Have you read youtube comments? It's worse than /pol/. If I was a business owner, I would be hard pressed to not disable comments on all my videos, especially if I wanted to attract new players.
At least on facebook some of the anonymity is gone and it's easier to ban and delete comments. I am not talking about comments that simply disagree or offer counter arguments, I am talking about the really shitty dumb comments that offer nothing but shock value and meant to troll.
Because then the autists would ruin every comment section with rules inquiries, bitching about OP TAU/ELDAR WHAT THE HELL GUIS, and general shit posting. Because this hobby attracts the worst kind of fucking people. Including you. ESPECIALLY you.
Jacob Lee
Short Answer? There is nothing of value to be gained from Youtube comment sections.
Long Answer? Before GW seriously upped their social media presence this could be seen as a problem, but it was just another sympton of a much larger one,now that theyve become way more open to the community via Facebook theres really nothing to be gained from interacting with the average youtube commenter.
Facebook has a bit of accountability since,for the most part its real people and real names, so they cant go off sperging like idiots without a care in the world. Interacting with folks there is both easier, a better format and holds people somewhat accountable whenever they try to start bullshit.
Ethan Bennett
forums were a mistake
Samuel Roberts
Why should comments be enabled? They are glorified ads, your opinion doesnt matter and even if it somehow did there's customer service.
You dont need to shout your retarded opinions on every single medium of the web so why do you care about comments on youtube?.
Gabriel Allen
> warhammer tv > no battle reports
what is this shit
Ethan Gonzalez
>Showing the public how bad your game is
Brody Taylor
>There is nothing of value to be gained from Youtube comment sections.
This. Comments in general are a trashfire, and unless you've got a really nice community (and good moderation) any good that'll be gained from them will be outweighed by some shitstorm.
Christian Hall
>Not posting the best video today youtube.com/watch?v=RY6qGamu24Y Shame on you user. That one, the Chaos Black XL and the Hero bases ones are pure gold.
Andrew Clark
>Facebook has a bit of accountability since,for the most part its real people and real names, so they cant go off sperging like idiots without a care in the world. Interacting with folks there is both easier, a better format and holds people somewhat accountable whenever they try to start bullshit. This a thousand times. When people asked if the new website would become a forum, they said no and it was the prime reason for it. FB is perfect, there is no anonymity, to an extent. GW learned their lesson from the previous websites, and it's fine like that.
Logan Anderson
You won't catch me spending a dime on GW spray paints of their base decor, but these commercials are pretty brilliant
Parker Kelly
Yeah, I won't spend money for that either, but it's still extremely refreshing and a good feel to see them not take themselves too seriously, losing the corporate side to get the hobby side back. It's the little things that count and sustain us until the 8th edition comes around with the Oh-so-awaited overhaul.
Leo Moore
Keep sticking it to the man!
Brandon King
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. The Games Workshop Hobby Store is two blocks down.
Juan Foster
My buddies and I have adopted a little saying: wait for 8
I really hope the rumors for it turn out to be true.
Jacob Morris
>Sexy Chad working at GW >GW having a gym
What is this alternate reality? Next thing you know, SoB get constant releases, are the postergirls and SM have been waiting for a plastic release to not have to carry their boxy metal Land Raiders around.
Dylan Cox
they will have battle reports next months
Thomas Cruz
>Have they not seen the like/dislike ratios on their videos?
Meaning what exactly?
Levi Clark
That people have opinions and they are all super special and important!.
Benjamin King
I think because of the likes/dislikes they will keep people's expression in just that form. Because of the likes/dislikes, they would be even less inclined to open comments
The way I see it, youtube is just a host site to upload videos so they can be shown off and discussed elsewhere. They are likely not even considering youtube subscribers part of their success, and relying solely on hits on their blog and likes on their facebook pages.
Chase Bennett
they want you to talk on facebook since youtube is just full of idiots most of the time
Carson Carter
Has anyone ever seen anything of value in a YouTube comment? The comment section on every video is like a septic tank buried down the page and if you're unfortunate enough to go digging (scrolling down) all you're doing is digging in shit.
Justin Anderson
>8th edition comes around with the Oh-so-awaited overhaul. Keep dreaming, matey. It'll be more of the same bloated tripe we've had for decades.
Kevin Sanchez
I remember, once upon a time, where you could just filter the comments section of a video you were watching. For some reason jewtube took that feature away from the users.
Parker Adams
A few months back, i was talking with a family member who knows a guy who knows a guy. He told me that 8th edition was supposed to come summer next year. That's all he could tell me.
Skip to earlier this month when we saw a few rumors of 8th edition being a cross between what the game is now and taking lessons from AoS for streamlining and simplification, going for a major overhaul of the system because even the developers recognize how much of a bloated mess it has become, not being as friendly to new players as it could be. Those same rumors also said 8th was coming summer next year.
So take that for what you will. To me it gives me some hopes for the future of the game.
Michael White
>implying GW does battlereports and not New-Release-Wins-reports
Tyler Howard
>implying watching battle reports are good for anything but entertainment and watching players have a good time with each other
Hudson Cooper
It's no fun if the new shit wins because GW wants people to buy it though.
Thomas Stewart
Jesus Christ that's geld.
Gabriel Young
Dude, I would love to watch duncan and the other warhammer tv guys go at it on some battle reports, I don't even care if the winner is decided and made through careful editing. As long as it's entertaining and their british humours and impressions apparent through the whole thing.
I really don't do the whole 'internet celebrity' follow thing, but these guys are really starting to interest me.