Age of Sigmar General

"Sigmar forge golden booty" edition


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First for Nurgle!

2nd for lord of the keks

Female stormcast eternals confirmed

I thought they always existed?

Have they killed off the goblins?


Nah, they are just Grots (normal goblins), Moonclan Grots (Night Goblins), and Grots (Gnoblars dont even rate a new name i guess... and i liked them the best...).
Rumor has it SKY PIRATE GROTS could be in the works, aka that thing I spend all my money on.

They have, but they were only really ever mentioned vaguely. Hopefully we will get more of a taste into them.

I don't like painting same models or gluing another 16 dryads together which took me days... what should I get after my starting box? I really like the kurnoth hunters with bows. a solid addition to building a sylvaneth army?

Am I the only that thinks an all female chamber would be fucking cool?

I doubt it will happen because they're intermingled with the existing chambers but still.

Reckon I've got any chance of them releasing a start collecting Moonclan Grots box in the future?

Kurnoth hunters are a great addition user. Any weapon option kicks ass.

If you have $165 USD you should wait for the new Battleforce boxes that are coming out soon, they are insane value

because currently I only have the treelord ancient as anyone with a shooting capability. I play tested my army along with 3 kurnoth hunters from a friend and I completely annihilated a stormcast army. both of us were noobs though. but I realllyyy enjoyed this army and how it functions.

when is this coming out?

To be honest, no.
Unless they hit the faction with a battletome, no chance of start collecting.
But when they get one, they will get some new models... hot air ballon pirate ship, with DOOM DIVER GROT CANNONS, and PIRATE HATS....
I just came.

Probably sometime early december

It's a shame, I quite want to get some AoS stuff to try it all out, but I'm not really crazy about any of the new boxes they have. What I'd like is either some updated Elves or Goblins.

anyone got the sylvaneth dice? they look swag

well, it would not be too hard to ebay some used night goblins if you wanted some for cheap.
Also, two words:
They just rape, and the model isnt going out of style anytime soon.
If you want elves (i'm not using aelfs, because thats fucking stupid) join the que.... everyone seems to be waiting on them, and the only two realms they havent explored yet are the two realms of the Not High Elves and Not Dark Elves

What warscroll would Duncan "Thin your paints" Rhodes have?

Yeah I mean they're still selling the old models on GW but just feel like I want something new... Or more I don't want to buy some then they release new models for them. I dunno.

But yeah, waiting on Not High Elves to come out really, and hopefully they don't look shit.

after that workout video, he will wound on a 6+, at most.
Bravery 10 (for showing his scrawny arms on the interwebs for ridicule, forever)

besides one or two fyreslayers models, the new stuff from AoS was looked pretty good. I think GW knows the pressure is on for Elves, and isnt going to let the intern just fuck around on CAD for them.

165 usd for this box is insane. its almost %75 of the stuff for free.

> 75%!!!1!! OFF
alright easy there red shirt. Its all hovering around the mid to high 40s.

Skaven 1000 points

Skaven Walord -100
Warlock Engineer -100
Clanrats x 40 -240
Clanrats x 40 -240
Warpfire Thrower -60
Warpfire Thrower -60
Poison Wind Thrower -60
Poison Wind Thrower -60
Ratling Gun Engine Team -80

Take the Lord of War trait to boost my hordes or ratling gun when I need it, and Crown of Chaos to keep my rats from fleeing en mass. Should be able to tarpit nd spear down anythong I need to while my mortal wound engines get in optimal range.


Kurnoth Hunters - $58 x2
Tree Revenants - $37 x2
Treelord - $61
Drycha - $60

Total: $311
Savings: 47% off retail price

Stormcast is a little better value

Celestant Prime - $80
Knight Azyros - $40
Liberators - $50 x2
Paladins - $58
Dracoth Guard - $65

Total: $343
Savings: 52% off retail

3rd of December

I really love Stormcast. Any idea when the next chamber will be unlocked?

Can someone give a quick run down on what battletomes and warscrolls are about?

If you played 40k, this will be easy.

A battletome is a codex
A warscroll is a data slate or unit entry
A battalion is a formation
A battleplan is a scenario/mission
The general's handbook is the rulebook, that just also happens to have all the points for everything in one handy tome

So you don't actually need battletome's since you have the handbook?

pretty much. The only battletome that i would say is a must for their army at the moment is the sylvaneth.

The battletomes provide the warscrolls (which are available for free on the website and app), but also the battalions, which are not for free (paid for on the app). The newer battletomes also include alegiance abilities, which are like army special rules.

The handbook just provides points for everything, not rules for battalions.

Warscrolls are the rules for your model. They tell you everything you need to know about how that model works in a single page. These can be found free in the AOS phone app or on the GW website.

Battalions are groups of models together in specific arrangemenets that give special bonuses. You can find them in various published books, or you can buy them in the AOS app.

Battletomes are a collection of warscrolls, Battalions, fluff, and special battle scenarios for a specific faction.

Recent battletomes (Sylvaneth, Bonesplitterz, Beastclaw Raiders) also include Allegiance bonuses for playing only models in that faction, like special abilities for your general, artifacts for heroes, and spells for your wizards.

Battletomes are only useful if you want to double down on playing a single faction. They are not a mandatory purchase like a Warhammer 40,000 Codex.

I am confused about the novels. Is there an order to read them in?


You, I like you.

Beastclaw Raiders and Bonesplitterz, too. Other than that you are absolutly right, though.

I'm glad they've put out more battletomes to that level though. Sylvaneth seemed like the level of choice that AOS needs.

why are the other tomes useless?

Not entirely useless.They're nice books, and include all the battalions. Just sylvaneth (and possibly a few others) have shit like new spells and artifacts for that faction.

sylvaneth, beastclaw raiders, and bonesplitters have the additional alegiance abilities and artefacts and stuff in addition to the battalions

A while ago there was a rumor about Stormcast Wizards, but that might well have been the Lord-Veritant.
Otherwise, so far we had *some* form of Stormcast release about every half year or so, so maybe 1st or 2nd quarter 2017?

No, they can go in the bin in any order you choose.

since I have the start collecting sylvaneth I am thinking of going gnarloot wargrove.

I can build the household battalion but I have the treelord ancient and not treelord. can I still build this battalion as the wargrove's rule says it must be an ancient and not treelord?

if so I think this wargrove would be the quickest/cheapest one for me to build with just getting revenants.

Considering how in love /aosg/ was with the Sylvaneth battletome when it was released, that was probably the right call.

Na, its gotta be a treelord. I think theres another that allows an ancient instead of the normal one? I'll look it up for now. Just use him as an common garden Treelord, only spergs will care that hes made up as an ancient.

the cover and art inside and quality is just so beautiful to pass

>A Gnarlroot Wargrove must contain the following:
• 1 Household battalion
(must contain Treelord Ancient instead of Treelord)

so what's this mean?

That's the one i was looking for. it means to use the gnarlroot wargove, you have to take a household battalion, but instead of a treelord in it, its gotta be a treelord ancient. They're swapped out in this special case.

yeah so since I got the ancient and a branychwitch I only need a revenant unit to build this wargrove yes? plus my dryads from the box.

Yes, you could run that and get your order wizard without giving up your sylvaneth allegiance.

Here's a little something about my dudes in AoS.
Haven't shared a link like this in a while, so tell me if it's not working.

what would u recommend for the order wizard?

Personally i'm thinking of taking Sisters of the thorn. Mostly because i love the models. but their buff on Dryads could be nice.

I got a Spellweaver from the Wood Elves so I guess I can use that and it would fit more or less.

And I don't understand what is a battleline?

Battleline is your "core" choices. Like in 8th or your 2 troops in 40k. Some units have "battleline" in their profile in the generals hand book where the points costs are. In AOS matched play you've got to take the minimum battleline units shown. i think 1000 points is 2.

Sisters are fucking brutal with Dryads. A buffed dryad unit in cover save with a rerollable 3+ and every 4+ is a mortal wound against the attacker. Also the -1 to hit.

can you field a "unit" of Order Wizard or just 1 wizard model?

Nice work put in there friend!

Nice trips by the way.

Also, English isn't my first language, so please disregard any grammatical errors that you may find.

If they come in a unit then you can field it. Sisters of the thorn are a unit that counts as a wizard. You could take a wizard on griphon or the elf wizard on a dragon too. If the warscoll has a magic bit to it and they're order, you can take it. But it can only be one thing. be it hero, monster or warmachine.

Sylvaneth gain a lot from staying pure. Making all your summoned Wildwoods free rather than 40 points each is a big deal. Plus you get access to the Sylvaneth specific allegiance stuff and battleline revenants.

Yes please

yeah but you can get one order wizard in the wargrove we are talking about user read the posts.

thanks man! I think I will go with the sisters too for sure. so beautiful models and very thematic for the sylvaneth army.

So? You'd get the battalion bonuses but I believe you'd still lose Sylvaneth allegiance since every model in your army is no longer Sylvaneth.

Nope. If a Battalion has a keyword every unit inside it count as part of the allegiance.

Good to know.

I've said in the last thread, we just need a 3rd party bits maker to do female stormcast eternal chests. That's it. All they need to do is 2 sizes: the smaller which is used by liberators, prosecutors, judicators and some of the heroes, and the bigger one used by the paladins and the knight-vexillor, among others I'm sure.

They would still be usable with the arms and legs and other bits just fine. Then some makers need to do head variants, whether they be more feminine heads, or just some creative different types for those who just don't want the traditional sigmarine ones.

I'd buy it.

Page 156 – Allegiance Abilities, Allegiance
Add the following to the end of the second paragraph:
‘The allegiance abilities you choose will apply for the
duration of the battle.
When picking your army’s allegiance abilities, all units
in a warscroll battalion are considered to have the
allegiance listed above the title on the warscroll. For
example, the Guardians of Alarielle warscroll battalion
includes both Sylvaneth and Stormcast Eternals units,
and has ‘Sylvaneth’ listed as its allegiance above the
battalion’s title. This means that all of the Stormcast
Eternals units in the battalion are considered to have
the Sylvaneth allegiance when it comes to choosing
allegiance abilities. An army otherwise made up of
Sylvaneth units which included this battalion could
choose the Sylvaneth or Order allegiance abilities, but
the Stormcast Eternals from this battalion wouldn’t
benefit from the Sylvaneth allegiance abilities, as they
don’t have the Sylvaneth keyword.’


The sheer amount of spells you can do as well is pretty scary even with the three rules of one in effect.

Hey, haven't been on here in a while. Are people still only playing sigmarines, sylvaneth, beastclaw, and khorne? Seriously, before I took a break, I hadn't seen a skaven in months

I feel like all other factions are actively being played to some degree at least. For example I play beastmen and Nurgle rotbringers

That's good to hear then. My place still only plays sylvaneth and beastclaw, while I'm that weird skaven player

I've seen a fair amount of death. And my shop has at least one Fyreslayers player.

While in my shop a lot of people plays "new" armies that's because many are WHFB veterans and already have one or more old armies, so there is actually a lot of variety as at any given time you have someone playing his new army and someone playing the old.

Any skaven?

Yeah. Both Skryre focused and Pestilens focused.

Any decent plastic or just less expensive options for Skyre Acolytes or Warplock Jezzails?

My store is Chaos/Undead dominated, I run Pestilens and starting to work on my Molder. We have one other Skaven guy sometimes, One beastclaw, 2 Flesh-eaters and a Death-rattle. Sometimes you see Ironjawz and savage orcs. If you see Order it's only ever Stormcast

Convert Stormvermin to hold orbs and shit.For jezzails use kroot-rifles on clanrats with built-up clan-shields for the pavise

Nice work user!
Does anyone else have stuff like this to share? Beucase I love to read other people's own home brew fluff.

Yo, whereabouts can I get this mapmaking thing?

Here you go user.

Inkarnate, free website

Cool. This suddenly makes me much more interested in the upcoming Dwarves.

I have a lot of pestilens, but I'm also slowly making a nasty verminous-skryre army

What's the best way to play thanquol and boneripper? Got this fucker lying around watching my verminlords command my skaven armies

> Thinner bodies
user, fuck that. I want THICC girls. I'm talking French Revolution Fish wives THICC. Them bitches were working girls, and their job was crushing chaos between them thighs. Sigmar could barely fit them into sigmarite sized women.

I never said thin bodies. There are 2 different size of torsos for the current male stormcast eternals, that's what i was referring to.

If anything these would be muscular, more like Zarya, and less like Mei

their webapp runs super slow on my toaster

Is the battletome for the slaves of darkness the Everchosen?

Slave of Darkness have no battletome, like most of the factions.

Take the Grand Alliance Chaos if you want a printed version of your units.

If you are looking for Battalions with points, then the Grand Alliance Chaos and the PDF from the compendium have a few.

Everchosen have generic Battalions for mono-god lists which you can use, if you want.

>ordered the generals handbook online ten days ago
>should have bought from the games store, but they are very far away
>ten days later usps still hasn't received it from the seller
I've made a terrible mistake

Anyone at all?

I can't help but feel like it would be a good idea to have a Veeky Forums unified portion of the realms. Like, different people's shit bordering one another and where the realmgates for each area go between one another.