Could humanity survive in a world full of monsters, demons and witches? Seen realistically and without plot armor

Could humanity survive in a world full of monsters, demons and witches? Seen realistically and without plot armor

Yes, probably. As a species we're pretty adaptive and resourceful. We probably wouldn't be the star of the show, but we probably would be around.

Depends on how strong those entities are, how much they can fuck with the laws of physics - that is, how bad they can fuck up the principles behind human technology - and so on. Obviously. he question can't be given any universally true answer.

Chitin armor < modern rifles.
Range of teeth < range of modern rifles.

Would monsters and demons be able to survive in a world full of humans?
Witches are a different matter.

Probably, but life would be harder, darker. Or we humans would unite to kill them off once and for all.

We also might be more religious.

>We also might be more religious.
>if it doesn't die even after we've cut it into tiny pieces it's probably a God.

I think Churches could handle the demons/Witches and there would be a lot less fedora tippers. People living in rural areas, living in wooded areas, or both would need to pack more fire power.

>Would monsters and demons be able to survive in a world full of humans?
Considering we make hills of crosses I don't think they'd stand a chance.
>Witches are a different matter.
How so?

>Monster meet 120mm round prank gone wrong
>demon get hit by an HELLFIRE missile
>Nuking hell
Could they?

I feel baited.

>How so?
They look like humans, they are usually intelligent and magic is extremely versatile.

So we don't need Doomguy. We need diet versions of him.

Why are human so badass?

I'm sure just throwing holy water on them would expose them.
Some people just won't die, and some will go above and beyond the call of duty.

>implying there is a sizable number of fedoras as is
>implying the term "fedora" itself carries any real-world connotations and isn't just a /pol/ meme used to dismiss opposing viewpoints off hand

And I doubt churches would be better equipped to deal with demonic forces than the military. Assuming OP is even referring to Abrahamic demons, there's no necessary reason to assume God would bestow his followers with the power to repel or destroy demonic forces, since God seems rather uninterested in involving himself in earthly affairs in any capacity.

We already made it through the stone age, which was full of giant beasts with fucking huge teeth and kicked their asses, as a species we've survived every dangerous animal, plague, disaster and our own stupidity. I dont think people in general give humanity the survival credit our species clearly has the chops for.

>and our own stupidity

>I'm sure just throwing holy water on them would expose them.
It's possible that there would be ways to detect them. However, given magic and trickery they may find ways around that. If that fails they might try to appeal for mercy on account of their almost human nature.

>God seems rather uninterested in involving himself in earthly affairs in any capacity.
I don't know. He's done a pretty good job of keeping the demons out so far.

Pls dont get political

>appeal for mercy
Suffer not the witch to live.

Or maybe the setting has good witches. But that's lame as fuck.

I was jokingly using the term.
>Assuming OP is even referring to Abrahamic demons
OP should have said something.
>God would bestow his followers with the power to repel or destroy demonic forces, since God seems rather uninterested in involving himself in earthly affairs in any capacity
God doesn't have to give priests and preachers the powers to summon bears/dead saints to devour sinners and rape demons. Just build a hill of crosses to keep demons away.
It depends if the Witches are pushed to destructive acts(Pull of Magic Soul Eater style), or if they're just want to be left alone.

So you can enjoy this power-fantasy.

Absolutely. Just ask /k/.

Human are powerful accept it
In the universe you can be stronger,smarter but nothing is badass like an human

Yes, we are the master race. Niggers would probably all die, though.

Depends on their interaction with normal laws of physics- assuming it exists in such world at all.

>And I doubt churches would be better equipped to deal with demonic forces than the military.
A modern military sure. Pulling a trigger is faster then a litany. If demons and monsters are vulnerable to that sort of thing.

But unless the monsters are a new addition to a modern setting, a priest with a cross might be much more effective then a knight with a sword. Or a shaman with a fetish vs a guy with a pointed stick.

>It depends
Personally I prefer the traditional witches who's powers are the result of Faustian bargains.

Didn't they have to have sex with the Devil or something? Not sure where I heard that from but I'm not sure if it's true or not.

I want humanity fuck yeah to fucking go from this board.

There's a lot of different myths.

Generally you wrote your name in Old Tom's book. (Basically an evil knock off of the Book of Life) Sex with the devil or his representative may or may not have been optional.

Generally lots of kinky sex and blood and naked dancing.

Sometimes there was a theme of trying to keep the devil's favor/your position as favorite, by ever more kinky and elaborate sex acts.

Yes, by living primarily in the areas where those monsters and demons are less common.

Witches... depends on the power and nature of witchcraft. Are witches universally evil? If not, that power might be key to surviving the monsters and demons.

Are witches humans that delve into dark forces, or another kind of being entirely? If the former, in a world where Witches continue to be a thing humanity survives by implication.


Depends on setting.

>monsters, demons and witches

If the above were sensibly intelligent, then mankind either

A. Would have been wiped out long ago before they could even form any kind of civilization.


B. Mankind and its development is heavily restricted and controlled, basically little more than cattle, or pets. And like our cattle and pets, have no chance of elevating above what they have become.

Seen realistically, monsters, demons and witches would not be very strong. So yes.

Casting demons out is a pretty... well, not "standard," but definitely a thing in Christian doctrine. If OP means Abrahamic demons start taking on physical forms, I'd imagine that they'd get BTFO by angry Southern Baptists and the Catholic Church real quick.

Can't you baptize the demons and give them a slap on the wrist every time they try to eat somebody?

I'm sure Episcopalians and Lutherans might try it.

the world was full of monsters during the Pleistocene period. we survived that with the most primitive of tools.

what if the real monster

was us

Well you cant get witches without humans


Mankind would never survive the stone age in a D&D-like death world. At least not without shanenigans

Depends if the monsters, demons, and witches gang up on humanity, or if they spend most of their time fighting each other and leave the pathetic meat sacks to breed like rats.

>How so?
They can use rifles too.

Are the witches necessarily evil? Having at least some sorcery-inclined people on our side could help.

This, we even drove many of the greatest predators to extintion.

Also many animals, even today's animals would be considered monsters if we didn't knew what they where. Imagine that you live in 3000 bc in britain, some dude comes and tells you he had been in a land where this HUGE monster lives, gray skin that it's so thick that works like armor, legs like tree trunks, taller than a house with huge tusks long as a spear and a tentacle-like arm coming from its face strong enough to lift fucking trees. He also tells you the monster is smart as fuck, his roar is loud like a thunder and that the earth trembles when it comes for you.

That sounds like a fucking monster if you don't know what it is

>now we describe normal animals like monsters

Imagine this creature, this HUGE scaled being that lives in the river, it's longer than 3 men lying on the ground, it's tail is so strong that it could break every bone in your body and the monster itself is so strong that it can pull an ox into the water to drown it. It has a huge mouth with a lot of teeth sharp as daggers and it lurks in the water waiting for you to come close to drink or wathever, then in jumps and catches you in it's jaws and pulls you under the water.

This is basically a non-question because you failed to specify any actual parameters, and even if you had, it's entirely subjective and serves as little more than a pointless argument starter.

Monsters? Yes. Monsters can be killed. Even big bad Japanese kaiju are regularly pushed back in their respective mediums. If all we had to deal with was smaller monsters, I'd image that monster hunting would become the worlds fastest growing profession seemingly over night.
Then you also need to factor in monster variety. Are some monsters benevolent? Are some of them highly dangerous, but malleable enough to be tamed and eventually domesticated? Do different species of monsters regularly fight one another for territory to allow humanity some breathing room, or are we the only thing on the menu and the monsters are all ganging up on us and being monster bros who all like each other and hate us?

Witches? Technically, yes. Because in order for there to be witches, there needs to be humans to become witches. Ergo, so long as there are witches, humanity still survives even if all the non-witches are wiped out.

Demons? That's a tough one. Demons would be proof that supernatural and possibly divine things exist. This means that humans would actively try and harness supernatural energies, possibly to augment themselves. It would be widely be researched by governments all over the world, as opposed to some paranoid tinfoil hat basement dwellers that insist a succubus raped them that one time they had nocturnal emissions. Demon corpses would be autopsied, and their relics would be reverse engineered to the best of our ability.
I could also see religion making a massive resurgence. If a portal to hell opened up in downtown Manhattan and demons started pouring out? Atheism would shrink down to a tiny minority of individuals who just insist that the demons aren't really demons.
It also depends on what kind of demons and how many of them.
Are they super ultra hyper mega murder demons that squish humanity to bugs? Or are they strong, but you could still turn them into a fine red mist with enough firepower—Or one really pissed off marine with a dead pet bunny?

>monsters, demons and witches?
>Seen realistically and without plot armor
>Realistic fantasies
Op what flavor cock you smoking making you hallucinate so?

>Atheism would shrink down to a tiny minority
I'm not just an atheist because I don't think the guy in the sky is real.
I'm also an atheist because I think that if the guy in the sky is real, he's a fucking ass.

>implying the setting wouldn't be badass as fuck for only 1 reason

>monsters, demons and witches

>world full of monsters, demons and witches
It doesn't sound very realistic

>monsters, demons and witches? Seen realistically and without plot armor

Seeing as how monsters, demons, and witches as they are were all dreamed up by people who believed in "plot armor", I'd say yes.

This, a shit ton of different religions and pagan practices through out the centuries have been labelled witchcraft.

Are we talking strictly Satanic deal with the devil witches? Or native american wise man/Gaia worshiping druid "witchcraft"?

Because one will seriously fuck you up, the other will probably save your ass.


This question seems too vague to pit humans and mythos against each other. A bunch of smaller, more concentrated questions may help give the answer.

Are the monsters magically-inclined? How intelligent are they? Endurance, speed, size, and strength?

Are the demons able to regularly commute to our world? How powerful are they?

Are all witches evil? Do none of them hold sentiments for our species and assist our survival to ensure their own, assuming they're humans too?

>tl;dr: Question too vague to answer realistically.

Literally depends on the setting you laundromat!

>you hate one god
>refuse to worship any god
>demons from every pantheon OM NOM NOM your soul
>smart man hates one god
>refuses to worship god he hates
>instead worships a different god he doesn't hate
>no demon from any pantheon can OM NOM NOM his soul

Considering it was him or someone called "the angel of death" who wanted to continue sanctions against a nihilistic supperpower already bending from the last one, treathening nuclear war.

Id rather go with the annoying orange than mitt romney with a pussy.

Do you want slaanesh this is how you get slaanesh.

Because HFY. Even God bows to man.

Objectively wrong. Humans are the strongest, smartest, and best form of existence. Other beings exist only to be food. We can make anything extinct if we want, we're just being merciful.

Yes that's why you don't see them anymore, duh.

Depends on if humanity can exploit the creature in question and how much they obey the laws of physics
Do Demons/Witches/Monsters function without regard for the fundamental laws of reality as we currently understand them
Can Humans learn magic or inject themselves with demon/monster dna to become superhuman
If the answer is yes to the first and no to the second then we are probably fucked

Jesus empowers his disciples to cast out demons and perform miracles in his name. This carries over to the modern church, where in Catholicism priests are empowered and permitted to perform exorcisms with special training as well as perform blessings against evil forces.

Go into Protestantism and dig a little. Even in the most WASPy denominations, you'll find some hardcore spiritual warfare shit under the surface, and the belief you can confront and banish demons so long as you are saved, have faith, and do so in God's name. The sticker is it must be in God's name, as it is said even Michael needed to invoke gods power to cast down Satan. But man vs demon is a very much real and expected thing in modern Christianity, even if many people dont like to think about it. I grew up milquetoast protestant and I'm still a little scared of that shit to this day, the books I read in the church library fucked me up. If you want a cliff notes of how protestants view demons, read The Screwtape Letters. Satan's forces are omnipresent and could be anywhere, in anything. This is why many fanatics act like anyone who disagrees with them is literally Satan - because they are.

Whoa, thats really weird to look at.

It should also be noted that in Christianity a believer can't be possessed due to the Holy Spirit living inside them; the worst a demon can do to a believer is tempt them. Therefore I imagine in a setting where demons take physical form and attack people, Christians would be immune given their divine protection.

>himans can't kill the giant monsters
>hunt all the prey animals to extinction
>monsters starve to death
Problem solved. Also, killing most traditional fantasy monsters wouldn't be too much harder than killing any of the massive beasts our ancestors wiped out. Dragons are a huge exception though, but it wouldnt be impossible.

Yes this. Satan further more has no more power than you allow him to when you're a true baptized Christian. Otherwise he has complete dominion over earth, within the allowance of god

Christian mythology is pretty much 40k and we're all soul bound pyskers

Yeah, seeing how humanity can adapt and improvise around the world, I also say we'd push those fuckers so hard, we would need to create fucking reservations for them.

At some point we would have some retarded internet activists shouting shit like
>release the displacer beasts
>demons are sentient beings, they deserve to choose
Pic fucking related

Not before struggling for years and maybe even centuries but yeah. Pretty much a matter of time.

We would never have evolved into our current form.

At least I didn't sell out before I got eaten by demons.

We would have ruthessly exterminated or tamed them like we did with any predator. Our ancestors didnt fuck around competition.

>This, we even drove many of the greatest predators to extintion.

None of whom were sapient nor had magic powers.

The second part is anti-theism. It's a stupid way of thinking considering there are many gods and religions, but that's beside the point. Either way, you'd stop being an atheist.

>Decide buddhism because lol, Karma is good right
>get trapped in the cold narakas for longer than the known universe has existed
Good plan. For real 頞部陀 is some shit, and each step after is 20x as long.

Not one was sapient, nor were any magically inclined. Nor either were they half as powerful as mythological beasts.

>modern humans
ya rip fucking demons and monsters, probably witches too
>shit-tier spear and bow human
rip ya fuckin mongoloid

We're already one of the slowest and squishiest animals on Earth, yet we are the undisputed masters of it. What would make you think monsters of any size would make things any different?

As for witches and demons it depends entirely on the properties and power of magic.

>If demons and monsters are vulnerable to that sort of thing.

I know that many supernaturals have legendary immunity to most weapons of Man, unless made of special materials -- Silver bullets, silver daggers, silver keys (to lock out evil), Hawthorn/Ash stakes for vampires, etc, or specially-treated -- blessed in the name of God/particular gods/saints, immersed in holy water, jumped over by a white virgin dog, whatever.

>someone called "the angel of death" who wanted to continue sanctions against a nihilistic supperpower already bending from the last one, treathening nuclear war.

Angel of what now? Further, you make me disgusted to have survived the Cold War Era.



No spellcheck?

Copper and gold are from the same column as silver. Technically speaking they should have similar effect on vampires. Now I'm not proposing using gold bullets. That's too expensive. But cooper should be manageable, since we're already using copper for that sort of thing.

You know, turning your flesh and blood into bread and wine, but in a completely non-religious way.

Orichalcum? I use it in my games to signify great age and potency in magic items.

Yeah, that sounds more magical. It may be placebo, but that doesn't mean it's not going to help.

Is this a carefully veiled humanity fuck yeah thread?

> Humans build wall around city
> Gnoll mage uses earth magic to make it fall in a moment
> Humans throw spears/arrows
> Ogre Mage casts wind magic to stop it
> Humans come to fight melee
> Orcs are bigger and stronger and almost as numerous
> Other monsters might well outnumber uss

We'll never left bronze age without superntural powers of our own

You should give us more info. In myths, witches and demons are often pretty subtle and prefer to trick humans instead of just erasing all them. You would have humans surviving no matter how strong they are since witches and specially demons need and desire servants. Witches probably need us to reproduce too, unless your witches are super weird.

Monster is a buzzword that gives us no information and could contain the other two, so I'm not even gonna awnser to that.

Why would monsters have magic when humans do not? How is that even possible when humans are smarter than any of the species of monster you mentioned?

Because FUCK humans.

Then we'll make our *own* magic! With *blackjack*! And hookers!!

OP said supernatural monster show up, he never said humans become magical.

If humans have magic then things go as expected.

He did say there were witches. Usually those are humans with magic. In the cases they aren't, I'd expect them to be lumped in with monsters rather than separated out.

No, fuck u.

Neither he said monsters become magical, mostly because he didn't say shit apart from two vague sentences.

We could weaponize demonic body-parts, like in Inuyasha, turning horns, bones, teeth, tusks, etc, into melee weapons or missiles.