A player brings you a character sheet: his character looks like this

A player brings you a character sheet: his character looks like this.

How do you react?

Wink and giggle because thats how I look IRL.


I look like this.

Grr :3

That body looks unhealthy. Is she anorexic or something? Or just "lol anime anatomy"?

In any case:
>a character sheet
>his character looks like this.
That implies that I allow artwork references on character sheets.

Maybe he just describes it really well and that's the image you get in your mind.

Or maybe you just think of lolis while your player blathers on, which I completely understand.

How old is he?
Does he find this funny?
Is he having a chuckle?
I am, but I would still tell him to get less uguu art so he could be taken seriously.

I misread that as 'a character sheet that looks like this' and I was wondering what sort of visual code you'd use to make it an actual character sheet.

>Or maybe you just think of lolis while your player blathers on, which I completely understand.

He is in his mid 20's and dead serious. And looks almost exactly like the character, like all of us here.

Furiously jill off

Okay, you are aware that this setting is fairly tough and the other players can't come to your rescue right?
Also playing a child means you get less skill and attribute points.

Slap him for having bad taste in anime

Teleport him into a trash dimension alongside with all weeb faggotry. Send him into corner of shame with the rulebook and make them play an ugly fat male crosdresser.

>jill off
Lesbians, everyone.


Not a lesbian I just like lolis.

Last time we had one, our GM explained that there are age based stat penalties for being significantly under young adult age.

When shown them in the book, the player changed his mind fast.

Doesn't matter as my character is actually 1000 years old

I tell everybody to make a Chuuni character. We got a globe to dominate.

I'd still play. Penalties just make it more interesting!

Besides, you could just say you're actually an adult, but your form is that of a loli.

>Doesn't matter as my character is actually 1000 years old
That means she gets stacking physical penalties to Str, Dex and Con for being elderly.

-1 to Str, Dex, Con per every 20 years of life seems reasonable. :^)

In all seriousness, I did have a player try to use a D&D 5e Warlock character portrait that was basically just a topless guy covered in black leather BDSM gear with black bits on it.

I'd say the same thing as I said to him, calmly and without sounding admonishing: Generally, your character would stick out like a sore thumb because it doesn't fit the campaign setting, and I think the sexual vibe probably isn't what the other players are going for. I think the other players would prefer if your character looks more like it actually belongs in the setting.

If he insists on playing a child, I'll allow it, but I'd also tell him he needs to be careful not to make the other players uncomfortable. I probably won't punish him with lower stats, but I'll try to work with him to come up with a reason why his child PC is unnaturally powerful instead.

If he does make the other uncomfortable (by saying/doing stuff; not simply if one of the others get flustered by his playing a child character at all), then between sessions I'll tell him nicely that he made the other players uncomfortable. If his immediate response doesn't make him sound like a very reasonable human being, then I'll immediately but politely inform him that we have to drop him from the group, explaining that he's unfortunately not what we were looking for in a player for this particular campaign but I'll be sure to tell him if something else pops up that seems to fit him better.

I know the people I play with regularly well enough to know with certainty that no such thing will pop up, but that's beside the point.

Wow your players sound like disgusting normies. Why aren't you all playing lolis is what I don't understand.

Not when you're age- and deathless

"So, uh, are those things on the top of your head like some kind of feelers or something, or antennae, or do you just have really weird fucking hair? I only ask because I'm not sure if you've met our barbarian, he will tug on them as he tries to figure out what the fuck you are, and in the previous two cases it will hurt. At the very least it will hurt MORE than the latter case."

"Also, we have a rule that you're not allowed to have your character speak in the second, third, or fourth person. Other than that, welcome to the group."

Legit though, I would tell them that they're gonna have a bad time interacting with all the NPC's and they're gonna have a worse time interacting with the PC's if they look like that. One PC made the mistake of running a Kenku once, and they are still taunted mercilessly about the hypothetical pink flamingo porn that such a character must have stashed somewhere.

We're too busy going on fantasy action adventures, I think. But I don't doubt we're revolting Normy Normsters.

No accounting for taste.

That just means they'll suffer infinte amounts of penalties as they age.



>Veeky Forums - Fantastic lolis and how to find them




I turn it down and remind him that I've banned wizards in the game, and ask him to make a new character.

Greater Age Resistance is a permanent level 5 alchemist spell that stops all penalties for aging forever.

Not the mental ones, though, so you get +50 to all mental stats by that logic.