Looking at investing in the IG (astra what?) for the first time. Post your dudes, your conversions, your company's fluff. I'm looking for inspiration.
Imperial Guard Thread
i love ig in dow winter assault.
they are so fucking op it makes me weep for the lesser armies.
Requested this pic in a drawthread a couple of weeks ago.
My regiments' homeworld is Harlech (Unashamed about naming it that), and they tend to have the higher end of the gear spectrum. They are well disciplined, and it is rather common place to join the fortress world's PDF. Companies compete to be in newly formed Imperial Guard Regiments, ensuring that the best are used to pay the tithe.
Officers are from noble families, and it is quite difficult for a commoner to be promoted up. It is because of the population disparity that, when it comes to Infantry and Mechanized Infantry regiments, there are often five normal squads, three Special Weapons Squads, and a Mortar Squad are led by a single Lieutenant, making even such a low ranking officer rather distant from the rank and file (It gets hard rather fast to get to know so many people). So, Platoon Leaders often rely on Sergeants to know how best to use the common troopers.
The image here is of the Harlech Dragoons, who are the elite infantry of a Regiment, often forming their own company and seconded off to the others on an as-needed basis. Their armor is far more ornate, and reminiscent of the legendary knight Calvary from Pre-Imperial days. Though they no longer ride mounts, they are generally seen as successors to the heroes of old.
Though quite competent, Harlech Regiments are known to be quite prideful. They generally hold less-formal regiments (Such as the Catachans) with contempt. Even when paired up with regiments from Cadia or Mordian, the troopers tend to go off on their own to prove that they don't need assistance with an objective. This has bit them in the ass on multiple occasions.
Anyways, I actually like some input on this idea. I tried making them a well disciplined and competent force that is far too prideful for its own good. Any improvements I should make?
If you just want the IG portion it comes out to 1200 points I based my Scion army of this list
Although I dont play the game looks baller as fuck though
This is a short document including all of my Guard homebrew units, using Regiment Creation rules from Only War in the mechanical parts.
I'd focus on how their annals are kept. If they're so proud, do their annals involve a little bit of padding? Do they work super hard to make their defeats sound like victories?
So wait
Why is this even a full army list? and can it work?
Im tempted to start "Scions of Khorne" now
Ironically it works really well for an ally to IG. You get objective secured stormtroopers, extra slots for Valkyries/vendettas, and your stormtroopers ignore mishaps for parachuting into cover, which lets them be super aggressive with airdrops.
... Since when can scions/IG ally with Chaos?
That is something I can work with.
>The annals say that an Ork Rok crashed on an Imperial World that the 42nd Harlech Infantry Regiment were stationed on, as well as the 21st Vendorah Artillery Regiment
>The Harlech regiment were quick to act, managing to push the Green Tide back into the wreckage
>There, Colonel Radclife himself, flanked by a squad of Dragoons, breached the Warboss' chamber. A firefight erupts while the two leaders clashed blades
>The Vendorah regiment began a saturated bombardment over the entire area, killing both Orks and Harlech Guardsmen. Colonel Radcliffe does not survive the battle
>What actually happened was that the Harlech soldiers were disorientated by the Rok's crashlanding
>Colonel Radcliffe didn't even have time to react - he was crushed by falling debris before he even saw an Ork
>The Vendoran artillerymen reacted quickly, stemming the Ork Horde before they could spread out, a the expense of the Harlech regiment
>To this day, the 42nd Harlech Regiment detests people from Vendorah
Come the apocalypse I think. You can do it, there are just penalties.
I'm working on a regiment recruited from a hive that specializes in urban combat for a bit of write faggotry I'm doing at the moment, but I'm having trouble developing a naming scheme, for the hive and for the troopers and officers. Any suggestions Veeky Forums? I'm half tempted to call it Sarinclade, but it seems a little silly.
Would those penalties even count for this army? The Warpsmith and fiends would do most of the fighting while the scions zoom around the map with the Valkyries.
I dont play TT alot but im just guessing how you play this army
Well most of the penalties mechanically speaking are based around keeping distance between them. Can't get to close, and if they are to close and fail certain saves can turn on each other type thing. If they were far far away from one another it may be k.
That's something I too wanna make, good job!
Was this list in the codex? Still seems like an odd combo
Well i suppose i'll dump my Clan-Kin if you guys like reading others work.
The Kin of Clan Cromwell
The clan Cromwell is an extremely large clan of officers in the imperial navy. The Clan owing its success to the ease of reproduction of many of the clans customs and traditions, it is not uncommon to find a Cromwell serving on any imperial voidship in a crusader fleet.
An extremely ancient name, Cromwells can trace their lineage back to its earliest days, to one midshipman that was aboard the ancient ship Argent Spear during the great crusade. It is said that from this ships communications flag the Cromwells first took their clan colours; red and green, which is usually worn as a pennant flag tied to the belt of a Cromwell officer.
Cromwell kin are known to be deeply rooted in their clan history, reading widely on the subject during the cold nights and long voyages. Out of this has grown a set of peculiar customs regarding proper geller field maintenance; spotting flaws and fluctuations in the geller field along with the proper incantations to the Saints. From this tradition Cromwells are well versed in what awaits them outside the geller fields glow. Deamons. It is said in the mists of history that Cromwell clansmen have battled and even sleyed deamons, a tradition that it is their highest goal and esteem. It is said that Cromwells will never desert their posts even if daemons are aboard the ship, and that they prepare for this threat above all.
>Origin: Navy Armsmen
>Demographic: Tribespeople & Spacers
>Recruitment: Elite tithe
>Home World: Battlefleet
>Core Units: Shock Troopers
>Specialisation: Deamonhunting
>Loyalty ratings: Overzealous
>Special Equipment: Modified Weaponry: Persecutor shotgun w/ modified Bolt shells. Clan-Kin Quarters ship component upgrade
>Regiment Creed: For the Emperor
>Motto: For the Emperor, For the Clan!
>Regiment Friends: Imperial Navy
>Regiment Enemies: Daemons
>Fluff: Not so much as repelling boarders but activly seeking deamons.
>Equipment and Weapons
Such is the fearlessness of the clan when facing deamons that If the geller field should fail, clan officers and ratings immediately go to hunt out the deamons and protect the core areas of the ship. In order to effectively hunt deamons clan Cromwell armsmen and officers are equipped with Persecutor shotguns using with modified boltshells. These have the light construction varaiant equipment pattern, which allows them to be weilded one handed easier and drops their weight to 5kg. This weapon is carried permenantly by a clan-kin that has reached age. It is not uncommon to see them slung over their backs as they carry out their duties.
It is part of their doctrine to wear flak armour to increase the chances of survival of marcocannon strikes to the ship. This armour is further upgraded with deflective construction, which further improves its protection from explosions and rending weapons. Lastly, most Cromwell clansmen are equipped with a single photo sight attached to their helmet should lighting fail, cause brownouts, become inconsistent, be used as a weapon.
Continued 2
Continued 2
More elite Clan-Kin Combat Operators are equipped with pressure sealed carapace and motion predictor goggles that incorporate a photo sight. (Special rule) The carapace is intended to look like a naval parade uniform, however this belies its true function. Technology meant to provide a cheaper alternative to chemilioline resulted in the rediscovery of a lost data fragment. Though the fragment is incomplete it described a fabric coating that could flip between two images. Which was achieved by using fibers which would turn mechanically and display a different image. The cromwells have utilised this to create a uniform which displays both properties of a parade uniform one moment, and a camouflage one the next. Parade mode grants 1 reroll to resist fear or pinning, as the soldiers morale is boosted by their appearance. Camouflage mode grants +10 to concealment / stealth tests. While this is not as good as chemilioline, it is used for greater tactical flexibility. A tactic which commonly appears when Cromwells are involved.
Clan-Kin Combat Operators are known for their ruthlessness when boarding enemy vessels, especially piratical vessels. Their favoured assault weapon is the Mars pattern melta-gun, which they use to open bulkheads and make alternative entry points buy cutting through the walls of corridors in the ship. Their favoured heavy weapon is the milti-laser as it will not as often cause unintended punctures of the ships atmosphere.
Clan-Kin Bridge Staff are specialists in ship manoeuvre. They operate on the ships Bridge and the rogue trader Augustus Elderwyld is known to have a special detachment of them working on the bridge of his ship the Rex Chauron.
Continued 3.
Continued 3
(The following were created using the Minion rules from Black Crusade)
Clan-Kin Combat Operator (Good)
WS 27 BS 35 S 35 T 40 Ag 28 Int 28 Per 26 WP 29 Fel 32
Skills: Awareness, Scrutiny, Security, Concealment, Frenzy,
Common Lore (Clan-Kin Traditions)(War)(Imperium)(Imperial Navy), Linguistics Low gothic (Ship kant) Tech use.
Talents: Dodge +10, Hated Enemy (Demons)
Gear: Stimm injector, Imperial navy uniform, Guard Flak Armour (4all), Void suit, Cromwell pennant (Memento). Guard issue stablight. Assault Lasgun with Scope.
Clan-Kin Bridge Staff (Good)
WS 27 BS 35 S 35 T 40 Ag 28 Int 28 Per 26 WP 29 Fel 32
Skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Clan-Kin Traditions)(War)(Imperium)(Imperial Navy), Linguistics Low gothic (Ship kant) Tech use.
Talents: Dodge, Hated Enemy (Demons)
Gear: Laspistol, Flakweave imperial navy uniform. Cromwell pennant (Memento). Guard issue stablight. Dataslate.
Special Rules Crack Crew: These units are unusually skilled at their job, however they are few in number. They have the crack crew rating (40) for purposes of delegated tasks. There is only 30 of them so the crack crew rating only applies to the command bridge. If they are ever killed in action, the crew rating returns to normal.
For those who don't know tyhed ally rules:
Battle Brothers
Benefit from Warlord Traits, can be joined by IC's, are friendly units for psychic powers, repair hull points, embark on transports, and effect reserve rolls.
Allies of Convenience
Cannot move within 1" of each other,cannot have any of the benefits listed in battle brothers, and are effected by rules and abilities that effect enemy units.
Desperate Allies
Are just like Allies of Convenience except they have a One Eye Open rule. Cannot be within 6" of each other or roll a d6. On a One, cannot do anything and flyers most move at minimums and cannot pivot.
Come the Apocalypse
Just like Desperate Allies, except that they cannot deploy within 12" of each other.
I really like this list
To bad its some serious $$$
$68 a piece for the maulerfiends and Scion boxes only come with 5 minis