Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

>"Bitter spiteful hag" Edition:
Who are some of the more uncommon deities, Demon Lords, or Empyreal Lords you'd enjoy seeing more of?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Broken Shackles Playtest:
Creation Handbook Playtest:
Avowed Playtest:
Malefex Playtest:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread: Mother's Mask


Link to the lewd Hell's Vengeance game, for those interested.

I'm with satan, Kurgess needs his own adventure path.

Those numerals don't lie, we need more from the god of bros.

>wanting to see more of Kurgess

Kurgess confirmed as needing more of that sweet spotlight.

Zyphus my man!

Please stop avatar fagging.

Can someone explain this meme to me? What is this doppelganger from?

So folks

How do you all feel about a campaign set in Georgia, immediately after the civil war ends and as reconstruction is going on. The game wouldnt be the most realistic- you would be top secret members of the Pinkertons and go on missions investigating super weird stuff, including conspiracies, secret fraternities, and ghosts. As well, it'd be relatively high power, with Path of War, advanced firearms, and pseudo-gestalt on the table (gestalt where one class advances slower than the other, which is a little more manageable IMO)

Just as a spitball, character creation parameters would be as such: 25 pb, humans and half-humans/outsider races only (only if they have an ART that allows them to count as humans), Path of War and Spheres of Power archetypes only (though with some adjustments), occult classes and content highly encouraged

Mob psycho 100

he's reigen and he's the greatest

>one post with a mob image

If it gets your knickers in such a twist I can stick to my general folder instead

Please don't make this all we shitpost about

Sounds dumb, desu.

He's been posting that same character for the past few generals.

That wasn't even me, and I didn't even post it the last general

>5 out of the 6 characters are described as "painfully thin or slender."

Where's the beef?

Is it really any dumber than all this talk about RotJR? It's dominated all the discussion for the past OPs and as much as I like buff boargirls, I'd much prefer a sweet southern belle

in the curtains

You don't replace shit with a different flavor of shit.

Well, there's a guy who wants to play Not!Gregor Clegane as a Half Giant addicted to healing potions, waiting for a post there from him.

Someone was talking about applying with a thick half-giant modeled after Gregor Clegane (aka, The Mountain.)

Poor fellow failed at the dick size rolls so often the DM eventually gave him a mercy reroll, now he's got a 19 incher.

I mean, they needn't be mutually exclusive.

My character probably won't stay that way forever, but how else do you describe high dexterity, average str and con?

Dammit, been looking for that one dumb Jeanne meme image involving lustful pagans, but I can't find it!

You're right. I'm just tired of seeing the OP dominated by talks of tits, dick, and ass. Maybe I just like cowboys, the illuminati, and southern gentlemen. That's just my 2cp though

i mean how else am i supposed to describe 7 str, 16 dex, 14 con and a look like this

Lithe user.


Really you just want to say niggers more.

>My character probably won't stay that way forever

What are you planning, user?

She looks pretty busty to me, user.

I fill the wombs, I birth the children. There's only so long a worshipper of Lamashtu can stay svelte instead of motherly.

>not complaining about carpet baggers
>not dealing with the fallout of numerous politicians trying to determine the right way of handling post war tension and reconstruction, and how everyone hated the other guy's methods due to no strong and reasonable leadership

I already say it more than enough as is. But yeah. I will admit the game wouldn't be politically correct in the slightest but I wouldn't just straight up caricature everyone and their mother.

but she's also thin, supple and graceful

You can't just throw in demi-humans to history and change nothing else. It's dumb.

sure you can

the demi-humans are the ones that get enslaved

Hrmm... I'm thinking of making a vampire hunter gone bad for Hell's Vengeance.

Like someone going to town in Ustalav before the collateral damage got too high.

Dumb can be pretty amazing if you work at it, user.

Maybe, but certainly not with what was presented.

So what you're saying is...
Were it not for her generous bust, Shizuka would have the slender and graceful build of an acrobat?

Did you miss the part where I said they had to take the trait that makes them essentially pass for human? It's to keep it from being a boring humans-only game. Plus, you could easily justify the different races as being specific morphologies of the human type, with the basic "human" race simply being Joe Average while the other races (Half-Elves, half-orcs, etc.) be more specific physiologies. Or would you prefer it just be alternative heritages for humans?

Sure lets go with that

>Did you miss the part where I said they had to take the trait that makes them essentially pass for human?
Yes. Still doesn't change that it's dumb.

Hello, /pfg/! Since the thread helped me out once before with Ori's design, I was wondering if I could get anyone's two cents on his and Lilly's mutant spawn, Geliche'.
Mythic is a hell of a drug

This is more or less her older design, but it's due for an update.

Are there any light weapons (actual weapons) one can use that allow you to fight as if unarmed?

Like, does it work with cestus or the like.

i guess thats why she has 16 dex and 14 con

Okay fine

I can justify it as the various races simply being different types of humans. Humans with skin conditions! Humans with large busts! Humans with pointy teeth! They can even be black, or white, or Asian or Hispanic too, completely different from mechanically what their race is. Point is, I'd want to avoid simply saying "humans only" and let players have some more choice instead. Got me?

>waiting for a post there from him.

Sorry about the hold-up, user, I've just been a bit busy with this and that along with that general fuzzy brain you get when something stressful's just on the horizon.

I'm really settling on Warder (ZS/OD) | Barbarian, though! The overlap is disgusting but you know what? I don't mind, the guy's a vicious animal and Rage is the only thing that really does a good job expressing it.

However, I'm kind of niggling over what archetype I want to put for Barbarian; Armored Hulk works, but Invulnerable Rager is really working it right now - I know I know, that's kinda the go-to archetype, but the archetype simultaneously gives him even more sticking power (emphasizing his "why won't you just fucking die?" quality his enemies will love) as well as explain the DR as his health potion addiction gave his flesh minor regenerative qualities.

Bigger teeth

Someone post a list of all currently recruiting /pfg/ affiliated games.

>thread clears up RotJR talk after IRC
>a new campaign rises to take it's place

at least we're talking about campaigns instead of all bitching about not having games

So you want to take a realistic world, throw in demi-human species, but they're not colored as different races. Include magic and extraordinary abilities that change how everything would be done, but change none of the actual history of the world other than including some spooky conspiracies and the chance to get away with saying nigger by just going "The time wasn't politically correct?" Yeah, sounds pretty dumb. Why not just make your own world


fine. Whats tian. 2d3?

Sounds good!

Hey kid... wanna become a Hellknight? We got some FRESH brewed PrC that will advance some Warder features too...

M-Mom told me not to take things from strangers... Gimme pls.

It's been a while since I saw her. I think it's good you got rid of the black lines-they made her skin look cluttered, if that makes any sense.

Yuuuup, Tien is 2d3.

I miss the duo-app cuteposting.

At least I could participate in that.

Rolled 3, 3 + 2 = 8 (2d3 + 2)


Does anyone have the stat block for that one weird animal mask from Lamashtu that let you make hybrids?

Not for the reasons you think, I promise.


I can participate with you. I mean... only if you want to.

>duo-app cuteposting

Casimir x Amalthea was the sweetest thing.

>Max bust

Got any ideas? I sorta want to make a new character for RotJR. Mother's Mask

>Very beginning of Wrath of the Righteous
>Crazy wizard blasts us with a Magic Missile
>Kick his shit in, steal his spellbook
>His spellbook doesn't have Magic Missile in it and he didn't use a scroll to cast it
>GM said he ran the encounter as written to get a feel of it at first

It's gonna be one of those days.


Here's the PDF, should have everything you need.

Or by my preferred name, Breezes Still and Ripples Cease

Can't say I've never hecked up in a similar manner. I've had enemies use ranged attacks against my players, and for the loot I only handed out melee weapons. I fixed it next time, but that sure was a heck up!

Well gosh user, here I was thinking your roll wouldn't represent her art, but look at you now with a big fat chest.

>Got any ideas? I sorta want to make a new character for RotJR.

That depends entirely on what kind of character you want to make!

I-if you'd have me, but I'm probably not that cool or good looking.

Agreed! The canines and incisors do need to be more pronounced.

She feels kinda 'empty' without them there, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. But as far as her outfit goes I know there's more that could/needs to be done.

It wasn't a full-blown setting manuscript. It was a fucking idea I posted for feedback and it needs more work. Yeah, I admit, I should change some things. It was a half-baked idea that I wanted to put out there.

Also, where did you get the idea that it was just an excuse to call a man a nigger? Racism was part of the time period. Sexism too. I'm not going to realistically say that players have to be straight white men to do anything at all, because lord knows that would start a shitstorm, but I'm not gonna let some ridiculous transgender Muslim tigerkin shit fly because I want to sanitize things.

how could any of you doubt the power of memes.

Anyone got the pdf for Strange Aeons part 3?

Oh shush, nobody cares about the idea.

I want thiccmemers to leave

Lilin is a fun idea, but I really can't stop making characters. I want to try to make a spherecaster but I don't know where I'd start. Or maybe a PsyArm/Warsoul||Armorist build I've had in the back of my mind...

What's going on with those two now?

I like your rare Kumiko, have one of mine.

They'd live together in a big house with their dozens of kids, Casimir would make stuffed animals and custom clothes for each one, while Amalthea would snuggle with each one and give them hot chocolate with marshmallows.

I really want to play a wizard. Why does everyone get so mad that I want to play a wizard?

Why do you want to play a wizard?

I like having a big back of tricks and managing my spell list. I like having out of combat utility.

Where does one go to get dank new reaction memes? The ones I've got are getting stale.

I watch/read/play new stuff!

It appears to be a Kumiko

Beg for me nicely and I might tell you!


Please lead me down the road of more reaction images!

Maybe some kind of off-the-shoulder sleeves or armbands? Though depending on how "mutant" you're willing to go, a few scales, spines, hollows, or ridges could fill in the design a little.

So for Hell's Vengeance i want to make a Vampire Hunter turned bad, That is reminenct of David Bowie.

How do i accoplish this? Being a total scrub, 1pp only.

And that's why people don't like you. Out of combat utility is all too often code for "I like rendering other characters inconsequential."

If you actually want a big bag of tricks, a spell list, and out of combat utility, play an investigator.

W-well if you post that kind of cutie, I guess I can tell you!

You gotta hit up /a/ and /c/ more often.


Thank you, love!

I'm only stupid when I'm looking at you.

>want out of combat utility
>skills are lackluster unless you have inspiration
>divine spells often suck
>arcane has no wis casters
What do?

Wait a second is he just Skullface?