playing a game with customers, but when the fucking register is unmanned and there are three customers wandering around like lost sheep y'all gotta get your shit together.

So until the owner gets his shit sorted and hires staff who know how to fucking run a business, I'm taking an hour-long train journey to my new LGS because fuck 'em.

also they have a kickass rpg selection, this is roughly 1/4th of their shelves, most of the dnd/pathfinder/warhammer stuff is on it's own fairly massive section.

LGS us pretty sweet. Stock is a good mix of current comic books, nerdy books, normal board games, RPGs, cosplay stuff, toys, and figurines. Store set up is nice with 10-12 folding tables for free play, 4-5 large wooden tables for war games, and a 2 reading tables with chairs for reading. They keepntables and floor clean and have some sort of scent release so it always smells nice. The staff is mostly nice non judgy people exluding 1 or 2 socially awkward employees. Owner is a pretty cool guy that greets guests and doesn't afraid of any tards. Only problem is the owner like the SJWs and it is becomeing a problem

Imma have a field day with this one.

Local GW is okay-ish. Guys in there can function on a basic social level and have a decent chat about things that aren't GW-related.

But my God, my sister came in to meet me once and heads turned. She got approached by three separate guys who weren't even employees asking if she was looking to start with the game.

There's also this half-Greek dude who's in there sometimes and dictates every other Necron player on how to paint their armies. He went off one time because a guy painted his 'crons to look like they were rusty.
My LGS, on the other hand? Why, its a Rogue's Gallery of antisocial fags.
There's one guy who sits in the corner staring at his MTG cards all day, literally only engages with the store manager and one other person that he plays MTG with (and won't let anyone else talk to).
Tried approaching this guy once, he deadpanned me and flat out said "I fucking hate you".
Never asked why, fuck that guy.

The other retard of note is a doughy, fat 12 year old who plays YuGiOh and occasionally walks over and repeats what other people are saying, randomly, out of context, in a derpy attempt at an OneyNG voice.

>Game store

A combination of fat MTG nerds with terrible hygiene, slightly more acceptable tabletop nerds, and 40k people. 40k people can be identified as 3 general groups: children whose parents pay for their toy soldiers (12-16 years old); relatively well-off, successful 30+ year olds who have disposable income; and neckbeards.

I don't really identify with this though. My college game group has
>Nerdy but otherwise normal people
>Some SJWs
>A beard/flannel hipster
>Some rednecks
>A few normal people
>1 brown weeb

They're mostly fat or skinny young 20s with jeans and graphic tees. The game store sells mostly Warhammer stuff and a few well known games (Magic, 5e, Pathfinder) so they have daily Warhammer games.

I run a store in the UK and we're the only nerd place within miles that isn't full of sweaty neckbeards and ball smell, Veeky Forums discount on warhammer stuff for anybody who comes in btw.

We are super accepting of anybody though and there's a few guys I wouldn't have spoken to at the stores I visited before, but now am good mates with - I used to have to travel into central London to buy my games and supplies and I felt that the big city element really stripped away the personal touch to stores.

MTG crowd we did have were pretty unreliable when it came to FNM so we stopped running it, but think we'll probably relaunch that in the new year with adventurers league.

We also avoid SJW bullshit as a core moral and mostly spend our time talking shit. Had a few /co/fags come down in our time as I probably wouldn't be open without Veeky Forums providing inspiration via horror stories.

Not very autistic, but it hasn't been here for very long. I live in a pretty rural area so the only game store that's close enough to go to regularly opened just a few months ago.
The people who work there are nice and helpful. I asked them whether they were going to host any RPG's or MtG events, but so far nothing has happened.

So yeah, not much to speak of really. I've played with some spergy people but none to greentext about. My gaming experience has been pretty good so far.

I've got three game stores in my immediate area.

One's a slightly depressing dump. From the stories I've heard it was founded by a guy who got kicked out of another store in town, all funded by his parents. Then the original store went under, and they swooped into the old location. It's such a weird little cave of a place. Dusty boxes, incredibly shitty miniatures showcase, and barely anybody playing. No ball smell, but that's just because the building smells like decay and dust. To top it off I used to make tokens and such for the guys who work there, but on the rare occasion I go in the four or five landwhales around the counter will barely give me the time of day.

The second one barely merits a mention. A little clubhouse for the owner, financed by his pain in the ass mom. They stock a couple things, but they only play Malifaux, and the residents usually only play with each other (which is just as well, not a decent challenge in the place). They moved out of town recently. Can't say I've had any desire to track them down.

The third is run by a guy I've been playing games with for a long-ass time. It's actually a smartly run operation, with a good variety of games. There are a couple pain in the ass players, but nothing that you'd really call horror story level. Some of the gaming circles are a bit closed off, but others have a lot of crossover. Fun place, all told.

Bong here. Local club is only around 20% autismo, rest are just normal guys who happen to be gamers so its pretty cool. Sadly of course the autismos are loud, unwashed, all have nasal annoying voices and are annoying as fuck.

The most annoying cunt at my local club is a historical wargamer. Will tell you what youre doing wrong ovr your shoulder, will literally start moving your models for you and will use rules against you that he knows about and you dont even of he is "teaching " you the game. Hes a bellend.

But yeah in general i think you are right.

My first nerdstore was in upstate NY, near Drum, called Sanctuary Comics. Owner was a cool guy, normally willing to chat or order anything for you if you asked. They ran magic, but I'm not into that. Their biggest seller had to be 40k/fantasy. That was hands down the best club I've ever been in. Everybody was generally friendly, they were constantly running events, occasionally had narratives going on, it was just a really nice community. Only had one or two stinkies. Also the only store I've found that sold bits and used models. The only issue I had with the place is after leaving your clothes had a weird smell on them, I always just chalked it up to old building smell. You never really smelt it while you were there.

My new store is Gamer's Haven in Colorado Springs. Great place, sells every goddamn thing imaginable. Has the Halo table top, Dropzone/fleet, huge Flames of War section, literally every game I've ever wanted to play. Staff is hugely friendly, although the she devils are all really smooth talking into getting you to buy shit. Has a huge gaming area, with a fuckton of terrain. Sadly I don't know the player base, as their 40k day is friday night, and I have no intention of social interaction after working all day. They have Historicals on sundays, so I might have to just bite the bullet and get into Flames.

My LGS is run by the master of deals, and he will never die.

We just recently had an influx of autists however.

>tfw when I have both autism and add, and was bullied in school

using fantasy escapism as a way to deal with self hatred and loneliness isn't that bad, right?


nah, but smelling like shit and having zero people skills in a social environment is bad, and those two descriptions, while not exclusive to one another, can have some overlap.

Hey, same boat. I share your pain.

My parents used to drop me off at a Hobbytown USA that had a good group of guys. I would like to think I wasn't one of those annoying little shitters but I probably was. Still, most of the guys there entertained letting me watch or even playing and getting my ass stomped. One guy taught me Confrontation and how to paint minis over the course of a few weekends, then sadly he stopped coming all together due to his wife.

Grew up, moved, found out there was a local little store. My experiences weren't very good as my first few games were with anti-fun assholes who really take everything too seriously, have no sense of humor, and followed rules to the letter. A good majority of the other players treated outsiders like shit so I just stopped.

Now it's about 6 years later, I'm buying Warmachine/Hordes shit with the thought that maybe one day I'll quit being a beta and just pop down to my new local store, but currently that is unlikely. Though the place has glowing reviews so surely it can't be that bad.


well, a girl once told me that I smell nice, and I practice basic hygiene. the part about social skills on the other hand,eh...
I would at least rank myself above the yugioh and mtg crowd in that regard, but only just. I have a tendency to begin autistic rants on really meaningless details, though they are not the kind of rants that end up being productive in their own way, just the kind that waste time and annoy others.

It's illegal if it's a result of a diagnosed medical condition under the Americans with Disabilities Act. So, for example, the faint smell of a colostomy bag is "protected."

If the person is physically capable of stopping it, and doesn't, it's not protected. Refusing to shower/wipe is a "behavior," and even if a behavior is caused by a disability it isn't protected. You can't, for example, put up a sign that says "no Tourette's allowed" but once a person with Tourettes had an episode that was disruptive to the people around them you may ask them to leave.

In short, probably not and while a person who is covered under the ADA doesn't have to state the exact nature of the disability, they *do* have to be the one to bring it up. Until then you're well within your rights to punt them. And there's a lot more idiots out there that think they're covered by the ADA than are so you might still be well within your right to punt them.

AL prides itself on not going by the book at all, which is why it sucks. Rewards have to follow the AL policies down to the exact letter but beyond DMs are allowed and encouraged to make any rulings they want including refusing to allow characters with certain builds or with certain items.

Which is why AL is utter shit right now and the company is getting progressively more likely to jettison it. (Rumor has it that's already started.) I used to be in one of the AL groups and it was funny how often the same people whou would say in one thread "it's your table, your're the DM, *you* decide how much it heals for" would end up saying things like "Please don't complain to Wizards about this, we need them not to quit on us" in the next thread down.

This should have been doubles.

Our's isn't too bad, but it makes so very little money. This year I have pumped a grand total of 40 cents into it for a replacement d4.
The cutsomers can be cancer but the owner is pretty chill. Few years back he had a hallway that led into the designated card-gaming room, and set up about 5 motion-sensor air-fresheners along it to spray the shit out of everyone who went in.

Ah ok

Because there's this one girl who comes into my work sometimes, and into the grocery store across from my work...and she's fucked up. She had her kids taken from her because of some mental issue that made her unfit to parent, she has gained a massive fuckton of weight and she fucking *reeks* like a mixture of bad BO and something rotten. Apparently we can't ban her from the store because of it.

Then again, I live in Canuck land, so that may have something to do with it. Still, considering how a coworker of mine was made violently ill (vomiting mouthfuls) just by her being in the washroom (not even using it!) and how the grocery store could lose business because of her smell, one should think that they'd have some reasonable grounds for banning.

(bitch used to also go up to the cosmetic desk, take the sample lipstick and smear it all over and around her mouth, when you're suppose to use it on your skin. Fucking hell.)

I can't tell you anything about Canuckian law, unfortunately.

I'd blame Trudeau, but this was before him.

I thought Canadian all-inclusiveness was extended towards races, religions and cultures, not smelly cunnies

Let me guess, he flips the fuck out if you ask him to stop touching your shit?

our tabletop club and video game clubs are the same. It's not that the hobby only has these people in it, but that they scare away the more normal hobbyists. My tabletop group has had more players than the whole tabletop club at uni does, and our DM just brings in his gym buddies.

Similar issue with the local game stores, either half the store is funko pop figures and cards against humanity/munchkin expansions, or they're drowning in autism. But the people who have other hobbies and only come in once every couple of weeks or so are great fun to play with.

I'm pretty much the only one in my 3 different gaming groups who doesn't have some sort of so-called diagnosis.

Lots and lots of Aspberger and no small amount of ADHD either. Or both.

I played with a redneck once. He made a grappling character WWE style. He essentially RP'ed Hulk Hogan.

Was a blast.

The local store and club is run by a greybeard in his fifties. Dude loves games.
The store is nice, not huge, but it's clean and pretty ordered.
I hung out for about a year before i dropped contact and i kinda felt bad for doing so because the people were pleasant and i had a genuinely good time most sessions.
The reason i left was that they were in their thirties and complete NEETs. I like games a lot more than the average guy but i also value things like being able to support myself, doing physical things, having prospects/projects etc. Basically being an adult.

Some of them smell bad, but most of them don't have anything outright wrong with them, they just can't seem to pick up social ques. Like if we're having a DnD meeting in a quiet room far away from the rest of the people, one of those fuckers will literally just walk up and stand behind us, not even saying hi, and just fucking stare.

It's all right. Very clean, has some spaces to play- they usually try to put a wargame group near the front to keep up an image of life, while sending the RPG groups to the semi-soundproof boxes in the back. Prices are fair and they do special orders.