Let's make a system, Veeky Forums

Let's make a system, Veeky Forums.

We're gonna have five races. 2 and 9 decide which.





Asexual Catfolk

>they're like Oscar the grouch but there's more of them


big dick fey-like monster aliens that make more of them by turning other species into them!

Through buttsex and tantric ritual magic!

the Cockfolk

Shapeshifting lizard people.


Anime Girls

Rolling for a race of orcs that keep female kobolds as slaves and cut them apart for their own pleasure.

giant size kobolds who aren't the underdogs for once
frikken bird people
fey. not the pretty kind. the grimm kind.

holy shit this thread is a missfest.

also, sheeple


well thats one down.

Anime dads for #9

Fart elementals

oh god

albino murder elves who live in in a plane paralel to our existence which is a frozen wasteland without sunlight.Portals were opened by asshole wizards a long time ago. They want our shit. They will either take our shit, or they can be bribed to keep others of their kind from taking all of your shit, for some of your shit.

Humans but with dicks for Heads

anthropomorphic pangolins



So real life then?


The Welsh....


respectable skeletons

Fuck. We made japan. Sheeple who just live to work and regurgitate what they are told and the unnatural abominations they hold up on a pedestal.

Sentient slugs who practice an ancient martial arts style which consists entirely of beating people to death with your own intestines.

Faceless green men whose entire purpose is to anger, sadden, confuse, or otherwise bring distress upon regular people.

Crab people.

4 down, one to go

Birdpeople that can't fly but still have wings


Modern day horror campaign in Japan.

Sea cucumber people.

pet rocks

Many Keks.

Rerolling for Asexual Catfolk



Anime girls, the Welsh, respectable skeletons, sheeple and sea cucumber people.


Wow, a setting where the Welsh are actually the most normal people around. This is gonna be a cluster fuck.

So here's what we got:

>Anime Girls
>Respectable Skeletons
>Sea Cucumber People

Now to choose the five classes. 2 and 9 decide.

I am having difficulty imagining how these all merge together.

Skater Kid


Astronaut. (I rolled for anime girls)

Male fighter

cyber cowboy

Wage slave.

Bicyle Repairman

Sexy Dominatrix

Bacon Master

Time wizard

Dick shamans.

White Mage


Aperture Science Test Subject

Meth-head Thug

Semen Demon


Something for the sheeple and the welsh to be I guess

Soccer hooligan

So far we have wage slaves, test subjects, and bacon masters.

A hybrid of Imperial Japan and the British Empire, ruled over by an undead aristocracy granted the secret of unlife by a race of strange undersea creatures.

Space Marine (40k Style)

Laser Ghost

Planet filled with lots of islands.

The surface world is populated by sheeple, who worship Anime girls as goddesses and revere them.

The only group not to worship them are the Welsh, who are seen as outcasts by the sheeple.

The Sea cucubber people live underwater (duh) but venture onto the coasts to trade.

Lastly the respectable skeletons are the oldest and rarest race. They act as arbitrators, sages, mediators and artists.

Welsh Internet Defence Enforcer.

The letter O.


Now this right here is the welsh class. Clearly the sheeple are mostly wage slaves.




>Setting has Welsh and Sheeple
This can't end well

so thus far we have

>Anime Girls
>Respectable Skeletons
>Sea Cucumber People

who can be

>Wage slaves
>Bacon masters
>Semen demons
>Aperture science test subjects
>Soccer Hooligans

Love can BAAHHH!

How did i miss that?

So we got

>Wage Slaves
>Bacon Masters
>Aperture Science Test Subjects
>Semen Demons
>Soccer Hooligans

Good job guys. Now let's make some monster races. I think 10 it's plenty for now. 2 and 9 decide.

>semon demon
>in a world of Welsh



Morris Dancers

Chicken tikka Masala

>doujin tentacle monsters

High Fructose Corn Syrup



Preferred classes are:

Anime girls: semen demons
Sheeple: Wage slaves
Welsh: Soccer hooligans
Sea cucumber people: Aperture science test subjects
Respectable skeletons: bacon masters

Roody Poos


Rogue Mecha

Dragon dildoes

Veeky Forums posters

Thank you, user.

Also rolling for a race of sentient Fedoras.

Heroic Bicyclists

Veeky Forums browsers.