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Negative Numbers edition

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First for Dark Eldar!

The Dark Eldar strike first and strike fast!

Third for Cruddace can suck my dick.

>negative numbers
Like the sales of Orks?

Negative sales usually imply a refund

Should I try making some female Genestealer cultists?

8th for doubling Ork wounds and hit points is both fluffy and fixes the army

And the autistic argument about invuln saves from last thread

I might playtest that against my Ork playing friend and report back.

>hit points

>8th for doubling Ork wounds and hit points, as well as providing free global FNP and a 2++ save from MoT, because it is both fluffy and fixes the army

comes 7th
i guess ork players are as autistic as orks themselves, especially if they think that orks as good in the current meta

That's the wrong bingo board. This is the latest

user means Hull afaik.

No this is the latest

T4 2W seems a bit much for 6 points. Maybe T3 2W.

go fuck yourself with your shitty forced meme friend, although I know you will anyway since you actually think it's funny and actually take pride in having created something so autistic

literal but incorrect
Was posted after.

>6 Hull points on an Ork Trukk
That's fucking retarded.

Thing is though, they're still just Orks even if they manage to close the distance. This change simply makes it so that they actually stand a chance of getting stuck in.

Yes well, shouldn't have rushed that. Meant hull points.

>Ramshackle 6 hull point Trukk careening across the battlefield with random trophies and bits of scrap being blown off it before a single missile blows it apart

I swear to fucking god if you're forcing me to trip just to maintain the bingo board, while simultaneously popping one of the tabs for people. Let's not just maintain two shitty standards for bingo boards.

yes please

That would be the point.
>still gone after first pen desu.

You mean that's fucking glorious.

My bad.

So when an Aspiring Sorcerer casts Force, does it count as a blessing affecting his unit for the +1 invuln?

Someone over on DakkaDakka doesn't think so, arguing that it needs to affect the entire unit.

Anyone think having a move stat like in AoS/Fantasy would help 40k or make it worse?

It's on the "Autist Bingo" for a reason
Just wait for a fucking faq and ignore it for now, no point bitching over it

If the ruling for the O'ralai argument applies, then it would be the whole unit that needs to have the rule, or rule conveyed, to be effected.

>Sigmarising 40k

Does Mark of Tzeentch give me a 2++ save as a FMC doesn't count as a FMC in a 1001 point list?

Ehh, would likely only make shit worse if they don't implement it surprisingly well.

If you can make something a qt girl, you should always do so.


And this is why is the better one

I think the biggest thing that would help fix 40k is having AOS's turn order system. So that both players have to take turns 'activating' units, rather than "My entire army shoots yours, your remaining army then shoots back". And it lets much more strategy into the game.

>Over use of the bait meme on something that isn't classified as bait

If moving and shooting happens uninterrupted I wouldn't be opposed to that.

Could you give me a rundown on that "activating" thing?

Where are my felinids?

>still gets a response

Mark of Tzeentch is fine, Rubrics are TEQ in an army that has neither Land Raiders nor some Termies. For optimum strength, it's ruleset requires a gamble for a 1001 point list, which has a 1/3 chance to get your opponent to sperg out at you every single turn. Also requires the use of FMCs to maximize it's average invulnerable save - a good 1kSons player would know that some well supported Horror unit is a cheaper and arguably better source of anti infantry fire power than the other units. I've seen a couple of posts of people saying the 'improve' MoT option (to a maximum of 3++) can subtract. It actually doesn't. Twice as hard to pull off as naysayers claim.

In my experiences of playing with 1001 point lists, the FMCs was undoubtedly not MCs. They're just expendable meatshields. Having a whole army oriented around them would be incredibly boring. Also, you generally need to balance out every monstrous/gargantuan creature with some decent amounts of FMCs or you will eventually get worn down/shut down in the later parts of the game. Even in an army of rerollable 2++ Sorcerers, a "fun" army to play against is something that tries to bring all the neat units into the battle in a combined arms fashion. Not just spamming any one single unit.

But please, don't just take my word for it. Any time another non Tyranid player complains about "muh Flyrants or muh DPs", clear, empirical evidence is usually the best form of persuasion.

So I present to you a Frontline Gaming video, a supposedly "competitive" 1001 point list of the War Cabal and 2 MoT Sorcerers, getting basically TABLED by Flying Monstrous Creatures.


Are 1001 point lists too strong? Well, the evidence of this video conclusively proves they aren't. Quit bitching.

You roll off for who goes first every game round and CC works by the active player choosing a squad to attack, then the other player picks a squad to attack, and then continuing back and for till all squads that can attack have attacked. There are no initiative values

Going first T1 is freakishly powerful unless you are null-deploying and most armies can't do that

Hmm dare I say that sounds better?

Holy shit, yes, bring it back.

Thank you for the well thought out answer

Huh, that's pretty cool. I'm sure they could build on it by making some rule where models who are fluff-wise faster/more agile either get some "pre-emptive" preparation or action move of some sort if they pass a roll or something.


holy shit, you guys are still going on with the 1001 points bs?

So are you now, cockmaster

Would it make sense for DA successors having Watchers in the Dark? Also, for DA sucessors, and the inevitability that the DA exclusive stuff like termies and vehicles having DA icons and stuff on it, would they still keep them? Or would they be different, as I'm considering doing a DA successor, but then I realized how much something like that could trigger my autism if there's no lore explanation.

>just found out I'm getting a $2k check from my dead grandfather

What army should I blow my inheritance on?

Death Guard CSM.


Who even plays at 1001 points? A 1501 pt game let's you include so much more and doesn't even take much longer.

DA successors are literally just Dark Angels. They are a Legion in disguise.

They're waiting for me to assemble the rest of them.

Minotaurs chapter from Forge World
Don't listen to these other guys, they just don't want you to be cooler than them.

Oh Sunday Sport. Hiding news stories in stupid made up shit. Classic.


The savage orcs in AoS all have 2 wounds now, even the hordey plebs.

Gretchin: 1 wound
Boy: 2 wounds
Nob/Big Mek/Painboy: 3 wounds
Warboss: 4 wounds
Ghazghull: 8 wounds

Seems about right.

This is coming to 40k and soon me thinks.
Same with termies armour granting ±1 wound

Nevermind, the guy is saying Force does work because it technically affects the entire unit, it's stuff like (lol)Boon of Mutation which doesn't work because only one model.

That was meant to be a +, stupid Google pixel

We've created some kind of meme black hole, now all the memes are combining into one turgid mass.

Soon we will enter the meme-void.

The Meme of Terror or the Eye of Memes? Or the Memestrom?

Don't fret, I knew what you meant guuuuuuuurl

So now that the stupid debate about MoT capping your invul at 3++ is over I have another question.

The wording for BoT is kinda vague and it looks like to me you could argue that it stacks the +1 invul for each blessing you successfully cast on the target. What do you guys think?

We need to stop before we create a Chaos God of Memes.

Can you post the wording of BoT so we can read it?

Memelal has always been here, waiting in the gap between realities.

Yea, it's a very common mechanic, it's frankly a wonder GW didn't use it before.
Another cool addition would be to introduce reactions, for example, Overwatch counting as one, and thus consuming the unit's activation for that turn. Would go a long way to make things more tactical and make melee easier to pull off.


>Minotaurs fag
Should I get a knight or a Leviathan?
No, you don't need to know the rest of my list, I just like cool units.

Sounds to me like it does stack. Though who knows what GW meant here, it is kinda vague.

Note that it would take 3 different blessings on one unit of rubricae to get it to 2++, for reasons mentioned last thread.

Join the Leviathan club!


I think the intention is to only improve the save once, regardless of how many blessings are cast on the unit. If they had intended it to apply multiple times then the wording would've been closer to 'if a unit with VotLR is affected by a blessing, their invulnerable save is improved by 1 per blessing they are affected by until the start of your next Psychic phase."

However, that isn't 100% clear - they could've worded it to be explicit, eg. saying something like "a unit may only have its save improved once per phase in this way", but they didn't.

tl;dr: I think RAI is you only get the +1 once, but the wording isn't apparently clear either way.

Yes. Or it would have said "each time the unit is affected by a blessing"

>GW in charge of rules writing

Get a Leviathan, join the obvious "leviathan owners club". You get to swap stories about how your Leviathan either carried the entire game, or died like a bitch to like 50 something haywire shots, or the entirety of your opponent's army.

get a leviathan, a dreadnought drop pod and 2 cyclonic melta lances
cuck any super heavy you come across with 6 s9ap1 18" melta shots at bs5

Okay my dude, I will join the Leviathan club.
Now to paint my termies, contemptor, and marines, repaint my Spartan, finish assembling fire raptor and start assembling my sicaran first. Perfect timing for Christmas

What are those bits attached to the RG dread's legs?

I haven't played in years and I might be starting a new army soon. Skiitari and Genestealers look pretty cool. I'm also open to other non MEQ armies, preferably with a low body count. What are some good kits to get to 300pts fast.

They're tactical pouches, for carrying all sorts of things. Like ammo for his combi-bolter, when I finally get the damn arm from chinaman.

thats retarded raptors user
he wouldnt be able to open the tiny little pouches with his GIGANTIC FUCKING POWER FIST

>Now to paint my termies, contemptor, and marines, repaint my Spartan, finish assembling fire raptor and start assembling my sicaran first. Perfect timing for Christmas

You can do it, I believe in you! baby{/spoiler]

That's why he stoops down to one of his meatsack buddies and asks them to help him field-reload his combi-bolter. Even venerable ancients run out of ammo!

Also if his aforementioned meatsack buddies run out of ammo, they can grab it off their contemptor buddy.


Fuck yea tacticool. They from Anvil? Doesn't look like either SM or IG.

You should add on one of those small mechanical arms form the Kataphrons or the Kastelan datasmith. Nothing says bling operator operating operatively than a cybernetic tactical arm for automatic reloading.

He obviously uses magnets you goddamn heretic

what the fuck, how do those work

>in space marine armor

I don't know what side of me this bugs more, the Imperial Guard player seeing this used as a grenadier, or the space marine player seeing this be used as a Grenadier

Wow, I had no idea my idea had already been used by GW. Well then, here's hoping for 8th Edition!

That being said, even 10 HP Orkanauts would still be pretty bloody useless. On the other hand, 4 HP T5 Nob Bikers, and Tervigon_on_a_bike Warboss on Warbike would be amazing.

Raptors user is a pretty incredible genius. Only he could create something that's retarded on literally ever possible level.

It's for 30k. I also have snekgirl recon teams.


>raptors user plays 30k
fucking vomit

You say this like it makes it better.

It does not make it better.