Age of Sigmar General

"Nagash is a saturday cartoon villan" edition


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First for steam dwarves vs. Tzeentch fags.

I'm just hoping that Tzaangors will get their own kit in AoS

"Getting rid of Tomb Kings was a mistake." Seriously, Death needs more shit.

I just hope they don't make them look too much sci fi'ish

Inb4 settra returns at the head of some fucking living death kingdom.

Why? Because fuck you settra does what settra wants. If settra wants to live settra wills himself to fucking live.

The 40k kit comes with normal weapons and shields. In fact, the chainsword and autopistols are on a seperate fucking sprue than everything else, which leads me to believe it was an AoS kit that they last minute retrofitted to 40k for whatever reason

Preorders for the 40k tzeentch stuff are starting to go up around the world (they're up in the UK just now). Good news is that looking at the tzaangor sprues they definitely have bits (blades & shields) to build them as AOS dudes. Hell, the 40k sprue seems like an afterthought, seems pretty clear they were designed for AOS first.

It's a shame their warscroll is such crap, I'd love actually fielding the models...

oh god yes

Fuck yeah!

>dual weapons
Delicious. Now give us an actual warscroll with actually worthwhile stats, because I am tired of treating them as Bestigors. I am at a crossroad. Should I get a box of them for my beastmen in AoS or use them as mutant rabble for my Renegades & Heretics in 40k.
Help me Veeky Forums!

We have a Cogsmith mini already.

>pic related

Use 'em for both? It's not like there's any issue with the bases or anything anymore.

But I want autopistols on my mutants and you can't really have those in AoS

CAPCHA: magic beast

Been thinking about dryads a bit lately...specially Drycha.
Did a drawing that's supposed to be her starting to kinda strip out of her armour, but well....didn't have any reference material at hand, so it looks especially shitty.

Bought a box of Spite Revanants to test my color scheme on. Gonna wait for the new battle box now.

magnets son

What scheme are you doing?
You doing an outcast heavy army?

pretty sure im the best paint on Veeky Forums

Were you the guy in the previous thread that said you were painting your first minis?

yeah, i forgot to post when i got home

For your first minis they look pretty good. Paint might be a bit thick, but thinning is something you learn over time. Do you own any washes? Because I think with a nice wash they would look good on tabletop.

Also, what plans do you have for their bases?

At least you don't do commissions like the Silver Tower guy.

Anyway, advice.

First of all, before painting your models. remove mould lines. If you look at their fingers, and down the middle of their heads, you can see a plastic ridge running down it. That is an imperfection left by the moulding process, and before you start painting it is a good idea to remove it.
The easiest way to do that is to just get a knife, and gently drag it towards you, with the blunt end of the knife going first (so you are dragging the sharp bit, and not pushing it into the model).
A file will work as well, but you need to be more careful you don't file away the actual model.

Second, undercoat your models with something. Paint doesn't stick to bare plastic all that well. You can buy some paint on primer from GW, or you can get some spray paint, which is a lot easier and quicker.
GWs spraypaint isn't actually primer (primer is a special formula, so it sticks to stuff better), but it doesn't really matter.
This will give you a better surface to paint on.

The next thing you need to do is thin your paint.

Just put a little paint on a palette of some kind, then mix it with a bit of water. One brushload water to two brushloads of paint is normally fine. It should have the consistency of milk.
The paint will not cover as well, but you can simply paint on another thin layer. This way, you get a more solid, consistent looking colour without obscuring the detail.
This is a useful channel. At the bottom of the playlist there are videos explaining what each of the types of paint are, and just above that is a tutorial for painting various models. Although they are not your army, he still covers the basics of painting, so they are useful to watch anyway,

I have one wash (agrax earthshade, dunno if that means anything to you). No idea what im doing for bases, probably a plain earth brown colour, nothing fancy.

I'm currently on my 6th monk so Im sure by the 20th I will have picked up a few things, I'm just starting to thin my paint now. Now idea how im gonna do the plague claw or plague furnace though.

And just so you don't feel discouraged. Here is one of my old models from two years ago, compared to one of my more recent models.

Thanks for advice. I'm already priming with abaddon black but I don't have actual primer paint or spray. But im doing that by hand so no spray.

The most important tip for you to follow is to properly thin your paint really. If you do that, then that is already half the battle won.

Not him, but I'd *really* recommend a white primer spray.

Are you watching the stream on Twitch?

I used to play WHF as a kid (2003/2004 I guess?) and still have minis from that time (about 2k pts Imperials and 2k pts Bretons).

What would it take me to get into AoS? Are there any drastic changes in the rules? Can I still use my old armies?

Also modelling related question

I've got a model who has a gong but I didn't realise it was a gong when I put it together so I gave him a knife as well as a gong. In images I've seen online for plague monks the guy hold the gong holds a mallet and not a knife. Have I fucked up? Was the guy meant to have a mallet or can he just have a knife. sorry this is a really random niche question.

It is only a small mistake, so it isn't the end of the world.

Tremendously strong right now. AoS was the update brets needed for several editions, which is kinda sad.

>What would it take me to get into AoS?
No much. Rules are intuitive, and you can learn them in a single demo.

>Are there any drastic changes in the rules?
It's a completely different game.

>Can I still use my old armies?
Yes. Your armies are totally fine.

Gun-Fu Handgunner meme aside, Empire is also pretty good. Balanced on all fronts with very little in the way of major weaknesses.

It's a radically different game. It'd be probably for the best to throw out all preconceptions from WHFB in regards to AoS. None of them will apply and many actually run counter to what you're used to.
Check them out, it's only four pages.

Thanks dude/guys. Would've been a shame if i spent all that money for nothing...
Also am I getting this right, does GW no longer sell Breton minis?

>No idea what im doing for bases, probably a plain earth brown colour, nothing fancy

Maybe you should check out GW's texture paints for a theme you like. For example my dudes are in a swamp so I got the Stirland battlemire texture paint. And when the paint had dried I drybrushed a bit with lorien forest and added small pools of water around their feet using the 'ardcoat paints

You are correct, they along with Tomb Kings are out of production

Dubs never lie.

So I'm considering getting invested in this. Can anyone tell me bout the seraphon?

In gameplay or in lore? Or both?

One of the best summoning armies, since almost every model in the range can be summoned.

Their units are fairly tough, but mostly nothing special in combat, with the odd exception.

They all have the top bravery value, and they have loads of rules that make the enemies battleshock rolls hurt more. Basically, they make up for their mediocre combat performance, with the sheer amount of enemies that will run away from them in the battleshock phase.

I'm looking to start AoS since it seems to have a fairly healthy community in my area and am wondering whats a good sized force to start with?

>whats a good sized force to start with?
This size.

Are you one of those blind, retarded, shakey hand fuckers or something? Because they shit looks horrible. Don't strip the models, just melt them down.

They both look horrible user.
user nut up, go to wip thread, and get your ass reemed. It will hurt, but you will start to learn.

Silver Tower guy? Is that you?
Are you still salty?

I'm sorry for angering you miniature painting God, please forgive the shoddy work of a mere mortal, we are inferior beings who have to learn and don't have the innate skill of miniature painting unlike you my lord.

Please don't smite my family with your autism.

It's not even 500 points.

Will try to make the bodies look like flayed skin. The bark I'm not sure yet. Maybe dried bone.

Was thinking of going Outcast heavy, yeah. Also thought of maybe adding some death units, ghosts and such, to make a spooky forest army.

Well your just full of helpful critique and insight aren't you?


It's perfect for beginners, both to learn how to play and to be confident they can finish painting them.

Which shield?

First one

Left one feels right, and looks like a cool moon

First. It can give mean uppercuts to those unworthy of death by the blade.

I'd say right, the mini overall would seem to work more on lengthwise lines than near-circle curves.

I have always disliked Sigmar lore as someone who loved the WHF setting but never actually played the game.

Just played my first game of Sigmar today and god damn it was so much FUN. I love these simple rules. The game doesn't feel like a fucking chore.

there are a lot of neat things about the AoS rules that I wasn't able to appreciate at first, like how quick and unambiguously cover works vs the clusterfuck 40k.

Welcome to the fold of us who gave this game an actual shot. Glad you enjoyed it.

So I gave Regiment of Renown a shot on Thursday and we liked it! Would recommend if you have 30-45 to play. Recommend lots of scenery.

The fuck you about nigga.

I'll think about it.
I have thought about it. They still getting SMITE BOITCH

fucking classic mini

This is rape.

>tfw Drycha won't do angry hate sex with you

what should I get after the start collecting box of sylvaneth? I am thinking about khurnot hunters

use the aos stuff the chainsword and auto pistol is worthless

So I haven't looked at AoS since it was released and made me sad.

Have they released actual rules for it yet or is it still just
>bring however models you want, no one cares!

it's the other way round at the moment.

The 40k Tzaangor models literally look like someones shitty AoS conversion.

There is nothing 40k about them apart from the weapons.

a) there were always actual rules for it, you ignorant fool

b) we assume you mean points, in which case they did. It's the general's handbook (GHB), and an excellent book. Cheap too. It's the book we recommend essentially to new players

the first one seems to fit more with the model

why would they replace fantasy with sigmar?!


I'm pretty sure the line of thought at GW was they had the tzaagor sprites all lined up for AoS but someone said "you know it might not be good to completely abandon our brand new game for 6 months" so they had the sculptor slap together some chai swords and pistols for the tzaagors and called it a day

Fantasy was selling worse than fax machines

thin your fucking paints you trog

yo guys !
i'm trying to create dark soul styled knights as count as for graveguards, but i don't know which model to use for the core body
the skellies are too small, i thought about elves and especially chaos warriors, who have the right armor and shields, but are too bulky

any ideas fellows ?

the sprues said the reverse user
wh40k things come in a separate sprue

Can someone explain to me why GW essentially abandoned AoS for a long ass time?

Real space marines are more popular than fantasy space marines.

First half of the year was mostly AOS (and the 40k fans were complaining then just as AOS fans are now), second half has been mostly 40k. I'd prefer them to intermingle it a bit more, but I think both games have got a similar amount of stuff over the year.

I just don't get how you could make a game have it be more successful than what it replaced then essentially drop it out of the release schedule for so lone.


Q1 and Q2 of 2017 will probably me mostly AoS, with Q3 and Q4 more towards 40k

unless they change their strategy, which they very well might.

Rumor is GW didn't expect the GH to have as much impact as it did, so there is a possibility their release schedule wasn't ready for it.


Generals handbook

He means GHB, the general's handbook

I've seen it both ways (GH and GHB)

Oh, right. Pff, I should have known that.

So, are Lizardmen still a thing worth having? Haven't played since WHFB 7th.

bah, I wished they'd do bimonthly, one month is AoS releases, next month is 40k, etc. Maybe talk about 40k during AoS months and AoS on 40k months so the fans of either game have something to fap/bitch about.

Painting a beastclaw avalanche box for a buddy. Getting a mammoth sprue, a hunter, four Sabres and three yeti for it. Pretty amateur but working on it. Pretty jealous as these beastclaw guys are pretty sweet.

Fuckin shit.
Inb4 Australia

None of these anons have your best interests at heart.

Listen to he knows what's up.

Looking at the generals handbook but I don't understand some shit.

Where are the warscrolls for Warden Kings and Unforged?

Where is the warhammer fantasy general?