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Oops Chance card + credit card


I like this. I like this very much.

Blind Trade + Deus Ex Sclopetum

Wait no.

Gladitorial Bank Boost, 2 individuals, apply Chance card on it. 5% for free.

Next, Blind Trade.


Fug u all

Time to off myself.

for those who said the drawbacks were too awful

question in regard to universal war: what are the cons in owning a bound devil? it seemed vague to me.

Anything except the last option is horrible, I'm not even gay but I would still go in for that one.

I don't get you. It would be so much faster to post the Sartre cyoa and pick whatever you want instead of posting all these metas every thread.

IIRC, the Bound Devil is forced to follow your orders. Seeing how they probably wouldn't be too pleased, they might try to backstab you by proxy with betraying you and sabotaging your efforts subtly.

So for Adventures in the Orient, should I put stats on armours and weapons like Titanlands, or should I just leave them statless?


I don't know of many CYOAs with stats on items, but if you put stats on them people will pick the stuff that gives the stats they want, not what they actually like.

i like collecting meta cyoas.

Literal number stats would be too gamy imo.

Statless I think is the way to go. Titanlands was gamed to all hell.


The problem with Titanlands is that the stats don't really mean much. There is no real standard as to what 5 or 2 or 9 means except for what you can vaguely infer from the companions' stats.


>that feel when the video game you're playing is "too gamey"

What the hell is this? I thought I was watching a movie.

>my face when every time I see this CYOA

But why? You don't even do them properly: You're supposed to use each cyoa on the next that is posted i.e. use meta 1 on meta 2, not use all your metas on one cyoa.
And then you post them yourself which you also aren't to do. You're cheating multiple ways, make it easier for yourself.

nah you're supposed to reply saying which ones you picked, and then apply them on the first cyoa(s) posted after your post. i'm also not actually using them.

Would anyone make a version of this using the new sorcery types in the 2nd edition?

Also am I the only one who was seriously creeped out by how close this guy's guess was about the Eisen sorcery school. It's even named almost the exact same (Hexenwerk). This CYOA is from like, what, three years before the 2nd edition was even announced?

Also, Mirage should've totally been the Montaigne sorcery style. Porte is fucking boring and the restrictions on it make it so situational as to be useless most of the time.

Is your name "anyone"?

Nope, I'm just nobody in particular.

I'll keep that in mind in case I ever need to shout for help from Poseidon


Oh. Guess it won't be made *sad face*

Is this a reference I didn't get?

>Google "Nobody poseidon"
>click first wiki link
Is this your first day on the internet?

Any chance we can get those archives on a site that loads at any speed whatsoever

Well I'm sorry I don't know everything about Greek mytho

In the Odyssey, the titular hero introduces himself to a certain cyclops as "Nobody". A bunch of stuff happens later and Odysseus decides to kill the cyclops (who has taken him as a slave) to continue on his journey. He sneaks up on him using a trick and starts stabbing him in the eye. The cyclops, son of Poseidon, cries for his father to help smite the human, but he's crying "Help! Help! Nobody is killing me!", and naturally, the confused Poseidon does nothing.



This tells it a bit differently.

Alright now that those two monstrosities are out of the way
I'll take A

You don't have to "know everything about Greek mytho", you have to be able to put two and two together and use Google. Are you able to think for yourself at all?

Meh, to each with however their grandma told the story.

Finally. When was 1.4 first posted?

>Are you able to think for yourself at all

Why would you ask me this? Why do you think I'm in this thread?

>I'm just nobody in particular.

Then get back to drawing.

But draw less futa.

>he doesn't like futa

>wanting nobody in particular to draw something other than dicks on dames
What would he even draw in that case?

Vaginas on dames?

Vaginas are boring, peni are where it's at.

>posting an old version

has there ever been an actually good CYOA? I haven't seen one yet

Define "good CYOA"

Couldn't you just use the Deus Ex gun to kill the nigger you get from Gladiatorial Bank Boost?
Double Gladiatorial Bank Boost, Blind Trade and Deus Ex Sclopetum. Manipulate my enemies into fighting each other to death and kill off the survivor with the gun. gg no:re

Is this the newest one?


Odd, I remember the author said he would include something, yet I don't see it in there.

There have been several. Ask yourself what you're missing from your life, and as long as others long for the same thing there should be a CYOA that appeals to you.

Let's see if I don't fuck this up.



It's old OC from /v/, when it was getting flooded with the Room and choose a magic artefact CYOAs so it might be a little different


A CYOA that is interesting enough to read all the way through, has meaningful choices with interesting consequences, and original enough to make an impression.

Your grandmother was awesome for having told you that story as a kid, no matter how different.

My grandma always loved folklore and mythologies from around the world. Her stories inspired me to start liking fantasy and the such. Now, I give her fantasy and science fiction books to read. She likes Neil Gaiman and Ursula LeGuin the most. I even got her into a bit of manga.


There are more than siblings there




I'd like some pizza for 1 hour.

Local store.
Pepperoni, Peppers, black olives, mushroom and extra cheese.

Chain store
BBQ chicken, onions and peppers
Premium beer

Frozen -5
Onions, peppers, sunny side up eggs, pepperoni -2 (what a shame that blue cheese wasn't available, it would had turned this from 8/10 to 10/10)
Cola - 2

Or you could just not choose anything and just get a 2D waifu, and eventually VR will progress to the point where you can do more than just hold her hand.

-∞/∞ CYOA

Ah, the day CYOAs become obsolete. It can't come soon enough. Wait for me, my love.

Y-you too.

I don't even need to read the rest, I pick The Fool. And I pick Monster Hunter. More specifically, MH4U. With the way quests work, I get to stay forever, as long as I don't kill Dundorma Gogmazios. Sure, I don't get village SS Rajang, but its a small price to pay. Besides, I couldn't even break both horns consistently without the piece of shit dying.

>no ham
>no other kinds of cheese
>no olives or mushrooms either
>not even any bacon

I am fucking disappointed.

>From Scratch
>More sausage of a different kind
>Motherfucking sausagefest going on here, I ain't got no time for no damn chicken on my pizza
>Cola - Dr. Pepper

Why yes, I would like just a little bit of bread, cheese, and tomato sauce with my pineapple and meat dish and my nectar of the Gods.

Thanks for the grammar help. That was definitely above and beyond what I ever expected. Now hopefully I'll get some cool setting responses as well today.

Pineapple doesn't belong to pizza.

The first part if someone has not seen it.

You're right, it belongs on pizza.

People like you are precisely the reason why I put it on there. And the sweetness actually helps the flavor of the meat, in my opinion.

Fuck you, Hawaiian pizza is god tier.

>Ship Fanfic

Now I'm curious

>putting fruit on your pizza
inb4 "hurr tomato is a fruit durr"

But it is a fruit.

>Humans cannot stake any of their own senses

Where's the fun in that?

No problem. Enjoyed the setting and just wanted to help out.

You're too precious to risk, babeh.

So what are you supposed to do if you can't risk shit?

You bet the lives of other people. It's okay. They can't really refuse.