>Okay so what are some of your character's weaknesses
>He doesn't know when to back down
Okay so what are some of your character's weaknesses
>is a woman
>intelligent, nihlistic with a wicked sense of humour
I know that this is a hideous cliché in writing that arises from people being told that 'good characters have flaws' and not wanting to give their character a flaw that makes them in any way less badass, but I can actually see this having hideous consequences if RPed properly in a game.
> incapable of threat assessment for encounters
> pic related
And yet when he has the option to charge the city-destroying monster he'll hang back with the rest of the party.
Is a complete sperg when it comes to planar studies and Spacio-Temporal discussions.
Anyone else make sure that when they play a wizard they play them as an Academic? An "Intelligent" wizard is subjective, especially since your character is only as intelligent as you are, but book-smarts are something that anyone can roleplay.
>So, why is your character adventuring?
>She got tired of sheltered life in court.
Always thinks their right, and insists so to the detriment of others.
>So, why is your character adventuring?
>lol iunno
>he gets angry easily
>he's greedy
He, along with the rest of the party, are idiots.
The number of things we've done because we were told they'd be a good idea is astonishing. None of us saw much issue with trusting Satan to save us out of the goodness in his heart, because a guy we barely knew but had decided we liked said it was a good idea.
We've repeatedly focused on fighting our petty rivals over literal demons, based on a rivalry that started when one of our party members didn't receive an invitation to his 7th birthday party. We decided to start worshiping a magic, naked man who descended from the sky and gave us a quest because he really felt like he was probably the second coming of the prophet. We still trust him despite having discovered that the church we were following was evil, and are still doing whatever he says.
We are fucking retards, and it's great.
So you're basically playing a party that is just the BBEG's mooks?
In a novel or something, it's a perfectly reasonable flaw. but in a TTPRG it usually means either
>the GM has to nerf every potentially overwhelming threat so that he doesn't trigger TPKs, meaning it isn't a weakness at all
or more likely
>the rest of the party gets really pissed off and/or TPKd
It's hard to say who the BBEG is. At first there was Malfus the crow demon, who seemed like a villain lieutenant, but then Satan turned out to actually be a cool guy. Or maybe we just happened to both be fighting God's army. Then the church became the villains, but they were preempted by the giant interdimensional dragon that Ziggy (the "prophet") got us to summon through our quest. Now it looks like it's wrapped back around to the petty childhood rival, Reginald, who managed to get a wish by eating the dragon's heart and remade the world in his image.
I really don't know how this is going to end. The last thing we did was accept an invitation to Reginald's castle because one of his Lieutenants wanted to show me his exotic beer collection. Ziggy is still a mystery.
I dunno, man. See, if I come across that kind of flaw in a movie or a novel, I think the author is just wanting to write a hardass character who's SO BRAVE, IT'S A CURSE.
Depending on how stubborn the player is about it, it could be a decent opportunity for roleplaying as the party tries to convince him to pipe the fuck down and live to fight another day. Less so if he just goes in all LEEEEROOYYYYY, but still. Certainly it's a 'flaw' I can see a character overcoming through development as they gradually realise that you need to choose your battles.
I tend to go the complete opposite direction by making my characters in some way cowardly or dishonourable. Trying to run away from a fight the rest of the party needs your help in is good for pissing people off too, though, so I try and handle it in a way that's good RP without affecting the gaming experience too badly for those who just want to play.
>campaign starts with the party in a forced labor camp (which is later set upon by goblins)
>ask the only girl in the group what her crime was
>"I was just looking for a good time."
It was actually a pretty good time.
Maybe you shouldn't turn a shadowrun session into a job interview.
I've played with a guy who chose that flaw and actually stuck to it in RP. He was a Barbarian, and not that smart, so sometimes the party could get him to leave a fight by rewording it to sound like they weren't running. "We're not retreating, we're advancing in another direction" kind of thing.
He once got separated from the party during a fight with a vampire. Her first attack took him from full HP to roughly half, but he still didn't back down because no one was close enough to convince him otherwise. Ended up dying, but kept her busy long enough for the rest of the party to complete the objective and bug out.
>he has a low Will save
High Int, Low Wis is the best way to play a Wizard.
>"His parents forced him into the clergy at the age of thirteen, so he's got to pause and think about how people will interpret what he says."
>"He's not the same species as his sister thanks to divine intervention."
>"He's mutating into an angel."
>"He's utterly awful in bed."
>"He gets physically sick at the sight of child abuse."
Literally every single time I look at that picture, I find something new that is completely out of line. This time, it was the distance code in binary hydrogen atom radii on his hat.
> >Okay so what are some of your character's weaknesses
> >He doesn't know when to back down
Actually, a legitimate weakness.
Every time your player is about to do something dumb and then suddenly tries to back out realizing he's dumb, make him roll a save. If he fails it, the character continues to do the dumb thing.
>"So, are you sure you want to go through this corridor that may or may not be riddled with traps?"
>"Whoops, you failed a save. Guess you're the guinea pigs for the traps today, user."
Oh, and bonus points for asking him "Are you sure?", watching his panicking expression, then making his character do it anyway when he fails the save roll.
>"i-it's alright! the party will follow me!"
>party is backing the fuck out
>His dick is so big he has injured 2/3 of the city's prostitutes.
>His dick is so big it doesn't fit in any armour.
>His dick is so big
>Here is his dick's character sheet
If a player ever does this I will let him keep it. At a certain point they've put in enough effort to deserve acting like an idiot.
What's his weakness?
He's just too gangsta.
Gold? Gotta spend 'em.
Women? Gotta fuck 'em.
Insults? Gotta kill 'em.
Just him and his crew rollin' through the hood with their gold trimmed shields blastin' fools with magic missiles and gettin' all whores, kickin' down doors, kickin' down gates to storm the fort of the big bad guy. Well guess what you fuck? Now he's the big bad guy! Respect
>it's stronger than the fighter
>It has more charisma than the bard
>It has more intelligence than the wizard.
I have taken overconfidence as a flaw specifically to do shit like this before. I don't get why players don't want their characters to have weaknesses, it gives great roleplay potential.
>wiser than the monk and cleric combined
>As dextrous as the ranger.
But still a Constitution score of 1
>dat premature ejaculation
Next time this happens, I'm going to get her dad or retainer or whatever to take her back and call her a selfish bitch for running away from her responsibilities in private. Same would go for dudes, obviously, except he wouyld call them a bastard.
Might provide for some interesting RP opportunities when it turns out that the world and the group actually does need the adventurer adventuring more than the nation needs one more courtier, or not.
>doesnt know when to quit
>Has to be told when to quit
>Quits too early or too late
You you play it like "doesnt know when to stop dancing at parties" instead of "doesnt stop dancing" it could go down as a decent flaw
> penis too large and heavy, keeps knocking things over
>Refluffing a familiar to be your dick
>Has a mind of its own, but generally does what you want it to
>Perceive through your dick's senses
>Dick can perform actions like Aid Another
>Use touch spells through your dick up to 100 feet away
Get Oglaf in on this.
>fucking over the rest of the party constantly is a good idea
Honestly for a light-hearted campaign, this could be funny, if the GM makes them commit to that, like with a minus to certain dex checks.
>you try to sneak stealthily through the kitchen, but your enormous penis knocks over a stack of pots and pans, alerting everyone in the house
>you try to slide under the door before it closes, but you're gargantuan phallus hits the door, getting you stuck
>you jump to clear the gap, but your dongus rex weighs you down too much, you just barely miss it
>you go to embrace the young princess, but your titanic member knocks her back, sending her over the balconey
>Your disguise as the mayor is mostly solid, but you are given away by your biggus dickus gives you away
>hates religion + any other character trait
>roll to resist erection
>a sexy dancer/succubus appears
>roll to resist erection
>if you get an erection, the blood flow to your penis is so enormous you pass out
>Will do something without asking teammates simply because he thinks it's the best idea
>9 times out of 10 he's right, and brags about it
>9 times out of 10 he's right, and brags about it
This is the sort of shit that makes me want to fudge things under the table so that whenever he has a theory, it's always wrong. Always.
Fucking screencapped
I think I got the most irritating thing last session. A player said he didn't want to add a drawback to his character.
Images of kids eating candy for dinner flashed through my head as soon as the words left his mouth.
Never approaches a fight head on when he can help it, and too an extent doesn't believe in overkill.
>str 18
>con 18
>dex 12
>chr 19
>int 2
>wiz 0
I took a flaw so whenever the gm passes me a note, he has to say whatever is on the note.
How is this a flaw?
If I'm reading it correctly, his character has to immediately vocalize anything the DM wants him to say, regardless of the situation. So the DM has the option of making the character say something that could get him into trouble at any time. Could be compared to tourettes, depending on how the DM chooses to use it.
That does sound like a flaw.
I thought he meant the DM had to say whatever he (the DM) wrote on the note, which kind of defeated the purpose of the note in the first place.
Ambiguous grammar is ambiguous.
The fact that my character has to say whatever the gm passes me?
Other than the fact that it 90% of the time causes trouble like unnecessary fights, or interparty strife, and the other 10% is bad puns or one liners. It just seems to take away from my character, in a way I can't put my finger on. Honestly I wouldn't mid it so much if it didn't happen so often, if it was used like a plot device or something, but multiple times a session for no real reason just seems... derivative? My character already usually says what's on his mind.
I make plenty of bad puns and annoy the other pcs as it is.
I can do bad all by myself.
No, sorry, could've worded that better.
for me it was the big spider. Never noticed that.
If it were me, I'd say the DM is trying to get you used to the idea of having a loose tongue so that when a big line drops nobody will see it coming.
>I'm a fucking idiot
>Here I even just made my character's WIS 3 because I know I'm going to get killed off by being a fucking retard
>he's stubborn and doesn't armour/equipment not built by himself
Yeah I suppose that could be the case, and it would suprise me too.
My style has always been more of silence speaks the loudest.
He could have just let me forget about it, because I probably would have, and then dropped something big.
I guess the effect is the same, just going about it different ways.
>It has more charisma than the bard
>It has more intelligence than the wizard
>It has more charisma than the bard
>It has more intelligence than the wizard
I think you fucked up.
>smokes cigars
>He also hates nonhumans
>and is blonde named donovan
>we are playing anima
He already did it.
>Implying being a skeleton is a character flaw.
>Implying that Skeleton's aren't superior.
This is a reasonable flaw.
This is a reasonable flaw.
You're going to get slapped by the other party members.
I said no kender.
Not a flaw.
Gone rogue? Not a flaw, but a good complication.
>Will do something without asking teammates simply because he thinks it's the best idea
This is a reasonable flaw.
>9 times out of 10 he's right, and brags about it
"Incapable of admitting when he's wrong." Good one, I like it.
>Flaw of my character
He's selfless to a tee, he'll blow all his daylies on healing if it means protecting the rest of the party.
Speaking of which, my character landed a critical Guiding bolt for 40 damage on a dwarf fighter. I completely disintegrated
You chose the Aryan trait?
>greedy cleptomaniac
>actual hoards gold, never spends it and every time party takes loan of him he writes down interest rates
Has anyone ever seen such character or greedy/hoarder always steals everything he can but spends gold if he can get better equipment?
>In a novel or something, it's a perfectly reasonable flaw
Not when he defeats his enemy anyway.
What the dicks character flaws?
But yes when hero loses because of his overconfidence. Top of my head (don't shun me pls for it, I'm sure there are better examples) Polnaref of JoJo
I would make that a Jewish dwarf shaman for the hell of it
His really, really short temper. A slight frustration in his investigations causes him to go full Gestapo.
Afraid to lose his friends and thus the only thing keeping him from throwing his life away
Naïve as hell
Your group sounds stupid, yet beautiful.
He's a coward and racist. He sees no issue with either of these things.
If the character is a coward, why on earth is he adventuring?
Character One is a bit overprotective to the point of immediate reckless retribution should any allies be too badly hurt.
Considering they're also pretty useless without others, being a support, this means they're likely going to have things go poorly for them.
Character Two just has good old health issues and a healthy dose of self doubt and envy mixed in.
Well becoming incredibly rich and powerful can be really good motivation for a coward
>Proud almost to the point of arrogance
>Doesn't take defeat very well
>Quick to leap before looking
>Bit of resentment toward nobility
this is my weakness
Change one word for the last one and it's great
Literally pukes at the sight of children. Thinks they're disgusting.
Why would he see problem with either of it? Coward is someone who doesn't want to die stupidly and being racist in magical world is okay, for example as humans are to all other mammals
His boots are penguins
>Check back
>His boots are in fact penguins
I thought he had crushed a frog underfoot or something. What the fuck.
It is a reason to go out, but personally, I would play such a character more like Don Quixote, in that she would emulate some highly exaggerated hero form epics thinking its how true heroes should act, perhaps challenging the retainers her father sends to take her home to a duel of honor, or something like that.
Drools constantly
>tfw I had a character who played a female version of Zorro
>She inspired a noblewoman to actually become the character
>Which caused more plays to be written and my character to get more acting experience and moolah
>Eventually the real femZorro is found out
>Out of respect for the hero, my character pretends to be femZorro to bait away the police
>Now she is the femZorro IRL
>Except she has exactly 0 actual heroic experience
She had insane luck, though, at least for the short time the game ran.
So she basically spent the whole time internally panicking as she accomplished daring feat after daring feat, doing her best to keep up the facade.
>tfw you're a dick and no wiz
kind of defeats the purpose of a dick if you can't wiz
>cant handle pressure
>tfw said this in an interview for a job i didnt want
>Okay so what are some of your character's weaknesses
>He doesn't know when to put up a fight
>the GM asks players what their characters' weaknesses are
I decided to be a greedy piece of shit in my most recent game, people were okay with rolling with it, since we've been playing together for like 5 years now and I've had to deal with every single members "that guy" at least once, without ever having been "that guy"
so now i'm a fucking greedy piece of shit who literally sleeps on a pile of gold who charges the party money to build them things or remove curses from them.
I thought I would be dead in a session, but people seem to genuinely be cracking up when I play the character. So all this to say, being a greedy piece of shit can be fun if you play it right and don't take it too far.
My weakness is shroom shakes. Yep, absolutely can't stand them. I'm afraif of sleepy sheep, too. The idea of having an item that puts my foes to sleep terrifies me.
He know's he's not the strongest but will never admit it because his older brother is actually the strongest and so starts fights with people way stronger than him and drags the party into it.
Also he can't read or write, and is very naive.
My favorite part about this image is the tactical octopus.