Lel 80s

>lel 80s
>Sly Marbo XD
>body builders make good soldiers

Catachans direly need some major updating

Other urls found in this thread:


dont like them dont play as them :)

Alright, fine. If you want to see them get castrated the same way the Noise Marines did, go right ahead.

Why is the site that made love 40k doing this to me

What the fuck happened to the community id take the meme spammers over this shit

I think the sad part is that OP wants to talk about Catachans but if he made a normal thread no one would post in it so he had to make it bait

Truthfully I fucking love Catachans but if I made this a normal thread I would get like 15 posts and it dies. This why if I shittalk Catachans people will come and start to discuss them

I want the fucking Catachan supplement with guardsmen who hae least WS of 4.


Back in the day Sly Marbo and Straken cleaned fucking house

5+ wifebeaters op

What do you mean?

Now you're going to get a thread with 60 posts of people dissing you for hating on cats. Good job, dumbass.

I want my 80's Hair Band Slaaneshi worshippers back. Literal Space Marines of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. Now... we had to come up with a head canon that they're Dubstep DJ'S in order to make them remotely cool.

I liked 40k better when the lore didn't take itself seriously, and things were campy, ridiculous, and fun.

Well, it seems to work any time we want a Dwarf thread, so why the hell shouldn't he do this. The board is fucked and we're all to lazy to do anything to fix it.

If you don't like an army pick a different army.

Their looks are at least better than the Cadians, whose unfortunate combination of bicycle helmet and heroic scale make them look like the very special forces

Oh, of course. They are still playing instruments. I know it's not the same though.

No, you need to jump on a grenade

First post best post.

I want more Commissar and Catachan stories

Screw you, I applied for a janitor position. Compiled tips pics and shared pdfs. What have YOU done to make the board a better place?

Does anyone else find it fucking sad OP wanted to make a Catachan thread so he resulted to talking trash about his favorite regiment so it didnt end up on page 10

So your telling me that most of the threads that shit talk something are really just made by people who who like said topic but if they were to make it a normal thread it would be forgotten and beaten?

You must be joking becasue if were really at that point what the fuck

Made the Calvin and Hobbes RPG.

Trying to get a monthly MTG tourney over Xmage started.

Got everyone hyped for a Pokémon match against /vp/

Posted a semi-monthly Mr. Rogers thread to remind people that they're not total assholes, and they don't need to act like one.

Emailed Virt.

Numerous Setting ideas.

And I'm currently working on putting the Game Finder thread into overdrive, because the real problem with this board is that not enough board members are Playing Games, instead they're just sitting around Navel gazing and waiting for the next big thing to happen.

>body builders make good soldiers

Catachans aren't bodybuilding though. They're jacked as a result of the environment.

>What have YOU done to make the board a better place?
Not derailed threads that have the potential to be decent if people would ONLY STOP SHITPOSTING AND DERAILING THEM.
Oh wait. Fuck.


Now that's just Autistic.

Threads are just like conversations. Trying to keep the discussion on a single topic is like sperging out at a party. It's bad form, and it shows how socially inept you really are. The OP of the thread isn't the main topic of the thread, it's merely the starting point or the theme of the thread. Let the conversation go where it will, because often times it goes to some amazing areas of discussion.

The Deathworld Veterans codex was the shit.
No tanks, no heavy gear, just a lot of fucking ambushes and booby traps. Space Marines blind firing at the jungle, Eldar getting roasted by flamers and blown to smithereens by demo-charges, everything boiling down to one mad, hellish short range gunfight across a jungle trail...
Good times.

Since GW is slowly starting to get its finger out of its own arse, we might get proper rules in 8th ed.
The new rules from the Traitor Legions supplement are bretty good I hear.
A man can hope...

Aren't they basically those dudes from Predator who all get killed by the Predator?

Drop them for Steel Legion or some other regiment that's actually cool and relevant enough to deserve figures that aren't old as dirt.

Blow some steam off Bennet

For you OP.

A fantastic movie. I'm also right in the midle of reading Nam by Mark Baker, great book for me because it's simply bits and pieces of differetn people that went to Nam. You'll laugh and cry.
I'm 3/4 through and I feel like no movie has ever come close to the absolute mess that is described in the book by the ex soldiers, nurses, etc.

catachans need to move from john rambo to william calley

>This dude has already done more for the board than hot pocket snarfing freedoers ever will

You're alright man

Steel legion have more recent figures than like, 80% of guard regiments. And unlike the new cadians, catachans, and vostroyans they're actually reasonably scaled and not hilarious balloon people.

I think the only relevant option they're missing that can't be brainlessly converted is a meltagun, and their preferred style of play (mechanized) is completely integrated into the regular guard book now, unlike highly specialized formations like the Jungle Fighters.

>steel legion
>never on the cover of the IG codex
>never had a codex of their own

Dude... there's never been any IG codex that didn't have cadians on it. It's always been cadians.

Catachans just had the 'deathworld veterans' codex because their fighting style is so radically different from other regiments. Steel legion is still infantry and infantry and more infantry waves in Chimeras. There are Cadians mechanized regiments. Kreigers are grimderp trench warfare. Cadians do that too. Elysians are rapid-insert drop troops. Cadians have Kasrkins. Vostroyans are "send in the next wave comrades". Yeah Cadian commanders do that too.

Literally the only regiment that can't properly be represented in a unified guard codex as it stands is the Deathworlders, of whom the catachans are the posterboys, because deathworlders fundamentally operate differently than other regiments.

It's only a fluff distinction but it can be game-ruining when you have a fluffy catachan army that literally never wins because the crunch utterly neuters it

You sir are the savior of the board

Bad bait, but I chuckled.

That art is horrible. Please tell me it isn't official?


>WS of 4
Then run Renegades and Heretics. Can even use the Bloody-Handed Reaver and get Renegade Grenadiers are WS and BS 4.

2nd edition

Valhallans are "send in next wave", not Vostroyans

why do you hate cats, op?

lel, newfag

I have a bridge for sale, and I just know you'll be interested...

>literally Predator: the Army
>Predator (1987)

> no movie has ever come close to the absolute mess that is described in the book by the ex soldiers, nurses, etc.
Umm, war movies generally exist to make war look cool, user. Realism is not what they're going for....normal people don't want to know the truth.

>War movies exist to make war look cool
>What is Hamburger Hill
>What is Apocalypse Now
>What is pretty much any movie about 'nam
>What is Saving Private Ryan
>What is Fury

>there's never been any IG codex that didn't have cadians on it

Stay mad, fagboy.

>Catachans just had the 'deathworld veterans' codex

Meanwhile best Steel Legion could muster is some rules in a campaign book.

We passed that fucking point long before there ever was a Veeky Forums here....hell, Veeky Forums only exists because of people shitposting what they like.

>9th Company
>Big Red One
>When Trumpets Fade
>Die Brücke

If you were going for war is hell angle you probably should had gone for yuro war movies instead of americunt ones.

>Slaughterhouse 5
>All Quiet on the Western Front
>Pretty much anything that came out of Iraq

Oh fuck off kid! Those movies are comfy as fuck - soccer moms watch those on the couch with their kiddies. You prolly saw them before you were 12 years old - fucking children's movies! Not one bit of realistic nastiness.
You want to feel war, kid? Go to /b/, find a rekt thread, and stay there. Watch everything they post, over and over and over again. Don't ever leave that rekt thread; don't look at any other thread but the rekt thread. For the next week. Eat, drink, live the rekt thread. After 1 week, you will start to feel what war is.
No movie will ever give you that. Because movies gotta make money, and to make money they gotta appeal to ignorant people.

All movies made for couch sitters. git gud kid. you don't know shit.

>>What is Apocalypse Now
I bet more people remember "I love smell of napalm in the morning." than "The horror. The horror."

Probably. I'm fairly convinced that about 60% of the people that have "watched" Apocalypse Now never saw more than the first thirty minutes or so.

I prefer

Whos in charge here?


Thanks guys. As for current projects...

I'll probably post the Mr. Rogers feelgood thread in about an hour, when the board reaches prime time. We kind of need it, especially with the threads going up today.

I hope to have the next draft of the Calvin and Hobbes RPG ready in about a week.

And I'm also building a set of MTG Commander decks for us to use in a /vp/ vs. Veeky Forums competition for the Winter Ball. Unfortunately Winter ball is kind of dead because of Sun and Moon release.

Come and See comes to mind. The pacing might feel weird, but that's kind of the point - nothing really happens and then things actually go to shit.

"You shouldnt have stopped the damn boat" is a good one too

I mean these are all very good, Hamburger Hill and apocaplypse now are both renowned to be the two movies that depict Nam in it's truest way.

But honestly? After the shit I read in the book, it feels tame. The amount of friendly fire, willing or not, the plain disregard if not hatred for the civilians, the tension, it was really fucked up.

I definitely recommend the book, it puts things in perspective.

>Whos in charge here?
Well, that particular scene got so iconic it was reused in Brood War opening.

Maybe it's just me, but I always really enjoyed the de Marais plantation scene that got added in Redux.

Fuck it, going to watch it again.

Also a personnal favorite, it's an orignal one at least, about the last few soldiers of the USSR in Afghanistan. DO NOT watch it in anything else than russian with subtitles though. I don't get a word of russian, but it makes it feel soooo much beter.

No matter what the Bridge scene is the fucking best


I like the how the only Catachan book is really shitty

Humans in 40k are not modern humans. They are the offshots of thousands of years of genetic engineering, evolutionary divergence, and mutation. They are not Homo Sapiens.


>fob squatter pretends he's seen some shit.

No argument there. I just found the de Marais plantation an almost dreamlike retreat from the savagery and inhumanity that hits you the rest of the movie. It's like the fucking Lothlorien of Vietnam in its presentation. And really, you can put the French colonists in the role of the elves of Middle Earth -- a once powerful people who's time has run out, and their idyllic paradise just a faint glade about to be snuffed out by the death and violence swirling around it.

Hey don't say shit about us pointy ears, we're not past our prime yet. Almost but not quite.

It's actually really interesting to go to Vietnam as a French, a lot of old people still speak French and will talk to you about the old days. A lot of them were housekeepers for rich owners and stuff like that.

Forgot the pic.

Huh, interesting. And yeah, the French are actively probably the best example of a colonist working well with former colonies. Just look at their work on counter-insurgency in Mali for a great example of a colonist working well with its independent holdings. Pity about your actual country, though. Deus Vult soon enough, perhaps with Madame President leading the charge.

I saw the Redux version first, and always felt like removing it kinda made the later part at Kurtz compound a little weaker. It improved the pacing of the movie, but got rid of an interesting dichotomy. It's two different ways of looking at the conflict but both are equally invested in it. Also boobies.

>Steel Legion not relevant
>one of the biggest conflicts of the millennium taking place on their home world
>not relevant

literally who?

>Best working with former colonies

After living in Britain, I'd say the UK did it better. They managed to get the good migrants and keep off the bad ones generally speaking.
Us being so damn close to North Africa doesn't exactly help stem the flow of people though. Indians have to cross the whole damn world to get to the UK on the other hand foe example. Dammit we chose the wrong places to colonise!

>buttblasted faggot has no point, loses argument, greentexts to make self feel good

reed this, fagget

Catachan codex was pretty neat.

40k fucking died when GW removed Marbo from the game.

Hence why we all jumped on the occasion to get the model back with made to order.

>"war movies generally exist to make war look cool"
>list common war movies that do not glorify war
>"git gud kid"

Do you have an argument?

>one of

That's a very relevant term, user.

Thank you for your cervix

>Go to /b/,
Don't wanna, gramps. /b/ is now bad porn generals. The freewheling days of when /b/ actually had any realworld impact are long gone.

It's for the Only War RPG.

theyre all Arnie

I have a fluffy Catachan force that holds up surprisingly well against anything without flyers or Imperial Knight/Riptide/etc.

Take Vets with forward sentires, for basic troops.
Tempestus as Catachan Devils.
Ratling snipers as Catachan snipers.
Scout Sentinels with camo gear and Auger Array means you can outflank and/or scout move with them to then deepstrike the Devils without scattering.
Stand alone Motor squad. They don't get camo like others and stop the force being CAD but will be way back and out of LOS.
Col Straken.
Give Heavy flamers to whomever can take them.

Ideally play with a lot of jungle terrain on the table and it makes for a good time.

Have you considered not playing 40k?

The models are hideous, except for the command squad, which while horribly out of scale with the older infantry kits, looks good and has a nice amount of character.

If the regular squad and heavy weapons were updated, they'd be a good looking army.

Cadians have the same problem. The old guys from 2nd and 3rd with their mix of Roman Legionairres and Colonial marines look great in the art and the models, but the transition to the plastic models was not a good one. They went from looking like badass modern day soldier analogs to a bunch of kids in football gear.

>bodybuilders make good soldiers

They're not bodybuilders, they're just on a fucking shit planet and probably take loads of space trenbolone on the side.

they are direly in need of an update though

Don't talk shit about Sly Marbo.

Utterly based

"I find that violence is very ambiguous in movies. For example, some films claim to be antiwar, but I don't think I've really seen an antiwar film. Every film about war ends up being pro-war...to show something is to ennoble it."

-Francois Truffant

>Tfw no AirCav in 40k
What a travesty

Veeky Forums is in good hands

40Kfags have ALWAYS been memespamming faggots.

They go to fucking porn boards and spam 40K memes for fucks sake

Dwarves are shit tho. No wonder you fags have to create your own victim complex to remain relevant.

Yall niggas be like feminists, goddamn