How do you imagine battles between Necrons and demons?
How do you imagine battles between Necrons and demons?
Daemons win because Necron Pariahs suddenly poofed out of existance.
Can demons see Necrons? Because of the whole no soul thing.
No, they can't see them. But they can see the hole they leave in their warp vision.
Sure they do. They do not see their reflections in the Warp, since Necrons don't have them, but when given a body to wreak havoc in the materium the daemons see Necrons as well as they see ground beneath their hooves and bolters in their enemies' hands.
Why would that be? Ignoring the fact that Pariahs are no longer canon, simply being partially or wholly mortal doesn't make you go poof in the vacinity of a daemon. You have to be slaughtered/burned/reduced to goo/raped first, depending on the daemons.
And to answer your question , it is probably kinda annoying and hard for daemons to fight Necrons due to all the "anathema to Chaos" thing, but I imagine it like fighting in torrenting rain or severe cold for a mortal - noticably harder but not impossible.
Daemons couldn't beat necrons for good.
Necron programming and protocols will alway rise to the challenge and will cause entire systems to rise in defence of their planets.
Bigger the threat the bigger their military gets.
From what I recall they can't see any warp signatures from any necron just as the Tyranids can't destroy a tomb world because of the inability to detect life.
>Sure they do. They do not see their reflections in the Warp, since Necrons don't have them, but when given a body to wreak havoc in the materium the daemons see Necrons as well as they see ground beneath their hooves and bolters in their enemies' hands.
Actually, that's wrong. We have rules about Tau fighting daemons from the Inquisitor RPG.
Daemons fighting the Tau must roll a 50% chance roll for awareness when fighting the Tau. If the daemon fails the roll, then he cannot see the Tau character.
The lore reason for this is that Tau souls are tiny sparks in the Warp. Daemons have a hard time perceiving them.
Also when daemons fought the soulless sisters of silence, they couldn't see them. The major daemon in the book tracked their movements by sound or following the direction of their fire. Or more cleverly seeing where there are holes in his vision.
>Daemons couldn't beat necrons for good.
Actually, there is a Necron tomb world that was overrun and conquered by daemons. The heads of the Necrons were stockpiled by Bloodletters within the core of the world.
>Ignoring the fact that Pariahs are no longer canon
Thus ignoring the entire joke.
>inability to detect life
Like this.
Huh. Didn't know that.
Well that kinda makes Tau pretty good anti daemon force, them being so fast when daemons can barely notice them.
Kinda makes you think, why then the Grey Knights don't use massive cohorts of robotic servants? They have access to pretty much all the top tier tech, and knowledge of daemons surpassing Chaos cults, that would make sense.
You are aware that if you write like that people assume you are an underage retard without reading your post?
>Tfw no blood to spill
That necron grabbing the demons face always makes me laugh.
Really fucked up.
>use massive cohorts of robotic servants?
Daemons can see robots and they can possess them because everything has a reflection in the Warp.
Daemons only have problems seeing things with low warp signatures (Tau) or things that are soulless like blanks and Necrons.
>"Sssshhh, no tears."
Well luckily for khorne he also likes battles, anger/frustration and skulls. I mean the necrons got a lot of skulls.
You gon' act like a bitch, you gon' get slapped like a bitch
Best pic
>Let me tell you about the dynasty wars
>As the world of Gythos drowns in a full-scale daemonic incursion, the Necrons come to its aid. Null field matrices quieten the raging Warp storms and banish the Daemons. However, the citizens have little time to rejoice before the Necrons begin their deadly harvest.
machine spirits have warp reflections, daemons can still see them.
Actually, I'm pretty sure daemon sight goes beyond if something still has a soul or not. They can still see inanimate objects and whatnot.
Whatever, you're a fedoracore faggot by default if you post on Veeky Forums anyway.
Actually, machine spirits are AI.
What are daemons seeing are weapon spirits which are picture related
The war spirit shows that everything, even inanimate objects, has a warp reflection of some sort. I think only blanks are truly exempt from this, which is why daemons can see necrons but not sisters of silence
This story is amazing
It's like the Crons were too lazy to do anything until Chaos shows up and they're like:
> "Hey, they're killing that planet we wanted to kill."
>"Fuck that noise, let's kill them first. That will show them."
>Shut the hell up, man
too green
1. Picture some daemons
2. Picture some Crons
3. Now picture them fighting
>Kzzzz kzzz
>Kzz kzz
>Slash stab
>Someone wins
>Being affected by anything to do with the warp.
Pretty sure the lore says Daemons can't even see Blanks.
Necrons are soulless like the Sisters of Silence.
Necron are essentially inanimate objects.
Their "mind" has no warp presence, but their shell does.
Proper blanks have no warp presence, period.
>bringing a Lord of Skulls against necrons
>Daemons fighting the Tau must roll a 50% chance roll for awareness when fighting the Tau.
This has since been (Somewhat) changed. Daemons always have Warp-Sight, which is the type of vision that detects souls, and where they have a very difficult time detecting souless beings such as the Tau/Necrons.
However, a corporeal, manifested Daemon in realspace also has "normal" vision, that it can use to see just as any "normal" being, in addition to its Warp-Sight. With this, they can see a Tau/Necron perfectly fine.
This is at least from the modern 40K RPG's like Black Crusade, RT, and DH.
Daemons would have a very difficult time manifesting themselves on a Necron world without human or eldar defenders trying very very hard to push the demons back.
So in any case, it's a full Demon loss. Utter massacre. No survivors.
Is that bad?
>Necron are essentially inanimate objects.
Nope, they are utterly soulless and daemons and psykers feel disturbed by their presence. They are like blanks except for the crippling effect.
In-verse Characters often comment how the Necrons are living dead and not just machines.
>However, a corporeal, manifested Daemon in realspace also has "normal" vision, that it can use to see just as any "normal" being, in addition to its Warp-Sight. With this, they can see a Tau/Necron perfectly fine.
Going by the actual lore, no. They cannot.
>This is at least from the modern 40K RPG's like Black Crusade, RT, and DH.
FFG is not canon. Sorry.
Sorry what book is this from?
The GW's Inquisitor RPG. back then they added the option to play a Tau water caste.
It would be pointless. Necron weapons strip whatever they hit down a layer of molecules at a time. Daemons aren't really 'there' physically, nothing for the gauss to strip down.
Daemons probably wouldn't even be able to see stuff without souls.
It would quickly devolve into the battle of ineffectual flailing on both sides.
Both posts are very true.
>It would be pointless. Necron weapons strip whatever they hit down a layer of molecules at a time. Daemons aren't really 'there' physically, nothing for the gauss to strip down.
Don't say stupid things. Daemons form psychical bodies when they enter real space. These bodies can hit with bolters and energy. Gauss and Tesla works fine enough.
As for daemons? They can compensate by sound or they can swing at the dark holes in their vision. They will be less accurate but given that the daemons use vast numbers and brute force to overwhelm their enemies and give zero fucks about collateral damage, they hit things fine enough. Thousands of bloodletters swinging around their swords is bound to hit stuff.
Forgot my picture.
>literal autism
>damage control
>Race that Lived short, unfulfilling shitty lives
>Incredibly bitter and envious towards both the Old Ones and Eldar fro having better lives than them
>Sacrifice their emotion and souls just for the opportunity to hurt everyone else out of spite
>Hate emotion and compassion and other such things that normal creatures enjoy
>mostly stay inside their homes all day, wallowing in their hatred and misery, until something pisses them off until they snap, Then they go on a Killing spree
> (before retcon) Use to comb the humans for soulless, hated, outcasts like them. They would then bring them back and show them the Necron life and welcome them with open arms
Necrons are literally /r9k/: the faction
What about flayers? Id like to believe their claws would work effectively, but would they comprehend having a demons face over a heretics?
>sky turns into hell
>demons materialise out of thin air
>afix bayonets!
Shit those are some manly fuckers
>Incredibly bitter and envious towards both the Old Ones and Eldar fro having better lives than them
They went and asked for Space Magic cancer pills. The guys said no. For no reason, either. Just because. They could have done something. But they decided to play games with the sick and dying.
People say Emperor could prevent a lot of misery by acting right, but if the Old Ones acted right they could prevent fucking EVERYTHING!
Considering daemons leave no corpses behind, no.
>The guys said no. For no reason, either. Just because
Actually the reason behind it being that they demanded a cure, while being an enslaving and violent infighting and very bitter race. Old ones said no cause they thought "you guys are total cunts"
Who knows if it would have helped make the necrons cheerier or if they would still be assholes
>Race is damned to suffer in agony and violence
>Surrounded by races free from their curse
>Curse is so all consuming that they can't help but be violently embittered by races lacking it
>frail and sickly, can't really do manual labor in all likely hood.
>Ask the only people that can help you, for help. A way to restore your race, free them of the curse, to end the bitterness and resentment.
>No. We don't want to.
And people wonder why the necrons were willing to throw everything away just to make the pain stop and make the people who snubbed them know what pain was.
>the lesser beings are asking for the cure for super cancer, shall we give it to them and end their suffering?
>nah they look like cunts
Who are the real cunts?
Why is it Chaos cannot corrupt and fuck up Necron AI the same way they fuck up any other AI in existence?
I thought taking over machines and making them go insane was a typical chaos ability. But it never seems to work on Necrons. Why is that?
They take over the "soul" aka warp presence of The machine. Necrons completely lack that.
In the Word-Bearers novels, necrons were able to cut off dark apostles and possessed Marines from the warp entirely. Depending on the fancy tech the Lord has, Daemons may or may not be able to manifest at all.
Necrons are edgelord autists; Chaos makes them less evil and more functional. You could say Chaos animates them.
One can say that bio-transfer gave Necrons the upper hand against Chaos.
No wonder since the Crons were made by a combination of Necrontyr tech and the C'Tans to fight the Old Ones.
Then they backstabbed the C'Tan for the whole enslaving thing.
>All Necron and no organics makes Nurgle a dull boy
>All Necron and no organics makes Nurgle a dull boy
It was interesting how the Undying One cut off the Word Bearers from the warp, but they still somehowe managed to teleport en masse for the final strike.
Necrons are not strictly AI, they are "living machines", so simple object corruption would not work. Combine it with the general Necron anti-chaos thing and there you go.
>how do you imagine battles between necrons and demons?
Pew pew pew scraaaargh boooom pew krakooom rrrrrargleflarghl bomf.
Like that mostly.
Oh also fzzzzshwooosh tzzzzang bop trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllschunk nicky nicky KFTAGNOOOOOM. Pop.
I'm genuinely impressed at how far spite took the Necrons.