Games that would make for interesting RPG settings.
League of Legends use to have interesting lore until riot stopped caring and DOTA seems interesting but again valve didnt care to expand the lore.
Games that would make for interesting RPG settings.
League of Legends use to have interesting lore until riot stopped caring and DOTA seems interesting but again valve didnt care to expand the lore.
Infinity. Really interesting setting.
Dark Souls. Only problem is figuring out a plot that's not "go immolate yourselves"
It already has an RPG though
Fuck. Shows how noobie I am too it user.
Just got into the game too. SORRY FOLKS!
To be fair it is fairly new
Is League the one with yordles? 'Cause I like the blue goblin girls with giant weaponry.
Speaking of, what IS the lore on them? My only LoL playing friend just said "Basically goblins."
I'd like to know if there's actually more depth to them beyond that. Not that I'd be upset if there wasn't.
And this thread begs the question of WHY it would make a good game setting.
League's been doing a lot of lore events and stories lately that are for the most part decent. The whole Harrowing thing last year was actually pretty good. They just don't release on a good schedule and it took them until literally last week to make a webpage for it (the new universe tab).
The lore is the only good thing in that game tbqhwyf.
I fucking hate myself the only "story" I really like that League has is nothing but an Alien Vs. Predator ripoff yet it is one of the best story events they have ever done.
Trips of Truth
Rengar Vs. Kha'Zix event was fucking tight they even have a special quest if a Rengar and Khazix are facing each other.
When are we going to see a resolution to the whole LeBlanc = Jarvan 4 thing?
Or did they just retcon the whole lot when they stopped the journals of justice?
More like gnomes, I think
tristana was much cuter before
Pretty much im not even sure they mention the whole summoner aspect anymore
Overwatch. Overwatch so much.
Yordles are basically League's version of Fae Folk - people who see them don't necessarily see what we see, if they do at all.
To bad riots new waifu is lux
Yeah, a League RPG could be kinda fun. You could, like, create a custom champion and then create a summoner. Your summoner is your character outside the matches, and inside matches you play as the champion with your summoner giving you minor backup via summoner spells. Or, alternatively, play just champions. Have a backstory for what you did to get noticed by the Academy of War (is that what it's called? I can't remember) and do stuff both in and out of matches. Maybe deal with the politics of the matches in-between, like Noxus trying to cheat and Demacia doing the same except trying their best not to get caught.
Also, Garen best champion. In a league full of magic-users, horrible monsters, and straight-up gods, mah man Garen here just needs courage, a big sword, and heavy-ass armor.
Didn't they retcon summoners long ago?
Garen is good, lore-and gameplay- wise, but i was always partial to Singed. Shame he is so overlooked now.
I like scifi fantasy aspect. And story was better than in borderlands. Or maybe just Deltron 3030.
I don't know, but I'm still sticking to it either way. The old lore was fun. In my book, summoners are still a thing, Nasus and the other Shurima characters are still gods, and Jax is still a badass who's undefeated in-lore.
Yeah. His thing is that his play is simple, which is why he gets overlooked a lot. I tell you what though, being a Garen main, when you get going you're like an unstoppable wrecking ball of armor and magic resist. Best thing is when you run and someone changes, then your passive and warmogs let your regen half your health so you can turn around and smack him.
Actually, now I really wanna make this happen. What do you reckon a League system should use? D20? D10 or d6 dice pools? D100?
Essentially gnomes, back in the old lore barring the supernatural/borderline supernatural champions, the yordle champions had some of the highest kill counts, Tristana and Teemo (her qt significant other) we're pretty fucking ice cold.
>stopped the journals of justice?
This is honestly what made me lose any interest in playing the game seriously. Used to actually love the shit out of grinding ranked games, but when they just spit in the face of the lore, why give a shit?
And fuck most of these retcon'd champ origins to hell and back.
>What do you reckon a League system should use?
It's more or less custom made for team-based games like League.
You know what? Yeah, I want to make this happen now. Gonna need to figure out what dice system to use, but here's some ideas I've got so far.
>Characters select a role: Tank, Fighter, Assassin, Mage, or Support. Each role has their own specialty, for example tanks get more health, assassins get more damage, mages get more mana, etc.
>Players choose four abilities and a passive. Some abilities are shared between roles, but others are exclusive to one role (for example, healing being exclusive to Support). Ultimate Abilities are also seperated by roles, and the player chooses which he wants based on his character's role.
>Besides base mechanics, many specifics are left to the player's imagination, so they can be tailored aesthetically to each champion. For example, a character might take an ability that does damage and pushes an enemy away, and flavor it as charging them and knocking them back. Players are encouraged to rename their abilities.
>Seperate currencies for gold in matches and gold in real life. Gold and items from matches are reset at the end of every match. Specifics will need to be figured out.
>Set up is that the League maintains several smaller branches, essentially minor Leagues meant for smaller, more local conflicts, while the League proper is reserved for international conflicts. However, promising champions can rise through the ranks, and could potentially join the main League along with the iconic champions.
Still only a vague idea in my head, but I'll see if I can develop it more.
The reason I recommend Strike! is exactly because it does most of that. It does Roles (there's exactly 5 of them, although they fit slightly differently), it starts you off with 3-4 abilities and a 1-2 passives, it encourages refluffing, and feats are a good stand-in for LoL equipment.
It's not 1:1, but it's really close. Even if you just want to end up brewing it, it's worth a look.
PDF here:
Quick description here:
Playtest doc for new classes here
>League of Legends use to have interesting lore until riot stopped caring
They never stopped caring though, user
They just shouldn't have scrapped the Institue of War idea
Huh, neat. No quite what I'm thinking of, but I appreciate it. Thanks user, I'll take a look through and see if there's any ideas I can lift.
If you download the PDF just skip the first 90 pages. The tactical subsystem is where it's at.
What have you got in mind? I may have some other games to borrow from.
The element of League's old lore you're bitching about would have been fuckawful garbage for pen and paper. The new setting isn't great but I could see running a pretty cool game in Bilgewater or Piltover/Zaun.
I actually have an urge to run a game in Sins of a Solar Empire, maybe with the players being pseudo Rogue Traders for the TEC.
There isn't a ton of world building to go on, but I figured I could fill the holes where necessary. It just seems like a fun setting that needs a little love.
Yeah. They're inherently magical, live for fucking ever and both they and their homeland are covered in glamour. That said, the are still a nation with a functioning goverment and infrastructure. They also tend to be largely similar to other folk in intellectually and emotionally. So they aren't alien, otherworldly style fae. They're just magically hidden from the world in a way the makes most people co sider them a myth.
I'd say they're an amalgamation of many tropes common to Fae, Elves, and Halflings in fantasy.
But most of that is wrong you fucking tool.
They're not hidden at all, and they fucked with a lot for it by Noxus. They're superficially cuddly and friendly, and are in fact so social they go evil without other yordles. They're also the smart as fuck race, with the smartest scientist and theoretically most powerful mage both being yordles. Not inherently magical, they just don't get big rough dudes because they're wee little people. Lulu is the immortal fae witch and that's because she has an actual faerie companion. She was also kicked out because of being so fae.
They are literally magical. Poppy and Kled predate the founding of Demacia and Noxus respectively and are thus hundreds if not thousands of years old. Go read Trist's story. And the fluff on Bandle City.
>Perhaps some of these tales are true or maybe none, for no expedition mounted to find the Yordle homeland has ever located it. Which is not to say that no one has visited the land of Yordles, for many claim to have travelled through unseen portals into a land of fey enchantment populated by diminutive creatures of mischief. In Bandle City every sensation is heightened for non-Yordles; colors are incredibly vivid,the food and drink intoxicates the senses for years and, once tasted, will never be forgotten. The sunlight is eternally golden, the waters crystal clear, and every harvest brings fruitful bounty. It is also a place of unfettered magic, where the incautious can be led astray by its myriad wonders and end up lost in a dream until they drop dead of hunger and thirst. Those who claim to have travelled to Bandle City speak of a timeless quality, which may explain why many such taletellers appear to have aged tremendously or, in fact, never return at all.
It's literally faerie. That said, they're not restricted to that stereotype as evidenced by Heimer, Corki, and Rumble. So maybe they should be called Fae/Elves/Halflings/Gnomes. Plus as I noted they have a government and standing military.
Well, so far this is what I've got.
>Six roles: Tank, Fighter, Assassin, Marksman, Mage, Support
>You can take one secondary role with your primary role, but can't access the high level abilities of either as a trade-off.
>Matches aren't just fights to destroy the enemy's base. Sometimes there are other objectives, so the GM can mix up sessions.
>List of powers put under each Role. Some are shared between different roles, but others (such as healing) are exclusive to one.
>List of Summoner Spells that can only be used during matches, chosen at the start.
>Pick Mana, Energy, or Cooldown-Only at chargen, which influences which abilities you can take.
>Basic Attacks are just normal attacks with no special effects. Certain roles have better Attack Speed, letting them make more or less attacks in a turn.
>Think I'm gonna go ahead and nix the gold stuff, just cause that leads to players competing for kills.
>Opportunity to do stuff outside matches too, so GMs can pull plots outside the League, like other factions trying to rig matches.
Haven't had a chance to sit down and write much yet, but I've got a vague idea what I want to do. Still need to figure out what dice-system to use though, tempted to go d100 for big numbers but I'm not sold on that yet. D20 would be the easiest, but those tend to be unappealing to me personally.
yeah i think mobas would make for interesting settings. a realm where characters from different, unrelated worlds get sucked into.