40k Reading List

Just finished pic related. Also up to date on eisenhorn/ravenor/bequin, ciaphas cain and read some of the omnibuses (grey knights, imperial guard, ultramarines).

Assuming I don't want to touch the Horus Heresy books, can Veeky Forums recommend any other good 40k novels? Need shit for reading on train.

Iron Warrior and Night Lord omnibuses were very good.

Enforcer omnibus, and if you don't mind something on the pulpier side, Atlanta infernal is an almost never-mentioned gem.

Some of the smaller books are fun too (15 hours comes to mind.)

What the fuck is going on with the next Bequin boom, anyhow? It's been like 3 years?

Atlas infernal. Fuckin autocorrect

Yeah, was surprised to discover there still hasn't been a second book when I went to check. Kind of annoying. I'll check out those suggestions though.

And those. Those are chaos chapters, right? Haven't seen many chaos stories so far other than brief snippets in other stuff.

Word Bearers Omnibus is nice too.

Dead Men Walking, it's Krieg Death Korps vs Oldcrons and it's appropriately bleak.

Path of the Dark Eldar is also pretty good. Morr is best grill.

Dark Hunters.
Legion or the Damned.

Has anyone got an updated version of A Thousand Sons?

Last Chancers.

Double Eagle was pretty good as well

Night Lords omnibus
Talon of Horus
Emperor's Gift

Basically anything by ADB is at least solid.

>Gaunt son is a trap

Black librabry certainly listen to their public.

I wish he would do a continuation of Eisenhorn and Ravenor. Or maybe a look back on some older adventures from their youth. I read the Bequin book but it was the least interesting out of the three for me. I honestly can't remember anything that happened in it.

I enjoyed the short story collection "Planetkill". One of the stories connects with the Ultramarines/Iron warriors book's (A story about Honsou).

I've read the first two in the Omnibus (Horus Rising and False Gods) as well as the two smaller things in it, and I'm half way through Galaxy in Flames

I can tell I'm going to like this series, but fuck, it's so DEPRESSING. Things were going SO WELL. Horus was a swell guy! And then FUCKING EREBUS has to ruin EVERYTHING!

Stop now before your favorite 40k book series turns to shit right before your eyes

Can I have a synopsis? Got up to the book before this one but it was years ago and I just want to know what happens ffs.

Give the tanith a new planet already, there can't be more than 400 left by this point!

I'd completely forgotten about Bequin

Soul Drinkers omnibus is worth a read.

The Macharius Trilogy is pretty good and while I haven't read it, I've heard good things about Baneblade by Guy Haley, if that's the one I'm thinking of.

I will always love the Inquisition Wars trilogy, even though it's basically non-canon at this point

The Shira Calpurnia trilogy is solid

also, this guy is right about ADB

Wild, Pariah is Dan Abnett's best published work for me. He obviously did a fair amount of research for it as well.

Iron Hands by Jonathan Green

It's one of the worst pieces of fiction I've ever attempted to read.
It's almost magically bad.

How far in does it stay good?

It has it's ups and downs, but generally it gets bad with books like Fulgrim (which has some odd pacing), Battle for the Abyss (Need I say anymore?) and an absolute FUCKTON of anthologies that are hit and miss.

Though there are still some good moments (Betrayer by ADB and Know No Fear by Abnett come to mind), it's been really amiss for some time.

All in all, I'd say it's up to you to choose which book is shit, and if the series as a whole is iredeemably bad or not.

Redemption Corps is a lot of fun. Basically a Rainbow 6-esque stormtrooper unit gets embroiled in some sector-wide conspiracy. Fun action. Also great depiction of a CRAZY AS FUCK Istvaanism sister convenient.

Seconding the Night Lords. Also, BEHNBLADE was actually really good. While it dragged on in the middle, the beginning and finale were enjoyable, especially if you're a treadhead or have any interest in mechanised warfare. Speaking of baneblades, is there a download of Shadowsword available in any of the myriad 40k megas/torrent sites yet? I looked through the 40kg/hhg OPs a few weeks back and didnt see it

>Dark Hunters
Paul Kearney is my boy.

That sounds really cool.
15 Hours was one of my favourite lower-grade BL books, though I seem to have lost it in a move/purge at some point.

any good books about the Tau?