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Do you roll stats, point buy or use the basic array?

>that abortion of an OP
Holy shit, user.

rolling stats always ends with one guy super OP, and somehow both notable times I've rolled for stats the That Guy was the one who got retarded stats

I see no reason for not just using pb or standard array. I would only use rolling for one shots or very short campaigns

>mfw seeing the OP

First time making a general thread, did it on my phone.
Not really an excuse, just an explanation of why it sucks.

Next time let someone else do it

>Do you roll stats, point buy or use the basic array?
Roll stats once (4d6 drop lowest), use array or point buy if you get shit rolls.

Oh god, thanks OP. Seeing that gave me a hearty laugh.

Please respond

I was just trying to do something nice and some how contribute to the community.

It's all good, you got all the information in there and people can find it pretty easily. That's all that really matters.

Only real issue is that you didn't link the previous thread, but that's kind of whatever. Just do better next time.

Using a mobile device? Don't you know a true Veeky Forums autist never leaves his (parents') home?

And see were that got you

Wasn't aware I was in /r9k/, I'm at work, man, can't use work computer to access Veeky Forums.


Probably fine. Not quite sure on the balance of the last thing, it's unusual in a few aspects so its hard to compare to anything else.

Well it's not like we're mad at you or anything. Just use more caution in what you do.

No but seriously, why would you make a new thread when the old one isn't even in autosage yet?

He wanted his pic in the OP and refused to wait. Also all those sweet, sweet OP (You)s

We have the same problem on /int/

>not committing to your rolls
Either use point-buy/array or roll, you shouldn't be rolling then only keeping your stats if you like them. If you're giving yourself the chance to roll yourself into a god then you should take the chance that you'll roll yourself into an early grave.

Accept your shitty stats and hope you can make them work or that you'll get a chance to roll again soon. If can't handle that then don't roll your characters.

I always give the choice to anyone, and I always roll when given the choice. Live by the dice, die by the dice.

>Either use point-buy/array or roll, you shouldn't be rolling then only keeping your stats if you like them.
Nah, I like giving my players the choice. It's turned out well in the two-ish years I've played 5e.

That's not it, for one, not sure when threads actually go into autosage, I compared with number of posts of the previous 2 /5eg/ threads.

2. The op pic is the only fantasy pic I have on my phone, and I only put it after remembering that I probably should put a pic rather than leave the OP blank.

Point buy cuz I'm a pussy boi

This is why you don't start threads on mobile

Seriously, who cares if a general dies for a few hours, it's fine. Not lie you'll be here the entire time anyway

>Do you roll stats, point buy or use the basic array?

Roll for stats, in order, no do-overs, class & race chosen BEFORE rolling

That's a bit extreme, isn't it, user?

I wasn't complaining, OP. I love hearty laughs, they're the best.

He plays extreme DnD. Anytime he rolls for skill, he must roleplay it with the DM. If he wants to climb a wall, the DM has setup an already existing wall of the same type in his backyard.

For the sake of balance in the group I run, if they run lower than a certain stat total, they get to re-roll. Soon as they get a roll that meets this average they have to take it.

Point Buy and Basic Array, IMO, harm creative character building. Nobody's ever going to bother making a tiefling barbarian or a half-orc sorcerer when the racial stat bonuses won't raise the class's primary stat above a 15...

And yes. Live by the dice, die by the dice, create by the dice. I once had this idea of creating an older, hardy tempest cleric of Thor norseman, but my 3d6 rolls kinda sucked (highest was a 13), so I instead made him a cowardly homeless human who was essentially forced into clerical servitude to Loki mostly because it's the kind of shit I imagine Loki would pull... and it was a really fun character.

Reading comprehension, brah. I think you should always give the choice, as I said later on in the post. I just think that people who chose to roll and then wuss out when they roll badly are detestable.

What I meant was that if you choose to roll, then you choose to roll. Whatever the results of that roll may be, you roll with it. Period.

1d6-1, down the line
then roll for birth defects

D&D isn't a kids game, go hard or go home brother

+ Aging effects, and severe injuries everytime they're dropped unconsciounce. Make it real hardcore!

Fucking radical, would play.

So, I haven't been able to find a weekly weekend game in months. Any anons here willing to take me in next week? or after that, honestly. i'm okay with waiting. I only play spell casters btw; I just really like them.

>D&D isn't a kids game
>Recommended age 12+


>Toy Hall of Fame


Well you know what they say: Old enough to bleed, old enough to ROLL FOR FUCKING STATS

You have to mold the teenagers to be men, user. Nothing puts hair on your chest, like killing baby orcs.

U.S. Eastern standard time



Hey, thanks! Now to unfuck my geomancer and brainstorm my hydromancer. Maybe I'll even put them on DMsG as pay-what-you-want if I ever finish the series?


I like array.
It's less prone to being power game-able than point buy, but doesn't potentially make someone significantly more or less powerful than others from the get-go.

I am reading the spell list and I don't see how to use timestop. Can anyone give some examples of what you can do with it ?

>> How would you stat this autist Veeky Forums?

Went to this on Friday, pretty good movie. Really liked the suitcase and magical beasts. I kind of want to rip him off an use him as an NPC with some quests and stuff in my campaign. He would be good as a fellow passenger on a long-sh ship journey the party should be taking to an island way out in the sea. Think The Land That Time Forgot that was colonized by isolationist elves.
>> What D&D creatures would he have in his suitcase

Use some fucking creativity. Delayed fireballs, crowd control, instant summons, buffs, basically anything that doesn't have an instant damage effect...

Oh, we hate DMsG? Okay then.

I didn't say that. I just don't want to fix his homebrew for him.

>paying for homebrew

Buffing or escaping mostly

5.4e user reporting in. I'm wondering about martial dice. This was an interesting mechanic in the playtest, and I'd like to bring it back for all martial classes.

Additionally, I'd like to rework metamagic into a sorcery dice type system, which refreshes as often as martial dice do (iirc, at the start of each of your turns). It would be a good buff to what is likely the weakest caster class.

What sorts of battlefield maneuvers would a paladin, monk, ranger, rogue, and barbarian have?

What? I didn't mean /5eg/ will do the unfucking and brainstorming, I will.

Pay-what-you-want means you can pay zero dollars, too. I wouldn't expect to actually make any money. It's just a way to host it and maybe get exposure and feedback. Like being an amateur gamedev and hosting your games on itch.

>Grandpa, tell us about life before concentration rules.jpg

>Roll for stats, in order, no do-overs

This is fine, then you choose a character with whatever you rolled.

I like array too, user. It just works.

Rust Monster, Bulette, Umber Hulk, and a Purple Worm, at least

What ability and skill does one roll to seduce cute noble girls?

>Delayed fireball / Otiuke's freezing sphere
Thta's what I don't get, you still need to use actions to hurl them after Timestop ends
>Crowd control
That would end Timestop.
Concentration, what buffs are worth casting timestop that don't require concentration.
>Instant summons
Sounds good

That means using teleport because of the other pc ? Why not cast it in the first place.


Or Strength+Intimidate if you just flex until her panties drop from moisture accumulation

>What ability and skill does one roll to seduce cute noble girls?

You need the ability to go outside

Time Stop doesn't require consentration though

I have literally only used rolled stats twice ever, even back when I played 2e.

Got it. Raccoons and shit everywhere. Now what?

Damn she fine.


Art thou of knavish temperament?!


Sounds to me like someone just started a level 0 Modern campaign. Get your gun and see if they make enough XP to take a PC class level

"hey cutie, I'm rich and from a respectable family and looking to get married right away, wanna bang?"

"get on your knees bitch"

"get on your knees bitch" - as told through interpretive dance


Seemed the best of a bad bunch to me

>He thinks persuasion is begging
And that's how I know your charisma is negative and you think reading PUA nonsense is proficiency

Right but buffs do. What buffs are worth that don't require concentration ?

>Cast Timestop
>Cast buff requiring concentration
Still have 2 or 3 turns before Timestop ends, what do you do ?


Summons and dropping rocks on them - they freeze midair and fall when Time Stop ends

You don't need an action to hurl blasting spells, user. What idiot told you that?

That wig is fucking horrible

But if the first one isn't false, wouldn't it just be Persuasion?

What kind of degenerate peasants do you play?

Delayed Blast Fireball is Concentration though


If it isn't false, why do you need to roll to seduce cute noble girls. Your noble status and reputation for wealth would precede you

That still doesn't mean it requires an extra action. It just goes off when you stop concentrating on it.

Talking of seducing, at what age did you grow out of trying to roleplay seduction/sex in d&d Veeky Forums? I was probably about 15.

I bet you still roll for the barmaids breast size

How important is Wisdom to a UA ranger?

Rolled 3 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

>1st turn
Cast time stop, roll 1d4+1
>2nd turn
Delayed Blast Fireball
>3rd turn, minimum duration
Fire Shield, depending on what you're fighting
>4th turn onwards
There's still Blink, Mirror Image, maybe Forcecage? Drawmij's Instant Summons? Seeming, if you wanna confuse the hell out of your enemies... That's all just concentrating on the fireball. Then, on your last turn, you let it blow up in their faces for 14~17d6 fire damage. Hell, you can even use your last turn to cast another concentration spell which would make it explode, anyway.

I've never tried. The closest I ever got was a polite chat with s succubus we encountered about how we could help remove some unruly Hezrou for her out of the goodness of our hearts.

Didn't start playing until 19, we never did except for the dark times where the DM let two players make their furry characters and roleplay their IRL secret gay love for each other.

She was trying to be matchmaker, but it was just creepy

Not even once
Jesus Christ

I roll for stats despite the rest of the group using point buy because my GM isn't very combat oriented and I don't mind roleplaying an average gimp with a high chance of dying. Brings me closer to immersion. I also roll for race and class.

who /grog/ here

As an actual grog who started playing 2e as a kid, I have met more groups who used premades than groups who rolled 3d6-in-order

>Female DM

For what purpose?

The most sexual I ever did in a game was having prostitutes as background characters and a brothel madame as a major questgiver type.

But then again I played with people who were regularly in and out of relationships rather than frustrated neckbeards.

Rolling simply creates an aribitrary power difference.

All stats do in this edition are give you different numbers to roll.
There isn't anything exciting about potentially condemning yourself to rolling less than everybody else or rolling much better than everybody else.

5e is not designed for such a thing, and you might as well say 'Every time you level up, roll 1d4. If you get a 1, you get an ASI this level.'

Oh, but I hear you say, 'Nobody will play tiefling barbarian now!'
That's the way it should be. You COULD play a tiefling barbarian, but it would be suboptimal. That's the penalty you get for defying what a race is good at.
Such builds should be rare, as only the best of the best are likely to be heroes. There'll be rare occassions somebody very unusual comes along, and that can be represented by the fact they aren't quite as grand as, say, a half-orc barbarian.
You might as well just say 'All races are equal. Yes, you can play a super fucking beefy gnome, why not?'

Rolling for stats is perfectly fine for shorter, deadlier or more light-hearted campaigns, and that's the end of it. If your campaign doesn't fit into those, you shouldn't roll. Even then, 3d6 in order may be a better option.

If you want to give everybody an arbitrary power creep, just give everybody +2 to all stats if you really must.

I handle it slightly differently: races keep their +2 to a main stat but everyone gets a floating +1 (Helves still have a floating +2)

But then again I roll with humans replaced, stats-wise, by the planetouched races (Genasi, Tiefling and Aasimar).

Now that I know you can detonate a delayed fireball by stopping to concentrate I can see how to use t in Timestop
>Drawmi's summons
Takes one minute to cast, Time stop is not long enough.
Sounds alright, no real synergy though.

Adding (1d4+1)d6 to delayed blast fireball seems underwhelming. On your last turn you can combine with another spell for a lot of dalage in one round but you can do that with quickened spell too...

Another use could be getting 1d4+1 chance a CC a tough ennemy, doesn't sounds great compared to foresight though.

I am starting to think this spell is shit. The flavor is great but it seems useless. If youcompare it to what is was in AD&D it really is shit.

So free buff, free damage, free forcecage and free escape aren't enough?

Jesus, user, what more do you want of it? 14-17d6 fire damage, a shitload of buffs all at once, plus some other blast spell on the last turn, or you know, whatever else you can think to do with it. If that last spell is a concentration AoE, it synergyzes greatly with Forcecage, because they can't escape.

>Drawmi's summons - Takes one minute to cast
Read the fucking spell, user. It's *Instant* summons because it takes an action to summon, you cast it previously.

Half-elves would be a bit powerful, then. They'd replace humans as the 'generalist'.
It's like the variant human but instead of a feat they get an additional floating +2, extra language and extra skill, along with benefits like elf spell resistance.
The +2 charisma at least kept them from being barbarians and such.

You can't do that with quickened spell. Only a cantrip.
If you use two full actions (say with action surge) you can cast two non-cantrip spells.

How would I go about making a cool lair/cool lair effects for a Lizardfolk Rogue Vampire that roams beneath the tree canopies to get protection from the sun in a Jungle sort of area?

It's a 9th level spell though
>free damage
You want damage you'd better cast meteor swarm
>free escape
Why not use teleport in the first place
>free forcecage
What benefit do you get from stopping time then force cage compared to forcecage directly ? The good thing about force cage is you can actually cast 3 at once during timestop. But really what is the point in combat ? You can't even discard the cages and they last one hour.

>yes but you can do all of the above at once
Escape and forecage, only one would suffice
>damage and escape
Just escape then
>damage and forcecage
Doesn't work

Mystic take 3 when?

They are going through classes in order

Monday will be druid, then fighter then monk

Then probably mystic take 3. I just hope it isnt pants on head retarded like take 2