Building a Sisters army, Because I hate my bank balance

Building a Sisters army, Because I hate my bank balance.

Goal, Construct an entire army without using a single official model. So Far I have found a small selection from Wargames Exclusive and grishnak models makes a little squad of 5 sisters.

Waiting on the sisters from raging heroes too, hat should be able to fill out the troops. Anybody out there have suggestions on other figs or what to gear toward?

Till then, posting some sisters.

Mmm Off brand Saraphim.

Bloody kickstarter tripled it's funding but all I want is my bolter bitches.

Worth every penny.

Still haven't decided on a color scheme.

I am thinking I'll go with this scheme make a little Sister Theresa from the wolf and sister comic.

well good luck with that

what about rhinos and shit?


these for starters.

not bad

needs more skulls,fleur de lis, fire and gothic arches

I could add some bits an paint it up right.

Still waiting on plastic sisters before I get into Wh40k tabletop. I want them and ImpGuard vehicles.

Don't need to go overboard... but a pintle mounted battle bible can't hurt.

rumor has it that they were teased in a trash bin joke.


>no need to go overboard

I liked the look of the old sisters when they had a more subdued aesthetic. Not a pipe organ tank or a stained glass window immolater.

Need a good living saint alt

Those buttresses are pretty tame actually. They're barely flying.



Terminator nuns?


I'd be okay with the aesthetic as long as the stats were good. But fuck come on, what the fuck is with their rules?

>ow, right in the nun kink
>double ow, la muerte makeup
My dick is rapidly approving all the more.

Scions can't ride bikes, dummy

I was sold on these from the word go. I think the sudden push for plastic sisters is coming from the fact that Raging heroes raised $801,057 to make "not sisters we mean it" a fantasy version, and dark elf/eldar" all in the same batch.

That kinda money can't be ignored.

This is the inquisition, we do what the fuck we want.





They're really nice. Can't think of how I'd ever use them outside of some weird modern fantasy rpg maybe.


Fuck it i'll cal them my death cult assassins and be done with it.

Here's hoping Zealots come back.

They look fucking gr8 m8.

Is dat sum Hitman: Absolution?

>the fact that Raging heroes raised $801,057 to make "not sisters we mean it"
>That kinda money can't be ignored.

Though I'm amazed it's taken this long for that to happen, given the variety of similar projects getting (less well) funded.

Perhaps this will be a turning point in community responsiveness.

>people want their sexy fetish power nuns
>only GW doesn't know
>tfw your gf won't dress up like a nun for your sexual gratification
>maybe your side bitch will
>tfw she said no, too


Genocide dat ass, maybe.


Yes, indeed, this is me.
>and let them have white hair, bouncy tits and dat ass
>And It Was Good







This would make a great Living Saint.

Now they just have to sell it.


Fucking pudding.

Yeah, what's up with that? How do I even get this stuff? I'd like the not-Seraphim at the least.

Give them time...


It's a picture for ants but they look pretty good from what I can see. Maybe make a nice Acolyte bodyguard for a Witch Hunter.


>WarEx and Raging Heroes
>instead of that shitty, lazy Dreamforge Eisenkern bodies with ugly Statuesque heads combo

Amazing, I found the one SoB with passable taste.



What are the Raging Heroes miniatures like scale wise?

They seem a lot better proportioned than GW, but are they 28mm (to the eye) or 32mm scale?

From what I can tell they seem to be closer to 32mm but a lot of them also seem to have massive high heels which would possibly make them 28mm.


i find all of these RH sculpts tremendously ugly

they're well sculpted, no doubt, but they've got that animu-esque face (and those birds are pure John Woo), the armor is like watching an old SD show on a super-HD screen because they don't dare go full GW and they don't dare update it and move away from the core aesthetic since that would kill their sales

this one in particular tho is she supposed to be coming out of that little church or what

what's happening there

these are to GW what Greg Land is to comic books

that central one would make a better Living Saint but the rest of them are we can only assume caught mid-spasm as their epilepsy kicks in mid-flight, plus they have ugly hats

more ugly hats, more pants-shitting

it's not enough to make poses dynamic, there's obviously going to be some horrible injuries done when these bodies connect with the floor

if they're supposed to be jet pack troops fine, but jump infantry all twisted around like that one on the right? she's going down on her face, ass toward enemy, while her friend on the other end is twisting in three different directions and probably doing herself a fairly nasty injury

who runs this way

why are their heels so extreme that they're forced to do this absurd gazelle-running shit

actually i like 3/5 of these and i like the *idea* of the musician, but that dead-eyed whore in the middle can fuck off and the poses/hats are still ass

it's better, but it's a long way off good

not saying GW nailed it either, but these are much more the kind of updated designs i'd like to see official

the armor is still busy but the poses are better, the sculpts weren't made by someone who learned anatomy from Taiwanese dirty books, and you can see the individual differences of each sculpt shine through and complement the squad as a whole

i mean for fucks sake who has thighs as thick as their waist



Dude, stop your faggotry.
You are complaining about pin up design.
Do you go into KD threads and bitch?

i fucken lol'd mate

oh the hot glue boys are out i see

Nobody hotglues 28mm. That'd be some absurd megabukkake

When are all these going to be available? I assume the KS ended long time ago right?
I'm not interested in making an army out of these but some of the models are just gorgeous () and I might get some of them for display.

>absurd megabukkake
Get it right, fuccboi, I like my absurd megabukkake on actual women, not figures.

What exactly is wrong with them?


Sister vehicles are inferior, pound for pound, point for point, to other equivalent vehicles in other armies, even with the same job and loadout.
SM rhinos are cheaper, IG/Admech immolater equivalents are flatout better.

great drawing, except the face. Artist should put the veil of shame and never draw faces again, just put the helmet on.

can't yo just run them as allies to amies with better stuff?

It might have to do with the codex being waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of date.

Well, the SOB Rhinos are also better than the SM Rhinos (Adamantium Will and a 6++)

But user GW already is Greg Land ... and Rob Liefeld combined.

I'm surprised nobody on Veeky Forums has made a sister Theresa Fig yet, hell back in the day some dudes made cultist chan.

I'm personally trying to decide whether Blood Angels or Dark Angels would make better bros for them. Rhino Sisters backed up by Deep striking Deathwing is very Angels of Death.

What am I supposed to use for Immolators and Exorcists? The GW ones are shit and FW stopped doing any SOB stuff.

I'm wondering whether the Sororitas have a Techmarine equivalent or if they wholly rely on techpriests for their needs.

Until SMs get them for free, and are still cheaper.
user, survivability on a 6 for a transport ain't cutting much. Ask your resident daemon/CSM player how nice that 6++ is.
Yes, it does, but even when it was updated, that was the case.

I first thought black templars would do, keeping the whole church theme. No Idea how the templars play in the new edition though.

PS: Anyone got a link to the digital rules for sisters currently?

>Until SMs get them for free, and are still cheaper.

When do marines get that for free?

I think Templars got stuffed into Vanilla and they haven't had any fancy supplements yet. I don't hold much hope there.

If Sisters had a "Fury of the Legion" style attack, that would be a fucking reason to blob them up.
Pop a faith point for a relentless, 20 strong blob of doubletapping, rapidfiring bolter bitches?
My dick is still approving.
Gladius formation, user, get on the times.
Just because they are in the 'nilla dex doesn't mean they have lost out. It really means they get access to all the nice toys SM receive. There is the reason the stock SM dex is one of the best in the game, and the variant dexes are behind it.

Stand in Immolator
Stand in Rhino

Still looking for somethign to replace the pipe organ. I may do something like this instead.

I still don't understand why Dark Angels can't have Stormravens. I'll take that grievance to the grave.

What is the current ruling for Starting in allied transports anyway? Could I stuff a squad of repentia sisters into an allied Stormraven?

It's not the chassis I have an issue with, it's the weapons on top. Maybe a tarted up Whirlwind would work.

These might work in place of pennant engines.

user, those look ugly as fuck tho, especially the Cult deathrolla.

>What is the current ruling for Starting in allied transports anyway?
You can't, I believe, even if you are BBs.


Hmm maybe a little sister fig too.

More like Bayonetta.


Did they keep their special units and vows?

What happened to these figs?

That's some nostalgia I'm seeing

Proportions aren't nearly that exaggerated, user. It is very much like the Saints from Hitman.
Special units, yes.
Vows were folded into chapter trait rules, EC got reworked, is less a monster beatstick and more utilitarian, can take on anything type.

Custom made sculpts.

I was here before Veeky Forums when the 40k threads appeared on /k/ and /b/. Good times