Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1201: Spend Your CP on Ale and Whores

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What would it take for you to choose to end your chain early, either heading home without a spark or settling down in some new reality?

If the Benefactor told me that doing so would save the multiverse or something similar.

Reposting for Yorokonde

Hey Yorokonde, can we take the Brother from the brother's shadow drawback in FLCL as a companion if they lose any of the powers they have at the end? I've been collecting 'family members' like that from across the chain so all i really care about is the companion, not the powers or perks or whatever.

Some problem that would take longer than ten years to solve and was a unique balance of compelling enough that I'd do anything to fix it but not compelling enough that I couldn't lose interest in it over the centuries of jumping.

Why, user? Why?

>Companion Import: Do you have companions you want to turn into small army killers? Have you befriended small army killers you want to bring along on further adventures?
Then this is the option
for you. 50CP for companion up to 4, with 400CP for 8.

is that 50 CP for up to four companions with 400 CP or 50 CP For importing up to eight companions with nothing? it's phrased really awkwardly.

>Collection of Cars (100CP): You receive an antique car circa the 1950s. It runs perfectly, is very durable, and if it is somehow destroyed, a new one will appear a month later

Why is this Pluralized?

Unlimited power.

Another one for Yorokonde, it's also come to my attention there's a companion option missing from FLCL. Didn't think of it earlier. Hindsight's 20/20 and all that.

Logically, it would have to be worse than "you're going to die next jump so hard your 1-up perks won't work", because even that just sends you home.
It'd have to be something that totally changed my whole view of jumping - like finding out the Benefactor was lying about some aspect the Spark, or finding out that next jump potato mode would activate and I'd be thrown in the deep end with post-spark assholes, or that cp is actually your own "comparative potential", and by spending it you're lowering your own eventual post-spark potential growth cap or something.

Finding out I'd been working for the bad guys all along or some similar contrived bullshit.

Because you're guaranteed a second car if (for some jumpers, when) you lose the first? If it's recursive, you could even end up with a warehouse full of the wrecks of destroyed antique cars...

Seems like it'd be easier if she just made a canon companion option really.

So anyone have a list of robowaifus?

I know of.

Arcee (TFP)
Cortana (Halo)
Aegis (P3)

mother box in DC, depending on your kinks

Lists are irrelevant.

There are enough roboticist perks in the chain for you to build a machine that mass produces robot waifus.

I think Ragnarok Online has some robo chicks you can get through scenarios.

The Ships Girls from Kantai Collection could potentially count as robots.

Big O has Dorthy that you could steel/pod or a Dorthy Sister that you can purchase with CP.

Phantasy Star has an entire race of android. While half the men look like walking mechs, literally all of the female Robots have a feminine shape.

But that would be incest.

That's just going to encourage some of the people here.

Don't forget the Crushinator.

Oh stop it user, it's not like we're gonna do it for real or anything

Shodan (System Shock)
GIFfany (Gravity Falls)
Penny (RWBY)
Aliza (Ragnarok Online)
Build an android as your OC in Overlord
Cyborg Friend (Archer)
Alita (GUNNM)
Risa (Cave Story)
Curie (Fallout 4)
Angelroids (HLP)
You can pick up a couple of the women scientists in bot bodies from the SOMA gauntlet.
TOA Heavy Industries bulk manufactures robowaifu material. Biomega has AIs & artificial humans; Blame! has them as well.
Depending on your definition, the Major (GITS) might count.

Cyborgs are not robots.

...I don't know how to respond to this.

Semantics. People are just machines made of meat anyway.

>Arcee (TFP)
She is a top shelf robo waifu, but part of the fun of waifuing her is being a human. The jump doesn't let you do that unfortunately.

EDI from ME isn't on your list, either.


> but part of the fun of waifuing her is being a human


Filthy space ducks.

what's new this month on jumpchain user?

They're majestic creatures.

Caustic space duck crap everywhere, rusting all your equipment.

OTOH. Robut butt.

You make a persuasive argument.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was actual dialogue from the show. The scenes between them are so obviously sexual, I don't know how they got them past the censors.

New page for part two, like, four days ago.

>The scenes between them are so obviously sexual, I don't know how they got them past the censors.
There was a time when people doing cartoons would do shit like that. Stuff that was obvious, but just subtle enough to get past the censors. It was fun as hell to watch and pick up on. I don't see a whole lot of that anymore, and it's kinda sad.

Really? Checking that out now. Thanks, user.

There's a rumor that the staff on Avatar, whenever they wanted to include something that the censors might object to, would first show them storyboards and concept art for something much racier so that the version they actually planned on using would seem tame by comparison. I hope that rumor's true, because it means that somewhere out there, there are some very interesting pictures of Azula that are official art. Like those drawings Disney animators would do when they were bored of all the characters having orgies.

What powers would being daughter of kek get me in percy jackson?

You gain the ability to make dumb people think you have powers.

You can meme into positions of power.

You get the power to make people so disgusted at you they leave you alone forever if you scream at them hard enough

Well kek was a god of chaos and darkness in the wiki. So maybe something about that?

I have arisen from the bed and once more stalk the land.
Hide your waifus.

I don't have a problem with that. I'll alter the Note a little bit for that Drawback for the future.

That sounds like a neat chain. I like the idea of a 'family' unit traversing the multiverse.

It was not accidental. I honestly could not come up with anything to make her worth more than the base Companion import, Road Trip!. She would have "Where are your eyebrows?", "Target Acquired!", "Confirming Status!", and the Absolutely Massive Sniper Rifle, but that all easily fits into the Companion Import option currently available.

So feel free to just build her with Road Trip! and call her by name.

That said, if you or anyone else has an idea of what I could tack on to make her worth the additional charge, I'd add her in.

GUNNM has damned near half a dozen if you're brave enough.

Settling down in a new reality would take something pretty wild. My current Jumper knows about the prize at the end of the journey and is willing to stick it out for it. Heading home... well... It would probably take a spirit-breaking event. Like the lose of his Companions due to his own actions, or being forced to watch a world burn because of his mistakes. Things like that.

FLCL, Paprika, German Hollow Quest, and Inheritance Cycle were all released. I'm sure there were more, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head. Other than that, same old /jc/.

>GUNNM has damned near half a dozen if you're brave enough.
More. The highest number the Alita Series goes up to is twelve. Throw in the original Alita for a baker's dozen. Then again, Zechs eventually transferred to a male android body, so we're still at only twelve waifus. But hey, there's a husbando if you want.


You take any of mine and I'll make you one of my waifus..

True, but a lot of them end up dead in the background, we can't be sure how good a waifu they'll even be. They may be based off Alita, but even early on you can see their personalities were clearly tampered with.

Zechs would make a totally awesome bro/husbando though. Honestly, him and Alita are the only two I could consider taking from there. But that's going to be /way/ late in my chain. GUNNM is a serious power boost if you get involved with the story.

But Yoro, if you're fresh out of bed and posting in the thread, I can't hide my waifu.

You are my waifu.

Yeah, it gets pretty crazy. But who doesn't want their blood to be made of hypersonic plasma exerting so much hydraulic pressure on their body that they can punch with the force of a nuke just by letting go of their resistance against it extending their arm?

Challenge Accepted!

>Pic Related

I dunno, I rather think that would make bedroom antics rather awkward.

Though I do approve of Alita's addition of cat ears and a tail later on.

Can someone explain to me exactly how powerful nyarlathotep is? I'm trying to gauge how powerful I need to be to handle the lovecraft jump, and how much I can push my luck with drawbacks.

On one hand I've heard people talk about him like he's 50 different kinds of omnipotent, on the other hand I've seen tons of people's builds where they took nyarlathotep as their parent in Percy Jackson, which I thought had a strict no omnipotence rule.

Now that you are here... remember the unnamed user thing? Still unfixed. Shame on you, Yoro. Worst waifu

He's not omnipotent, it's just that in lovecraft you have beings that are literally another dimension of complexity. So you have things that while they might not technically be 4 dimensional beings are of an existence that much more complicated than 3d humans, then a couple steps beyond those you have beings in the same range as nyarlathotep. However it's all rather intentionally vague, not just for suspense but also likely because there would be no real satisfying way for a human to write something literally incomprehensible to humans.

Check again oh Doubting Thomas.

Also worth noting, he's demonstrably far from unfalliable. A human escaped him once by waking up from the Dreamlands, and he just throws a hissy fit rather than warp reality in any number of ways in response.

Is there any way to import a kid in PJO and be the parent of a demigod instead?

No. The Generic Parenting Jump lets you choose another jump's setting to raise your kid in, though, so you could be a god and raise your demigod kid in Percy Jackson.

If I knew I could never return here if I got my spark, then once I get enough power to fix this broken and miserable world I'll be on the first train home.

Can I import a kid in that case, or is it an OC basically?

You can import a kid that's biologically related to you. Adopted kids can fuck right off.

So the one from FE awakening would count?


> someone else is using tsumiki pics
... heh.

I guess Fallout 4 has Curie. She's, like, actually designed to be a waifu. Also comes with the bonus of wanting to be moved over to a body that's not inhibited by robotic laws, so if you're good at science you can prettymuch custom design her body.

There's Glados from Portal.
I'd waifu her! But then again, I'm weird and pathologically unable to comprehend the idea of waifuing, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. I think she'd be fun, though.

Uh. ... Does it matter if they have human-like form?
I think I might be bad at this.

Honestly if it were me-me, probably just finding a place I really liked. Then again, that's what I bought the Return option for, so that if I ever got tired I could just go back and live in a world I'd been in previous, home be damned. It's sortof a running premise at this point that I've never actually used it.
Other than that, I suppose if I learned that my chain was causing extreme damage to the multiverse by its very nature or something similarly contrived. Y'know, like, "Every time you jump, the dimensional stability shudders and soon all realities will collapse!", and I guess I'd be opposed to that. Probably. I GUESS.
It's not like I wanna do the right thing or anything! I'm just doing this so you won't complain later! Geez!

For as much as I love the idea of the open road, and I'm confident I'd stick with it through the end, I'd be lying if I didn't say that there aren't a couple of worlds, a couple of jumps, where depending on how things went I'd be damn tempted to just set up shop there.

I mitigate the possibility of never returning by building Song Towers in places I like. The transportation by way of superposition they offer is too great to passup.

Someone got that pic of Death Star shipgirl? Been looking for it and I can't find it for some reason... internet is spotty here.

>I think I might be bad at this.

Don't worry blue,there is no wrong way to waifu.

>Death Star shipgirl
She's so fat she's round.

She's so fat that she's got her own gravity.

She's so fat, when you take her out on dates dealers be like, aww shit son, is that a moon? Then homeless dudes be like, naa, nigga, that's no moon.

This one?

Ew looks dumb. I found this one, not a death star though, it looks cool.

See, that's a ship girl I could get behind.


Probably after satisfying most of my material and emotional wants and needs, along with enough science and magic to keep busy. I wouldn't care much for ultimate power, honestly. Or planeswalker/potato politics.

A lunar exalted using the "more snoo-snoo" attack.

The what? Is that a thing?

Thatd not a ship girl with "battle stations" big enough to be Death Star-chan

What jumps let me play as a Dark Lord?

>waifuing GLaDOS
I'd sooner waifu Shodan.

Overlord, Harry Potter, Star Wars off the top of my head.


Not the light novel/anime one, but the video game one. The jump for it isn't great, but the setting is a tongue in cheek skewering of fantasy where you play as an evil overlord who takes over the land by beating people upside the head.

I'd waifu Shodan, if she could do something about that stutter.

Damn near all of them. If you mean "support me in being a dark lord," then aside from the ones already mentioned, High School of the Dead is phenomenal for dark lordship.

I meant more as in the setting has it as an option rather than me just acting like one.

>Damn near all of them
except Generic Sugar Bowl since the jumpmaker had to make a special snowflake setting.

Just take that one drawback that makes the place a hellhole. You get points for it and nothing in a sugar bowl apocalypse is going to be able to stop a dark lord jumper anyway.


He just mentioned an old jump out of the blue and bitched about it for no real reason. This is his new toy. Do not respond.


There's a Dark Lord background in Generic Sugar Bowl, Jan-chan. You just have to be the kind of Dark Lord who'd show up in a children's cartoon.


Hey, for people more familiar with Exalted mechanics and charms and whatnot (since I'm aware of the concept and lore but not so much the actual meat of Exalted)

Can anyone give examples of what the following build would let me accomplish in terms of combat and supernatural shenanigans? Assume someone already pretty skilled in magic I realized that there's a non-zero chance I could scour a nation in a single casting from Valflame due to wearing the Deathcap from League as well as having the Eye of Set be my always-available accessory. Army-killer tome x Something that makes a Fireball into an army killer x something that amplifies magic so that even a newbie can outstrip many masters = a whole lotta firepower.

Jump 17: Exalted - Dragonblooded

Wood Elemental(Interesting +0, Poor Standing +100, House Iselsei +100)

Perks: Dragonblooded Exalt(Wood - 0), Educated(Heptagram - 0), Intrigue of the Realm(200), Legendary Breeding(300), Emerald Circle(150), Thaumatergy(50)

Gear: Dragon's Cradle(400 free, 200)

Companion Import(300):

Yuusho gojo the hero bbs.

Jumpers, which element of Dragon Blooded are you and why?

Honestly the eclipse is sex as a shipgirl AND as a vessel.
>pic related

Earth. No specific reason.


Because I'm smokin' hot, baby.

That's a proper shipgirl, user. Your taste is excellent.

Wind. It's wind most of the time.

You start at Essence 2, so here is an example charm:

Cost: 1m; Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Even a person who survives brutal injuries can still suffer
and die from the deadly infections that accompany such injuries
unless he is protected by the blessings of the Elemental Dragons.
The Dragon-Blood can instantly cure any existing infection with a
touch and the expenditure of a single mote of Essence. Furthermore,
wounded persons treated with this Charm will not become infected
in the future as a result of any wounds they had when the Charm
was used.

As you can see, as a baby you are very weak.

Air, because it's associated with the cold and ice in Exalted.


It's got the best Apect Abilities, and I get to have polished marble skin.