Will there ever be another Veeky Forums video game half as good as Baldur's Gate II?
Will there ever be another Veeky Forums video game half as good as Baldur's Gate II?
Planescape Torment
Mass Effect 1
in that decreasing order
Will you be young and impressionable again?
Divinity was pretty damn good actually.
>Will you be young and impressionable again?
No :(
>Divinity was pretty damn good actually.
I liked it, but I didn't care for the humor in it.
Pillars of Eternity was ok. I didn't care for the story too much though.
Torment was pretty good though, even if the gameplay was ass.
Nice bait attempt with the pic.
Okay buddy, your pic practically has me vibrating in anger, but I understand you're only trying to start shit.
Divinity: Original Sin was so much better from a gameplay(and soundtrack) standpoint that it outweighed everything BG2 did better hands down. I felt was like I was playing a clone of some alternate universe's licensed D&D 4E game and that's exactly what I wanted out of an RPG.
He probably never even played Baldur's Gate or PS:T.
I know I didn't.
has me vibrating in confusion. I understand it's some sort of bullshit hyper progressive thing, but i honestly don't know what almost any of that shit means.
i liked the first one better, but I still get you
probably not for a while; not until people can start making full video games on their own (so probably 10 ish years)
until then, we have companies making massive games that must appeal to as many people as possible to stay competitive (i.e. braindead normal fags who never finish them anyway), because videogames went mainstream and now its not just nerdy white kids playing them
bg2 was good because it was made by people who knew and loved D&D, and were really into the FR setting, and they had a fairly small audience to cater to
Aromantic means she smells nice.
The original image was nothing but the portraits, some baitlord attached all of the bullshit to it.
The fact that everything was named in unpronounceable not!Welsh didn't help matters.
Good to know.
aaaaaaand we're done here
Baldur's Gate 1?
Take this faggotry back to your safe space, cock-sucker.
>that pic
Behead those who insult /pol/! Kek wills it!
uh...i dont know, i really don't understand what the fuck are all those words...transmac? aroflux? lithoromantic? what the fuck is that? some kind of magic?
I'm pretty sure some of those labels are complete gibberish meant to mock fags.
Dragon's Dogma is pretty great.
What is your purpose here, Arisen?
oh, okay, that's cool
>these are all real things
What a time to be alive.
Yes. They actually improved on the genra instead of Pillars which relied on nostalga and recreated the same old clunky UI textbomb.
I came here to tenderly hold Mercedes hand
Seems like Bait The Shitlords is still pretty good. The meta isn't the diverse once you figure out the patterns, but sometimes you just want to play something that isn't challenging at all.
Does anyone have the wheel of time Version of this image?
What am I look at, exactly? Because it doesn't appear to be English.
I didn't like Baldur's Gate. At all.
I mean, yeah, they were okay, like ID, but Neverwinter Nights 1 was better, if only because of all the user-created content. Fight me.
>B-but the plot! T-the interactions!
Planescape: Torment was better.
Oh, and by the way, if you want a good Veeky Forums video game - FUCKING. ESCHALON. TRILOGY. BITCH.
That picture took me on a journey. It started with confusion, then lead to anger, and ended with frustration.
The only fucking romance option that you absolutely can fuck and create proof of fucking with, ie. a fucking child, is asexual.
If I wake up omnipotent. If I attain apotheosis, I will visit such vengeance on Tumblr and the Cult of the SJW.
Star control 2.
It's better than BG2.
Try Tyranny. It's a recent release from the people, the actual people, not the company, that did Baldur's Gate. It's pretty fun. The gameplay is challenging, the characters are fun, and its got some great story moments.
I can't top this post so I'm just going to give it a (You)
I didn't even like BG2 that much, but I think it's because I'd binged on BG1 and NWN before playing it
some people mentioned pillars of eternity and D:OS, but I don't think either of them really come close. D:OS is very good but not really for Veeky Forums reasons
Eh, I wouldn't say so. They're two different beasts.
If you've said that SC2 was better than Mass Effect games, I would've wholeheartedly agreed with you.
But it's not really proper to compare SC2 with BG.
I've been enjoying it the last few days. I'm not finished yet so I can't speak to it in its entirety, but its pretty good so far.
Lithoromantic means they fuck rocks.
>That new redone Imoen Romance mod
I think I enjoyed it more than I should have.
Tyranny? I'm enjoying it though it really needs romance with the MC and not Barik.
I actually didn't like baldur's gate.
I felt that the infinity engine didn't really lend itself well to the sweeping exploration it tried to utilize, Icewind Dale was much better to me.
No shame in that, it is a really well done mod that adds a lot of fun and fleshing out to Imoen, who should be a pretty important character in Baldur's gate 2.
Even if you don't want to Romance her, it's still a must have just for the fun banter and fleshing out it adds.
Good golly gee, what in Sanguinius' sweet name is a "demisexual" or a "lithoromantic"?
Viconia is best girl.Prove me wrong.
Romantically interested in rocks
Sexual interest in people they feel strongly emotional about, whether it be love or hate
T. dude living with the part-owner of a legbutt bar, except lithoromantic is a complete pissup of dumbass self-labelling
Mass Effect 2 > 1 > 3
You know it to be true.
Mass Effect 2 had the best character writing in the series hands-down (arguably even the best bioware cast overall) but the main plot was such trite that it shouldn't have surprised anyone that ME3 had nothing to build on and shit the bed as badly as it did.
Hated that her Romance ending had her dying, even if she was happy for awhile.
>Beginning of ME3
"oh look hur! I found a weapon that'll destroy the reapurs!"
That and ME2 was over-simplfied to the point of absolute stupidity.
ME3 had it's flaws, granted, but at least they added some of the complexity back.
but miranda, thane and samarah are trash characters
tali got butchered to a one-note fangirl who's loins stir at the mere mention of shepherd, and legion is essentially the same thing but with robot loins.
i guess zaeed, garrus, and mordin are pretty good
Oh, can I play too?
Bravo. What would Lan and Moiraine get?
Or better yet, Be'lal?
closeted stoico-rex,
Be'lal is...
transnecro femphylactite
Moiraine I've trouble pinning onto a punchline. I finished the last book a while ago and then have a gap of almost a decade.
Very few former Bioware or Interplay people work at Obsidian dude. And of the ones that did work at those places, I don't think any of them had a big hand in Tyranny.
Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here.
>No Temple of Elemental Evil
>No Arcanum
>No Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
>No Gothics 2
>No Darklands
Temple of Elemental Evil is a good simulation of the 3.5 rules. But the story sucks and the gameplay is kinda eh... (I guess that makes it the most authentic DND pc game ever)
Arcanum has an interesting setting but the game is complete ass.
Same with VtM:B
>Interesting setting but the game is a complete ass
You literally just described Morrowind my dude.
Or any TES game for that matter.
Hi /v/
Just because you guys spent twenty threads getting angry over some "women rule the land" line in the lore doesn't mean the game isn't great.
I thought it was ok. Stupid SJW/Anti-SJW shit doesn't factor into it.
I just wasn't grabbed by the story/characters in the same way PoE didn't grab me.
I hear baldur's gate 2 us pretty good.
No other game has immersed me in D&D as completely as Baldur's Gate II. It is literally my favorite game of all time
< This
They even got the original voice of Minsc back and updated it for the times.
I didn't like Dragon's Dogma.
It's sjw faggotry.
Oh boy, here we go again.
I really wanted to like Dragon's Dogma... It had some stuff there that was good. In the end it just felt hollow.
What I really want is another game with a scenario editor and a DM mode as good as NWN.
It (along with Brood War D&D UMS maps) was what got me into TTRPGs in the first place.
I always read that as Aromatic and become very confused. Every time.
You didn't played newest expansion?
>the only heterosexual is the objectively evil psychopath
Because cisgendered hetrosexual people are evil, user. Didn't you get the memo?
Ive always preferred bg 1 over 2, i also dislike multi/dual classes.
I liked the icewind dale games more than baldurs gate.
I feel like I'm the only one who loved Aerie and her sweet voice. Not that there was anything wrong with Jaheira or Viconia.
Aerie was a god damn sweetheart. She also had your baby. I mean I always ended up leaving our baby in a barrel somewhere, but that doesn't invalidate the point.
fucking thank you. I always had to hear people calling her voice and story irritating while fawning over Viconia who had just as much god damn angst.
I mean I like them all. Jaheira was kind of a bitch, but its understandable.
Aerie I just want coddle.
Are great, except for their horrific level of bugginess.
Seriously, I had to end my first play through halfway through because the next city I had to go to didn't spawn any NPCs, and the ones that did were glichy as hell.
Also, you can teleport to the far side of the mountains well before you're meant to and find that most of the 'cities' there are utterly empty.
Isn't there a new TORMENT game coming out soon?
Never got the hate for Aerie, apart from being kind of a boring choice.
>the story sucks and the gameplay is kinda eh
Well, it's the old T1-4 in computer form, so the story couldn't be something more gripping than "go down the Temple dungeons and kill everything".
But on the subject of gameplay, I actually feel the combo of the wheel menu and turn-based non-real time system is the best I've ever played an "Infinity style" game on. Then again I'm a shameless grog, and my second favourite (A)D&D computer game system was the one used in the Gold Box games.
>the majority of the world is evil
That's why God has abandoned us.
>>one cisgender heterosexual
>>he's The CE dwarf, The only character with no redeeming qualityes whatsoever.
This is some weaponized bait right there.
Does that mean he wants to fuck rock?
Icewind Dale was always better at being a D&D game.
I don't think there will be a game as good as BG2.
There's been many attempts to make a successor, sometimes they have an interesting quirk in terms of gameplay mechanics (ie divinity).
But there really isn't anything that has that amazing combination of RPG mechanics, magic system, colorful as fuck characters to the point so many are iconic, colorful setting, good music, amazing mods, good voice acting.
The only consistent improvement in games since BG2 has been a silkier and smoother click-and-feel gameplay like diablo 3.
There are still a few gems like Shadowrun Dragonfall, but it seems we only get one decent aspect (characters) and everything else is sub-par.
Morrowind is the best, me1 had the best story of its series, me3 the best gameplay.
There will never be another game as good as BG2 because BG2 was ass, and so all the attempts to clone it invariably result in more ass games. Notice how all the decent CRPGs released in the last ten years either thrived on user-generated content or tried to do their own thing instead of fucking the d&d zombie.
That's some pretty good taste you have there, guys.
Both /v/ and /tv/ are horrible boards. More often than not they're just thematic shitposting; /s4s/ in agreed upon cosplay.
To stuff Maker's Finger up your arse, bastard!
Its sort of like multiclassing, except less gay
BG2 is pretty fucking overrated desu, hell even it was new there were better crpgs around.
Mass Effect 1 had extremely bland characters, but set up a lot of interesting plot threads and themes (that were later mostly abandoned, except for a few central ones)
Mass Effect 2 has great loyalty missions and character related writing, but a boring pointless sideplot as its main story.
Mass Effect 3 was fine until they made everything that happened until then pointless in the very end.
Unifying the Geth and Quarians is the biggest one: here are these two factions who've come to think that it's impossible for synthetics and organics to coexist, and then in ME2 you get Legion, and by even in ME3, there's the weird EDI & Joker relationship. Everything seems to point in the direction of coexistence between humans and synthetics being possible, but simply written off by overly fatalistic idiots who believe it's some sort of magic destiny of hate or whatever.
And then you get to the end and the reaper guy is like "it is fucking inevitable. It is magic fate bullshit and it will always happen." and there is literally no way of just USING THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOU'VE BEEN WORKING HARD AT FOR THREE GAMES, such as unifying the Geth and Quarians and shit, to convince the starchild that the reapers could help rebuild a galaxy of peaceful coexistence. Hell, they could probably help, keeping the various factions/peoples/species of the galaxy safe from mass violence from either side: another theme the game hammers home with the Rachni wars and all the shit about the Krogan - when a major threat to galactic peace comes along, you'd no longer need to use an even more dangerous and virulent creature; you'd just call for the goddamned reapers. Lawful End.
(remember when Renegade/Paragon was meant to be Chaotic vs. Lawful ish rather than lolevil vs. lolgood?)
BUT NO: the end had to forget everything that's happened so far just so it can go full Twilight Zone hack writer's fiat ending because "muh classic sci-fi"
Siege of Genderqueer
>design setting for politics focused scifi
>have to include an ancient evil because not doing so would had forced you to stop copypasting plot from your previous games
So, what you want is NWN with a graphical update, optimised for modern systems?