Character art thread

Last thread.








Moving onto single portraits. Any requests?











Woodland Creatures
















Gimme wizards

Wizards incoming!




Wouldn't happen to have a shy/cowardly/subdued ranger type, preferably human or elf and male, would ya?


Shy and cowardly tend to not be well represented in rangers from what I can tell, but I'll see what I can find.





Yeah. Can't find many rangers that fit that criteria at all. My apologies.

Excellent. This is close enough for what I need. I wasn't coming up with anything except the cliche hunkster stuff. Makes it a bit harder to make a character fit their playstyle.

Hiding in the wilds. Only associating with animals. Silently watching other people instead of interacting. Only engaging from stealth at range. ForestNEET.

Glad to be of service.


Looking for 'I've seen a lot of shit' sort of male characters, tattered clothes, looking in disrepair. With face tattoo's would be great.





>thicc orc

Mage Knights. Or Spellswords. Or anything that would be a close synonym woyld be much appreciated.


forgot the image lul

got a few for ya



Reposting from last thread. Anyone have that pic of Krieg from BL2 but as a gnoll? I've been searching for the last half hour and I can't find the blighter anywhere.





I think that's all my character art karma done for the day

I need monks, brawlers, and unarmed/characters with fist weapons that would fit Exalted. Glowy weapons, detailed armor/weapons, flashy things.

I've got some warriors and masked characters I can dump, if anyone's interested.

Sounds good, user!

Any female bards?

That's an elf.

>half orc
I'm pretty lax when it comes to female Orc designs, I like my thick Orcish amazons more than anyone, but I at least demand some fucking minuscule tusks to differentiate them green elves.




Requesting druids and other lovers of nature.


Any more specifics?



















