Most people would choose a favorite faction in Warhammer 40k that more 'speaks' to them...

Most people would choose a favorite faction in Warhammer 40k that more 'speaks' to them, (/r9k/ favoring necrons for example while say /s4s/ would favor chaos) so out of curiosity Veeky Forums what faction do you best relate with..?

Loud, goofy, big ass guns, lots of variety.

Iron Warriors. Perturabo is essentially Veeky Forums incarnate and for warrior lodges they had table top wargames.

Orks would obviously be /k/. They even have kommandos for crying out loud.

I briefly considered trying out 40k until I was told that I couldn't field a mixed army of orks and looted tyranids.

Veeky Forums would probably be either Imperial Guard due to how they admire regular humans facing off against superhumans and terrifying xenos with only a laser gun and combat armor, or Perturabo and the Iron Warriors because of his hobby of miniature tabletop games and his occasional massive fits of rage.


I came here to post this.


Lrn 2 lore.

We scientifically proved that both Veeky Forums and /k/ as a whole were Iron Warriors.

/qst/ would have to be straight Tzeentchian. Refresh the page, and the thread's gone 180.

While almost all of my favorite factions are imperium-aligned, the imperium taken as a whole is very hard to relate to. I'd say I best relate with nurgle or admech. Nurgle because I share many of his philosophies, admech because they're really, really /comfy/.

>Veeky Forums Warsmiths playing table top and commanding over /k/ grunts and tactical marines obsessed with guns

Makes sense.

I actually don't relate to them at all.

Imperial Navy. Its pic related every jumo ever

I'm torn between Tau and Emperor's Children / Iron Warriors.

Its a strange existence.

>space wolves

Word Bearers

Da Orkz were made fer' fightin' 'nd winnin'!

>being Rozhenstvensky is suffering

Fuckin' do it.

Just run them as "As is" deff dreads or Gorkanauts.

That Enginseer who's on loan to the guard.

>not choosing SM or IG because they're all about an elite white in-group destroying other-groups portrayed as monstrous or otherwise threatening to the in-group
>not photoshopping trump onto the god-emperor to further cement the analogy

It's like you''re not even white nationalists

forgot my pic

Well uh, technically, nah.

>not praying to your toaster
>not having some awsome archeotech gear
are you even trying?

I'm a /pol/tard and the Imperium is explicitly bureaucratic and corrupt, it's not supposed to be a utopia, that's kind of the point of the setting. Not to mention Imperial authorities frequently genociding the people that they are supposed to be protecting. Pretty much all the Primarchs would agree with me on this one. The Imperial Cult and the fanatical human nationalism are great though.


>white scars
>white in anything other than armor color


>crimson fists

WN here. Fuck the IG and the Imperium.

Orkz are best.

Mah Martian.


It's obvioisly SM
>Chapters reflective of different games we come here for
>Most don't get along with regular people as well as they get along with fellow SMS
>Bunch of virigins
>Proportions that seem odd or disgusting to normal people
>Despite rivalries and bitterness between chapters still all ynited in a common goal like Tg.
>Csm are that giuys and those dms among us and also Veeky Forums /d/ cross poster

old slann

good old crazy frogs

Whichever one shows how cancerous and stupid 40k is...

>Reminder that the orks looted an Avatar of Khaine who actually kicked ass once he became more orky.

I'm most like the Harlequins... intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

I am socially retarded but I really want to have fun. And be good at it. And have more fun and more fun and more fun and...

how accurate is this summary for the army play style?

Shooty, light artillery

mass units, Choppy

>Space Marines
All rounders, High Saves

>Imperial guard
shooty, mass units, heavy artillery

Fragile speeders

>Dark Eldar
Fragile speeders and Glass cannons

> chaos space marines
same as marines

Same as Marines but even more so

Same as orks but more so

> sisters of battle
Same as marines, but worst saves, AOEs, also Dead

>Imperial Knights
Giant Stompy Robots

Less Giant Less Stompy Robots

Yeah but I'm just trying to summarise it for more crunch and fluff.

Tau Mecha falls into the real robot 'Mobile weapons platform' anyway, ironically the imperium is more the anime one

Imperial guard for sure. How can you possibly relate to anything else.

I'm most like the Night Lords dark, brooding, and edgy.

but you can, you can field w/e the fuck you want now.

>the imperium represents white nationalism
the Imperium is what will happen when humans discover another race to kill. Practically every ethnicity on earth currently has a represented imperial faction in 40k.

Space Vikings. Love to drink, love the rush of a fight and very bearded.

And in denial about being furries.

Well the bitches love that I fuck like a animal

Tyranids are my favorite.

I've loved kaiju and b-movies since I was a child and they speak to that the most. Plus, I like the idea of 40k as a setting just getting wiped away by an uncaring greater universal force, all that hatred and betrayal meaning nothing to a cold, analytic force.

DEldar, specifically Haemonculus Covens. Flesh Sculpting is awesome.

President Tomaru Sawagoe is here to remind you that if you've got a fuckable daughter, your blood relations shouldn't be a faggot excuse not to bang her. A man wants, a man goes for it. It's a pussy who's afraid of moralfaggotry.


You know what happened to the Hapsburgs? It'll happen to you.

Look at the first girl and track down user....