/pfg/ pathfinder general

Why aren't you a vampire hunter tg?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

Unified /pfg/ link repository:pastebin.com/JTj1yEmU

Broken Shackles Playtest:app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/59701/broken-shackles-test-play
Creation Handbook Playtest:docs.google.com/document/d/1kitAB8sHgmuD3fvOMuI_KyV_dxpO2wrxQmbnCoRgglA/edit#
Avowed Playtest:drive.google.com/open?id=0B5HkyGRtGZy3SWVhdWFBWERWWjg
Malefex Playtest:docs.google.com/document/d/1W3LrE8WyIxxYRr8d9dHsWioeUk_-HZaSMqVWRnzc9Fc/edit?usp=sharing

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/onnk3oskhbc5aos/Vampire Hunter D Pathfinder Supplement.pdf?dl=0

A reminder that there are several spheres books in playtest:

Creation Handbook Playtest: docs.google.com/document/d/1kitAB8sHgmuD3fvOMuI_KyV_dxpO2wrxQmbnCoRgglA/edit?usp=sharing
Dark Handbook Playtest: docs.google.com/document/d/1zHRZyaMh_QwWcQ-ROGCjQyCdflD6cbm9VdEOJMpC06I/edit?usp=sharing
Mind Handbook Playtest: docs.google.com/document/d/1Kp4acH7zTk4e3DfPdYDfTk1jJClly3yp27Jfrf3FRWw/edit?usp=sharing
Time Handbook Playtest: docs.google.com/document/d/1xrcVb8f4isNrnf0c4A-ek9AmU8UD9nNULJF5v6dRwNM/edit?usp=sharing
War Handbook Playtest: docs.google.com/document/d/1wKYQDiexOl7efIFLp_1nfJIlj9ky04senq8l6WbweQk/edit?usp=sharing

Gear of Power Playtest: docs.google.com/document/d/1zIomq0TFP7uPdlFB8VRAIWQEjAXLV5CYpP3HmjySynU/edit?usp=sharing
Wild Magic Handbook: docs.google.com/document/d/1xBfoH6YcTdD3kwjn3ikItWPBGzIm9g3SVkVvUQD1yUw/edit?usp=sharing
Wild Magic Tables: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NU5bK1Dyzu66KgIdrHNaaXBw1eHVpcHZHOh5BDaxMzU/edit?usp=sharing

Because I'm pretending to be a vampire with the unquiet grave tradition!

It really doesn't matter. You will be more than powerful enough ether way.

Yes it does. A lot of them seem to have a gender of some sort.

Are you actually dumb or just an alt-righter is smart enough to get it but just doesn't want to?

The only things that don't make sense to be is the evidence against Asmodeus and Hell being full of misogyny.

The evidence against includes:
>Being the patron of the only female ruled Inner Sea power
>The Whore Queen's existence
>The fact most devils don't have a sex because that's not how the majority of outsiders work

Why would a hyper hardcore misogynous not only allow but actively help a female ruler?

Repost from previous thread:

Question: For a Monk/Psychic Armory Warsoul || Wis-Incanter, should I go:

14 STR, 12 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 18 WIS, 14 CHA


10 STR, 12 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 20 WIS, 12 CHA?

dropbox.com/s/onnk3oskhbc5aos/Vampire Hunter D Pathfinder Supplement.pdf?dl=0


Because there's much more than vampires that need killing.

>Yes it does. A lot of them seem to have a gender of some sort.
So, how do I determine the gender of an Ice Devil? Or a Bone Devil? Or a Bearded Devil?

>Lesbian feminist goddess

>You mean Sarenrae?

I'm totally cool with this

What would your character(s) do at a harvest festival? What sort of things would they be interested in?

>What is your character willing to fight and die for?
protecting the innocent, proving her kind are not bound by their roots
>To them, what is worth living for?
Family, friends and loved ones, I know, nothing fancy
>What is their name
Mykksa Hannice, was never good at names.

By checking your goddamn privilege, shitlord.

>I don't get what gender is
>a prince of hell has to follow what I think are the rules in regard to how he treats women

oh come fucking on you HAVE TO BE smarter than this. Half of the images have ether bulging biceps and pecs or silky smooth boobs.

you aren't fooling anyone

He'd probably want to just get some food from a vendor and watch the people have a good time. Maybe he'd get the courage up to ask someone to dance, though he'd likely spill spaghetti.



I want identity politicians to go and stay go.

Literally 1000x worse than fetish posters.

>>a prince of hell has to follow what I think are the rules in regard to how he treats women
No seriously. Explain to me by a misogynous who is a HYPER hardcore misogynous allow the nation he is the patron god of be ruled by a woman and send devils to help her rule and keep her safe? Why not replace her with a male ruler?

>oh come fucking on you HAVE TO BE smarter than this. Half of the images have ether bulging biceps and pecs or silky smooth boobs.
Except that's not how souls work in Pathfinder. The sex/gender of a soul has next to zero impact on the form it takes, merely the power.

The vast majority of devils are imps. Imps are not gendered, they're just scrawny little creatures. They have no genitalia. Imps can be constructed of male or female souls. However how is one supposed to even tell? Are we using "detect gender" now?

The majorty of devils. Imps, Ice Devils, Bone Devils, Bearded Devils, Hellcasts, the Faceless. Even Pit Fiends are just large monstrous creatures. Saying they are masculine or feminine has almost no meaning because that's not how souls work.

What should my Half giant Fighter gestalt with? I'm debating between Slayer and Barbarian, he wields a Huge flambard and wears full plate armor. I'd like him to be a big tough tank guy.

I would let my date stand on my shoes so I can teach her how to dance! I'll guide her hands to my hips and let her feel the music! She will be the harvest queen, and if she isn't crowned than I will make her feel like a queen after the festivities!

If only Kircheis were here, we wouldn't have this infighting in /pfg/.

Both of those options just make him more fighty. Do you only want him to do anything else? Gestalt can easily expand a character's role.

>pit fiends aren't masculine
Jesus fucking christ just stop.

Explain how they are masculine in nature. I posted a picture of him. Is your definition of feminine "needs massive tits". Pit Fiends can be masculine or feminine souls. They are made of mortals and there isn't a filter for the gender of the soul.

No seriously, you've had no argument.

Not particularly, I like big tough fighty men. If you think something else would be fun or hot I'll take suggestions though

Stop trying to make inherently agendered beings conform to your perception of gender norms, and we will.

A fighter can already manage that pretty well on his own. Fighter/Rogue or Fighter/Investigator can let you have toughness and some more adventuring skills-Fighter/Investigator bears some mentioning here because you can brew up extracts and mutagens to make yourself bigger and stronger while having perfect saves.

Take slayer, it's tuffer.

You've already got a horse-cock, the rest is just window dressing.

How the fuck are they masculine? Because they're giant lizard monsters?

I was just saying you can have a big guy who can also do x, where x is things like cast spells, craft shit or be a skill monkey. But if you only want to kill shit, then either is fine.

you claimed that devils don't have sex, so someone explained to you that they can be gendered, and now you are trying to worm some way of saying that they can't be gendered because of souls?

>my shoulders are three times as wide as my hips and I have muscle definition you could measure in feet.
>na man these could totally be feminine features.
this is weaponized stupid or poor concern trolling

Speaking of Gestalt, I was wondering how stronk a Magus/Paladin would be. Have any of you built one? Methinks a Bladebound one would be particularly cool both in story and combat.

> all this gender talk about hell.

I just wanna talk about vampires and their cyborg and mutant minions causing a ruckus.

You'd be fucked on stats.

>Con as always
That's MAD as fuck boi.

NO you can't. You see there is a /pol/ack who is trying to sexism-of-the-gaps his way into claiming that pazio is wrong about their own IP.

user, I'm afraid you're retarded
Luckily, I know the perfect website for you

>you claimed that devils don't have sex, so someone explained to you that they can be gendered, and now you are trying to worm some way of saying that they can't be gendered because of souls?
Explain to me this.

A Pit Fiend has a feminine soul. It has no genitalia. Is it now feminine or masculine?

>this is weaponized stupid or poor concern trolling
Because you're defining masculine and feminine traits in relation to human anatomy. You need to look at reptilian traits for a pit fiend.

>Is it now feminine or masculine?

>You need to look at reptilian traits for a pit fiend.
Pit Fiends are not reptiles. They are devils.


If you've got the attributes to swing it, it'd be pretty formidable, but wisdom is basically the only stat on that you don't have much need of.

I'd like to try gestalting a paladin and rogue in a Spheres game sometime, though, partly for cognitive dissonance, partly for a paladin with amazing reflexes and FUCKING SKILL RANKS, and mostly because of that spheres rogue talent that lets you use CHA to AC when unarmored so I can be too fucking confident for enemy arrows to strike me despite not wearing any armor.

I believe the overall argument is that we're only TOLD hell and Asmo are sexist.

We aren't SHOWN any evidence of this being the case, only that that he isnt.

>so someone explained to you that they can be gendered
Except you haven't explained anything at all, all you've done is just kept shouting "nu-uh", while the other anons have gone in detailed length to EXPLAIN why you're wrong.

user, you are an idiot

>>na man these could totally be feminine features.
It being masculine or feminine features don't really matter when that has no bearing on the gender of the creature because the gender of the soul that made it is what matters.

You still haven't answered this:
>Why would a hyper hardcore misogynist not only allow but actively help a female ruler to the country he is the patron god of? Sending devils to protect and advise her. Asmodeus is active in Cheliax's affairs.

But I don't want him to be super skilled and he has 10 Dex, I know it's a sin and I don't want him to be a clever Investigator
Slayer it is I guess
He just wants to ruin bandits with his sword and ruin assholes with his meat sword , he doesn't want to be magic, or super skillful, or a crafter.

I get ghost and ghouls. But whete are you getting mutant an cyborg.? Are you mixing ravenloft an Numeria?

Ok, so they're like Imps, Bone Devils, Ice Devils, Bearded Devils, Hellcats, the Faceless, and the vast majority of devils. How are we misogynist when the majority of citizens have no discernible sex or gender? Because that's not how souls work in pathfinder.

I was agreeing with you.

I misread your post thinking you were unironically arguing that Pit Fiends had to be gendered like a lizard.

The fool is me

Yabalchoath gives me such a boner

I'm gonna be real with you here, the "he just wants to kill" angle is kinda boring. It's textbook murderhobo, and is very managable without gestalt. Gestalt should be the time to try out the character or build concepts that wouldn't work otherwise, or ones that just sound fun,

>Half-giant with 20 inch cock
>Uses it against the rears of his enemies

You took what could have been a standard "muh dick" pussy ruiner and gave it a fresh spin, bully for you!

The only way i can think to make this work is to take the awful Eldritch Scion archetype so all your casting is at least cha based.

Are there any RotJR characters you think used gestalt in interesting ways?

You night think it's boring but I like it.
Why bully?

t's the perfect time to post this again. I have finally finished the last two planned Archetypes for the Broken Shackles martials.

The Knight of the Patchwork Banner is an archetype for the Unchained Cavalier. This archetypes is simpler than the others, merely removing the Mount class feature for the Brawler's martial flexibility, a few extra Oath choices, and a large banner that incorporates multiple banners at once rather than being able to change them out.

The second is the Construct Tinkerer. A gunslinger archetype that loses half of its deeds for a construct companion. This companion comes in three forms, a copter, a small hound like construct, and a heavy lifter. Over time the Tinkerer is able to upgrade his construct companion in a variety of ways. Including spitting acid, blocking line of effect, an afterburner, and more.

These and the entire Broken Shackles Martials can be found here:

Thank you everyone for your support during development over the last few months. I hope that as soon as I test play this I will be able to approach a 3pp publisher to get these out there. It means a lot to me all the kind words and use of my system.

This was the original scope I had lain out for the project and it finally is accomplished.

Now the question is where to go next?
>Ritual Magic system to allow martials limited spellcasting
>Unchained Barbarian Redo
>Unchained Brawler
>Unchained Slayer
>My own autistic system that isn't the hellhole that is Pathfinder
>Book of Goblinoids

Yes, at least moreso that "fight-guy"|"other kind of fight-guy". And almost all of them are more interesting that "wants to kill and wants to fuck."

Because he wants to.
Because she is just that much of a bad ass that he respected her in spite of having a vag.
Because it would make others angry and cause more suffering.
Because she is incompetent and he wants her in power to waste national resources and cause bad things.

Because you have no imagination.

Why do you think that there have to be women in hell for someone in charge of hell to hate women? He could just hate the theoretical idea of vagina.

You also aren't going to weasel-word your way out of pit fiends being masculine and succubutts being female.


Hey guys can I get some eyes on my attempt to fix and convert the Spellslinger to spheres of power?


>Why bully?

Bully was an old term meaning "fantastic" or "superb."

I would play the fuck outta this. Not even joking.

that was not the share link and if you click that you probably won't get anywhere

Here's the share link


This isn't actually my character, I'm just making this guy for lewd fun.
Interesting, thanks!

You can lewd without being a boring class, user.

>of pit fiends being masculine and succubutts being female.
>mixing up two completely different tribes of Fiend
Congratulations, you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about, and have proven you are indeed a retard

>99.9% of devils suddenly stop being masculine if it means shitting on Paizo
Bravo /pfg/

Cyberzombies? In a world where cybertechnology is commonplace, a new virus arises that infects its hosts with a ravenous hunger for flesh and metal?

>Because you have no imagination.
So the hardcore misogynist is simply doing things entirely against that ideal "just because". How can you not recognize that is inconsistent?

>Because he wants to.
Which he wouldn't want to if he was a misogynist.

>Because she is incompetent and he wants her in power to waste national resources and cause bad things.
Except she isn't and he sends resources to assist her?

>Because it would make others angry and cause more suffering.
He could do the same thing with a male ruler.

>Because she is just that much of a bad ass that he respected her in spite of having a vag.
Ok, then this inherent detracts from his misogyny and also is against the lore.

>Why do you think that there have to be women in hell for someone in charge of hell to hate women? He could just hate the theoretical idea of vagina.
Except he never seems to act on this?

>You also aren't going to weasel-word your way out of pit fiends being masculine and succubutts being female.
What weasel words? I am saying that Pitfiends and Succubi can be constructed of masculine or feminine souls. Pitfiends don't even have genitalia and are giant reptilian monsters. Succubi are DEMONS not devils.

Which devils have genitalia because a few of the unique archdevils?

>pretending to not have autism when you get BTFO

We still know it is you.

>Bravo /pfg/
But they aren't? How are they masculine when that's not how souls work in pathfinder?

No seriously. No one has given an argument against the fact that souls are gendered, we know this because Paizo has stated that is part of a soul's existence. Devils are made of mortal souls. So this means that imps can be male or female gendered, and don't have genitalia so they have no sex. I don't get what you're trying to argue for.

>trying to damage control this hard
Seriously nigga, how much are Price and Jacobs paying you?

How about we just not talk about this?

How about we talk about economic systems in Golarion? Who is the most capitalistic? What are major markets for the different countries?

No, this is the first time I'm throwing my hat into this ring. You have to be using crazy mental gymnastics if you're suddenly claiming that Devils have no gender or gendered traits just to bitch about Paizo's lefty agenda.

Holy fuck, do I want that to be a real book.

Anyway, I was thinking about putting a vampire villain in my campaign but looking at the stats it seems like an unwinnable fight if it's played smart. The energy drain is nasty, but it doesn't even matter because they get Dominate Person at will and have the charisma to pull it off. A fight against a single vampire would probably have him dominate one martial a turn and have them restrain the spellcasters as he spams it on them until they fail a save. If there are multiple vampires, I don't see how it can be anything but a TPK.

>sidestepping the point with a meme image
as expected

Jesus I just wish triggeredposters would leave.

>Who is the most capitalistic?
Whoever masters Downtime to the point that they can buy out other countries.

>, and don't have genitalia so they have no se
Where has this been said. Outisders have been referred to as he and she many, many times throughout modules and AP's.



and Druma

>No, this is the first time I'm throwing my hat into this ring.
>Uses the same wording, sentance structuring, and insult format as he has been doing
Nice try

But what if multiple countries or people do this? What happens if we use the downtime rules to catapult the region into an industrial revolution?

>How about we just not talk about this?
Because now it is easy to see that you are a paziodrone and we aren't letting you off the hook.

Can the scarred monk that submitted their character to the Helnar game please check their roll20 private messages? Thank you.

I'm playing a LG Inquisitor of Sarenrae

any tips for how to get into the right head space?

Druma already does it though

Oy vey goyim

user it IS a real book see below

Pretend you're a fucking raghead member of Al-qaeda

Nooo see you might upset the mental gymnastics required to claim that assmode isn't sexist and that pazio is somehow bad because they said he is.

Look at imp's art. They have no genitalia.

How about you make a more fun ass destroyer and show him to me then.

And as expected you keep ignoring all the posts and points that actually bring valid points that disprove your statements, and instead go for the easy prey.

As expected of a driveling paidrone retard like you

how do you know, maybe it has a cloaca between its legs.

Is playing a DMPC always a bad thing? I've always wanted to play a Voyageur (forever GM) so I was thinking about DMPCing one, but I don't want to steal the show from the players whenever there's a canoe adventure.

Then the boundaries of nations become redefined not by culture, by race, or location, but by greed.

almost always.

If you do make a GMPC, you just have to make sure that you're BMX Bandit, not ANGEL SUMMONER

Mobile posting is a nightmare. Here you go.

I'm not him. Maybe there's more than one person that thinks the "devil's have no gender" argument is full of shit.
Maybe they have a sheathe. Maybe no one is bold enough to draw a big fat devil dick hanging between and Imps legs. You don't see dicks and vaginas in Pokemon either, they still have genders. Stop being daft.

Interesting. I don't think you should be forcing the wizard to take a specific drawback, however, because someone might multi-class into it. You'll note the spheres classes never dictate what traditions are allowed. It's also a little front loaded, getting the gun and the +1 bonus at level 1. Also, by my count your' giving up sphere specialization and 10 magical talents? That's a lot to give up.

>mental gymnastics
Is this the new version of the "white room theorycrafting" meme? Because you really love saying this over and over again

Nigga, I'm just an economics student trying to not write a paper. Even if I were a paidrone, why continue arguing this? What will be gained from this?

Bruh, Half giant kineticist or one of those con-casters from spheres. Enjoy your big-dick fetishposter memes.

>I've always wanted to play a Voyageur
>but I don't want to steal the show from the players whenever there's a canoe adventure.
user, I can't tell if you're joking or no, but I think a min-maxed Voyageur couldn't steal the show from a core-only Fighter.

This is because individual devils can be sexed, but it has nothing to do with kind of devil they are. Most don't have genitalia either. It means that you have essentially no way to determine a devil's gender unless they tell you.

There has been still no argument against Asmodeus's influence and helping of the only female ruler in the inner sea powers. Why would a misogynist not only allow but actively help a female ruler?

Why is his patron nation female ruled if he is a misogynist when it is completely within his power to remove her? Hell he sends devils to her as advisors. If he wanted a male ruler he could do that EASILY by just having one kill her.