Story time Veeky Forums!
Today's story: The Legend of Koizumi
Is that "Gin Rummy" Rumsworth in the bottom right?
AKA "everyone is a horrible cheater in politics"
...and that's It for chapter 1! I'll post another few chapters ronight if'n you want.
Fuck it, I'll keep posting.
Have W chucking a hissy fit.
...and that's chapter 2! anyone reading this?
Considering Cheney would be a literal goblin, I think so
Colin Powell saving the day?
This is hilarious, thanks OP
I can post up to chapter 5 tonight. More tomorrow If'n you wish.
For now, have some more dastardly deeds
>Ate the whole leg
Fucking Kim Jung Un, how can he even hope to compare?
Chapter 3 done, now how will they beat the Glorious Leader?
If I knew anything of Japanese politics at the time, my sides would probably be in orbit
If I knew anything about Mahjong I would extremely entertained. Right now I'm just very entertained.
Oh lord, this manga. It's a hilarious masterpiece.
The short anime is great too, you could watch it in a half-hour or so.
Of course! Bad boy pulls a rifle out of no where!