Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1202: Dial Up Edition

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urgh wanting to be a human in transformers? Why not just switch to an alt-form?

But if people are looking for a transformers series not covered by Many's jump and dealing with humans. Transformers masterforce had humans that could merge with lifeless cybertronains.

How does your jumper reconcile the existence of "fictional" worlds?

Next time please try and keep old drama to dead threads.
It was finally over, and you had to go and bring it up again.

Yes. Combine Precognition and a multi-tasking perk with Statuary from Razzle Dazzle and Super Anchoring from Sonic. GG, YVVH, I can sit here all day and you can't do shit.

He takes it in stride. There are an infinite number of universes out there where all sorts of things happen, the fact that some of them follow the plots of various fictional stories doesn't make them any less real.

"The only fiction is fiction itself."

Really proud of that one. Probably gonna feel like a dumbass when he realizes people have written omni/metaversal annihilation events that within the context of their own series should break IP boundaries that he sure as shit wasn't unfortunate enough to take part in.

As it stands I know logically no such things exist, but my heart wants to believe they exist out there anyway. So if anything I would be overjoyed.

I would probably just see my original universe as one of those many "unfun" realities that exist as balance to the others. At least till I return post-spark.

Benefactor confirmed 'metaverse' that contains all omniverses (IPs), which in turn contain all multiverses (individual settings).

It's just sets of infinity, stacked within each other.

Personally, I've also been partial to the explanation- when I decide that I want one- for why I'm visiting fictional worlds is that there are certain people in our world who have mental links to other world(s), as well as a subconscious compulsion to create things based off of those worlds- whether they be video games, books, TV shows, comic books- whatever. This phenomenon is most common in our world, but it shows up in other worlds from time to time. Sometimes the "signal" gets scrambled, which results in parodies/expies in other worlds.

Otherwise, it's just that shit's weird, yo.

I houserule that there are various "nexus worlds" into which impressions of neighboring realms seep in. A lot of fiction is just authors receiving small impressions, upon which they make up stories similar to what they've seen. As a result, some events are only dramatized retellings of what actually happened, so they can't rely entirely on meta-knowledge even if the world itself largely conforms to said works. It can also lead to awkward moments when I try to surprise someone with something only they would know, but the actual person/event turns out to have been less... exciting than initially believed.

My understanding is that the WfC games and the prime show share a timeline, while the armada/energon/cybertron shows share another.

Beast wars is part of g1, to my understanding.

Are there any entities I should look out for if I'm a Slasher in WoD?

So, Bodymod says you start at the "average human" for stats. Is this the average world-wide, or average in a developed country?

What about things that aren't stats like endowed? Do you start at the average or nil if you choose to forgo using you old body for stats?

You get the average proportions. So your donger is like 5-6 inches if you're using a new body and not taking endowed.
It's servicable, but you're going to get laughed out of the big boys club.

It wasn't actually defined. Could be world wide, could be developed countries, could be your country, could be your local multiverse. Just pick one for your chain.

Average. See above.

Who knows, user? It was never addressed, AFAIK.

Body Mod has been ruled to not diminish your IRL stats if you don't wish it to. So what I'm saying is only people with small dicks buy endowed.


I find that hard to believe.

The Omniverse is completely and totally infinite. Sure it means all of my actions mean precisely nothing in the grand scheme of things, but fuck it. I'm having fun and making people happy.

Why, user? A-cups average? Are you looking at Russia?

>could be developed countries
>could be your country
What are you implying, user?

...Yes I was.

Haha, no, wasn't thinking that. "Your country" is singular. "Developed countries" is plural.



Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, the WFC games are the background behind TF Prime/Robots In Disguise.

Beast Wars is part of G1, it takes place sometime after G1 series ends. They even see the sleeping bodies of their G1 ancestors.

Fun fact, Asians in general were all stuck an A-cups and below for generations because of their shitty food choices available too them. This lead to the sexualization of other body parts such as the neck which the kimono is build to show off.

It lasted this way until western food importation, particularly fast food, arrived. B-cups and above immediately started to appear in the next generations.

Remember this next time you go get a burger.

What. Is that what I think it is?

In Russia, everything is bigger. Including the boob sizes.

What this map doesn't tell you is whether or not those cup sizes are healthy, sexy big boobs, or Wal-Mart Specials.

Its Trump and his stand [The Wall].

Yes. There was a short comic based on it, too.


>Beast wars
>After g1

You sure about that? Cause, you know, dinosaurs?

Is the elderscrolls oblivion jump the only elderscrolls jump or is there more?

There's morroblivion, and skyrim.
The old fused jump is just for legacy use.

General, morrowblivion, and skyrim.

>Remember this next time you go get a burger.
Burgers bring Bust, Burgers are Love

Time travel is involved in Beast Wars on several occasions, most importantly right at the beginning.

Nevermind that, i forget to look inside the folder

There wasn't any live dinos. What happened was Megatron & his splinter group were hunting for Energon crystals using a stolen ship capable of warp drive & the golden disk. Same golden disk that humans sent out and blah, blah. Y'know that Disk.

Well Optimus' group were just bunch of Explorer egghead scientists that were tasked to stop Megatron. They get in a warp accident and landed several thousand years in the past. Due to Aliens, who made their home in a lunar sized base, planted the unknown planet (Earth) with huge amounts of Energon. So much the Transformers had to adopt a faux biological animal forms to survive.

They eventually find out that the aliens did this to Earth, Megatron was actually smart and found a few primitive hominids and was going to kill them. This would've helped their ancestors the Decepticons because there wouldn't be any humans meddling & Autobots would lose out on an ally. Dinobot stood up to Megatron and died for it. So Raptor Jesus died for your sins.

Ah, right. Optimus maximal is named after Optimus Prime, but due to time fuckery ends up babysitting the ark for a while.

So, the show itself is set before G1, but it technically follows afterwards. Beast machines is after in both senses of the word.

That said, I think I'll use the Armada/energon/cybertron timeline for my hypothetical jump.

Got some work done, I'm a bit worried about the capstones but everything else is looking nice.

>no dino's
Sorry, just wanted to poke fun at that line.

>So Raptor Jesus died for your sins.


I've no familiarity with 40k lore (well being on Veeky Forums i guess i got exposed to it indirectly), can I jump Light of terra? Are there any specifical thing i should read before doing it?

Link please.

Fastest thing alive appears overly complicated, but still mostly fine.
I think being able to fly at 4 times your running speed is absoultely bonkers though. Not necessarily in a broken way, but it is significantly faster as a multiplier than Running's flat numbers when adding speed perks.

Say you can already run at mach 3, being mach 12 in the air is faster than being mach 10 on the ground.
This of course depends on out of jump perks, but it doesn't seem to be intentional for getting flying twice to scale faster than putting it all in speed.

Mostly to incentivize taking it over just pure Speet for the different movement types
I think cleaning up the language (The speed boost from /this jump/ is boosted, not all speed in general which is a mistake on my writing) and maybe just making it that you get a big boost in speed with THAT movement type instead of a multiplier is more in-line

Looks pretty good so far.

Not mentioned
It's overly complicated because the easy mode on that is limiting movement stuff like flight and gliding and shit to either nondiscounted perks or racial picks
and while the first is easier the second is dumb as hell
As long as it's readable enough...i might remove the "Super Speed" boost just because it's overcomplicating the whole thing even more than the movement types

That could work.
It would make it a lot cleaner to figure out how stacking movement is supposed to go.
But yeah Multipliers OP.

Perhaps limit being able to buy movement types more than once to just running?
That way it's a choice between maneuverability and speed instead of getting both the way you want it?
Unless that's what you already meant and I'm just failing my reading comprehension check.

"Fictional worlds exist....awesome!"

This desu

"Things just happen, what the hell?"

Is Mr. Popo an Infernal Exalt?

Is there anything to KlK besides "lol so randumb XD" and fanservice?


Plenty. It's like all gainax shows where you actually have to watch all the way through to get it.
Just a few clips and the cliff notes won't help.

I'm watching it right now, or at least I'm trying to.

It gets much better once it gets out of the otaku audience grab stage all anime is contratrually obligated to go through now.
So less lel random tits and more things actually happening.
If you can power through it you probably won't be dissapointed.

Bonus Stage should be infused with chaos, unless it is just really enthusiastic about it. Does it work based on literal worlds or is it based on settings/jumps?

The description of Insta-Shield might need a bit of refinement, the intro at least - also can you actually stop, or is it just hard to slow down? That should probably be cleared up in the Super Speed perk, rather being in another perks description.

Blast Processing. See above. This almost seems to be repeating the mess that the first sonic jumps speed perk was, in that it lets you go fast but doesn't do anything to let you survive going fast.

No, he's an Ishvara

In regard to the first Sonic jump's speed: APM Intensifies is always the answer. Also it was a crap way to turn a capstone into... not.

They don't really question it, they're just stoked to run around with all these cool powers and kicking ass and finally being a hero for once in their life

While we're talking about KlK, would Consuming Life Fibers as a Runner allow a jumper to boost their strength similarly to how Ryuko did?

Same way I reconcile the possible existence of fictional worlds in our multiverse (omniverse?): someone made up a fictional story, and a new universe/multiverse popped up where that fiction was reality.

>multiverse (omniverse?)
Personally I call the whole shebang "omniverse", with there being little self-contained "multiverses" inside the omniverse. Like say Dragonball, with their 12 universes they can travel between. That's one self-contained multiverse, within the greater omniverse.

>implying there's such a thing as non-fictional worlds
Everything has a story dedicated to it somewhere. Doesn't make it more or less real.

Infinite Universes means Infinite possibilities, means that every single universe is Fictional in an infinite number of other universe.

I always wondered if fanfiction worlds counted as universes within a multiverse. Like, take Naruto for example. Is there a Dreaming of Sunshine universe within the Naruto multiverse? And with fanfictions that focus on a multiverse, does that mean that there are multiverse inside of a multiverse? How the fuck does that even work?

You also needed to get durability perks, maybe regen too.

I don't know, the way I work my cosmology, it's like a giant library. There's a book called Earth, and we're right now inside one of the pages of that book. Each other page would be a different world that takes place on Earth or in a place with Earth.

Places like Naruto would be another book altogether. And a lot of books together form up a larger multiverse (the bookshelf).

How about fictions that exist within a fictional universe?

Can you go to Itchy & Scratchy world if there's already a Simpsons world?

What, seriously? That sounds like a load of crap. How is that necessary?

>Like, take Naruto for example. Is there a Dreaming of Sunshine universe within the Naruto multiverse
I don't consider "Naruto worlds" to be a self-contained multiverse, because no one in that travels between universes.
DC and Marvel are multiverses, because they contain a number of other universes and people travel between them.

Here's the current perk text:
-Super Sonic Speed(300cp Discount-Mobian): Running around at the speed of sound. You gain the potential to reach up to twice the speed of sound (Mach 2). This does NOT provide immunity to the physics nor the reaction time to make this skill not lethal. Hope you have good pair of goggles or some ability making you resistant to it. You start at a base of 50 M/h and work your way up from there. Hope you like training montages.

Kind of suprised super speed still kills you if you run into something.
Any chance we can get something like what sonic has where you can run hands first into a sheer cliff at top speed without pulping yourself?
Because he can do that both in the games and out and going around at hyperspeed doesn't hurt him unless he slams into a knee high wall and trips.

You see that makes sense at first, until you consider "crossovers".
Which book is a Naruto...I don't fucking know, Overlord(Vidya) crossover in? The Overlord book, or the Naruto book?
How about each Universe is its' own book, and "Multiverses", that is to say things where people in the different books can meet one another, are their own shelf.

If the Classic Sonic jump doesn't get a perk for that the gold standard is still in Cave Story.
Never hurt yourself by your own movement again.

>Infinite Universes means Infinite possibilities, means that every single universe is Fictional in an infinite number of other universe.

God-fucking-dammit, that's not how that works.

...You do realize that /infinite/ possibilities doesn't mean /every/ possibility, nor that literally anything is possible, yes?

To give an example of why is this wrong, there are infinite numbers between 1 and 2 1.1,1.2,1.3, etc. but none of those will ever be 3

Oh? Then please, explain why you think differently? I'm honestly interested.

That's not how I personally think of it, I think that EVERY possibility is covered. Every last one.

I could be wrong, I could be completely and utterly wrong to the point of ridiculous, but that's how I think of it.

That's an entirely different kind of infinity and you know it. This is the type of infinity that includes wholly different laws of physics.

There's no theoretical limit to how many books are present, just as there doesn't have to be a single shelf, or single library for that matter.

Has anyone claimed a BoJack Horseman jump?

> you know it
well that´s the example other user told me a while ago, didnt know there where different types of infinities

Yes. I forget who, but they do post about it sometimes.

Ah. Thank you.

There are different types of infinities, and some infinities are larger than others because math is FUCKED.
For example, there are an infinite number of variations of "this" universe. Mostly the same with minor differences, as small as the color of a single hair on a single person's head.
But all of those infinite possibilities are contained within a larger omniverse, which has even more infinities contained within.

We have no way of knowing, or even assuming, that's true. If we think of the multi/omniverse as just two more dimensions, there's no reason to believe that. If you think of any one dimensional line, every single substance is not going to be on that line, and every substance isn't going to be on that line if it goes through a different dimension. In this case, universes, rather than just horizontal or vertical.
An example. Look at the bottom of your computer screen. If the line on the border were extended forever, there's a chance, perhaps even a likely chance, that it will never touch gold.

You are absolutely correct.
But there is another line, almost identical to the one on the border of my screen, that DOES touch gold.
At least that's how I think of it. In the terms of /jc/ anyway. Every single possibility is covered across the omniverse. With some exceptions, because if I were to take my thoughts on it to their logical conclusion then there is something even beyond the omniverse where my Jumper is contained.
Omniverses where he made different decisions for example, or a different person was chosen as the jumper.

I think this link will benefit this discussion.


They only have working theories. My Benefactor is quite close-lipped about topics related to jumping itself and the Spark.

The primary theory is "The Benefactor is picking universes out of an infinite multiverse that match fiction from my world so that I'm at least passingly familiar/comfortable with them".

Hunters, I guess.
Theoretically, you might also have various supernatural types in the police force, that will make your life more difficult.
You might also stumble into supernaturals because you're preying on their prey, and they might not want the competition.

If this was for real, I would not advise it. I'd suggest reading up on wiki articles about the Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperium starships and personal weaponry/armor, The Warp, Servitors and probably some related articles.

The idea is that there are an infinite number of realities, then to get to a specific one the information contained within a fictional story works as alternately a key to the described reality, or like filling in the search bar on a multiversal search engine.

>My Benefactor is quite close-lipped
Somewhat similar, Justice has his ideas about how it all works, the ones I've related into the thread, but the Benefactor refuses to tell him if he's right, wrong, or somewhere in-between.

I prefer something like this to be honest, desu senpai.

Would it be possible to tap into consumed souls to increase your Mantra-level?

I feel as though that would mean they're being burned (permanently) to give yourself more power. Which is a thing that was done in the game, so...

Well given that you can burn souls to get lods of mantra with the right set up you probably could.
The souls probably wouldn't survive the procedure and I doubt it would last forever.