Stop complaining about D&D editions
Stop complaining about D&D editions
Rolled 7 (1d20)
I attempt Will Save to resist your Suggestion.
You can't tell me what to do.
You have failed, and have become enchanted by Varg.
You must now roll to see over the horizon.
I find the suggestion agreeable and will follow it until next extended rest.
There's no reason to because Runequest.
What dice do I use? DD might ring some bells, but not those attached to gaming.
>the difference between shod and unshod is the same as the difference between standing and sitting
That's one hell of a thing. This thread is now MYFAROG general, pull out your MYFARGO cards.
>What dice do I use?
Nobody knows. Every time a thread gets made, somebody who says they bought a copy always has a reason why they can't take pictures.
But know that your height modifier is +1 for every 10cm after 1.70m.
Rolled 15 (1d20)
>+1 for every 10cm after 1.70m.
>after 1.70m
S-sure, I... will count all my modifiers after the roll.
You can faintly see something in a distance.
It appears like a faggot trying to shill his shitty system on a map drawing image board. You might get closer if you swim the river that's between you and him.
Stop masturbating to anime
After you stop masturbating to your book Varg
Can I attempt to craft a simple log raft to cross the river with?
Just tell me what tools you've got, what log you want to use, how are you going to carve it, if you're intending on making oars and for how many people you're intending the raft to be able to carry.
Dumb wannabe Viking meme.
Damn, those shoes must be HUGE. Is Varg a manlet who wears giant platform shoes?
I don't take orders from arsonists.
Sounds reasonable. No promises though.
Are editions a form of planned obsolescence in the digital age?
Fine, we'll just talk about how shitty MYFAROG is, instead.
Stop forcing memes
Sometimes i wonder if all the activity on Veeky Forums is by a few extremely commited autist..this poster is everywhere now
I'm not Varg, faggot
What does rappers have to do with D&D, mr. Vikernes?
Or perhaps several people have found "Stop" varg amusing