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Cute centaur edition!

that looks really cool, the fuckl is that? also Kasotha for life


>tfw you find people IRL who CANNOT after any amount of explaining understand the idea of a LG character who fights for a change in leadership
>all revolutionaries are CG or CE, no other option
>literally a Good character trying to make the Law Good too

It's the strix from the cover of the Kintargo Contract IIRC.

>New Pacts
Can we get a lycanthrope/skinwalker pact?

uh thank you for carrying on the torch user

But you're fighting against the law, that makes it Chaotic.

So tell me, /pfg/, how do we fix the Strix?

I need male names and surnames from ustalav. Barring that, good names for a former vampire hunter.

If the law is bad, a Lawful Good who is slightly more Good than Lawful will want to change it. He will then follow it, having improved and advanced the course of Law.

Give them the 3.5 dragonborn flight progression and then buff up other stuff?

You went to the paizo offices?

But that's unlawful, so he'd be NG at best.

How would /pfg/ go about unfucking Golarion or at least Avistan?

Ustalav is Germanic and Slavic, just take something from there.

Odd how Ustalav is that way, the River Kingdoms are generic fantasy, and Brevoy is suddenly Polish with the Iobarians just being Russians.

Ustalav? Choose anything that is Hungarian, Romanian or Gypsy.

Grigory, Nicolae, Vasile, Fridrik, Sandor, Tamas, Yanko, etc

For FUCK's sake.

>"Corruption in the courts is the greatest corruption of civilization. Without confidence in justice, citizens cannot believe in their countries, and civilization begins to disappear. I will root out corruption wherever I find it, and if a system is fundamentally flawed, I will work to aid citizens by reforming or replacing it."
–Abadar's paladin code

And that's from a Lawful NEUTRAL god.

Doesn't this make the whole good vs evil conflict depend on whether the society/country is good or not then. CG vs LE if a bad country (overthrowing evil overlords and stuff) and LG vs Evil in general if a good country (protecting the good country from evil threats. LE if from an evil empire, CE from destructive entities)

The only thing the strix have going for them is flight, and that advantage basically disappears at 5th level. At low levels they're decent at range, so they need something like natural attacks to try to pull them down into melee. They also need more (and better) options to replace HURR DURR I HATE ALL HUMANS rather than just a tiny boost to nonlethal damage.


>not the best alignment

Ecks dee.


>they surely won't conquer us again now that the empire has its shit back together under its no empress

Doesn't Paizo treat rebellion and revolution as being Always CG, with no evil representation? Or has that changed?

Specifically for a lawful GOOD class

Um, NotFrance is a thing

>Combine Brevoy and Mivon
>Convert River Kingdoms into an HRE analogue
>Gut Numeria and completely redo it as a Brandenburg analogue, meld new country into Not!HRE.
>Put Numeria in Alkenstar
>Molthune now owns Nidal and is actively integrating Nirmathas, a vassal oppressed under their rule
>Thuvia is now known just as well for their Barbary corsairs as they are the Sun Orchid Elixir
>Emphasize Sarenrae's subversive habits
>Replace Iomedae with a proper Sun Goddess or God, gimme something to fucking 4/20 praise it dammit.
>Redo Cheliax with a Spanish theme; get rid of the satans and make them villainous, unscrupulous, dangerously dashing Spaniards.
>Give Molthune a French makeover, make them avid worshippers of this new Sun Deity mentioned prior
>Introduce a proper family-based pantheon; Shelyn and Abadar and others are the children of Erastil and a newly added nature goddess focused around fertility, healing and motherhood. >Give Erastil a heavy angle on his fatherhood aspects to balance the scales

I'm out of ideas.

>Druuma, Worldwound, Andoran, Cheliax, Alkenstar, Ustalav are all close to each other
>Technology is now up to revolvers/shotguns/rifles etc.
>Cheliax is now more British colonialism and financially pressuring Andoran
>Andoran is civil war/1860s/Reconstruction era American history
>Alkenstar is now weird west/Judge Dredd and separates the Worldwound from the rest
>Worldwound is now S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Metro 2033 esque based on initial fluff
>Ustalav remains pretty much as is
>Druuma stayed pretty similar if not a bit more corrupt politically


>not ripe to be glorious evil romans

step it up

Do you mean in or out of universe?

To be honest, after the last few APs I could stand for some plucky rebels getting their shit pushed in by Cheliax and needing to get bailed out by LG types. It'd be a nice change of pace.


>He should be careful, his foe could be devilishly foreign, or worse, CHARMINGLY foreign.

is there an America stand in to have a Steve Rogers Stand in?

Andoran is 'merica.

I think they invented FUTBOL?

QA, any word on Strange Aeons part 3?

Both, whichever is more interesting to you.

Thank you senpai

Thank you blessed Qanon. I've needed the Vigilante pdfs for a little bit, was going to run a cute little Kitsune Vigilante in Jade Regent whose superhero name is 'The Jade Lotus' (uses prestidigitation to show up in a gust of green wind and golden flower petals). Now I have the materials I need to clean up the Warlock archetype!

The Chelish are a naval empire situated in a region roughly where the Iberian Peninsula should be. Pale-skinned perfidious Albion is terribly overdone, same with the Romans.

Give me charming, mustachioed conquistadors and swarthy captains whose intense courtly habits hide villainous intent.

You see this sassy bitch right here? She's the goddess of war in the guide of a monk. She cringed seeing how ineffective the ways her elder monk's teachings were when he got bitch slapped to death in the battlefield for not lifting a finger to defend himself. So now, using force and whatever spiritual magic she's got she defends her dumb ass allies while also kicking ass.
She does it all!
She heals herself and it only becomes stronger when on the brink of death.
She can shield herself and her allies while increasing everyone's speed.
She can pin targets down to make sure they won't run around to do something stupid.
She can blow up anyone that gives her a dirty look.
What class can help me achieve what this little swiss army knife can do or should I keep it simple and reflavor a cleric?
3rd party is always welcome, whatever shoves me towards the right direction.


Andoran is so American their national patron is a divine bald eagle.

Well according to HV after the campaign, a bunch of the following can happen

1. They can corrupt Iomedae's sword.

2. the PC's enter chelish politics

3. The PCs can fucking invade heaven and kill someone they killed earlier even deader, with an army of devils at their back to help. Metal.

4, The PC's can find a way to lure the heroes out Hell's Rebels out of Kintargo, or renounce their allegiance to Thrune to go in there and have le epic pc battle

5. Establish a new hellknight order

6. Help the empire make Isger a formal part of it, as well as possibly Annexing Rahadoum.

7. Could ally with Nidal, whom would presumably then fuck Kintargo into submission with assassins n shit

Could they have magical robots too?

I wound up essentially hitting the jackpot in a pre-game roll with the GM, so my character is functionally omnipotent but pretending not to be as the campaign starts.

So I guess...nothing different. Guess I have a button if we're gonna get wiped, though.

Maybe Serpent's Skull could be about Cortez finding an ancient Numerian bunker in the Mwangi Expanse (which used to be a proud region of techno-kings n sheeiit) and commandeering a suit for himself.

Climax of the campaign is a mech battle on top of an Aztech pyramid.

That sounds retarded, gonna be honest.


It is a bit silly, I honestly wasn't expecting it to work first time.

I was know, a bit of effort getting it to work properly.

Oracle - Warlord
Battle Templar

>League of legends

Jump off a bridge

>still no Horizon season 3

I still believe, but every season without an announcement hurts me a little inside.

What's it feel like to get a headpat, lads?



Looking at these suggestions and I'm finding some interesting and appealing stuff here, thanks.
If you got any more suggestions I'm more than eager to hear 'em out.

We've all lost friends to this dastardly vidya game, I'm here for you.

As said, Galt is a revolution that's so fucked that the CG goddess of revolution withdrew her support.


That line of character designs goes from 'okay' to 'utterly terrible'

your typical pathfinder group then.
You've got naked Incubus Bards, Android Dragon Disciple with the torture domain, Lesbian Celestian Cleric/Alchemist and Wizard, Zwei Sent who took ALL the gotta go fast feats and disciplines, cute Awoo waifu, useless ninja and innocent lewd shrine maiden

Fuck you man!

Horizon's cast is what I wish all of my parties were like.
>diverse power sets
>no huge gaps of power level (besides the minor guys like the curry dude, the gel, and the devil.
>Everybody gets a waifu.
What's not to love?

I said character designs, man, I don't know about power sets/power levels or waifus.

some of them have really interesting concepts though.

Neshinbara and Shakespeare are reality warping bards who uses performance (playwriting) to recreate living illusions of theatre plays.

As an attack.

Bards that are summoners maybe.

Nah, they were definitely illusion effects. Its just that performance (playwriting) increases the DC to disbelieve the better you are at narrating the plot.

My friends stayed the hell away from that game, partly on my recommendation. It's not the kind of game you want to subject people you like to.

Which is not to say there weren't some fun things in it.

Not to mention the whole "armament of deadly sins" helping Shakespear and the writing convention helping Neshinbara.

What a fun series.

>no huge gaps of power level

Shirojiro the jew can literally pay his god to recreate spells and conjure objects out of nothing as long as he can foot the bill.

Its tier 1 wizard bullshit since he can conjure raw materials and just craft them to magical items and sell it for double the profit.

Like happiness.

I never get to post this, I'm super happy right now.

Did you miss the entirety of the tobokiri and Futayo? or Kimi's "Nah fuck you, I'm beautiful" defense?

He took the character flaw: Jew though.

He will never overspend, having to calculate the right amount of gold needed to solve an encounter.

Again, I'm just talking about their visual character designs, not their concepts.

Tonbokiri is 'disintegrate-on-a-stick.'

Kimi's summit dance is legit in PF. But you have to gestalt Dancer Bard + Paladin + Lore Oracle for the SR, AC, Saves and DR.

Is Horizon just a well run PF game? They seem to have everything.

>Horizonbros on /pfg/

Been a while since I got to post this

Before Horizon, Kawakami made Obstacle Overture, which is a tabletop setting based heavily on d20 rulesets.

If you notice that you can run Horizon characters in PF, its because the world and classes operate on similar d20 tabletop frameworks.

What's good, QANON? Where've you been for the past few months?

We never leave, user.

Not until s3 and mama-awoo.

I'm not surprised, other than the level of metaphysics and magic rules that horizon has is way more complex than anything in d20 from what I've seen.

Japan has a bunch of LN authors who TTRPG.

Gen Urobuchi of Fate Zero has played CoC.
Kamachi of To Aru has played the Japanese tabletop equivalent of M&M
Mamare of Log Horizon went and made his own Log Horizon tabletop game
the author of DRRR slightly based his Baccano characters off of an old campaign he played with friends. (Hence why you get silly duo Isaac and Miria and minmaxing edgelords like Railtracer)

So I'm playing a Life Oracle who just wants to protect his friends and doesn't really like fighting, but his friends have to, so he tries to be there anyways.

Any recommendations?

Can someone help me with my back story? its for Hell's Vengence. Trying to justify why a guy from Ustalav is in Cheliax.

Crimson Count Harbringer / Soulknife

Nicolae Krause was a simple man. He ran an Apiary with his wife and young son in a small hamlet in Southern Ustalav. All was well until a roving band descended upon the hamlet and raised it to the ground, killing indiscriminately, looting what they could and setting fire to all the buildings. They could be mistaken for common bandits until Nicolae saw a pair of them draining the blood from his wife and young son's open wounds. He focused his hate into razor's edge, and a blade was formed in his hand.

He charged the pair and succeeded in cutting off the hand of one of the creatures before the burning house they were in collapsed upon them.

When the Smoke settled, Nicolae dug himself from the smoldering ashes of his home. He then swore to avenge his family's death.He gathered what survivors there were, and led them to follow the band of vampires. Their first attempts had little effect. They turned to ever extreme tactics, often times leaving more casualties than their vampire foes. Soon the survivors had struck fear into their dead hearts and they fled the country to the southeast. The survivors emboldened, their assaults grew more vicious.

They chased the vampires across several countries, and casualties on both sides mounted, Until they both arrived in Cheliax; Only Nicolae and the two vampires that preyed on his family remained.

He staked both vampires and bled them dry in the streets of a populated town, and waited until they roasted in the sunlight. He felt the blood he spilled empower him, as if the blood was rewarding him for slaughter.

With nowhere to go and his vengeance complete, he simply remained in Cheliax. He found himself devoid of purpose. He decided to continue as a mercenary.

Living, Undead, it didn't matter anymore. The thrill of the blood he would spill would be enough.

>Not mentioning Overlord's author.
The spells and abilities in that anime was straight up copying word per word the D&D spellbook

>the author of DRRR slightly based his Baccano characters off of an old campaign he played with friends. (Hence why you get silly duo Isaac and Miria and minmaxing edgelords like Railtracer)

>you will never have your campaign adapted into a popular anime

>No mention of Lodoss
C'mon son.

Nasu of Type-Moon got a really autistic campaign he ran for friends, including Urobuchi, made into an anime. It was garbage.


>Literally a show about a crazy ass murderhobo mage and a retarded knight.

>not the best

>Any recommendations?
For what?

>Gen Urobuchi of Fate Zero has played CoC.

Gille's De Rais was literally summoning chthulhu


This is the intended reaction.

>Any recommendations?
I had half a mind to just say "Boku no Pico" before I realized I wasn't on /a/.

>when Chuuni goes too far

Any spells or abilities that fit well with a pacifist oracle.

I figured Sanctuary would work well. That kinda stuff.

you mean Red Dragon?
Yeah, the anime is boring because it definitely felt like autistic wish-fulfillment bullshit for each character.

Yeah its a shitty copy of dota who would want to play it

So quick question about the world of Golarion, does rubber exist?

I realised the two main anime adaptations of Gilles de Rais are about as far apart as absolutely possible.

I just realised, look at those fucking belts.

I mean here's what i'd say

This backstory is certainly full of edge, but it lacks any of the FUN edge

At the end edge you have just another murderhobo with no other qualities, and no real personality. I mean its HV, everyone's gotta be an edgy edgelord of edges (Hell, Shizuka is edge AS FUCK), but I guess what I'm saying is...

Whats the catch? Whats to draw me into liking this guy? He doesn't seem fun. He seems like the typical edgelord thats occupying a dark corner of a non-euclidean tavern designed to have enough dark corners for all the generic edgelords inside.

>looking at the belts
>not looking at the gigantic hands