First Tabletop Experience

What was your first campaign and/or session like. DMing or Playing. I want to get some insight on how I can fuck up my first DM session.

I was the christian kid, and it was theight of the 80s. The session was interrupted numerous times by me asking: What about that, is that satanic?

I'm not making this up.


First tabletop went pretty well all things considered, I had no idea what I was doing or how to roleplay, but most of the others were in the same boat so it worked out.
>Played a Warforged Scout Druid
>Kept trying to enter melee range with things instead of casting spells/wildshape
>overall thought wildshape was useless, mainly because I didn't have stats on-hand for any possible forms
It's a fucking wonder that character survived as long as he did.

I convinced a group of friends to try out RPGs, since that was something I always wanted to get into. I was supposed to GM because I was the only one who wanted to read the rulebook and I knew best what it was all about. It was all a little spontaneous and I didn't even managed to finish reading it before the session and forgot half of it anyway. It was Warhammer 2.0 btw. I created the adventure literally on my way to the toilet right before the beginning of the session. It was simple as hell, but we all had a lot of fun and played through entire night. Actually got a bit of hard time along the way, for example party split to 2 opposing groups for a big part of the session, but it all turned up well. Oh, and at the end 2 players woke up half of the building and nearly fought over who should get more exp. But still, for the first time I consider this pretty good. My advice is to keep it simple and focus on having fun, especially if you're running it for friends.

We all jumped into Pathfinders, without any prior knowledge. The math crunch was took us by surprise. We were surely doing it wrong, because in our very first plot hook into a cave for treasure, we all almost died from a wolf pup. As we progressed in the session, we got jumped by some hired thugs who wanted to take a special chalice from the loot. We kept one for interrogation, and I thought I might try to intimidate him by stabbing his foot, when he wouldn't talk.

The GM had me roll attack, and a crit had him dead just like that.

I genuinely cringed imagining that.

First experience? Well there are several...

Age 8 my dad got me halfway through making a Traveller character. Never actually played.

Age 10 I played AD&D with a friend at his house. Had no idea what was happening, or what bugbears were, so I just hid in the forest and climbed trees.

Age 11 I played d20 Star Wars (the D&D 3.5-based rules). Played a fringer, shot a couple bad guys smuggling illegal pets on Naboo. Good times.

Age 13 I played Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. Had just seen Lord of the Rings, so I wanted to play an elf ranger, but I rolled lame score setup so I was stuck either putting an 8 in Con or playing a dwarf instead. I wasn't rolling for stats in order, I was assigning them, but I think I didn't want to end up with low strength or something. So I played a dwarf ranger with Strength 13 Dex 13 Con 11 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 7. Pretty much the worst ranger stats ever, but I did get a lot of skill points. First adventure was tracking down some kobold vandals (this was my dad DMing for me). Then added my brother and his wizard to the party. This wizard got into melee a lot, and was the first in the party to kill someone in a single blot (he rolled two 20s in a row then confirmed, and rolled a 5 for damage with his staff, and had 12 Strength, so he ended up doing 18 damage to a monk sent to steal the wand we retrieved, killing him instantly). We did a few more adventures, left off for 10 years, and recently started playing again.

If true, that must have been awkward back then but I just find that hilarious.

>I just hid in the forest and climbed trees

Viable option.

My first GM experience went kinda like this
trudged through character creation with my friends (2 of whom were first timers)
one made an orc barbarian that was basically Korgoth of Barbaria
One tried to make a sorc who was basically the most charming guy ever
and the third made a 5 year old human fighter (evenly spread stats) who smoked a lot of weed.

Our first session ended with the sorc freezing random thug solid then Sir Bluntsalot tried to teabag him, but he rolled a one so his balls got stuck to the thugsicle

I tried to remember it but honestly it's a blur.
>5 high school buds decide 4e sounds cool.
>None of us really get it. Everyone is built like shit except one guy who doesn't have a stat below 15.
>There was a press ganging initiated by the druid, a lot of accidental self harm, a rigged barfight and a "groove bonus" involving a disco ball and a remix of a Touhou song.
>The entire time I felt like I should've tried harder to make a better character.
>I also felt like our DM should've tried harder to make a better plot.
>Find the shards of MacGuffin
>Not even joking
>Still had a good time
>Moved on to DMing from there.

>accidental selfharm


Let me put it this way, I'm the reason summoner is now banned by our DM

Do you mind telling the story. I'm kind of curious.

GM had about 7 different GMPCs going at the same time once

My first experience was with the original AD&D the year it came out. I just got out of 'Nam, and I was catching up with my old friends and new. Thought it'd be fun, and here I am now, playing 5e with my grandchildren.

It was our first session of pathfinder, no one including the DM had played before and for some stupid reason I insisted on playing a summoner. Now at this point I didn't know enough about the game to really make the crazy martial eclipsing combat monster eidolons that DM usually complain about, I didn't know how to make one period the real problem was how much it bogged down the game combined with how little anyone understood the mechanics it extended and already long winded session into an all night slog. The end result was a small sized serpent eidolon that could do between fuck and all pick related, a half-elf summoner who grappled enemies with a man-catcher, and a CN gnomish alchemist who was so apathetic that by the end of the night he would nuke anyone who approached us if they showed even the slightest hint of extending the story's run time.

Was like 15 or 16 or something. Younger brother was 13 or 14, and played an AD&D game after school as part of a "gaming" club that middle schoolers had.

Talked me into spending my allowance on a 3.0 D&D starter kit that was at Barnes and Nobles. It had all the basic rules, couple of modules up to lvl 5, and a stack of basic monsters to fight.

Looked like fun. Was a jock guy at the time, but played Baldurs Gate so I said I'd Dm.

We literally just made shit up as we went along. Didn't play the modules, didn't read the rules half the time, just didd whatever sounded fun. Was crazy as hell. Little mini campaign I made off the top of my head ended with them hunting down a displacer beast that was just running around killing people.

Man. What I wouldn't give to have that sort of feeling again of trying this for the first time and looking forward to it after school.

it was not the very first but at age 9-10 i played CoC. The adventure was about a shadow monster and us stuck in a dark cellar.
Couldnt sleep for a while

Yes you are.

Someone told me to do it because they thought it would be fun given how insane I got when acting. First sessions was pretty fun, but my character wasn't very good at combat so it ended up with me dying because I didn't understand that the bard wasn't good with getting stabbed.

unit, rot?

When I was 8 or so and just old enough to play games by the rules

>my dad's traveler group is in a bar
>not much is happening, and not much has happened for a few sessions
>my dad lets me take over an npc the players are playing cards with
>in walks an "organization" that the players have pissed off in the past
>one of them starts talking about how they would finally get their just revenge
>he get's about 1 sentence or so in when I announce "I shot him in the face
>rolled a crit
>I blow the leader out of his shoes
>bar fight ensues
>the morons actually thought this would be a knife fight

Was fairly late to the show actually. Didn't have my first table top experience until well after highschool, when the idea of being a NEERRRD had stopped being a matter of discomfort and I'd matured enough to realize I didn't give a fuck what chad and his girlfriend from shop class thought about me anymore.

Played a two-session Rogue Trader campaign. A shot tree people with a laser gun, then got blown up when most of the party was down and I told the only survivor it was fine with me if he shot my hand-flamer's extra fuel tank. It was a good time.

Then I spent 5 years playing fucking pathfinder and holy shit I'd like to play literally anything else please.

Four of us used the WoD rules to RP a zombie uprising in our uni just to get used to the rules. Our characters were each other.

First proper session that I got to make my own character and play in. My knowledge hoarding mage was the closest thing there was to Lawful good within the party, and he was only True Neutral, everyone else was Chaotic, Evil, or both. This being a two hour long oneshot, the DM rolled with it. Highlights include; getting into a fight in on orphanage, every attack accidentally killing an orphan regardless of what we rolled, even if we hit an enemy as well, an enemy necromancer raising all of the orphans to fight us, all of the orphans combining into undead mecha orphan, Chaotic Evil teammate turning into a dragon to defeat undead mecha orphan and take over world, every other player turning against the dragon.

Bullshit murderhobo oneshots are a great way to get all of the game wrecking shit out of your system.

>Our characters were each other.
How did that work?

I forgot Asians can do that