Mtg Standard General

WOTC Standard Desperation Edition

>What are you playing?
>What are you brewing?
>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?
>If so, have you gotten any sweet stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:

>>>What are you playing?
WU Flash Spirits
>>What are you brewing?
Dubious Challenge. It's just such a "brew me, fuckface" kind of card. I can't resist.
>>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?
Yep, didn't get the chance to go last weekend though.

Is it worth it to play Jund Delirium or is the BG version strictly better with its consistency?

>What are you playing?

Nothing, format is dead at all 3 of my shops near me

>What are you brewing?

No point in brewing, brews in standard right now are just shitty synergies with samewalkers and smegma copters strapped on.

>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?

Still couldn't get enough people at all 3 shops, I called in to each one.

>>How do you feel playing the most cucked format in Magic?

There is some fun to be had playing less powerful cards versus other less powerful cards, but I just wish the power level was a bit higher. Things like mana leak and lightning strike should always be available at common, they're now pushing this sort of thing to the uncommon slot. It's unacceptable.

Some aether revolt stuff from facebook

new wrath looks good

I wish. That's Languish right there.

I wonder if Trophy Mage is gonna make Dynavolt Tower decks better

I wish. That's trash at killing creatures right there.

>Yahmni's Expertise

How do you pronounce Yahmni?

I don't know, it hoses everything in W/U flash, R/W Vehicles, and that B/R aggro deck, the top 3 aggro decks of the format.

It's Yahenni

>Wiping the board and getting a Liliana into play
Chase rare right there

>liliana comes in to pick off the 4 toughness creature left alive

I mean assuming all you pick off is just two creatures and you cast literally anything else with the second part of the card it seems pretty great

Hey guys, I'm working on a sweet brew that uses Midnight Oil, one of my favorite cards from Kaladesh!

Tell me what you think!

4 Blooming Marsh
1 Emrakul, the Promised End
1 Evolving Wilds
7 Forest
3 Grapple with the Past
4 Grasp of Darkness
4 Grim Flayer
4 Hissing Quagmire
3 Ishkanah, Grafwidow
4 Liliana, the Last Hope
3 Mindwrack Demon
2 Murder
1 Noxious Gearhulk
2 Pilgrim's Eye
1 Ruinous Path
7 Swamp
1 Tireless Tracker
1 Transgress the Mind
4 Traverse the Ulvenwald
2 Vessel of Nascency
1 Midnight Oil

2 Dead Weight
1 Emrakul, the Promised End
1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
3 Natural State
1 Ob Nixilis Reignited
2 Pick the Brain
1 Tireless Tracker
2 To the Slaughter
2 Transgress the Mind

Mono black eldrazi hand Jank
Wolf in mech in vehicle
RG energy or.something. just a concept

So, some guy nags at our lgs about standard showdown for a week, and asking once would have been enough, but they had trouble getting hold of the distributor so answering was slow. They had the little pa KS coming in for it and scheduled the showdown, basically, to cater to the guy since demand for standard here is only so-so.
He never showed up for the showdown.
I ended up getting a pack, but it had a foil common, under the floowboards, and that one "life becomes 26" spell.
So far? Mediocre

sweet brew!

I don't want to go too crazy, but I think you could even put a midnight oil in the sideboard, cutting one of the natural states.

im trying to brew u/r control. bluehulk and chandra are just so fucking close to being broken

My LGS got sent like 44 BAB boosters when they were only meant to get 10. Me and the owner opened a few for shits/shop stock. First pack I cracked an expedition Wasteland, second pack an Emrakul. They're legit.

The Tower lists are the best UR lists right now. I can give you my list if you want, it hangs and bangs with Delirium and UW.

I don't think Chandra will ever be considered broken, but I do think you'll never be disappointed using her or having her out

If you're playing control, Jace is much better than Chandra. He draws you better cards, and they go to your hand rather than needing to be cast that turn.

Probably but if you've got the board fairly under control that 2 damage a turn is pretty good.

I mean sometimes you just need to get the game over

Chandra's ramp allows you to keep lands untapped for countermagic tho.

She's really good, and is always a target when she hits the board. Hopefully something in Aether Revolt allows a deck to built around her.

>I mean sometimes you just need to get the game over
With Dynavolt Tower you can generally end the game really fucking fast anyway. End step tap two Towers deal 6, Flame Lash deal 4, untap draw, tap deal 6, Gearhulk back a Flame Lash. Between their end step and your upkeep you can deal 20.

>>What are you playing?
GR Energy, poor man's edition

>>What are you brewing?

>>Does you LGS host the Standard

>>If so, have you gotten any sweet stuff?
I think I opened the most valuable pack in the shop, part the waterveil, a toolcraft exemplar and a foil full-art mountain

Most people got utter garbage

Bump, should I go to brewing WB control instead?

>>What are you playing?
rakdos graveyard
>>What are you brewing?
>>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?
>>If so, have you gotten any sweet stuff?
nothing good yet

What does wizards need to do to make standard great again? I don't think its any secret that this format is trash, despite everyone being so optimistic. People thought this would be perfect for brewing/combos/something unique, but it turned into jam your most pushed rares/mythics into a deck and call it good. People say cards like swords/path, counterspell, and lightning bolt are too good for standard, but are they really? They dont even have to be the exact same card, just something that is even comparable, not this "cancel with upside" and ruinous path garbage. I feel like then the format would be a little more interesting than who can curve out the hardest.

I mean, it doesn't kill the best creature in the format, which is a problem

Sure, and Languish didn't kill Siege Rhino which was always a knock against it.

I just think this does enough that it'll see regular play

At least ajanis back...

>tfw ran G/B delirium last format
>tfw bought lilly when people thought she was bad at like 15 a pop
>tfw people won't know I liked the deck before it became the meta
>tfw still win every FNM and rack up cool store credit for cards I might need out of AR


it wouldn't matter if those cards were in standard or not

all it would do is speed up the format
it would still be solved within a month only it would use those cards and would have games ending on turn 2 or 3 rather than 5 or 6

fixing standard is hard
in fact that biggest thing holding standard back is probably limited
the fact that wizards has to design about 3/4 of the set specifically for limited means that the majority of commons and uncommons in the set are going to be made with limited in mind rather than constructed.
so they set is self contained and as such they have to make the cards suck on purpose because if they made tons of cool cards that interacted well with one another in limited they could honestly just break the game if when interacting with cards outside a limited scope.

if they didn't care so much about limited and just allowed it to be a mess then you could possibly see an improvement in the standard format
they could actually design good commons and uncommons rather than loading all the power of the set into the mythics and a few rares.

G/R Aggro, no pummelers
Simic Energy, with pummelers, probably going to try an artifact subtheme.
Did like shit last week, but I still got a Thalia's Lt. out of it and I expect to do better this time around.

>Hey guys, lets made BG Delirium more broken!

>they have to make the cards suck on purpose because if they made tons of cool cards that interacted well with one another in limited they could honestly just break the game if when interacting with cards outside a limited scope.
You're a fucking retard.

t. Power cube owner

Hey, can someone check out this deck? It's doing pretty well at FNM.

13x Mountain
11x Forest
4x Borderland Marauder
4x Pyre Hound
4x Peema Outrider
4x Wily Bandar
4x Rush of Adrenaline
4x Borrowed Hostility
4x Built to Smash
4x Larger Than Life
4x Giant Spectacle

I swear to god if there's no R instant that burns creatures and face for at least two or 1R instant that does the same for 3 I am going to burn down my store

UR visions player here

I'm bad at brewing. Could you explain why you only use one midnight oil?

>you may cast a card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your hand without paying it's manacost
>doesn't kill your delirium grim flayers
>free liliana, lol
What the FUCK?

If you have 3 types in the yard and none are sorcery, it still wouldn't kill a Grim Flayer.

The ability resolves before it goes to the graveyard

It only dies when state based actions are checked, by which point the delirium ability is already doing its thing. It's the same as Bolting a 2/3 Goyf with no instant in the yard.

I'll take your word on it

why does standard feel so bad? is it because it's run by playsets of 20$+ cards?

I think it's because WB and BG are so dominant, at your LGS you'll mostly be seeing the T2 decks, which are cheesy as hell with shit like T4 Em or aggro in R/X. Nothing is really fun to play against.

nothing is really fun to play WITH. Standard was more fun with Coco imo

Yeah, I'm super fucking unhappy about that. Naya better get some hate to quell Delirium.

You did that on purpose

R/G Energy
Just putting the finishing touches on R/G Energy for the Denver GP
>Standard Showdown
My "local" game store is about 100 miles away... still a couple of friends and I went down there this past Saturday to get some practice in for the GP.
>Anything good?
Not for me! Went 2-1-2 with my R/G Energy and got no packs, one of my friends went 4-0-1 (playing BG Delirium) and got two packs with nothing good, and my last friend (playing Boros Vehicles) who did worse than I did got a pity pack and opened a Sword of Light and Shadow. Lucky bastard. He's the lucky one when it comes to packs.

Sounds to me like you have a shitty local meta. Good luck ever being competitive.

>inb4 tries to justify how huge modern/legacy are in his area

Doesn't matter.

BG is strictly better

Could it be worth a splash for Kozilek's return, Chandra flamecaller or Arlinn?

Why? Why can't we have good cards as promos again?

>>What are you playing?
UW Flash cuz I wanna win
>>What are you brewing?
Nothing, because UW Flash is too good
>>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?
They just started last Saturday
>>If so, have you gotten any sweet stuff?
I've made top 8 consistently, but haven't pulled anything good. Sucks because I just paid my tuition for next semester and I'm broke

>meanwhile at the PTQ

That makes more sense because a PTQ has more heft than FNM, but still. Even back a few years ago the promos were still choice pics, even if not rares or mythics. Things like elvish mystic, bile blight, and stoke the flames all saw heavy play.

so its a worse fact or fiction? man I miss the days when we at least got playable or even alright promos.

>Why can't we have good cards as promos again?
Let me tell you what was the prevalent whining when promos were good.

Players were crying and bitching online that suddenly all the "good" players showed up to FNM and started winning with their good decks and these whiny bitches were complaining that it made FNM too competitive. And supposedly stores were screwing their players by not giving away all the promos.

So let's note all the fuck-ups Wizards has gone through to reach this point, say since M10. Promos used to be good, you got fucking Mythics like Wurmcoil and Emrakul and even trash like Ajani or Sheoldred was useful. FNM promos were great Constructed good shit like Wall of Omens and even trash like Gatekeeper or Spellstutter had value. Then people fucking cried about it and now Mythic promos went away and so did good FNM promos. And they replaced good shit with useless fucking pre-release gimmicks that only made it more inconvenient for stores to explain these stupid mini-game rules to people. Then Wizards tries to fix it by returning to classic Sealed pre-releases and giving stores 8+ promos per FNM event, when they should have just given stores 8+ FNM promos from the fucking beginning and never changed pre-releases at all. Because guess what Wizards, MOST stores only get to play Sealed during pre-releases, and not everyone plays Magic to fucking death five days a week.

Basically this situation is a result of players fucking crying about receiving good cards as promos. And it was exacerbated by the fact Wizards doesn't know what the fuck its doing.

>tfw UR Control
>tfw BG is getting better tools
>literally picked the deck to beat the decks that beat BG because it's an unfavorable MU
A-a-aetherworks will g-get more p-popular, right g-guys?

Eyh, I'm considering getting back into mtg standard, I played back during the invasion/odyssey block but things seem to have changed a lot. Seems like T2 doesnt exist anymore and now it's called Standard, and standard is composed of the two most recent blocks ? But I'm not sure I understand where does the core set stands in all this, it seems the last core set was Origins but they don't want to do any more core set now ? So will origins be forever standard legal ? Or is the core set not standard anymore ?

I don't fully get it and would like a rundown on that if anyone is feeling helpful. Also, is it a good time to get into standard ? I'd like to invest into cards that won't get out of fashion next month if possible.

Origins is out, they're not doing Core Sets anymore but it'll be back in like two years.

Standard rotates the last two blocks out during the fall set release. (So Battle for Zendikar and Shadows over Innistrad are on the chopping block right now, going away when the fall 2017 set comes out.)


you can thank me later

>tfw no fresh memes for standard since Khans rotated.

Been working on this, feel like it's almost there

4 Aether Hub
2 Highland Lake
6 Island
8 Mountain
2 Westvale Abbey

3 Cogworker's Puzzleknot
4 Decoction Module
4 Fevered Visions
3 Harnessed Lightning
4 Panharmonicon
1 Saheeli Rai
3 Welding Sparks

2 Experimental Aviator
3 Nebelgast Herald
3 Quicksmith Genius
4 Reckless Fireweaver
4 Whirler Virtuoso

SB: 2 Ceremonious Rejection
SB: 1 Deadlock Trap
SB: 2 Demolish
SB: 2 Dispel
SB: 2 Metalwork Colossus
SB: 2 Negate
SB: 2 Radiant Flames
SB: 2 Void Shatter

>2 Highland Lake
What the fuck is the point when Fumarole and Spirebluff See-Anal exist? This is like Budget Constraints: the Deck. Panharmonicon without Gearhulks and with


>tfw live in MN
>tfw car broke and can't go to Denver
feels BAD man

>Aetherworks in more popular than Delirium on goldfish

how is this for casual FNM play at my LGS?


Disperse is still standard legal

are there enough cards in standard to make a deck built around bouncing your opponents lands back into their hand causing mana screw and forcing discards?

there are no cards in standard that bounces lands

wizards HATE land interaction


>What are you playing?
G/W Humans
>What are you brewing?
G/W Humans to make them survive 'repeatedly blow up the board: the Standard format'
>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?
>If so, have you gotten any sweet stuff?
No, and I've had the opportunity to open Showdown packs.

They should scrap the Standard Showdown thing and just give those packs out at FNM for standard player either instead of or in addition to the promos. There's no sense splitting attendance across two days when FNM is already dying at many stores.

The packs aren't great but they CAN be which is incentive to show up and play. Instead of garbage FNM promos. At least Fiery Temper has nice art and sees some play though.

I've been trying Standard and it just doesn't satisfy me. What deck can I try that doesnt feel weak or dependent on nut draws to do anything, and isn't busted goodstuff or aggro?

Try to make control then

Have you tried any of the control decks like dynavolt, grixis, jeskai or esper?

mono blue mill with 4x thing in the ice.

Do we think that there will ever be a Standard format again with genuine strategic diversity?

I mean, this format comes pretty close - much closer than Wizards has let any Standard come for a while - but I don't think Aetherworks or other weird Kaladesh-y strategies actually ended up being genuinely close to Tier 1 which is a shame.

Some UR thing probably gonna be fun

I've had pretty bad consistency issues since the only halfway decent card filter is Anticipate. Control in standard isn't _as_ dependent on nut draws but still has problems because it has to rely on narrow counterspells, 3mana counterspells, or Revolutionary Rebuff which is usually a dead draw in late game.

revolutionary rebuff can still be useful in combination with thing in the ice, because even if they pay the 2 mana, it still melts an ice counter.

I'm thinking of something involving blue/green.
4x startled awake
4x thing in the ice
4x minister of inquiries
4x larger than life
4x attune with the aether
4x glimmer of genius
4x blossoming defense
and then the rest is control like appetite for the unnatural and revolutionary rebuff, maybe a torrential gearhulk or two.

This is definitely a casual deck and I probably should have mentioned that. I might get crazy and drop some money on better lands, but I'm wary to drop mad buxxx on torrential gearhulk when I'm not really running a lot of instants/sorceries. Combustible is probably worth considering, since with Pan I can draw a lot of cards. I think I was concerned about red > blue causing me mana issues, but that may be foolish. The 3 Nebelgasts are likely to come out, I was just trying them since they can offer some mild control when I need to stall and they make acceptable chump blockers.

I see why you're concerned with the number of creatures in the deck. However, Panharmonicon isn't in there for ETBs so much as it is for cards like Reckless Fireweaver and Whirler Virtuoso, so that I can repeat triggers ad nauseum. In fact, with any 3 of Decoction, Pan, and Saheeli I can make infinite copters with Whirler, which actually happens pretty often. Saheeli's ultimate isn't often a big deal for me, but her -2 can often serve as an easy wincon. Even with 2/3 I can usually turn a modest amount of energy into a decent pile of copters, which is nice when each one triggers damage, loots, or just feeds into Westvale Abbey.

>What are you playing?

>What are you brewing?
Not much, gathering the sideboard plan I need to hate out various decks

>Does you LGS host the Standard Showdown?

>If so, have you gotten any sweet stuff?
Yes, I was the only one to show up so I got all 10 packs including a Liliana and a Tamiyo. This is why I usually go to PPTQs on Saturdays.

pretty bad, you might win one match

Standard needs better removal. More efficient creature removal (that doesn't require casting an Eldrazi), and more things that can hit faces and/or planeswalkers.

Maybe reprint Anger of the Gods in Amonkhet.

It just needs one fucking card that can attack the graveyard

That too. But right now Radiant Flames is about the only viable board wiper other than white stuff like Fumigate (which is 5 mana), and is often unreliable to get up to 3 damage for 1-2 color decks. The most reliable any color mana comes from Aether Hub and you can only pack 4 of them.

cool. I nearly went 2/2 last week, but got mana screwed hard.

Remember all these past years recently where they reprinted Tormod's Crypt and it was fucking useless?

The whole time I was screaming, "Why the fuck are you printing this useless shit when it doesn't do anything". It was like them reprinting Ornithopter before Crypt.

I mean the M15 reprinting you could see as them possibly giving people something to try and fight delve, there were a bunch of cards in that set that alluded to future sets.

But still, just anything to fight Delirium. I'd say Scavenging Ooze but that'd just slot right into the B/G decks perfectly

Every time MaRo gives the excuse that they print presently-useless or always-useless cards to teach players the value of dogshit everyone just takes it at face value and doesn't realize that it's just one more wasted opportunity to print a useful tool.

That's what MaRo would say, "we're teaching players that Crypt is too narrow to fight things like Delve". And it's utter fucking bullshit.

And the reason why they don't print Relic of Progenitus is because "players would be confused at who Progenitus is" even though it's the fucking tool that everyone wants.

So every time some guy sits around and masturbates about "the flavor" being a primary driver of their love of this game, I just want to fucking tell them that the pandering towards them is used as an excuse to make Standard a boring plain environment.

And the funny thing is that flavor has nothing to do with it, it's just a convenient excuse. No, the real reason is that they were happy Relic was a $2 card and they could use it to fill Modern Masters boxes with extra value.

I mean it doesn't necessarily need to be a complete graveyard hose. With Delirium all it needs is an artifact or something that's like "Sac, remove all creature cards from all graveyards" or something like that. I don't know. I'm sure someone will tell me why that's too OP or something but standard just needs SOMETHING

Nuking a graveyard alone is not good enough. Because you still have threats facing you. You have to kill the graveyard and have some kind of bonus like drawing a card or permanently hating out the yard like Leyline. But Rest in Peace is way too powerful for a single card where it both nukes the yard AND keeps it empty.

Either you'll get something in Aether Revolt or Wizards will simply have shit the bed.

To be honest, I'm glad that graveyard strategies work in Standard. Often they print some sort of crippling hate that utterly prevents many mechanics from working.

Yeah I don't think we need a complete graveyard hose like RIP or Leyline but just something that turns off Delirium for a turn or two would be fine.

It is neat when specific strategies actually work in Standard. It'd be nice if Madness worked and the mechanic wasn't full of sub par cards. Maybe if Delirium got weaker.

Well Flashback sucked when it came back and it was primarily for Limited.

I actually figured they would reprint Stonecloaker. It's a Gargoyle, hates on graveyard cards, might protect a guy, and it's not exactly perfect. But then I thought to myself, "No, that's just too fucking smart."