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I'm vegan.

This again?

Just ignore the troll.

Angel, enhanced intelligence, ten million dollars.
Disease immunity would allow me to safely travel across the globe helping people who need it. Hopefully my dumb self could do something useful with the ten million once the int. buff hits. If not, well, I'm sure I could pair up with one charity organization or another to make the most of it.

>Enhanced intelligence
>Illusion magic
>Portal to a fantasy world
Time to become a cross-dimension trader that helps people.


>Appearance Change
>Enhanced Intelligience
>Portal to a Fantasy World

Be qt naga. Travel to fantasy land. Hopefully with increased intelligence can learn adventurer skills. Become qt naga adventurer.

I came too late to see what was deleted. What was posted?

Metal Elemental
Enhanced Intelligence
$10 million

I'm functionally immortal, but I can still assume a fairly humanoid shape, presumably becoming android/robot like with practice. No real drawbacks like losing my legs, having to only do good, or needing to fuck people.

Presumably I can discard unused material I assimilate, so I won't grow infinitely large either.

>Sex Change (back to male)
>Enhanced Intelligence
>Illusion Magic

>having only to do good
Not doing net evil, at least. It's a pretty big difference.

>needing to fuck people
Meh. I do this anyway, so it wouldn't be such a huge imposition. Angel is just a better package overall.

>Enhanced Intelligence
>Ten million dollars
>Appearance Change

Angel is literally the best race out of all of the options presented.

Posting this again for more feedback and suggestions.

Currently working to turn Monster Hunter CYOA into something playable. Any and all ideas are greatly appreciated.

ikr? I'm a consummate horndog and I really tried to like Succubus/Incubus, but it's just too inferior to Angel.

I will never recover from this horrendous revelation.

whoa I was gonna go Naga for 2 dicks and immortality but my tail wouldn't be long enough to let met "stand up" I don't think, I thought it was 3/4 of a snakes length has to remain on the ground to lift any of it upright?

if that's not an issue then Naga, partner, portal, and ten million dollars to take advantage of the portal with please and thank you.

Yeah, twice as tall as you? Come on. Fool author obviously never spent any time in Monmusu threads. Learned a lot about snake physiology and horse anuses from those fellows.

I'm detecting a lot of self-satisfaction in this post, but that's impossible, because the actual content of the post is nothing but a shameful implication

No need to sleep? Sign me the hell up!
>Enhanced Intelligence
Maybe a better brain will make me better at life.
>Portal to a fantasy world
I might be able to learn a spell their.
>Ten million Dollars
Investing and charity.

Basic idea is for me to help everybody, either through action or donations. The money is a great asset; Simply Investing it in dividend yielding stock will net me a comfortable life for a long time, as well as a venue for emergency strength.

Oh, I'm aware. But having tasted the fruit of the knowledge of good and horse anus why not spread the good news?

It's really hard to judge without any knowledge of the basic actions or system of resolution. It seems that dice are being rolled, but what kinds, in what quantities, when? Is this intended for board play or table play?

Tried making a system a while ago but got distracted. Here are some numbers that might help in adapting the CYOA. (You should really be considering these.)

Total stat points from board: 51
Total skill point cost of board: 90
Average stat point return per skill point: 0.5667
Average stat point return per skill point pool: 11.3333
Average stat point gain per stat after skills: 2.2667

Base average: 2
Max gain: 10
Spike stat average: 12
Max value: 14

Base average: 2.25
Max gain: 11
Spike stat average: 13.25
Max value: 14

Base average: 2.75
Max gain: 16
Spike stat average: 18.75
Max value: 20

Base average: 2.25
Max gain: 5
Spike stat average: 7.25
Max value: 10

Base average: 2.75
Max gain: 9
Spike stat average: 11.75
Max value: 13

Total stat points from class: 12
Average stat value before skills: 2.4
Average stat value after skills: 4.6667
Average stat value after skills with stat blessing: 5.2667

God this is some fucked up shit.

>Sign me the hell up!
Enjoy your new succubutt, Mr. Sucubus.

Illusion Magic
Portal to Fantasy Realm
Ten Million Dollars

Use illusion magic to keep living my life. Ten million dollars because all of my yes. Portal to fantasy realm for shenanigans.


Is there any reason to doubt that fantasy naga bodies have the right muscle strength and mass to balance properly? We are already accepting it's proportionally stronger and heavier if we want to get past cube square law.

Played on Veeky Forums once done. Uses d10s for playerside rolling of both the hunter and their bounties. Action Dies are d10s a turnto represent the speed of actions taken (Skill), with monsters having set numbers of die, sustainable wounds, and resistances. d10s are crit-hits (double damage) for hunters, d10s are crit-failed dodges of enemy attacks. Haven't quite gotten to team play yet but plan for "massive bounties" or something handled GM side. These numbers are a great help for sure. Definitely makes me re-evaluate how many of each stat give additional dice, which helps me finish out that for the core mechanics.

Combat will be somewhat empty, but the idea is for players to rack up bounties and points to win small-ish prizes like extra skill points or more TP for an expanded buy system. Though it's all speculation since I'm translating from Bliss's game still.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Eh, even knowing all that I just don't find the concept of being an angel that appealing.

>Enhance intelligence
>Portal to the Earth Bet in the wormverse
>Ten million dollars

I'm going to try my hardest and inevitably fail to make a difference.

CYOA with cute boys


When you make it, of course.

What the heck are spike stat averages?

>kitsune are always female

Unless I'm missing something, I don't think sex change can work with that choice.

You really should get to team play since most hunts are going to involve teams. That's the nature of board play.

Intelligence is really fun because you can do something like using it as the minimum value for rolls. That stability might make magic a risky thing for most, but in the hands of a mage it is a very reliable tool. This comes at the cost of being extremely hard to spec in anything else.

The Strength and Defense values appear to make for a "defense wins" system. Agility hints at evasion being its own separate subsystem in which everyone participates, because of how frequently it is obtained. This makes sense for Monster Hunter in general - you just don't want to get hit in that game. If you want it to compete with Skill, then it also makes sense that the system is very defense-oriented. You'll have to come up with a high risk high reward relationship if you want to go down this path, or redefine what it means to get attacked and/or hit.

If you don't want these relationships, you will probably need to do some legwork in adapting the numbers to meet your needs. Don't forget that this game should have a huge focus on preparation. Tribute/coins and threat exist for a reason. Combat as war isn't that fun to play out, but it is more conducive to board play than table play. You should really consider putting a lot of effort into inventory.

Other subsystems you need to implement due to the CYOA's wording:
>Stealth and perception
>Disparate magic, psionics
>Long term state tracking (health)
>Economy, probably

This is not an easy or expedient CYOA to adapt.

Average class-based stat value + max stat gains. Essentially the average value of someone who specializes in that stat.

Class doesn't mean much except for Strength and Intelligence. This is also a very convenient relationship for the design.

Blink is for escape only? I've made atleast two builds that utilize Blink as a gapcloser. It has tremendous utility that is now removed altogether. Otherwise so far so good I guess.

Cannot load this cyoa without the tab crashing; had to download it.

That's kind of misleading for defense, as the max defense requires a steep investment in the intelligence tree for the +3 Defense from Mage Armour.

Realistically speaking, a defensive build would more likely go the physical tree root for the +5 defense from iron mass than go down the intelligence tree.

Also does those values include the attribute blessing bonuses?

Yeah, multiplay is something that needs to be touched on as soon as the skill list is done, and I think thanks to the stat numbers provided, that bit is waaaaay sooner rather than later.

Intelligence, especially on mages, is going to be fun because carrying the right elements means you can do massive damage on monsters with elemental weaknesses. Magic adds another level to gameplay that makes carrying a rainbow mage in the party a very rewarding decision.

Hunters are naturally squishy and will, without DEF investment, be 1HKO'd. Meaning you either need support or good luck. AGI and DEF are effectively the same coin, with agility lowering monster hit chance, and def ensuring you soak damage. Though even with DEF investment, you aren't going to have a huge wound threshold. Part of the game (at least without a party) is taking risks for larger rewards. I'll eventually expand the monster list somewhere down the line, with enemies that are even more obnoxious to deal with than dragons that require either a party or insane luck to deal with, with rewards to compensate.

I think the current numbers work well with the end goal, but I definitely need to adapt to them.

As for subsystems:
>Stealth and Perception
Planned hunt/surprise attack mechanic for looking for nonspecific or event monsters.
Good point. I don't presently have equipment implemented, but that's something down the line. Hopefully more people will hop on board the project and assist with that. Poison will likely either add new elemental weaknesses, remove resistances, or deal wounds/turn.
>Disparate magic
Something I'm hazy/lazy about adding. I know it's something I'll have to get to eventually, but it would likely require a new tree for it, which has new balancing issues.
Etc. baby steps.

I actually had some worry about this. I'll probably have it increase the liability of engaging monsters when scouting and possibly a bonus to surprise attacks or something of that nature.

Dangit, Wizard. How the heck did that happen? Ah well, it's still pretty cool.

>RACE: Naga
Hiss hiss. I am snek.

>BOONS: Invisibility, Partner, Enhanced Intelligence

This is gonna be neat.

Defense is a huge investment if you want every bit of it, perhaps even moreso than intelligence. Not sure if there is really any pull for a "high defense" build as opposed to "THE WALL" and "if I get any it's nice." Maybe a tiered defense system would work best, sort of like how Etho's system seems to work currently.

None of the values include the attribute blessing bonuses. That's basically a wildcard and it's a pain to take it into account, but yes it can really screw with the values present. I don't care enough to measure it against the prevalence of people taking that blessing over the other ones. Test it as an edge case rather than plan for it?

Honestly I wouldn't put too much weight into the stats. As demonstrated, the system is much more centered around the utility of the skills. There are plenty that don't grant stat points and Bliss mentioned how that's intentional given their utility value. If I had to start making a system, I would start with figuring out how actions and interpretations might blend as opposed to rooting the entire thing around a rolled resolution system. Abstracting the utility is a bitch because the excitement of the build system is mostly in the exceptional interpretations of the skills and combinations.

That's the issue. As a CYOA it's a lot of "this ability can do X Y or Z", limited only by interpretation and imagination. When playing the game en mass and on board, and not with 3-4 people, it becomes more difficult to interpret unique actions, especially if the player is tracking their progress against the monster as they roll against it. I mentioned earlier that a big part of the game is tracking hunters comparatively, with a lot of the emphasis on ranking/risk-taking.

> Earth Elemental.
> Enhanced Intelligence
> Illusion Magic
> Fantasy Portal


Exactly the same, but incubus

>signing the hell up
>not reading
Typical demon.

Well shit, now you've got me looking into continuing development. Scrapping what I had a year ago and starting with a core that centers around interpretations and the management of resources.

I tried to tweak , a bit, but I ended up making an entirely new system. There might be something wrong with me.

Base Stat Array = 4/2/2/2/1. Rather than classes, just arrange at will, and place an additional point anywhere.

Initial stats:
Max Mana = Magical Attack = Mental Defense = Int
Evasiveness = Speed = 5+Agi
HP = 5+Def
Max Stamina = 10
Attack = Str
Defense = Def
Accuracy = Skl

Attack: 1d10 + Accuracy vs. Evasiveness
Tens explode, ones implode (max. 2 extra rolls)
Damage: Base of Attack, ±1 for every 3 points difference in (Accuracy roll + Attack) vs. (Def + Evasiveness)
>allows for grazing or critical shots
Remainder is removed from HP
Ex. Str 5 Skl 5 attacker rolls 10, (+)1, (-)1 (=15) vs. Def 5 Agi 5 defender
(15 + 5) - (10 + 5) = 5, so attack deals 1 extra damage. Defender takes 6 damage, has 4 HP left.

Block: Uses one action to add $NUMBER to to Defense for one damage calculation
Dodge: Uses one action to add $NUMBER to Evasiveness for one damage calculation

One point of Stamina can be used to add +1 Attack or Defense for one physical Attack, Block, or Dodge action.
Two can be spent instead of one point of mana, and three may be spent to gain an additional action.

Detriment: decreases one stat by one point per level past the first
Level 1 INT detriment has no mechanical effect, level 2 INT detriment decreases effective INT by 1 until healed, etc.
Nonbasic detriments (Accuracy, Mental Defense, etc) have different mechanics?
0 in a base stat is fragile but active, negative is incapacitated.

Proficiency: Add Proficiency score to Accuracy when using that weapon, or to Evasion when using that armor.

Still doesn't have an initiative or combat speed system, though.

Some of the easier skills to convert:
Toughness - [+1 Defense, +1 HEAVY ARMOR proficiency]
Martial Arts - [+1 Skill, +1 FIST proficiency]
Flurry - [+1 Agility, gain FLURRY technique (1 Stamina cost, may make up to five additional attacks at double Accuracy penalty — 2 attacks each at -2 Accuracy, 4 attacks at -6, 6 attacks at -10)]
Athletics - [+1 Agility, +1 UNARMORED ARMOR proficiency]
T3 (Requires Willpower)
Enhanced - [+1 Strength, +2 Speed]
T4 (Requires Willpower)
Overdrive - [+5 Strength and +5 Speed for 1 action, but lose 2 HP or take 1 level of Str or Agi detriment]
Iron Mass - [+5 Defense while sustained, but lose 1 Stamina per round]
Nullification - [All active spells affecting or touching you lose 5 mana per round, and all spells cast at you act as if 5 mana less powerful. (Spells with less than 0 mana are dispelled) Costs 2 Stamina per round]

Catalysts - [+1 Skill, +1 CATALYST Proficiency]

If I were making it into an RPG, I think you hit the nail on the head. But again, en mass, you have to assume that players can't always keep up with every nook and cranny of the system. Thus no proficiencies as of yet. More numbers doesn't always help. I do see a lot of great stuff in this system I will likely pull and look at.

Thanks a lot for all of this great advice everybody!

Intuitively speaking, modelling the universe is an exercise in futility. However if you're set on going down that path, good luck and I look forward to what you come up with.

I thought it was pretty elegant, myself. Any specifics I can read later?

I tried to make it so that CYOA builds would be directly legal in the RPG, but I haven't done any playtesting whatsoever. Also, going to sleep now.

Someone posted the skill caps up above, and I think recognizing the limitations of stats in relation to the system is key. You also want to look out for the fact monsters should be >>> players. While hunters feature incredible power, there should be a lot of room for error. That's a big part of defining enemy stats in both my system and yours. Even with the hunter prepared, a monster should have some chance to win, being the behemoths that they are. I think that giving room for player creativity and maneuvers is something your system could allow for (being an RPG centered one) but mine could not. Classes could remain rigid, if you wanted to tack on a "Class Perk (or Ability)" like I eventually plan to do.

*attribute caps
My mistake.

Anyways, off to bed. Will resume going through skills tomorrow and re-evaluating attribute:gameplay point rates.

Succubi, Partner, Portal and Apperance Change.

Angel, Appearance (assuming permanence if not, intelligence), empathy, partner.

>tfw write fifteen pages of cyoa before remembering you're a talentless fuck who can't even use the paint tool.

Some things were not meant to be.

If you give it to me, I can make something in GIMP? How's that?

post it. If it's good I'll do it for you fag

No user. I need to see this through to the end.

I'm just venting my frustration because I spent the last five hours watching tutorials on youtube and I still don't understand anything.

I'm sure that as soon as I have a more solid grasp on these things I'll be able to get this done right and well. I want to make this exactly as I saw it in my mind.

Thank you for your offer though, it was just what I needed to get my ass off the ground and back to the tutorial vidoes.

You're welcome.

Race: Incubus

Illusion magic - Probably useful for seducing people

Portal to a fantasy world - A private and beautiful place to "feed" or just to have fun in

Partner - An elder succubus who sees me as her apprentice/boytoy/pet.

If anything user, this random internet asshole believes in you user. Release your OC when its ready. It be very next day, next month or even next year, there will always be some faggot on here to look and make builds for it and some asshole to complain, bitch and whine about your cyoa.

We're always here user.

SDA linked his photoshop files. Open them and mess around if you want to learn. Hell tomorrow I can link mine if you want.


Question, can I use it on myself? To what extent? If I work in tandem with other Blue/Green users, or a single very skilled one, could we go so far as to alter my very cellular makeup?

Could I alter my brain's construction or chemistry to make myself smarter or more confident? Could I change my physical sex? What about whether I have straight or curly hair? The rate at which I burn fat or gain muscle?

What are the limits here?




Shit man, I don't know; I didn't make it.

I'd say yes, and if not the lore provided says there are others, so if not you, then someone else can do it to you.

Wait people still play WoW?

>tfw Italics didn't deliver

Neat. And Blue/Green users would probably be in high demand, seeing how much cosmetic surgeons make these days.

Actually, Green in general seems to have a ton of the most broadly applicable options.

Red/Green here. Can confirm Green has broad applications.

>Heal people's wounds and diseases with White/Green, maybe even get rid of cancer or genetic disorders (wording is vague)

>Reshape animals and people into whatever they want to be or even change your body and your brain with Blue/Green

>Red/Green yourself if you're attacked, then have a White/Blue on hand to calm you down

>Black/Green plastic and other things that don't normally biodegrade quickly to break them down faster than nature could ever hope to, clean up the landfills and the Pacific Garbage Patch

This CYOA is neat, but the very concept makes me chuckle.

>expecting not to be cucked by a cuck

I don't think that's how that fetish works.

All cucks are secretly biding their times.Wolves taking the guise of dogs to approach before baring their fangs and tearing your throat out.

page 2 someday

Angel is clearly the best, but otherwise:

Sex change
Portal to fantasy world
Illusion Magic

I do worry that the angel is overpowered. That being said, it's implied the Succubus is immortal, too.

You'd love this cyoa.

god i hope its soon

Alright, here's my stab at something. The play isn't really closed yet because the speed/action mechanics aren't in yet. Also necessary are guidelines on how to interpret things - the bulk of work will be here. Hopefully what's there hints well enough at where the system is headed.

would you like to see the progress on it? I started yesterday but I'm sick as a dog so it's been slow.

Sure, why not?

Show us, Rosanon!

>Ragnaros is clearly White/Red

If I may suggest something could you add a perk that gives you perfect health. If I'm starting over from age three as a girl I should really be able to have perfect eyesight instead the shit I'll develop.

definitely would like to see

It's depressing knowing that will never be true.


Here you go, then.

As to that health suggestion, I'll give it to you for free. You shouldn't have to pay for something like that in a CYOA like this.

Oh and I suppose this is the actual last chance to suggest something you'd like to see on here.

how are you going to list how many petals each gives you? there doesnt seem to be a lot of room for that

What do you think the space between the image placeholders and text are for?

You can do this Or look in my photoshop tutorials folder.

Or, use a simpler program and make basic graphics. No one's asking you to be an artist.

>Heh. My guardian angel, huh?

>Even after all the arguments with my mother, the spats online, the time I tried (and failed) to choke another kid because he cheated at foosball? You still believe in me?

>That makes one of us. But it's rude to refuse a gift, and there's only so long I can go on trying to talk like an edgelord before everyone starts feeling awkward. Listen, tell the little lady something when she gets here, alright?

>Tell her to be the best she can be. Tell her... tell her to do it for 'dear old dad.'

>Transformation: Instant Girl

This won't take long. Blink and you'll miss it. Just lemme make sure nobody's watching so she doesn't have to explain anything later.

>Physique: Athletic (free), Outrageous (150), Massive (140), Overwhelming (125), Amazon (110)

She's a big girl, huh? More than one way. Nice and strong, nice and safe. Even a boxer.

>Sexuality: The Power Of Yuri (free), In-Charge (100), Powerful (free)

A lot more comfortable with it than I ever was. Funny, that.

>Identity: Terminus Est (80), Continue (free), Ore (70), Butterfly (60)

And to think everyone'll think it was always this way. That's hilarious.

>Extras: Refuse Change (40), Flawless Skin (30), Feeling Fresh (20), Hair Affair (15), Menstrual Cancel (0)

That kind of power. It's a charmed life she'll live. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think - I think it's about time I went to sleep, don't you?

>Custom World


>Love Interest

Just live out eternity in a gloomy gothic world of my own creation, without memory, time, or worry. Sharing the millenia with my true love, forever wrapped up in each other and in the beautiful but dark emotions of our little world.

What compels you to keep doing this and talking like that, in spoilers, like you're trying to sound edgy?