EDH/Commander General

Big Flashy Commanders Edition

>Last Thread:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Topic:
Do you prefer higher or lower CMC commanders?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Windborm Muse

I call bullshit

I'm willing to make a server for Veeky Forums to do virtual commander through Xmage, and possibly even hold a tourney or two, but I would like to make a few requests:

1. Someone with reasonable confidence in Linux Terminal commands and Java act as the primary Admin of the server, making sure it stays up and running, keeping it updated, etc.

2. Should the free-tier AWS server not be able to accommodate Veeky Forums, we upgrade to a new server, fueled by PayPal donations, Also probablh hosted by the Admin, if able, though I won't mind assisting if able.

3. We at the /fvgt/ aren't exactly the most sane people. We believe Veeky Forums can improve, and still Get Shit Done. As part of that, we're updating the wiki, in hopes of it becoming a usable resource to the community.


We'd like /edh/ to update the wiki page, and make it a resource that you might include in the OP, as an introductory page to newbies. Our goal is to make it easier for Veeky Forums to actually get into playing their favorite games. The introduction to the current Commander Page runs counter to this, starting off with a 40k anecdote.
The new page should include deck-building tips, an intro to the format and the /edh/ meta, and all the resources new players will need. It should still have that sarcastic, meme-referencing Veeky Forums, feel, but it should be USABLE.
Most will know that 1d4chan is edited by greybeards who love their dank memes, so if your changes get reverted, we suggest creating it as a separate page, entitled something like Commander: An intro for newbs, then link back at the top of the original Commander page.

So, what do you say?

oh oops haha i meant seedborn muse

never used xmage before. is it worth a download?

ah, someone at my lgs is building nicol bolas themed.

desu as far as flashy commanders go, this one's my favorite.
I still can't get xmage to work.

Definitely. It has up to Kaladesh in its card library, and it's cross-platform.

>want to try xmage
>"would you like to download all the images?"
>click yes
>only half of them down load
>literally a single land image per color
>try redownlading
>same thing

what the fuck? why would anyone play this shit?

There is also Cokatrice as an option. We're still undergoing testing to see which program works best for our purposes.


Any feedback/criticism for Simic tag-team? Thrasios and Kydele seem like they've been flying under the radar for how effective they are together.

what you should do is download a rar file with at least *most* of the images. you should find one of those lying around somewhere, either le reddit or the game's own forums. install those files, then start the game and see if there are enough images for the game to be playable (an occasional imageless card is fine imo)

if you need more images, go back to the the download screen, then try downloading the images from each url. some images are only available in certain urls, so you need to switch hosts every now and then. sometimes the download will freeze, so just restart the client when that happens. all in all, this whole process will probably take hours since they will download mega slow, so do this while working on other stuff. after you smash your head at the thing enough, it should eventually download all or nearly all of the files. and then you can play the game

it's a real bitch to install but it's well worth it imo. going back to cockatrice feels absolutely awful after playing xmage for so long

>>>literally a single land image per color
not true btw

pretty good shit mang, i like how thras can guarantee a good solid land ramp then turn it into a draw when needed. i think too many people are disappointed in the four color combo partners that they overlook the three and two combinations.

I like cockatrice, although it was pretty tedious testing yidris because there's no easy way to cascade

So why is Balance banned when all it does is make the game fair?

I think we're leaning towards Xmage if we can get it to work for everyone.

Land Ramp is a sacred cow.

If balance self exiled it wouldn't be as much of a problem.

Xmage is notoriously bad in that regard tho, but of course it's up to you guys


That's a good one

If it made people sac artifacts too it would be fair

Is this big and flashy enough?

>all it does is make the game fair?

>post cyclonic rift advantage
>not fair

Regardless, its no different then tragic arrogance/cataclysm gearhulk

It's obviously a lot different from tragic arrogance and cataclysmic gearhulk tho, just read the fuckin card

Tragic arrogance and cataclysmic gearhulk were created as fair and balanced versions of balance

>its only fair because it doesn't hit lands

Do you quit when someone plays armageddon?

That's not what i said

also you're contradicting yourself, first you said balance was no different from tragic arrogance and such, now you're saying the lands part is what matters to you

Anyway the reason balance is broken is that it doesn't hit artifacts, it's basically an instant win card for artifact decks

Yes, but Xmage has Rules enforcement. Cockatrice doesn't. Do you trust Veeky Forums to be put on the honor system?

how bad is this? I know its not competitive, but it works alright with my casual playgroup.

So why not run the 10 or so artifact boardwipes there are? I'm not seeing good points here

>honor system


If somebody tries to cheat everybody in the game will know, cockatrice records everybody's actions

Are you saying that balance isn't broken because you can run artifact wipes, and wipe your opponents artifacts before they can cast balance?

Yeah, its surprising people actually use nevyinnral's disk isnt it?

Why don't you ask your playgroup to unban balance and then you can see for yourself how ineffective that plan is

Fair enough. Maybe we should have a poll as to what system we use? Honestly I say Xmage. When you finally do get it working it's more playable.

It doesn't matter if my group allows it or not, just that the only justification of balance ban is muh artifacts, next you'll tell me if it did balance is unfair because it won't hit enchantments

>how bad is this?

Looks casual, but fun. You have Impact Tremors instead of Warstorm surge, though?

I have both of those actually, but it seems alot easier to pay the 2 cmc than the 6 for surge

Enchantments don't make mana in the same way artifacts do.

Anyway it's apparent to every intelligent person that balance is broken, hence it being banned in legacy, restricted in vintage, and banned in edh. The reason for that is apparent, an artifact deck can run a 2 mana 1-sided wipe of all creatures and mana sources on top of discarding hands to make it even more unlikely that opponents recover

There is no way to defend against balance besides always having a counterspell or running an artifact deck yourself

I just don't see why you want to play in that metagame

Eh, I rarely seem to have the trouble, but I get what you mean.

But wrath of god doesn't artifacts either so by your logic it should be banned.

Wrath of God doesn't hit the manabase though

There is no other card like balance, there is nothing that hits the manabase, the creatures, and the hand of your opponents, all while being partially asymmetrical. And it's only 2 mana

>4 player game with my opponents playing Atraxa, Breya and Aurelia
>Get to play my Anya Group Slug
>Before the game make a pact with my Boros Bro to knock out the 4c Commanders
>We out aggro the shit out of them
>Turn 7 its just me (20hp, 12 Commander Damage) and Aurelia (32hp)
>Blasphemous Act with my Boros Reckoner on the field with Furnace of Rath in play
>Hit Reckoner for 26 and redirect it for 52 Damage to Aurelia

Our third game I won with Personal Sanctuary down and Heartless Hidetsugu ability with Dictate of the Twin Gods in play.

I think I am going to have to let it chill though, its starting to see some hate.


Post cards you really wished were legendary.


This, there's honestly no reason for it not to be. having 2 copies of this on the battlefield is super redundant



I think this guy would be a fun commander, he makes his own tribal and has the common Izzet counter play theme.


I agree balance is a strong card but honestly I don't think it should be banned its not like protean hulk or god forbid panoptic mirror.
there are other cards that are stronger and just because it doesn't hit artifacts doesn't mean its the end all be all overpowered card, it does make the game a bit even. its pretty much an oh shit card and it can be advantages but not on the scale of my opponents can't do anything "hurrdurr". if your playing "artifacts win" decks it can be good for both sides to have a balance for or against. I think it should be unbanned just my two cents (from a guy who plays a lot of edh every week and sees more jank than he should)

I think it's way way WAY more powerful than panoptic mirror

Panoptic mirror isn't even good, it's like on the level of the sanguine bond exquisite blood combo, but worse because panoptic mirror is shit without the time warp, panoptic mirror is only bad because of muh feels

As somebody who has played "anything goes" singleton before, balance is just a stupid, incredibly broken card, and I really think everybody who wants it unbanned just isn't thinking about the possibilities, or hasn't played against a really good artifact stax deck. Those decks are hard enough to beat, it would make esper versions completely broken (demonic tutor or mystical tutor for balance)

I play a relentless rats deck because this format is fucking aids.

Thanks for inflating the prices of staples, assholes.

Maybe street urchins like you would enjoy pauper edh? It's fun, give it a try

>9 mana
>Time Walk
user, we already have Narset. Jeskai's already busted as it is.

I get that and I palyed against a zur the just fuck my shit up control deck and a karn just stax my shit up deck and sharuum etc etc. balance could have helped me against those decks and also could have hurt me. but all in all I think it should be unbanned as well as other things(prophet of kruphix). I know the card can be broken but there are a lot of other broken cards too that are unbanned (humility, invoke prejudice, stax cards,bribery etc.) but I think those are fine too and just because you can tutor doesn't mean you'll get a tutor or the card itself turn one your playing a 99 card deck. I will agree to disagree on the whole thing I just think it should be unbanned. also if you don't think panoptic mirror is good you sir must really suck

please respond

prophet is fucking stupid
stay out
while we're at it, let's ban seedborn too.

how do you deal with wraths?

Honestly considering ordering a playset to stave off the swarm of Atraxas currently overrunning my FLGS.

Why do you think panoptic mirror is good?

It's a great way to 2 for 1 yourself, waste 10 mana, and get your best sorcery exiled

My playgroup used to play anything goes singleton "casual" when commander was just becoming a thug, now not every banned card was tested because a lot of them were outside price ranges but balance was part of my friend's nightmare artifact deck, and it was unbeatable if it resolved

Panoptic mirror is something I've seen used but always to bitter disappointment for the caster, it's actually one of the worst ways of getting infinite turns

If it was unbanned I think you'd see it show up in a lot of lists at first and then slowly fade into obscurity because it's just not good compared to what you can do in edh these days

As for those other cards you listed, I don't think any of them are even close to the level of balance, though they are all much better than panoptic mirror

Not him but we have a Mono Black deck that has 25 of those Relentless Rats and a few other Rats and some Black Anthems and when you wipe the board of just creatures he just plays more rats.

We are a very casual timmy-filled meta and I would say between 20-30% of our decks are creatures but his is close to 40-50% creatures so he constantly has a board state and is pinging us right away.

yeah I guess ok its not as broken as tabernacle though it can get rid of one

I honestly don't get why Atraxa is as popular as she is. Can someone explain it to me?


Ugh. I say we edit that piece of shit regardless of whether we get an MTG server out of it or not. The things a fucking trash heap of too much text and Dank Memes.

Some user made a pretty good summary of how to build a commander last thread, yeah? Let's start with that and work our way around it.

If everyone gives me the necessary info, I'll compile it into something legible and put it in a pastebin or Google doc or something, then update the page when we get a final draft.

user, you've got yourself a deal on the last point. I don't know shit about programming though, so someone else needs to step up for the server thing.

Way ahead of you, chief. My Abzan Hatebear deck has this guy to join Sun Titan and Brisela as my high-costing critters because fuck me

5 Atraxa decks.

Five. Atraxa decks. Five people. Five decks.

And they aren't even different, either. They all followed the same cookie cutter strategy of superfriends and durdle like shit.

And the worst part? None of them could seal the game quickly. I only seen one of the decks win because no one had an answer to Narset PW close to ultimate as well as the guy already having Elspeth Sun Champion out to ultimate following up.

constant proliferating enables some janky dumb shit that you didn't see too often pre-atraxa and can't get away from post-atraxa.

She has most of abilities to be a Voltron General, she runs UB, and her Proliferate opens so many options for deck building for her.

So many people want her for Superfriends instead.

Superfriends players are honestly either 12 or autistic.

Tabernacle is pretty stupid I agree, probably more broken than balance but they are hard to compare, very different cards

They're all over 20 but some of them might as well be 12. This is at an LGS, by the way.

The closest thing I have to a Superfriends deck is Queen Marchesa. Even then, she only has 7 PWs and none of the Oath of ____. Oath of Gideon I might consider only because he has tokens come out, but that's it.

>Our Atraxa player already houseruled his own commander to cost (2) more from the start.

It gives us just one or two turns to save up an answer but it has made the world of difference.

Lol wtf

I like oath of nissa but you're not in green, it's good in 5 color superfriends

Yea I didn't mean literally 12. Either way you would think that at this point people wouldn't think planeswalkers are super special snowflake cards anymore, we get 3-5 of them almost every set. But muh planeswalkers still is a thing.

Probably means you guys are garbo desu

EDH is a format of peace. Modern on the other hand...

Nah, I know. Point is, they all aren't the most innovative deck builders and they all get flustered if their powerful decks chock-full of powerful PWs don't win. I don't mind seeing known commanders or obscure ones, but I do get tired of a certain one in succession.

Meren/Mizzix weren't as bad last year, at least, for my area. Hell, I don't think anyone around here has played Meren in the past 6 months.

Would a slightly more gatewatch-themed Atraxa edh bother people? I mean, I could run Child of Alara or some other 5c shit, but 5c is annoying and doesn't support 'walkers as well as Atraxa does, and it's a great deck to run my SDCC walkers in.

Idk why Veeky Forums hates superfriends so much, I like it, planeswalkers are fun to play with

I mean I've seen it be frustrating for opponents, when they have humility and 3 planeswalkers in play and it feels like theres no way to interact with the walkers, but it feels like humility is the offending card there, and regardless that doesn't seem to be the main complaint, people just don't like superfriends for some reason beyond me

I know that we shittalk Atraxa a lot but honestly just play what you want, don't let the opinions of a bunch of anons you will literally never know or meet in real life bother you. If you wanna play superfriends Atraxa go right ahead.

If you are truly that concerned about wanting to be different or stand out with your superfriends build. You can try a whole new commander, the Bant colored ones are a good start. Hell, honestly the gaykings aren't a bad choice either.

I don't think it's them thinking that planeswalkers are overpowered. Really if you play EDH long enough you realize that they are actually kinda bad. I'm pretty sure the main reason for the recent superfriends hate is that superfriends in general can get a bit on the samey side, and when you get like 7 people at your LGS playing the exact same deck and commander superfriends gets really old and tiring really quick.

That makes perfect sense, same reason I started to hate all the "new player here what should I build?" "Oh definitely get the meren precon" posts

Why encourage people to all run the same overplayed deck?

I guess I just didn't notice that everybody was going nuts for atraxa superfriends cuz I haven't been to my LGS edh night in a while

Alright, so suppose we take this wiki thing seriously. Here's the supposed sections:

Keep it short and sweet. We can keep it funny by bagging on other formats, and their competitive play, the laughable concept of our competitive play, etc, but we provide the meat of what it means to play EDH. Decks are truly unique and it's the beer and pretzels format of MTG. It's fun, and investing in the latest cards is an optional fun stuff, thing, not mandatory to play.

>Format Rules
Copypasta the main bullet points from the official EDH page and link to the official rules. Done. Maybe insert some snide remarks here and there, but don't explain every little detail. Jesus.

>The Importance of Meta
This is where we explain why EDH is so great. The fact that we care about the level of play everyone else is at, and the importance of this being a game all in good fun.

>Building a Deck.
Start with pic-related, edit for brevity, and work from there. Then web

Separate from the actual process because there's a million different tidbits /edh/ gives on a daily basis. Important once go here.

>/EDH/ meta
Server info probably goes here, as well as a short explanation as to how our meta works, and what newbs should do to build at our level.

Our OP is pretty much it.

Thoughts? Anything I missed.

>Wait? People are playing a lot of flavor of the month? Weird.

In all seriousness though. I'd reckon that people often point towards the most played/common commanders because really, if the person is new and don't know where to start at all, the precon or other common commanders are their best bet to sinking their toes in the water. Most new players are going to be way in over their heads trying to build around some Literally Who legend from Kamigawa.

Well atraxa superfriends is getting more hate than other flavor of the month decks Breya and yidris

Anyone have any advice for selling an EDH collection?

I've been losing my passion for Magic. I originally got into it because I had started work in a new state and there was an office playgroup that made me feel at home. But now many of that group don't work there any more or are no longer interested. The FLGS is fun but just not the same.

I've heard tale of people who sold their collection for a fair amount. What would be the best way? A whole collection? As individual decks? As singles? Craigslist?

>Have Panharmonicon out
>Cast Woodland Bellower
>Get Eternal Witness and Fierce Empath
>Regrowth two spells from Witness, search two fatties (with ETB effects) from Empath

The value train has no brakes. Also, I've never seen anyone else ever play Woodland Bellower. Why do people not play this guy? He's so fun

Just take a break from Magic and keep your decks in a storage or something. Most likely in the future, you will want to come back to it once a friend or family wants to play with you.

Unless youre hurting for cash and really need to sell your cards, then go for it.

I think because he's kinda new and more interesting in mono green, so he's got slightly limited appeal

I think he's awesome though

Panharmonicon is also crazy fun

>playing Sedris with panharmonicon out
>somebody killed Sedris last turn
>play Phyrexian delver
>return Sedris and archaeomancer to the battlefield
>return victimize and frantic search to hand
>drop goblin dark dwellers into gy with frantic search for freeeee
>victimize returning dark dwellers and grave Titan
>get 4 zombies and free cast victimize and frantic search
>return combustible gearhulk and disciple of bolas to battlefield
>draw 6 cards then sac gearhulk and grave Titan to gain 12 draw 12
>careful study puts palinchron in gy
>Sedris unearths palinchron, netting 11 mana
>clone palinchron twice netting like 20 more mana
>cast bogardan hellkite and use ghostly flicker + archaeomancer + hellkite to kill the table 10 damage at a time

I vote xmage as well, I forgot what I did but I had to change the file type to get it running.

If an user could make a tutorial , since all the ones out are dated as fuck, that would be awesome.

Anybody down to play some edh in the next ten minutes?

Anyone else run Squee? I had thrown him in a couple decks just to generate card advantage but now I'm running him as a commander.

The best combo is Skullclamp. Killing your general over and over again intentionally can be fun.

Post hate-tech you've started using.

I just bought the Saskia precon, what direction should I take this skeleton?

Human Tribal versatility edition. Then again it's 3am where I'm at and insomnia's a bitch, so I'm probably wrong.

I would love that if I didn't have human tribal with Sigarda already. Do black and red add any humans -so- exciting it'd be worth tearing her down?

Well, there is Soulscour, which pretty much does the same as balance without discard, but it costs 10 mana.
You're a fucking idiot. Balance is 2 mana and if you're playing it, you'll be playing artifacts/enchantments/walkers anyway and your opponent gets absolutely fucked anyway.
Same goes for Prophet, it was Teferi+Seedborn muse stapled together for 5 mana. If you were playing UGx Prophet was there, even if you weren't playing creatures.
It was literally warping card, as is balance.
Besides, every card you compare (Humility, Invoke Prejudice etc.) Are on a way different power level.
All of the cards you compared effected only creatures. What if someone plays spellslinger or another noncreature strategy?
Literally no effect.
Panoptic Mirror isn't even powerful, but it's very easy to abuse in this format.
I have no idea how you can't grasp the idea, but Balance (and Prophet) are in the Banana Bunch for a reason.

I'm probably going to build Saskia the same as Kresh, just incredibly aggressive haste dudes. Plus white

Ali Baba is without a doubt the most broken Red Human available. I can't even understand how Wizards thought this card was ever a good idea, and I can't understand why he's considered legal in ANY format. I mean, he's broken even by Storm Crow standards. Use him if you like, but you'll completely screw up your groups meta by doing so.

>「R I P T I D E」
>not 「T H E T I D E I S H I G H」

Also you have just 4 targets for Woodland Bellower, is it really necessary?


I'm running Spreading Plague/Lethal Vapors/Tainted Aether in my Ob Nix PW control deck. This shit is dope