40K is for Autists

>Be Rick Priestly
>Create dystopian universe in which a god-like figure whose existence is dubious at best is used to justify an Orwellian dictatorship
>Literal-minded Sperglords literalize everything I write and end up viewing the Imperial Gobernment and Inquisition as the good guys

Other urls found in this thread:


40k is overrated and bland.

>not understanding basic human psychology and our propensity for in group and out group behavior
>not understanding our ability to rationalize
>not seeing this coming a mile away

>and end up viewing the Imperial Gobernment and Inquisition as the good guys
Well yeah, have you seen the alternatives?

Besides the Tau anyway, but they came much later.

Well, duh. Everyone knows GW fucked the lore when they took it seriously. Warhammer was supposed to be campy with 80's Hair Band Noise Marines, Cocaine-fueled Daemon Princes, and Orks that fucked with causality because they believed in crazy shit.


This. 40k literally started out as dungeons the designing: the boardgame

Anyone want to "fix" the lore and make it as ridiculous as it's supposed to be? We're about overdue for a new Alternate 40k setting. Besides, Rogue Trader would be awesome in in classic 40k.

so's ur mum

With the advent of cheap 3d printers we could just make our own campy fun cheap as shit, sci-fi board game

Give all books to matt ward.
>drogo is samurai jack

>>Literal-minded Sperglords literalize everything I write and end up viewing the Imperial Gobernment and Inquisition as better than any alternatives.


At least get it right.

>make a knock off of 1984 but in space with nazis
>get upset that people turn it into an original series albeit as a smorgasbord of pre-developed 20th era cultural trends, myths legends and yes. As a "literal" interpretation of a benevolent dictatorship with a literal god as the human race's leader.

What would the message of the original script give?
That life is shitty under imposed responsibilities and false idol worship? It has already been fucking done countless god damn times, if it offends you solely because your own work was misinterpreted and sold under the guise of your title then that is understandable but the original story is bleak uninteresting trash that was essentially a fedora tip and a middle finger towards the dime-a-dozen third world dictators back in the cold war, but nobody cared since we've established democracies around most of the world.

these threads are bait and we don't need your opinion.

Polite sage

>Implying Tau are nice to anyone that isn't part of their Nazi style master race.

Wow, muricans really ruined what little there was of value in 40k. Congrats, burger.

>Everyone knows GW fucked the lore when they took it seriously.
they always took it seriously

Carnivorous sand clams and catachan face eaters hiding in toilets are absurd. Squats on wartrikes fighting Centaur-dinosaurs with bioguns are absurd. But they're treated seriously within the setting itself, rather than "lmao look at how 80's we are with hair metal and british things xDD".


>implying 40k isn't literally a game for autistic children


If you're complaining about a mythos written in 1980 something and has since been altered completely indistinguishable then it's pretty blatant that you're looking just to bait.

You're free to read whatever transcript that the original writer had before hundreds of others chimed in and rewrote itbut you can't claim superiority when all you had before was - again - a knock off of Orwell's 1984 but in space with orthadox nazis and orcs

Also if you claim you were a fan of something before it changed and have since been complaining about the direction it took and how you're a "true fan" then you aren't a fan t begin with - you just enjoyed the single idea that it was and disapprove of the direction it took. You have no argument but to sit in your own contempt achieving nothing while throwing snide remarks at the current fans; which clearly outnumber you and enjoy the series still.

Nothing is stopping you from criticising 40k, but getting upset and posting more and more fucking threads when people tell you the things that upset you don't upset them is just childish.

Go into a 40k thread and start this shit, and when you get told to fuck off because your complaints don't matter DON'T MAKE A USELESS THREAD

Yes, but at least they acknowledged that it was absurd.

>arnivorous sand clams and catachan face eaters hiding in toilets are absurd
what is the complaint here

seriously, it's aliens vs man in space in the future and you complain about shit like this when on EARTH we aready have leeches that wait in the water for you to take a piss and swim THROUGH YOUR PISS STREAM AND INTO YOU DICK.

but no, an alien hiding in a toilet is too absurd? gosh user

just gosh.

The most serious-business period of 40k's lifespan as a setting was the point in time when they were publishing comics written and drawn by the guys mostly responsible for working on 2000AD.

This is also the point in time they had a man in head office proclaiming himself as High Overfiend of all 40k, running around head office with a replica bolt pistol.

Should I redact my post with sufficiently absurd elements for His Royal Majesty, or will He understand that's not the point of my post?

so what direction is better?
overt parody?
or military fiction with drama?
if you mix it, then what should be emphasised?

If your mind cannot handle imagining a lifestyle more absurd then a struggless childhood in a rural environment when reading about space aliens then whatever else you say is clearly to benign for me to feign interest.

This board is synonymous with *fantasy*. feel free to fuck off to anywhere that stays in line with your dry toast expectations of literature.

No point, because some people can't and won't understand parody and take 40k seriously despite everything pointed out.

Prime example:

It's pretty much unsalvageable at this point.

You can do both, and what's best about warhammer is that it's wirtten by dozens of writers each with their own perspective.

So having 2 series that are polar opposites with the examples you just gave are perfectly fine, but taken out of context and using it as criticism like

I'm pretty confused as to why you finger me as someone who can't imagine warhammer as both campy and poetic. Were you looking to samefag and paint me as someone "wrong" in a completely different context? because that post you pointed to had nothing to do with such a polarising argument.

A Tau commander sacrificed himself and his Stormsurge suit to protect fleeing Imperials civilians from being bombed to death by their own side.

Are you deliberately being this retarded, or is it just incidental to your severe brain hemorrhaging.

No, but you clearly are.

>b-but muh 40kids invented sci-fi, grimdark, miniature wargaming
>b-but 40kids minis are THE GREATES OF ALL

>>who am I quoting?

I hope upcoming "Age Of Emperor" will blast 40kids arses sky hight.

Battletech is overrated and bland.

Warmachine is overrated and bland.

Overrated? Absolutely. Bland? More like tacky.

>Hurrrr why isn't rogue trader canon anymore durrrrrrr

The empire is an oligarchy you fucking tard

Lliterally who?

>implying there is proper canon in the first place and not just various different headcanons dickwawing at each other

>oligarchies can't be dictatorships

Ok, Mr. Putin.

Infinity is overrated and bland.




Shillary called.

i'm glad his new game has decent fluff and an alright system
bloody shame about most of the models though
you got all that there shit taste boy

more like BurgerKids mirite?

cringiest sci-fi fandom and im not kidding

Skub is overrated and bland.

>b-but mum, battletech is racist!

> Implying I give a fuck.

I hope Rick does well for himself though, he's a nice guy. GoA looks promising.

its actually pretty good, and has a healthy community in my area, the d10 and pinning system are both awesome, as is the bolt action order dice thing
ghar are fucking overpowered though, cancerous fucking faction, super boring to play against because its impossible to kill anything if your opponent doesnt suck ass at rolling dice

>mfw i discover btech is raycis

40cuks, why scale on your glorious miniatures is so fucked up?

I'd just reboot things, make it a bit less grimderp, keep the self-aware absurdity, bring back squats and not hand out the IP to authors who don't give a shit about in-universe consistency.

Welp, I didn't need to know this.

So you'd kill it?

That isn't what were looking for user.

Way to prove your point by not posting art of the game itself, kid.

Infinity is overrated and bland






That's mostly just Veeky Forums (read: /pol/). Extreme authoritarianism and racism, combined with a premise that justifies both click with them (see: HFY threads and similar drivel). Combine that with GW marketing 40k as "Glorious Spees Muhreens vs Evil Aliens/Heretics/Robots/Psykers/etc." and you have a recipe for oversimplification.

>Warmachine is overrated and bland
The IK setting is pretty great.

Oh my Emperor.

Ward was right all along.

God almighty you sound like an insufferable cunt.

The Candiru doesn't actually do that, numbnuts. It's a myth propogated by some idiot dumb scientist trying to get attention. It's never been proven.

However, they WILL try and hang out in your urethra if your whole body is immersed in the water, so don't go wading in the Amazon. Amazon is literally just Catachan: The Topographical Region. There's a reason there are tribes in there we've never had contact with: the place is too fucking crazy and deadly to easily penetrate. When the apocalypse happens, those people will be fine because they're isolated and already live in a deathtrap anyway.

I feel like they always took the lore seriously, in that the characters were never sapient of how absurd their universe was (it was never like an SNL skit where characters were cracking up over how silly things were - the characters always were serious). The visuals and themes were silly and campy, but the characters took the universe seriously.

See It is still a dictatorship, even if there are multiple oligarchs who use the figurehead emperor as justification.

Yeah that sounds about right.

>We're about overdue for a new Alternate 40k setting
Imperium asunder is pretty recent isn't it?

>This is also the point in time they had a man in head office proclaiming himself as High Overfiend of all 40k, running around head office with a replica bolt pistol
really ?

Well, when you make faith in that god-like figure and the autocratic state that formed in his wake necessary to the survival of humanity, countless trillions of souls spread across the stars assaulted in every direction by beasts, demons and aliens who heroically fight every moment just to survive, ya.

What do I know though. I play Harlequin with DA allies.

Modern 40k is bad because the current writers are all shit and the consumers don't have a problem with this.

Nah, that's just Brittish projection regarding how they feel about their place in the world followed by laughing it off.

Would love the source on that.
Not as a dig at you, I totally buy it, I just wanna read it myself.
Frankly, I hate that some fans think Tau are all Orwellian all the time. They're fun because they still believe in "sapient rights" for all their faults as people (Imperialism, caste system, more-or-less racist, etc.).

The fucking Tau invading were the reason they were being shelled to begin with.

>sell the setting as lies and half-truths
>bring out the likes of ADB and Laura Goldie, who decide to spill the beans on what's canon and what's not
>make a whole novel series about one the most mythological period of the setting's history and decide to make it very much a first account telling of what happened with little ambiguity

I miss the days before carnacism, when we could just talk about various pieces of fluff and how they all fit together, without having to worry about what's the most canon of them. It's not even the newest piece, it seems, because Goldie insists that BL is correct and anything that contradicts it is the lies and half-truths, BL is fact.


>Fantasy is dead
I will never let it be so. It lives on at my table.

Ruining storytelling is what strict canon does best, though.

>BL is fact

>a god-like figure whose existence is dubious at best
I guess.

>mfw there was at least one bit of 1st edition fluff which stated - from an objective viewpoint - that a lot of the Imperium's oppressiveness is justified even if not all of it is

>Orks that fucked with causality because they believed in crazy shit.
That wasn't introduced until after GW started "taking it seriously", in the same edition* which tried harder than any before or since to darken the Orks' image (or rather, to emphasise the darker elements that had always been there).

* Only counting design studio stuff here, i.e. how the race is typically presented, in case anyone wants to bring up a certain novel series that deals with a fairly unique period and from the perspective of the greenies' enemies.

You all know its a story game where you can use your imagination to do whatever with your plastic mens and your friends right?

Having a copy of the book myself.

Where the FUCK do people get the idea that t he majority of RT -era 40k was just le XD memes and light comedy? Yes it had absurd shit in it , but for the most part it took itself quite seriously.

As has been pointed out before, the universe was very serious in practice, but had a cheesy 80s aesthetic. That was part of its charm - a thick surface layer of campy 80s cheese with a serious demeanour.

looks like the artist made the whole picture and then didn't feel like applying effort to the gun

dude, when the 20th century ended, the metal/alternative rock craze was over too

>Also if you claim you were a fan of something before it changed and have since been complaining about the direction it took and how you're a "true fan" then you aren't a fan t begin with - you just enjoyed the single idea that it was and disapprove of the direction it took.
>it's impossible to be a fan of the original concept of a piece of fiction and to dislike later works

>You have no argument but to sit in your own contempt achieving nothing
being a fan of something is about achievements?

They tried that with Necrons and people bitched

>I feel like they always took the lore seriously, in that the characters were never sapient of how absurd their universe was (it was never like an SNL skit where characters were cracking up over how silly things were - the characters always were serious). The visuals and themes were silly and campy, but the characters took the universe seriously.
That's just the characters having a British stiff upper lip and doing a deadpan delivery of the situation.

Yeah, those days were great. Having ambiguity was actually fun because it let your own imagination play with it. BL was also better when they didn't write stories about the key players in e setting and just told a tale about the underdog going on adventure in an overwhelming setting.

>make thing with Nazis on steroids IN SPACE
>wonder when people idolize it
Wow, who could have ever forseen this?

I recall reading in a WD from the early 2000's when the writer made it clear that the Imperium was a combination of all the most vile dictatorships from history mashed into one.

you need to bleach your stomach m8

>They are fun because they don't belong in 40k
Jesus. Go back to literally any other sci fi IP.

>all shit and the consumers don't have a problem with this.
This is the reason for a lot of things being bad.

This is what autists believe, yes. What is the source of your confusion?

>make Nazis in space
>also add in Soviets, old guard Russia and Germany, colonial Brits and the Crusades and staple skulls onto everything
Well if they wanted people to dislike it they certainly did a pretty at job at it

>people like a dystopian setting
>must mean they're all white nationalists


See, a big problem is that the game doesn't offer an alternative. It's either Imperium or fuck humanity. Well, I don't want humanity to get fucked, that's where I keep all my DNA stuff. So when everyone in the galaxy is an asshole, the asshole that stands by you side is better than the assholes that are against you. It also doesn't help that GW makes Marines out to be stoic heroes, Inquisition doing a thankless job of playing number wang with the people of the Imperium, Guard being the wall of meat upon which the incoming waves of darkness crashes, etc.

Christ, people like Judge Dredd and you can't tell me it's because of the positive, freedom loving message it has.

40k might be overrated but it sure doesn't lack flavor


Nice job jumping the gun on this one. What I meant is that a lot of people like Nazi aesthetics. Understandably, as they got 10/10 when it came to style

>making a 45 minute video about a shitty clickbait article
The hero we deserve