EDH/Commander general

Izzet Master Race Edition

>Last Thread
>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

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First for post them and rate them

rate my commander. No, I'm not using him with a partner because I wanted to focus on izzet goodstuff.

I can't stop playing Green!

actual garbage. only use for him is to augment the colours of another partner, and even then, kraum is better.

>not using a partner meme

Why do people do this? There is nigh zero drawbacks to having a partner and you kind of need a partner since a lot of them are really lackluster on their own. Seriously just partner up with Kraum so you can have a 98 card deck and get occasional damage/value out of it.

add the 4/4 flyer

If you want goodstuff why did you pick a dogshit commander

if you don't want to add colors, add kraum.

I mean, this is definitely bait, but shrug. You play what you want.

>tfw beat to the punch

working on an azorious pillow fort and boros group slug next.

Marrow gnawer or ashling the pilgrim?

Sticking to mono color because I want to keep it fairly budget. Or are there some dual color commanders that can be built fairly cheap?

I think one or two colors is completely reasonable on a budget unless you are playing at such a competitive level that you mus have all the great dual lands.

That said I prefer Ashling.

You can easily build 2c decks with all basics.

Ashling is the best commander though so do that.

With a budget of 150-200$ you think that's reasonable? I've had fun with the rat and pilgrim on xmage but have been deliberately avoiding anything other than mono color because I didn't think it'd be feasible to build

The partner commanders are all a bunch of shit, and a total copout on wizards part.

They basically said 'yeah we can't think of any more four color commanders to include in the decks so here, make your own combos, shitheads'.

>given the opportunity to mix and match 15 different commanders
No, fuck you.

2 colours works fine in budget, honestly. Lands coming in tapped isn't that big of a deal, just play taplands and such.
Now go build something amazing

Yeah.. Except they're all garbage and have no synergy together.

A semicompetitive Purphoros deck is $50. If for some reason your casual jank costs more than that you fucked up.

is this secret tech?

Some of them need glue, yes.

Top secret tech.

So I want to change up my boring Mono G old elfball Ezuri deck and I was thinking about Mina and Denn, Wildborn.
They seem pretty fun and I already have an Oracle and Exploration.
No one plays gruul in my mostly casual/budget playgroup and I am not too scared of MLD

What Landfall creatures are worth includng?
Is the wincon just going to be bit beats by gruul?

I don't know. Is it?
Honestly it's a punisher mechanic and that means it's bad. I can't really see this being that good unless you have infinite mana and need to recur things or you have a few (3-5) cards in your graveyard that you want to get back. Spending any more mana just means a very big loss of tempo, which is important in competitive games

My friend plays it in Jarad.
With a bunch of mana dorks and some good grave loaders early game it has actually helped him out pretty well.
Probably cheaper and more efficient recursion but it is fun and political.

Doesn't everyone hate purphoros?

Most decks I see on tapped out are quite pricey so that was my metric

>Izzet Master Race Edition

And Niv-Mizzet shall rule them all.

Just let him learn how to boil a Planeswalker down for their spark, Wizards!

Every Phenax Deck I have ever seen was shit besides one that was just shoved with Dimir Good Stuff, Tutors and Combo shit.

>They're all garbage and have no synergy

Reyhan + Ravos.

Kraum + Vial Smasher.

Bruse and Silas / Ikra / Tana.

>2 colors works fine in budget


>lands coming in tapped isnt that big of a deal

what the fuck? no no no, lands coming in tapped is the worst possible downside for lands

the reason 2 color can work fine on a budget is all the cheap come-in-UNtapped lands you can play, like the pain-land in your color, the checkland (some color combos have an expensive checkland, like UR, unfortunately), the BFZ land and SOI land (ally colors only), the signet land (also ally color only) and then lots and lots of basics

So I took my tymaret " low cmc prairie fire" deck, tore out all the "pricey" board wipes and recurrable creatures, (everything but removal, lands, rocks) and replaced them with goblins, and the commander with wort bogart auntie.

I'm legit having 10x the fun I was having before. I love theory crafting my own strategies and decks, but holy fuck a silly brainless tribal deck is fun and fresh after a while. Being able to recur value gobbos if not exiled is fucking amazing, the whole deck is flavorful and fun, and generally just a good time. It's not hyper competitive,but she gets out of hand pretty fast if not dealt with accordingly. I can't recommend her enough.

>mfw guy in my group runs keranos as commander with omniscience and insurrection as his sole wincon

Even has melek and niv in it but goddamn is it terrible

i wonder how it feels to be that guy who gets blown out by UU every game.

Pretty dead right now, so:

Describe your commander as poorly as possible and try to guess someone else's commander from the description. I'll start us off :

Old bald man with a cape likes to watch his spawn fuck and die. Can't handle more than six abortionlings at a time.

Aether revolt looks doooooooope

Endrek sahr

Mine: busy librarian with lots of friends


Quadreped nerd with a world sized terrarium and no friends

How would you rate the power level of this deck? I have one playgroup that says it's too strong, and another that's fine with it.
My basic plan is stall with defenders, control the board with wipes and counters, then High Tide+EtI into Lab Maniac win. I sometimes use steal/copy effects, since stealing a big hitter has won me several games.

>more artifact bullshit
april can't come soon enough


Perfect !

I was stumped until I thought about the word "nerd" more lol

Try this one:

Bisexual Qt3.14 socialite has bootycalls in every plane that show up on short notice

You might as well go full on Omnath, Locus of Rage and fuck people up hard with tokens

Likes to be beat so she can birth deadly rape babies.

Not too strong at all.

What makes a deck broken, in my opinion, is the amount of stupid fast mana and tutors they run

your deck is just a cool control deck, tell your pussy friends to git gud

Queen marchesa

You did it

A rhino on two legs starts an all-out war with it's very presence

QM or teysa envoy of ghosts?
Ummm Cap'n sissay? Someone that tutors?

Smiling blue fat shithead filled with KNOWLEDGE

I can't think of any rhino commanders except roon

Im not confident in that guess tho

Yeah you got it, it was sisay

Yours is Kami of the crescent moon

>tfw flickering Phyrexian Ingester

Reason why I said taplands are fine because if you're playing on a budget you're not playing super competitively, and when you're not playing competitively it's fine.
I know that I sound patronizing but there is some truth to that. I played taplands back when I first started in a fairly casul group and not once did it significantly hurt me.

That must have been too easy

How about...

stunted green mcguyver

Tribal Stealer that's not Memnarch
Vord: The Deck.
Bonus points for recognizing the reference


Chained up and PISSED

Wrong tribe but right track ~
It's also like an ugly Cap'n Sisay, it's got a lot of friends it can call on.

Sliver overlord

Bingo bango bongo you got it.

And here we see that only Moustache has synergy with any other pardner. Those other 2 combos have absolutely no synergy, aside from returning a creature from a grave to hand on your upkeep, which dying gave one of your creatures few counters, but that's a stretch.

I have to agree with , may as well switch to Angry Omnath. I run Mina and Denn in Angry Omnath since it works better. But, go with the usual Landfall dudes: Avenger of Zendikar, Rampaging Baloths. Another fun interaction is Fertilid with Retreat to Kazandu.

I'm more excited for MTG's Egypt in April

I dream of making Kynaios and Tiro aggressive for 1v1 play. I feel RW benefit from ramp and card draw most, they never get it. I want to focus on RW tokens, with any good GU cards as cherry. Attrition, quantity vs quality. Most lands most cards most creatures. Board wipes for tactical restarts. Some sneaky blue unblockable shit, hell even craterhoof. I'll figure it out some day.

Keep dreaming my man.

Honestly, build it boros but with green ONLY ramping and blue ONLY drawing

Might work

brooding edgelord who later goes on to still be edgy but in fur
switches back to just brooding edgelord later
I feel like black is quite necessary in aggro, but go ahead and try.

Why do you have Ulrich in a deck?

not quite, hint: over the course of reprints

Not really powerful. Defenders are pretty useless most of the time, depending on what you want to do. Only defenders I can think of worth including are Wall of Blossoms/Omens and Wall of Denial. Maybe that one that returns a instant/sorcery to hand from grave on ETB.
I dunno, this deck seems perfect for casual meta powerlevelwise, but maybe your group just dislikes the many tutors and counterspells you have.
The tutors are a big thing, since it brings consistency, which other players in your whinygroup doesn't seem to have, or at least I get that kind of image.
Just replace the tutors and few counterspells for the whiny people to drop power level to a crawl.

Oviya Pashiri?

A girl that just wants to have fun. . . WITH DEAD PEOPLE.

Awesome undead monarch who reinvents the wheel to kill you without commander damage


Very big member of the cone head family.


Traitorous vampire that turns his dieing enemies to zombies. Likes to eat his spawn AND his friends, for mad gains.

nu Kalitas?

Ghost that becomes a big guy.

You did it.

nope. emphasis on BIG

Endrek Sahr

A woman who hates demons and big burly, wild men.

how is he as a commander? are you just playing goodstuff?
if no can I see yer list?

I'm playing control/stax, kind of good-stuffy but not enough to actually be called such. It's mostly just as much shit as possible to hate on creatures and to slow the game down until I hit a potential win-con. Here's the list if you still want to take a look: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-time-to-die-is-now/

Trawler seems neeeeat

Also hand-cascade will make for some shenanigans

>Hating artifact bullshit
Someone beat this nerd up


crippled midget

Easy, Mizzix

good taste

Daretti? maybe mizzix?

Expertise will def see play

Scheming bitch makes friends stronger.

If you're going with something that has B on it, tainted lands will help you out. Then again, pain lands aren't THAT expensive, we have also the old filters around, and terramorphic expanse is a thing. (If you're going GW, Krosan Verge is always welcome.)

Tall pricey blue dude says hah, nice hand size as he refils his

One of my commanders is:

She likes throwing herself to the graveyard or command zone whenever she gets cast.

ay hold up, at the end of your end-step, before clean-up, im flashing in a jin-jin



dead wife red man

Neither, I guess I can give one more hint.

She's black and manipulative but always gets manipulated in actual play.


