WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>In the face of death, I shall have no remorse.

>Previous Thread:

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Right in time to post my pic made with my non existent skills!
Proud of what we're all doing here with the Secret Santa, thanks again SSA, hope everything goes fine for everyone like it did last year!
Stay awesomes lads!

What colour are Imperials streetlights, /wip/?

hey /wip/, any recommendations on some paintbrush care supplies? I was thinking of picking some up for a buddy of mine for Christmas.

Gold, like everything else.

I'm going to put some footprints on muddy base. I was thinking of just using my sculpting tools but I figured it was worth checking if any of you had any betters ideas.

all you need, nigga.

The Masters : Brush Cleaner and Preserver

No questions here

I meant what colour their glass/bulbs would be.

It's gold, isn't it.

Interesting question, what is the grimest, darkest, colour of light?

I'll post this a last time in here.

All who participated in the Secret Santa should have an email with an address for their gift.

If you signed up and got a confirmation but no address then please message me and i'll resend it.

Thank you all for participating!

The absence of it

I'm painting a lamppost for a base decoration, so I'm not sure what to paint it. At first I was going for green, then blue, and now I'm thinking yellow.

I think I'll go back to green though. It might not the best since my Knight is also green, but it's such a minor detail it might be better that it blend in rather than stand out.

Making progress on my Custodes. Retributor gold is lovely. It's my first time using it and it's so much better than Gehennas gold.

Actually that's a great spot for contrast. If the knight is green, then a blue or yellow bulb would be best, color wheel and all that.

I suppose. Maybe I'll try keep painting blue then, already begun basecoating it anyway.

Awesome, thanks! I actually used to use this stuff all the time for my brushes when I used to do more oil paintings. Don't know why it didn't occur to me to use this for brushes for miniatures ..

How bright should my Black Templar Dreadnought be?
I was considering either a bronze dominant metallic on the legs, or a silver one?
And how should i do the cableage?

Hello, /WIP/. First time here, and I have a couple questions. I want to start a 30k Mechanicum army at Christmas, and it's going to be done Properly. I've only been modeling for about 6 months now, so I don't know if I'm missing something important. The army is going to be Xana II Admech, so I can throw in a Hellblade and convert up a Scoria.
Thing is, how do I paint their official colour scheme? Pic related Thanatar is the right colour, bit I don't know how to make it.

My local GW 30k scene has mostly just basecoated models, and even with my newfag painting skills I think I can top that. So, I'm painting 2k of Legio Cybernetica with a little Ordo Reductor on the side, and none of it is going to tables without all the rest painted.
In other words, I want cool evil boops. Please help.

I decided to have some fun while painting my Ogres/ogors but I may or may not have gone overboard. Can't tell yet.

I would go for a silver of some kind, gives better contrast. Bronze/Gold would make an excellent accent color though.

The model can be as dark as you like, it really depends on how well you highlight it. The key to dark models is getting a good highlight to make it pop.

For cables: I paint the ribbed cables metallic and wash them to taste, the smooth ones I paint a smooth black and do chevrons.

I hope my man in the Canaries enjoys his gift. I'm picking it up on saturday and sending it asap.

use the foot of another guy

Beckenham user, your packet is on the way.

How did you do that face flesh user?

That looks really good, but I can never get my skin right.

They're a funny race, I'd love to stare across the table at that stuff.

Something I've been puttering about with in-between working on bases.

hopefully the weather clears up a bit so I can prime him

What company should the middle man be captain of

2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 9th are taken

I'd make him of the 3rd but the problem is I have to somehow paint a red chapter badge over a red stripe on the shoulderpads

I think you must continue that way

Oh shit, that's me :O

I really really dislike the ogre models in general, but that is a bitching paintjob, freaking cool man!

Fairly simple really:

Bushman's glow > cadian fleshtones > 50/50 wash of reikland fleshshade/druchi violet > cadian fleshtones > highlights of very watered down cadian fleshtones mixed with white, adding more white the more prominent the highlight.

The stubble is just nuln oil.

Hope that helps dude.

cool stuff!

>What company should the middle man be captain of
>2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 9th are taken

>Assault lad wiff beat-down stikk and pistol

It's obvious: make him captain of the 8th Company, the reserve assault company. Magnetize his backpack so you can switch it out for a jump pack when the need arises.

I already had plans for a lightning claws captain for the 8th

Besides there's no way he's wearing a jump pack with that cape

Damn that's a pretty miraculous paint job

Anyone? Don't need the entire scheme, but how to do the armour panels and black metal might be helpful. Was also considering painting one Thallax or Castellax shoulderpad, probably left, dried blood red with the Xana symbol on. Sound good?

That only leaves 1st and 7th.

Thanks user.

I really need to get some Cadian fleshtone. My policy of Bugman + fleshshade + kislev flesh doesn't seem too good.

Mmmm I was thinking of getting this one and making it 3rd... I dont know.

Just packed my SS gift... Austriadude, here it comes!

I have an urge to run Bullgryns but I think the models are derp as fuck...

How's this for an alternative idea? Get some AoS bullgors and kitbash on slabshields/grenadier gauntlets/power mauls/brute shields, shave down their horns (except for the bone'ead, obviously) hellboy-style, and greenstuff some clothes/armor onto them.

I'd run them as abhuman auxiliaries from a feral world, which is basically what Bullgryns are.

Top 2 frames are my attempt and bottom is my reference model

Gave a shot at recreating the colour scheme, obviously I missed the mark and didn't achieve the icy coldness colour. I based with Eshin Grey, dry brushed with dawnstone and followed by administratum grey, and light dry brush/edge highlight with ulthuan grey

Looking for advice on how to tweak my approach to achieve the bluer icy look.

>That little ribbon

>Not some of the best modern IG kit

Maybe try a heavier drybrush of a lighter grey? If you want icyness you could give fenrisian grey a shot

To the user in stockholm, your gifts are in the way. I hope they get there in time.

Shit user, if the gifts are in their own way how can they get anywhere?

>I'd run them as abhuman auxiliaries from a feral world, which is basically what Bullgryns are.

Wouldn't have batted an eye in the good ol' days.


Here is my dragonthing knight. Midly proud of this, i did get lazy in the end but would like any critic you guys throw at me.

>wanted to do this
>way to much of a poorfag to afford

You could litteraly send one dude and be done with it. Better luck next year.

Looks like a light brown/desert yellow/bone to me.

The base color you'll want is probably Zandri Dust.

Finished the first one, the pictures make the gold look a bit muted but it's much shinier in person. What do you guys think?

Probably. I was thinking I would test out Zandri Dust, layer Tau light Ochre and wash with Agrax, see how that looks.
For the metal, maybe Leadbelcher, then wash several times with Nuln Oil? Or would that just make it look really grimy?

working on my kill team ig, also my first cadians (friend told me to get all special weapons from normal box and get lasgun guys form 5men squad)

Not a fan of the sheer amount of gold, but that's just a taste thing. Fucking great work, user. May I one day achieve your level.


your painting is too good to tolerate those moldlines!!! Get your shit together, user! You got the skill to do the emprah's work, so scrape those moldlines next tim!

Templar user, I wanna see the scouts you're painting the bits at the top of the picture for.

I love me some scouts. Or whatever you templar dudes call them. Novitiates?

>That painstakingly highlighted fur

It was worth the work user. Well done.

Am I daft? I thought that fur was dry brushed

Looks drybrushed to me

Nuln Oil wouldn't really make it grimy, its got a somewhat glossy finish from what I remember, I haven't actually painted anything in a while. You may want to consider serephim sepia or agrax earthshade, maybe mixed with nuln oil to get a better oiled up look where your pistons and other movement bits are.

OK, sure. I have a couple Skitarii Dragoons I can try the paint schemes on, I'll do one Nuln Oil and one Agrax and see which I like best.

Well shit then. I list say I hesitated, but I don't know, it doesn't have that usual dusty, rough look. I guess that's a good sign!

yeah, next week should have new cutting mat and tools/drill to improve assembling

I'm also working on chimera with urban scheme

>I don't need no speed
>I don't need no Heroine
>I don't need no coke
>You can keep your ketamine
>I am a minis junkie
>Paint won't come out chunky

That might be me

Post your assembly/painting process, I need to see if I'm doing this right.

>cut from sprue
>sort parts into marine ingredients, add to individual tupperwares, sans arms and weapons
>24hr isopropyl bath to remove release agent
>assemble and prime with brush primer for better control
>wash only the recesses
>find arms that fit my abbadon marine pose and add after priming/painting in the same order
>paint add gun at the very end

I also paint the inside of the backpack and the back of the marine, then glue and finish them together. Is this too inefficient even if I assembly line it?

>>cut from sprue
>>sort parts into marine ingredients, add to individual tupperwares, sans arms and weapons
hr isopropyl bath to remove release agent

That sounds really unnecessary to me.
Sometimes washing is needed, but a bit of dish soap is usually enough.

This base make me embarrassed I'm just using the GW basses with Martian Ironearth. How do I make good bases?

The tupperwares are just for organizational purposes, so I can cut and trim in batches and not mix parts up. Keep in mind, I bought a FW legion, so 2 Mark IV 10-packs with a bunch of resin add-ons. Plus some decorations left over form a Company Vet box. I'm rationing out cool parts and don't want them to get mixed or lost. The iso bath was just a perk since I could clean them passively while doing other stuff (stupid normie friends wanting to leave their houses) and had a container already provided.

Oh, you are talking about resin..

Why not wash the whole sprue first?

No real idea, I think the shower was in use at the time I was unboxing and I only have enough tupperware to do 5 at a time. Either way, I dislike having a lot of open boxes.

For cleaning plastic before priming, is alcohol all right? I have been washing them with alcohol, leaving them to dry for 5 or so min, and then priming. However, the primer on a couple of them rubs off, as does the primer on the rims of all my bases, although I suppose that is from me touching them.

You don't need to clean plastic. You clean resin, and soap is fine for that.

Its unnecessary but it shouldn't cause any problems as long as the plastic is completely dry when you apply the primer.

The packaging's a little on the rough side as I was reusing what I had on hand, by I shall have your present in the post tomorrow, Bordeaux user! Its not much, but I hope you like it nonetheless.

I tend to handle them a lot before priming them; I didn't want skin oils etc. to cause the primer to not stick well

Looks fine, drybrushing looks so scratchy.

Homebrew Skyshield Landing Pad: Balsa Retard Edition.

Just finished the 2nd Aquila. Taking idea for gubbins and cover to go on top.

Of course I forget the image.

>4.82 MB, 5312x2988

holy fuck. stop.

open mspaint and reduce size by like 95% fucking hell

Jesus I never noticed that, I've just been taking phone pictures. I also noticed that portrait photos flip to landscape once they'really uploaded. Nice.


I'll download that then. Are you telling me you don't need to see every single particle of wood in that MDF? Lol


Jump pack + cloak on a character model - yeah or nah?

Looks cool but I imagine it would be functionally retarded in the real world. Would it bother people?

It would be funny if you made the cloak look like it was burnt to a crisp by the jump pack.

I'd let it pass as rule of cool. If its a space marine flame-y jump pack, I would just reason its made of some special, fire-retardant fabric or maybe even a metallic weave. You could put soot stains on it by the exhausts if you wanted!

Hmm I might look for other ways to put swag on my jump chars then.

Preferably wouldn't want it to be thought of at all, so I'll stay away from something that sticks out like that.

Marking it with burnmarks would look funny but would only highlight its retardation, heh. Maybe for Orks tho!

roman mech cruiser user here. took my model into the shop. the competition is pretty fierce though.



probably drybrushed with something relatively high contrast before a dark wash

good luck then, because a decent paint job can't help a virulently shitty sculpt like that

Well, I wouldn't protest it, I was just giving a reason for if anyone did complain. Cloaks are always cool. I'm going to put robes on all my Vanguard vets, who are standing in as an honour guard for a jump CM.

Yeah you're actually right. Cloaks on a non-jump char would be ridiculous in a real world too anyway, so fuck it. I'm gonna go for it if I want to.

It looks good in the showcase user. Good luck!

Aaand the last part of this is done.
