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Crying 1k sons "fans" edition
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1st for Autocannons are great.

So what did happen with the sons? It's exam season so I haven't has the time to check? I thought they beat the shit out of the wolves? And everyone was happy for new models. Why are thousand son fags cryin?

So how does WoM book work for CADs?
Is its own codex or can I take a Chaos Lord with Tzaangors as my troops?

I want a big bird leading my little birds

Yea, the current damage table is shit.

In general, a pen should be able to wreck a vehicle, however MCs already have a huge advantage over vehicles.

Part of me thinks that you should get a bonus in your damage table based on how much you penned and that Glances shouldn't be able to strip the final HP.

Don't underestimate the mass of S6 fire. I did for a long time until I just started going with it. The sheer weight of fire is crazy.

Still, higher points for me are LoC, Heralds/Exalted, 2-3 horrors, then HS princes.

They're troops, and TS have their own Legion rules you can choose to follow like Black Legion.


>Why are thousand son fags cryin?
Its literally just one guy.

Their rules are apparently not very good, their wargear selection is very limited and they cost too many points.
One of their formations is 2250 points minimum.

Basically, they took the rubics from the CSM codex and made them in to their own army without the buffs these guys wanted for them to make them 'viable'.

Xth for post your favorite game photos

>One of their formations is 2250 points minimum.
>Implying implication

Never forget

Do Fedual worlds have Astropaths?

What are some of the fun armies you've thought of doing or that you have wanted to do? And if you have managed to pull of a fun/silly army, how'd it go?

I have some Bullgryns and Inquisitor Lord Karamazov. I've wanted to do a really aggressive Guard army incorporating them along with Rough Riders, Priests, Straken, Infantry blobs, Shotgun vets, Hellhounds, Demolishers and Armored Sentinels.

I don't have all the models, and I want to proxy it just to see how it would fair.

Cool models, rules are neat but they cost too damned much to be competitive.

On the other hand the actual "good" unit from the book is Horrors, which aren't even in TSons, and which have rules to broken and problematic to the game that community tournaments are looking to preemptively nerf them.

The Planetary Governor, who would usually be at the normal galactic level of technology would.

Funny enough, I've always wanted to do a Thousand Sons army who took to infusing daemons into armor/people in an attempt to undo the rhubric. Over the years, they e obviously fallen down a darker path, especially after their leader ascended into a Daemon Prince.

Played an epic as fuck 2000 pt game against Grey Knights today. Guard held the line and shattered the enemy with bayonet and tank shells. It was super cinematic and I got a bunch of pics too if anyone is interested.

Also why do you think people don't post pics of their battles that often thread?

I kinda feel like Genestealer Cult is basically aggressive Guard done right.

Post em. Looks good so far.

I never remember.

I kinda wish I had a picture of the "Tower of Horrors" which was a tower ruin filled with horrors...

My opponent and I thought it was funny.


I'm going to be fighting a 1500 point Imperial Guard Infantry army list as vanilla space marines? We've agreed to go as infantry heavy as possible, with no flyers or superheavies. What should I bring? My main idea is a pair of ironclad dreads in drop pods, and a basic 10 man sternguard squad in a drop pod, with 2 librarians as HQ choices.
Should I drop a sternguard guy and put a librarian in their unit? I was thinking about using pyromancy to soul blaze some mooks but would a different discipline be better?

Why are the Space Wolves goddamned furies? Why is Russ the worst primarch?

So standard GW fare?

I can take that the governor would have the Astropaths and leave the filthy lesser nobles in the dark about the wonders of Imperium tech/convinces, but Fedual worlds can be high tech medieval planets too right?

Rate my list tg
The commander is attached to the drones.
The commander and his drones deep strike. So does the ghostkeel.

Are there tables for Kabal generation?

>Played an epic as fuck 2000 pt game against Grey Knights today

>grey knights

Hey, back then that was a respectful level of wolf. They didn't have wolf pods, wolfers, wolf wolves, wolf armor, Land Wolves, ect... Everything was perfect back then.

I don't take pictures of my games because my phone camera isn't worth pickles.

Now go forth and roll up some edgy space elves who currently suck in this edition. Post the results.

Here's a pic of the rest of my battle line things got crazy after he went through his turn(not a lot happened) and went to kine that's when things started to go to shit for the Grey Knights.At the end of the game I ended up killing two Dreadknights with Guardsmen in melee if that gives you a clear picture of what happened

The closest any of the formations get to that at minimum size is 1205 points. There isn't one that minimum is 2250.

Hell yeah, I love playing against my friend's guard army with my Grey Knights. It's always a fucking bloodbath.

Here's another pic from this match.

I'm trying to build a fluffy Jumpy + Scouty Raven Guard army. I have a couple of squads of both types, and boy am I having fun.

On a match against ultras I managed to infiltrate shotgun scouts inside the effective range of my opponent's whirlwinds, behind cover. They proceeded to single-handedly destroy the whole squadron with sheer grit.

Also I get that nifty jumppack chapter tactics where I can activate them both moving and assaulting, makes the assault marines super good when paired with an IG hellhound to give them mobile cover.

>Also why do you think people don't post pics of their battles that often thread?

The table my friends and I play on, is just Pink foam with terrain on it, while I work on it. So No pictures I take will look good. And stuff still needs to be painted.

I'd like to think there's a lot of people here in the same boat, with unpainted armies, and not great looking maps.


Sure. The tech level runs the entire Gamut. It's just that there's usually a Planetary Governor with a level of technological sophistication necessary to gather the Tithe and call for help if necessary. Astropaths are pretty valuable, and loose Psykers are generally scooped up by the Black Ships. So you aren't likely to see an Astropath serving a random feudal noble without much need for one. That said, the Galaxy is a big place, so although atypical it could happen.

your drone unit should be all gun drones or all marker drones, I'd say marker drones. And the commander should be running with the other crisis suits since he doesn't work well in a squad of drones with his plasma guns. Also a single Pirahna isn't doing much by himself. Maybe scrape some points together for a second one (Could start by taking a couple drones out opf the drone unit, remember the pirahna comes with two drones anyway.)

Besides that you've got a perfecly vanilla hunter contingent. Although as a matter of personal preference I'd leave tank hunting to the stealth cadre and give the crisises plasma guns so they can run around with their commander melting armored infantry and light vehicles.

Cool. Chaos lord with Seer's Bane and Jump mutilators it is

Basically this^

My fellow players don't believe in showing up with completely(or even half) painted armies. We also have shit tables/terrain due to not having a FLGS and playing in one of our player's business after they close up.

My turn one popped the Rhino in pic related with my Vanquisher. Then the Executioner(the true MVP of the game with about three units killed by it alone) wiping out the squad and leading to a Rhino killing spree.

That looks like a fun game right there.

Interesting question. My army is usually in various states of completion, so I feel bad taking pictures of unpainted models.

An army of entirely Noise Marines with guitars and greenstuff leg warmers/huge hair painted up to look like Doctor Rockso/Zazz Blammymatazz. They would have a cadre of tour rhinos to transport them, a helbrute with amps for shoulders, and they would be powersliding on their bases or surfing their bikes.

Also every single base and the inside of each tour rhino would be flocked in "snow".

Obviously, I don't have the money or talent to do this.

>Lone genestealer
>This is my Tuna!

1500 point game vs a tau army tomorrow. I'm thinking about if I should bring my Orks, which I'm really enjoying, or to bust my daemons back out for a change.

Compared to now? Have you seen the modern Wulfen?

The dream though.

I'll have to look into them.

Will you try to do something like that soon?

Very nice. Sounds like a blast.

Their rules are poop. Not "boo hoo they're not elderz" poop, but "CSM still have trouble minmaxing against fluffy lists of several other factions" poop. Also the new Ksons models are meh imo, I like the old ones better. The new helmets look too much like this neo-aesthetic GW is pushing for chaos power armor instead of having their own thing, and the new Aspiring Sorcerer looks boring compared to the old robed dude.

That said, I aint even mad. At least we're getting new shit now, GW can make it up to me by releasing some dope new berzerker models, and I don't think they'll goof by changing the teutonic helmets.

Well since I'm running the XV84 suit I get a free target lock so the commander will be firing at a different unit that his drones. I ran the gun drones as extra ablative wounds but I can remove them but they won't be firing with the commander himself. The Piranha is there for its supporting fire and seeker missiles. Should I replace the fusion blasters on the other crisis with cyclic ion blasters to instant death T4 and glance vehicles to death?

Does Multi tracker allow for the firing of 3 weapons? The two plasma guns + the markerlight on the xv84?

On my turn two after he charged my Guardsmen with his Dreadknight got some really lucky scatters. Penned the Land Raider with the Vanquisher and the Demolisher penned both the Rhino and Land Raider (got imobilized for both results against the Land Raider). Then the Leman Russ battle tank finished them both off and Executioner caused 21 wounds against the squad that disembarked and wiped it out.

So theoretically a Fedual world could go like this: lowest of the plebs are full blown medieval while everyone further up the planet's food chain is slightly more high tech?

Buildings are really easy to do though so as long as you have the time and energy it's not so hard.
I saw a good tutorial at the NY botanical garden train show, which had great looking buildings that were just foamcore buildings with some material covering them. If you got the right stuff you wouldn't even have to paint

I say Daemons.

Posted just as new thread was made.

So I'm trying to make a flameblade list composed of a demi-company, storm wing and 1st company. However I can't decide if I should put my anti-infantry flamers/anti-armour melta on my tacticals or on my elite sternguard/cataphractii.

Fuck that. 1k-Sons Raptor Talon, Warp Talons, lead by the lord with the Wounding-Against-LD daemon weapon.

>Charging with what's effectively a STR 10 AP2 Fleshbane daemon weapon

I was going to do the Bane with a Raptor Talon lol

Just remember, you will have to buy MoT on them all, but you get VotLW for free.

*foamcore frames

I only saw the Terminator entry and some of the Formations and it looked... meh. Very expensive Termies with no CCW options, good but expensive gun options, 4++ buffable to 3++ being their only hope of durability.

Everyone's angry about the 'god numbers' thing because it activates when you take 9 UNITS of something in a formation, and gives you the dubious buff of re-rolling 1's on saves. If it had been 9 MODELS in a unit where it becomes a dillema of "FoT buff or take 10 for another heavy weapon?" it would have been great.

On the plus side most of the formations buff the FUCK out of 1kSons psykers.

Though the higher ups only need to be as high tech as necessary, nothing wrong with still living in castles.

Yes and No. I owe him a rematch.

I made a mistake with the rules, and didn't realize, I couldn't target his Flyrant with Psychic Shriek. Behind that Tank line, was an Inquisition Detach, with Psyker, protecting 3x Artillery Carriages.

I don't consider it a win because of that mistake.

He was also new to Nids, and didn't attempt to Lance my Macharius with his Zoanthropes.

I'm attempting to make the map better for lower range armies, with lots of LOS breaks to prevent me from hosing the entire map with the Macharius/Battletanks, and maybe adopting the City fighting rule that prevents Barrage weapons from hitting the lower floors of buildings.

His friends didn't make it past turn 1 of the Macharius firing.

Yeah. I've been working on some since that picture was taken. (A few months ago). Those look good, but a little waxy. Probably just the lighting.

Whos gonna running Ahriman and 9 exulted sorcerers at 1850 points?

Not me lol

The Techpriest+Scions+Veterans killed a Dreadknight avenging my Vanquisher warlord. And I think we know what will happen to the other one
He pretty much conceded there but it was an insane game. I can dump more pics of it if you guys enjoy them I hope you liked my batrep too.

Those are actually covered with some sappy-colored sealer or resin to get that color to make it look more woodlike and blend in better with the plants.
I need to go back and find out how they did the windows

Yup. That's actually the most common way the Imperial Knight's agricultural "Knight Worlds" work.

Hive worlds like Necromunda are that way except with everyone's tech bumped up a step. Most citizens work in factories at vaguely 20th century tech whereas the young nobles from the "Spyre" put on high tech super suits and go around killing "criminals" in the slums for fun and adventure.

>Though the higher ups only need to be as high tech as necessary, nothing wrong with still living in castles.
Lasguns and flamers a-okay? But no plasma and meltas?

Sounded like a solid game. My last time against Grey knights as IG, I got tabled. Keep postin pics Amigo. What else are we going to do? Argue over Thousand sons rules?

I still remember drukenly playing a game of 40k with Gurgle vs a random thousand sons user years ago.
I wonder if he's enjoying the new release?

>he young nobles from the "Spyre" put on high tech super suits and go around killing "criminals" in the slums for fun and adventure.
That's basically their Sunday school class, and oh how those little punks were annoying in Chapter Master.

*1001 sons

I'll pass

They could buy plasma and melta if they wanted.

I'm thinking more along the lines of, the king buys weapons from the imperium to equip his troops but doesn't trust their hulking war machines.
So you end up with knights on horse back with laser guns and grenade launchers.

The infamous '2250pt minimum' is to give Scarab Occults the Favoured of Tzeentch buff, which requires 9 units of termies.

>lol why r u bitching about poorly thought out unfluffy rules that are shamelessy meant to sell models

Shit that looks identical to the Chicago Botanical Garden train show, but it had great looking Chicago buildings...something's fishy

Mistakes happen, work them out and move on. I play nids, and would love to play on a board like that, as opposed to the desert boards I get stuck on.

>modern 40k
>chaos vs tau
But I don't see a plastic grey magnus, fighting three stormsurges with a single near-transparent layer of hideous white paint, anywhere

>45 T5 termies with potential 2+ invuls
Do they get special rules for being in Tartaros armor?

Played against my friend's alpha legion in 30k - Raven Guard + Imperial Army on my side. Nothing special, just some assault dudes, a dread, some tacs and a whole bunch of guardsmen.

Halfway through the match he managed to buff his assault marines with Endurance (4+ FnP and Eternal Warrior), so I multi-charged them with my veterans and jumpy dudes + captain dude with Thunder Hammer. Thanks to instant death I would be able to kill them all easily with the captain.
And then, our local asian cheeser guy intervened, claiming Eternal Warrior from Endurance made them ignore Instant Death, so they'd have their FnP saves. He saved them all. Like 4 of them.
I lost combat by 2
Lost initiative roll. Got sweeped.

From then on there was nothing I could do, my dread was dead, I only had unbuffed guardsmen to try and kill his guys. Lost by a lot.

And then I checked the book and discovered eternal warrior DOES NOT grant immunity to ID. He wouldn't have had his FnP rolls.

So now I strongly dislike the asian cheesemonger among us.

probably the same people behind each.
>great looking chicago buildings
must've been a pretty small train show

Mark of tzeentch means no 2+ invuln

Slow and purposeful.


>not just taking Ahriman and 3 Sorcerers
>they still harness on a 3+


Only the sorcerer has a potential 2++

Fuck you and your brooklyn hipster vegan elitist attitude you fucking coasty
you're probably a swell guy, I don't even live in Chicago anymore

I'm a Texanon

Yeah, he's cool with it. now that we know.

I'm attempting to make a city map. It's a mystery to me how people can enjoy playing on sparse ass maps like in the OP.

gun drones and marker drones cost the same and have the same stats so if you're using them for extra wounds why not go more marker drones anyway, or shield drones for tougher ablative wounds, the only thing gun drones really bring is pinning but putting a fucktillion marker tokens on a target pretty much guarantees that target is about to be destroyed or at least made completely ineffective that turn anyway. Also I just realized now the commander has a drone controller so yeah it would make sense for him to run with drones.


Another Texanon reporting in!


also the dreads killed each other in a very romantic manner

Could have been an honest mistake, even experienced players make them. Was this guy a cheesemaker before?

EW doesn't negate ID removal of FNP



>>not just taking Ahriman and 3 Sorcerers
Thats obviously what people would do I was more making a joke.

I'd love to see it though. First turn and pop any vehicle or anything with a strong enough pie plate with during the psychic phase and exalted sorcerers special beam canon. Ahriman using siphon magic to cast 5 powers easily. Could be lolworthy.

That happened to me the other day.
How do you determine first blood from a situation like that?
