When do you think we can get scans of the new books?
Jose Campbell
I predict you will have an epub on Saturday.
Jayden Flores
Going to guess Thursday
Nathaniel Cruz
So what's the point in Gaze of Magnus if he already automatically knows Prismatic Gaze? Is it a beam or something? How does that make it any better against Baneblades?
Luis Clark
Is the Ork suppliment any good? I want to expand my WAAGH.
Brayden Parker
Mate, it's Orks, none if it helps, just buy what you like.
Jack Hill
Continuing from the last thread.
Is Eternal Crusade worth it to someone who enjoyed the Multiplayer in Space Marine?
I'd ask /v/, but they suck at this, they don't have the hobby factor.
Camden Ortiz
It is basically Space Marine's multiplayer but with more variety and less balance.
Caleb Turner
It still feels like it's in alpha
Andrew Rogers
its a beam what does his melee weapon do?
Hunter Moore
So I'm new to the game and I love the idea of a cyborg army. What's the deal with Cult Mechanicus and Skitarii and why are they 2 armies instead of 1?
Caleb Kelly
For the record, /v/ will absolutely shit on it for being an unfinished piece of shit, and they would be right to do so. >it's /v/
It's unpolished, unfinished and unbalanced, but it can still be enjoyable if you were into Space Marine. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone outside of Veeky Forums unless they're a huge 40k nerd.
Jonathan Peterson
Are there any torrents for any of these mega libraries? Because fuck that download quota bullshit.
Cameron Carter
not worth the full asking price by any stretch. it's still basically an alpha, packaged into a full release by corporate overlords.
Benjamin Brown
I'm mostly interested in the relics to be honest, the decurion too.
My Orks do very well at the moment but I was looking to beef them up for 1500 points. My tau friend is expanding his army so I thought I should too.
Aaron Moore
>Cult Mechanicus and Skitarii The more you got the better the buffs, all around good army. >why are they 2 armies instead of 1 $$$
Matthew Watson
>Cult Mech Big stompy robots actually are Monstrous Creatures :^) and heavy weapons everywhere, nothing is fast but everything is tanky as fuck >Skitarii Fucking fast medium infantry with excellent basic guns and decent firepower, not much in the way of tankiness or big guns, outside of the moderately-durable Onager and whatever gun you prefer.
They are made to be used together but you can play them separately if you like. The real reason behind there being 2 codices is because GW loves cashgrabs
Owen Edwards
Is it worth $25 bucks, or about an hour and a half of work?
Ryder Foster
ap2, force soul blaze , on a roll of a 6 transform killed model into a chaos spawn under your control.
Nolan Martinez
Two separate releases. Skitarii seem more like Imperial Guard, and have footslogging troops and vehicles. Pretty straightforward.
Cult Mechanicus has more warmachines and weirdos. Stompy robots and servitors and electro-priests who can shoot a whole lot of lightning when used right. Not exactly a straightforward army.
They seem to have been intended as simple ally codices that people could bring units from, adapting them to whatever they need, be it additional infantrymen and vehicles or big stompy robots.
Alexander Scott
sure, you'll get some fun out if it, especially since they're still updating it. just don't expect any real quality.
Nathan Smith
So I'm certain there are no full leaks to be had of the Traitor Legions supplement yet, but I'm obligated to ask if we've had ANY image releases of its contents. I somehow convinced myself to start a noise marine army, and after tearing off all their sonic weapons in favor of plasma guns I now have hope that something therein will make fielding actual noise marines worthwhile again (if they indeed ever were in the first place).
Grayson Anderson
From Bolter and Chainsword:
>Since Warhammer Community thankfully posted this today with a good glimpse of what's in the book I can at least say this much. I'm a Death Guard player in 30K and probably will be in 40K eventually (though sticking with Building a TS army off the Wrath of Magnus release and then once I win the lottery, naturally, a 30K TS legion since Inferno will be out in February.) ...but, back to DG. Can't say anything specific until the review but I'm quite pleased with the DG rules, warlord traits, expanded Nurgle lore, artefacts, 6 specific objective cards and bonuses. But disclaimer: I'm only now with TS release becoming a CSM player for the first time so my expectations and satisfaction with content may be vastly different from anyone's, and I don't care for competitive 40K (especially the past 2 years), but I feel the fluff/theme of the legions is reflected well in the new rules.
>To all my fellow sons of Mortarion, Count the Seven!
Definitely one of my favorites. It's hard to stack up since official artwork sets the bar so high, but there are some really good non-professional pieces out there.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Yeah the whole "I don't like competitive 40k + I'm not a CSM player yet" thing is very concerning.
He reviewed the 1k Sons stuff from WoM and said he liked it, then it came out and a lot of CSM players thought it was balls, so he's probably trying to mitigate expectations.
Jaxon Wright
Starting Orks even if they are currently terrible.
Is it worth taking the formations from the ghazz Supplement or is it better to just role with the standard CAD?
The Goff Killmob seems like a fun way to initially build my army. Waagh every turn, plus rerolls to charge distance and Hammer of Wrath on the boys mobs seems like fun.
Elijah Hernandez
So I skimmed over the WoM rule stuffs: Is Magnus exempt from the 3++ limit or is he no longer King Cheesewheel? And am I missing something or are Horrors the new cheese factory of the book?
Logan Sullivan
Not so fast, stinky.
Mason Sanchez
It's a far cry from Space Marine multiplayer. At least Space Marine felt polished and complete. Eternal Crusade is an absolute mess.
The animations are clunky, controls aren't fluid t at all, and there isn't even the slightest attempt at balance.
Now for the original question if it's worth $25? No... but is it worth $25 knowing you can get a refund if you don't enjoy it because Steam is amazing? Sure.
Buy it, find out if it's something you enjoy and make the decision yourself. If you hate it, return it and buy it again in a few months when it's on sale or they've patched it.
Leo Miller
Either go with what you want and play against other flavorful casual lists. You don't really have "trap units" as the whole power level is pretty low in orkdex.
Current competitive list for orks is Zhadsnark + painboy on bike + 2+ warbosses on bikes, and 6+ bikerboyz, Buzzgob mek stompa and lots of MSU shooty units like deffkoptas, tankbustas etc. This requires ITC setting but can be a potent list in the right hands: talonsalight.blogspot.fi/2016/11/november-19th-elliscon-tournament-first.html
Aaron Mitchell
>I don't play 40k but things look good! /40kg/ in a nutshell
Oliver Reed
It plays like shit, looks like shit. I mean, if you NEED some 40k multiplayer and you have no other options? I guess? I wouldn't pay $25 for it. Maybe $10 tops. I'd rather put that $25 into something I won't hate/be eternally disappointed by.
Sebastian Robinson
Magnus is a Daemons of Tzeentch with a 4++. He will always have a 2++ because of the Grimoire.
Horrors are fucking faggotrocious now.
Robert Scott
So who's planning on buying the XL primers?
I am, and it's an alright deal too. You save like 8$ compared to buying two.
Jacob Campbell
Thanks for clearing up. I don't play Daemons but I might try the new Tzeentch list for the Tzaanagor tarpits and Horror shenanigans. Any word on how those will be packaged. Will there be a box of pink, blue, and brimstone models or will I have to buy a box of each?
Brandon Brown
Do we have a definitive GSC tourny strong list?
Adrian Diaz
Interesting, everything is equal in power level(Tho that power level is low) so its sort of hard to fuck up as far as that goes at least. Thanks!
Cameron Baker
What is the best way to outfit my Rock 'em Sock 'em Kastellan Robots?
Angel Jenkins
I will be, hope they expand the colours available, as I am looking at 40k/HH Blood Angels next
Easton Perry
That ad looks gay as fuck, so not me.
Hunter Adams
fuck you, gw's new ads are hilarious
Evan King
Gabriel Price
>>Heralds of Tzeentch got their own cabal formation >each herald generates another power die
Noah Baker
phosphor blasters all round, bring down the DAKKA the fists are alright but not super necessary unless you need to bitchslap a wraithknight or something that's strayed too close
Daniel Nguyen
No one is going to play against splitting Horrors, and you're a shitter for even considering buying them.
I'm curious what the White Scars guy was running if a Stompa was essentially immune to the list.
I wish VSG had been severely curtailed in Stronghold Assault.
David Robinson
So there tonnes of shitty pic of the new rules see So where are my poorly shot photos of the fluff?
James Martin
>The Goff Killmob seems like a fun way to initially build my army. Waagh every turn, plus rerolls to charge distance and Hammer of Wrath on the boys mobs seems like fun. it's not, just use CAD.
I can't say I've tried it, but I'd never field a gorkanaught so I never will try it.
S3 HoW is balls.
Waaagh every turn is also only useful if you build around the gimmick. Most of Orks straight up best units don't make any use of waaaghs.
Stormboyz are one of the best to utilise it, since on the first turn they can move 12" run 2d6 and then charge another 2d6, but if you want to do this then your entire army will revolve around this tactic.
Justin Rogers
>not buying brimstones because they're 3ppm psykers that free up points for more cabal Heralds
Ethan Green
There's like 140 pages of fluff. No one is taking photos of all that.
Carter Hughes
If the boxes are separate I might consider too. I just like the idea of fielding a lot of cheap fodder to back up my 1-2 squads of rubricae.
Carter Scott
>There's like 140 pages of fluff. Kek really? I didnt realise it was so big. I'll stop being an impatient douche then. For now.
Also that makes those people taking that shitty lore summary as gospel ten times funnier.
Lincoln Richardson
>This 136-page hardback book contains the thunderous, galaxy-shaking story of the Wrath of Magnus; set over 3 chapters, it features a huge selection of brand-new artwork supporting the story within.
That's the first book, with the story.
>The 64-page book 2 of War Zone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus features a huge amount of new Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons
And that's book 2.
Elijah Russell
Man I loved those cups when I was in cap. I think I still have one.
Noah Cox
Anyone got some/all of the rules photos? I'm curious to see how the 1k sons are looking.
Anthony Green
Bout to build some Crisis suits. I don't plan on magnetizing them, how should I kit them out? Or go for rule of cool?
Julian Sanders
Fug. Ok.
How long did it take the first warzone book to come out/get scanned after release?
Im a video game pleb who just likes learing about the settingDOW2 still best 40k game
David Reyes
What do they need to do for your army? What niche do they have to fill that your current list leaves open Kit accordingly.
Hudson Young
Well, they're only my 4th-6th suits in the army. So I'm not sure if I should make a big 6 suit squad with a buffmander or 2 3 man squads with the buffmander in one squad.
Levi Allen
Magnetize them so they can look cool with every weapon.
Lucas Stewart
There'll probably be an upub up saturday or monday at latest.
Nathan Kelly
That isn't how you spell Dark Heresy. >vidya Pretty close but you seem to have typed 2 instead of 1.
Always smaller units. Always. Never go bigger than a squad of three unless you're playing a Farsight bomb.
Carson Barnes
Ok, thanks.
I would love to, but my previous ventures into magnetizing have ALWAYS ended with wobbly pieces that fall if the model is hit with a slight breeze.
Jeremiah Peterson
You probably need stronger magnets, I use K&J Magnets and they work pretty good for their size.
Cameron Thompson
I've used different types of magnets from different sources. I can try again, but I don't want to end up with shitty holes in my models where the weapons won't stick. Is there a guide somewhere for Crisis suits?
This one is pretty good, just magnetize the attachment points.
Gabriel Ortiz
Alright cheers user.
>Pretty close but you seem to have typed 2 instead of 1. Subjectively INCORRECT.
Benjamin Myers
Sweet, those are the exact size magnets I own. Thanks, user.
Xavier Bennett
But you're clearly wrong user, because they're both great series with different strengths. DoW2 campaign was the shit but Dow1, WA and DC had their moments, really I just prefer the actual gameplay and aesthetic of the first line.
Gabriel Richardson
Lets just both agree to say were both really worried about DOW3.
Cameron Miller
K&J magnets are strong. I use a 3mm drill bit and 1/8x1/16 disc magnets. Clip down the mounting point on the inside of the gun, drill a shallow hole into it. Drill out the same size circle in the existing hole in the arm. Test fit a magnet in the arm first till it fits, then in the weapon. Repeat for the other side. If you use the magnetized wrapon to insert the other arm's magnet, you can keep the polarity more consistent.
Robert Smith
God, I forgot it was that huge.
has a better size of magnet, FWIW. I use my 1/8x1/16 on vehicles as well, hence why I have larger ones.
Ethan Hall
David Morales
So, question. If a model inflicts instant death hits against multiple models with several wounds, when seeing how much a squad lost by is it the wounds dealt or the wounds lost?
Jordan Nguyen
Mine are some I got off Aliexpress. They seem to work well enough to hold my Reavers on their bases because they don't have enough natural grip on the ball socket.
Samuel Rodriguez
Magnetizing is for poors.
Hunter Watson
Not sure if it was FAQ'd, but my pals and I play it as reduced by the amount of wounds that the model lost, so a captain that got smashed by a powerfist, we count as lost 3 wounds.
Isaac Martin
Wounds lost, which is why 3W T4 Tyranid warriors is a nerf compared to 2W T5 like they should be.
Cruddace a shit.
Lucas Ward
That's a lot of plasma.
Daniel Reyes
Also how the heck this guy painted that awesome glow.
Hudson Johnson
Damn that is a fucking crazy optical illusion.
Hunter Long
should of picked it up during the sale. fucking terrible game but you can have fun playing it, provided you aren't loyalists
Matthew Thomas
>worried Pic related, I've basically already given up hope I'll get it anyway because motherfucking Wraithknights
Kevin Evans
What are the most important parts of an Imperial Guard army?
I've got like 80-90 guardsmen/officers, 3 chimeras, 2 wyverns, and some heavy weapons teams.
Do I get Leman Russes now? How essential are they?
Jason Hughes
probably take as many imperial guard command squads with 4 plasma guns and a pistol on your commander, leman russ executioners with sponsons, stormblade, ally Dangels, captain with lions roar and a plasma gun command squad, black knight command squad with all talons and plascannon devvys
Owen Harris
I would like to know too. That's the best glow I've ever seen.
Gabriel Brown
I forget the name of the technique, something like true light source highlighting or some shit.
It looks like shit unless you do it properly in which case it's fucking incredible.
Excuse the shitty site, but it's like 63 Plasma Cannons and like 21 Plasma Pistol/Combi-Plasma
Cooper Adams
Are you running vets or platoons? Either way picking up the start collecting box wouldn't be a bad idea. You get a Russ, another heavy weapons base, and a commissar. Other than that I would consider picking up a Russ or two, some air support, and maybe some bullgryns next.
Brandon Rodriguez
This is reviewer code for "This book is hot garbage and doesn't improve anything"
Ian Stewart
It seems like the actual effect is little more than while with a hint of blue but the glow effect is established by the different colored highlights. It looks damn fine
Jacob Hill
4 teams of 9 crisis suits with 2 plasma rifles 1 naked commander 36 points of bonding knife ritual Farsight enclaves 72 plasma shots from 12"-24" or 144 at less than 12"
Luke Perry
Object Source Lighting
Nathan Lopez
This was meant for you, sorry
Parker Moore
thats not real plasma, taucuck thats babbies first training wheel plasma
Kevin Gray
Farsight Enclave CAD HQ: Commander, 2xPlasma rifle Troop1 9xCrisis suit, 2xPlasma rifle each Troop2 9xCrisis suit, 2xPlasma rifle each Troop3 9xCrisis suit, 2xPlasma rifle each Troop4 8xCrisis suit, 2xPlasma rifle each
That's 36 crisis suits or 72 plasma rifles. 1970p/2000p so you could upgrade 6 plasma rifles into twin-linked plasma rifles.
Jayden Barnes
R8 my Genestealer cult list?
HQ: Magnus
Troop: Acolyte Hybrids (20) 8 Demo Charges
Troop: Acolyte Hybrids (20) 8 Demo Charges
Troop: Acolyte Hybrids (20) 8 Demo Charges
I call it Aloha Snackbar
Elijah Nguyen
Right now I've got 2 squads of meltavets (2 in each) in the chimeras. Then like 4 infantry squads, 2 CCS, and 2 PCS. I could probably field 5 infantry squads if I did 1 CCS/PCS.
Thanks for the reply. Are bullgryn good for "run at you" guard armies? Their cover save bonus seems pretty awesome