Stat her if you dare, Veeky Forums.
Stat her if you dare, Veeky Forums
+10 to throwing anus
Returning Chakram
The rest doesn't matter
D6 system from WEG, if you know their other games it's very easy to pick up
ST 16, DX 14, IQ 11, HT 13, Per 14, Will 14. Weapon Master, Combat Reflexes, High Pain Threshold, Very Fit, Appearance (Beautiful), Reputation (Queen of Warriors), Destiny. Most of weapon skills on 20, survival skill on 14-16, etc.
Don't remember the show, so would stat her with Wildcard skills.
15 barbarian, 10 fighter, 5 monk by the end of the series.
Possibly half-god
>Not even single rank in Rogue
What are you? Dumb or something?
A 30th level character can sneak, disguise, and bluff plenty well without a single rogue level.
-4 STR
I was waiting for this meme
it stopped being funny a long time ago
Wouldn't they be able to use axes or hammers without giving people the impression of 'OO-she wishes she was a man'?
"The hammer is my penis."
If we're using this board as a barometer...
No. People will always get that impression.
+4 STR
for the Raimiverse demigod template.
+4 STR, +6 DEX, +2 CON, +2 WIS, +6 CHA
+10000000 to Mary sue stat
>Mary Sue stat
Um, excuse me Sir. I think you mean her protagonist stat.
Some folks don't know the difference.
Or the tavern had more than one room.
Alcoves would work too.
Did Xena get bad when they started bringing the Christian Faith into it?
At least Lawless is a decent person still, unlike that Sorbo asshole that played Herc.
From going power mad during the Andromeda series and driving it into the dirt and other stuff.
Ok motherfucker, listen here. One of her most used weapons was a bladed ring that she threw around. Her character idea IS being a mary sue
>Did Xena get bad
Every episode of Xena is gold. It never got bad except in a good way.
It was 90s public television at its finest.
Um, ok Sir. Define for me a Mary Sue before I tear you a soft pleasure hole.
Xena didn't invent chakram
>Bladed ring that is used as a thrown weapon
Do you even read, bro?
Define for me
What a Mary Sue is.
Is a Mary Sue someone who uses a chakram?
I think what user is getting at is that the term "Mary Sue" is ill-defined and often used as an umbrella term for "I don't like it" or "protagonist."
I thought Andromeda's biggest problem was the massive budget cuts that made them throw out the plot, retool the series and get rid of the whole space travel thing for the fifth season.
What if Xena had been more like Spartacus
It would've been utterly disappointing
I have no idea how you would even stat Edgardo although the word Legendary springs to mind.
Do you?
You can make a character with a DUAL BLADED SCYTHE that BLEEDS HELLFIRE and they wouldn't necessarily be a Mary Sue. Because that has nothing to do with being a Mary Sue.