/kdg/ Kingdom Death General

fuck off twinpleb edition

Old thread:
>wtf is kingdom death
A game by a company of the same name, released a few years ago. It has 12 expansions, and the core game is getting a reprint. It is on kickstarter now. kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description

>how does shipping work
Game will ship out in waves, starting in 2017, and ending in 2020. Each wave will have its own pledge manager, and you will pay shipping for it once they are ready to ship that wave.

>how do addons work
Just increase the amount you are pledging by the cost of the add on. For example, if you are backing at the $50 level, and would like the First Hero expansion ($35), you would leave your pledge LEVEL the same, but change the pledge AMOUNT to $85.

>do I need both the core game and the update pack?
The Kickstarter is to fund a new edition of the game. If you get the game through the Kickstarter, it will have the update pack already included. If you already own the core game, you need to by the update pack to make everything compatible.

>do I need the update pack to use new expansions?
We don't know yet, but that may be the case. Other way, there are no levels you can back at that don't include either the update pack, or the updated core game, so any base pledge you get will be compatible with the new expansions either way.

>FAQ from BGG

Other questions? lurk moar, ask if it hasn't been asked a million times before.

Have complaints about the minis being THICC?
Fuck off, twinpleb.

Other urls found in this thread:

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725267791&searchtext=kingdom death

Twinplebs get out REEEEEEE

Why do the characters in this game wear so few clothes

Is the climate good?

My group is playing with six players, but we're not using the Life stat. I'm not particularly happy about it since everything is basically a cakewalk, but half the group gets super salty if shit doesn't go their way.

>Not even waiting for autosage.
>Twinpleb meme
Are satan backers just dumb shitlords?

Its pretty gormy out

Say that to my tounguedress cisscum.

It's a shitty forced meme, just ignore it and it will go away.

I appreciate the confirmation.

>that image
Those aren't stretch goals. Look, let me spell it out. We have three things. Stretch Goals, Gambler Rolls, and 1.5 Changes.

>1.5 Changes
Not stretch goals. Which is why they aren't listed as stretch goals. 1.5 is done and is already getting printed. It is FINAL. Nothing from this KS will change ANYTHING in it, just the number of them made. The changelog was originally built in a stretch goal "style", to reveal it as the campaign went on and build hype. It is clearly no longer needed, so Poots is just revealing it 1 bit at a time instead.

>Gambler Rolls
These are not stretch goals. That is why they are not called stretch goals. The gamblers chest is ALSO finalized. Despite the name, the contents are not random. Every single thing on that chart will be included. It's just a thing to reveal each day to keep things interesting. Not even Adam knows what the next one will be, it's just a bit of fun. The roll is ONLY to reveal what's in it. Not to determine what will be in the final product. Poots has also stated that he will reveal the entire thing before the campaign ends. You won't be buying anything without knowing what in it. It is just a silly little gimmick.

>Stretch Goals
These are the stretch goals. That is why they are called stretch goals. These include the pinups and the expansions. Anything that would be an addon is a stretch goal, with the exception of old content, or duplicate Gamblers Chests or 1.5 Upgrades. ALL stretch goals have been blown the fuck out of the water, which is why Adam no longer is listing the prices on the "hint of the next stretch goal/expansion/pinup!!!" So instead he is just revealing one addon a day.

We were ALWAYS getting all 1.5 changes. Those were never stretch goals. He is just showing them one at a time to prevent us from being overwhelmed with info. Same for Gamblers Chest.

I'm about to face the Butcher after Lion/Lion/Gorm.
Man, I don't know how this happened. This is by far the best run I've ever had. Any tips so I don't fuck it up?

Holy shit that version of the mod is beautiful. Link to it? The one I use just has the numbers you have to hand set using states.

Nognoth's mod.
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725267791&searchtext=kingdom death

It's updated pretty regularly so maybe you just have an old version?

Just use these

Nognoth fucked up making people use that horrid deck of permanent injuries with art that looks like it was made by a five year old. Even the ALREADY EXISTING permanent injury deck is better so I have no idea why he stubbornly tries and makes new, ugly stuff.

That sheet is way uglier, I'm staying with Nognoth one. Besides filling names being a bit annoying, it has pretty much anything.

Also yes Injuries is ugly as fuck but it's definitely not a deal breaker. Just look at what you got and record it.

Gambler's Chest Contents (so far)
>Philosphy of Death (???)
>1 Survivor (Sculpture) [1xMiniature]
>1 Survivor (Aya) [1xMiniature, +2 Promo cards, +1 Art card]
>1 Survivor (JoJo Adam) [1xMiniature, +1 FA card, +1 Philosophy (??? probably a card)
>1 Survivor (Last Man Standing) [1xMiniature, +1 Mighty Axe Rare Gear ]
>1 Survivor (Scout of Death) [1xMiniature, +Pages to Advanced Rulebook(???), + "A bunch of cards" (???)]
1x Philosophy of Death Booklet/Card/Whatever
1x Advanced Rulebook (???) Might be a upgrade or a whole new book. Limited info.
2xPromo Gear Cards
1xRare Gear Card
1xArt Card
1xFighting Art
1xPhilosophy Card

>to be continued

Threadly Reminder;
>Satan Backers are shitlords people and bandwagoners.

As a Satan backer, I may be a shitter through and through, but I'm not a bandwagoner.

Was in the original for $600 all gameplay content. I just want extra minis, and the chance to fuck around with the old cards for homebrew purposes.

>new cards get transparent card sleeves so I can see the beautiful custom backs of the card
>old cards get opaque sleeves so I can use them for homebrew and challenge scenarios without the stupid "draw from bottom of the deck" rule.

Whats the point of revealing them when a certain amount of money is reached, if they were in the game all along? And presenting them like generic stretchgoals? It's just a cheap way to get a greater amount of 'added' stuff during the campaign. I mean it's certainly not dumb, but why get so defensive about an advertisment trick?

I've found that adding Life and not the tokens is a bit more fun/balanced, adding life equal to 1/4th the AI deck size per additional player. (with a few exceptions, such as The Hand being modified since he doesn't actually use wounds)

The inability to remove powerful AI cards from the getgo tends to balance out the lack of additional tokens.

>Whats the point of revealing them when a certain amount of money is reached, if they were in the game all along?
To help build hype.

>And presenting them like generic stretchgoals?
Because the previews were intended to be unlocked like Stretch goals.

>It's just a cheap way to get a greater amount of 'added' stuff during the campaign
No, it's a way of maintaining interest in the campaign.

>why get so defensive about an advertisment trick?
Because you're an idiot who is misrepresenting it.

>Kill me

quote from the last thread:

>Just look at how shitty most of the Satan level backers are to people.
Those backers are 90% bandwagoners.

Maybe the twinplebs. But if you recall, the KS raiased about 4 million in 24 hours BEFORE the "news" articles brought in bandwagoners. I was checking daily and the articles didnt pop up until the 2nd day and beyond. And in that time period there were a lot of people pledging the satan lantern.

Pro-tip: He's talking directly about you.

Jesus fucking christ

>caring about this at all
user pls.

It occurrd to me that probably no one is going to sjw about pinups when they see what they look like painted, since these are the pain(t)jobs for KD in 85-90% of cases.
They bring nausea to mind, not sexyness.

That's half the fun with the pinups, the challenge of whether or not you can paint them well enough to convey the sexiness properly. Anything that invoke strong emotions like that is extra fun to paint, whether it's sexy cheesecake or disgusting rotten Nurgle stuff.
The KD monsters are even more challenging though, you can't just slap on a basic paintscheme if you want to bring put the creepy feeling in most of them.

Tricking out your mod is good fun.

That's another reason why I won't be painting a single miniature.

Something about the hue of plastic used is already bothering enough.

Considering this is a world where there is no sun with the only light that exists being lanterns, it makes a bit of sense.

Granted this is mostly me finding excuses because I'm lazy and would rather put painting time towards getting better at 40k/Sigmar painting.

That user. I completely agree with you, but the sad fact is that most of people backing this will never watch a single tutorial and when they ask on tumblr or reddit if the paintjob is good, the circlejerk responses are that it is just faaaab.
Just look at shit like this!


Look at , man.
You can't do worse than this. Practice on something else and get to it!

So i just found out about this game thanks to kotaku and was interested in getting it to play with friends, but im not sure if i should just get the core pack with gamblers, or get the one for 750 with all the older expansions. I just know if i enjoy it id hate not getting thw expansions like this when it seems individually they would add up to $800. Any thoughts? Anything i can compare this game to or play a trial run?

table top sim

personally i will never play table top sim since i want to feel the cards and read them for the first time when they come up in the game. and try to ignore all other results in tables except for the ones i rolled.

So how is the twitch Bird Anus fight going? I'm on vacation and I don't have any pro internet.

Joke's on you, both Satan tiers are for late-to-the-party bandwagoning plebs that have no game yet.

I'm just glad that Poots had the foresight to package the second-string boxes in gold so I could know at a glance who to feel superior towards

They died on their first attempt, a KDM designer let them try again, only to die in a hunt event, then they just cheated past that only to die again even with the designer cheating dragon armor in. And as punishment for cheating and still failing they destroyed their settlement. Level 3 phoenix aint no joke.

Bollocks, so no rolling in the next update. Thanks for the info.

Maybe. Watch Poots it roll anyway.

It was at least a pretty hilarious disaster.

Probably a silly question but what are the stretch goals at the moment. All I can see are the changes, gamblers chest and add-ons.

Is there any mechanical content that was available in the first campaign that won't be included in 1.5? I don't care about the pinups or cases where there's only aesthetic differences, but it always bugs me when campaigns lock actual content away that future customers can never get access to.

Please just remove yourself, user.

>Is there any mechanical content that was available in the first campaign that won't be included in 1.5?

Show me your painted/assembled monsters, survivors, anything. I want to see what people have done with their models

Check the updates. But all stretch goals were blown past in two days, so Pootsykins is showing new shit everyday.


Who were these fucks anyway? I don't like watching shitters play video games nevermind board games.

I still dont get the appeal of twitch, am I a grumpy old man or something?

My Black Knight. I have one more I'm going to paint in a year.

Dunno who they were. And I only watch people on twitch who I find are chill and more skilled than I am playing a calm game, and have it running on my second monitor back home. It's comfy watching hafu play Hearthstone.

Just board game/rpg streamers that reguraly play kingdom death on stream.

It helps that Hafu's voice is cute as fuck.

Yeah, I can't watch/listen to anyone who has a voice that just grates on my ears. Hafu's voice is to my taste.

Finally someone that paints the mouth pieces on the helmet and gorget in the same colour. My autism always gets roused up when I see people that don't.

1) generic armor kit legs (male)
2) generic armor kit chest (female)
3) ???
4) profit

I too would love to see some smug eternal loli pinup, but I don't expect Poots to take that direction, seeing he's American and all American either are prudes or do their best to look like prudes before their prudish compatriots and their CIA surveillance.

It makes sense you would differentiate them!

I really like the ink on the mouth.

>tfw no qt survivor gf to cuddle with
why live

>tfw no prolapsed vagina angel to eat your dick
why live

Limited (178 left of 666)

whats the chance he will actually add another satan ?

He already did. Kindly refer to

I'd say nonexistant since the lore dictates that satan split himself only once, creating 2 satans.


makes sense.
if so.

>Limited (178 left of 666)

no many left boys

Even when they are taken it's certain somebody will pussy out before the kickstarter concludes.

>tfw literally can't into Satan because I just bought a piece of property

So does anyone use any custom built dudes or other deviations from the base 4 survivors?

I usually use one of the plastic promo waifus myself. My go to are Ayla, Not Link, or Candy+Cola.
With Ayla being number one.

What did you buy? House or appartement? What superficy? Where did you buy? Is the mortgage a big hindrance (interest rate/money invested)

With which KD waifu would you hold hands

Go exploring patches of mysterious darkness, user. Then you will never be without a curvy survivor girl.


Small apartment, some 30 square meters, just for myself. Paying mortgage (incl. interest) plus energies actually comes out considerably cheaper than renting did. Plus I get a good couple bonuses by being city resident now (cheaper traffic, etc.).

But to get favorable interest I had to put down 20% of property value up front, most of my savings. I live in slavlands, wanted to invest in property ASAP, cash money doesn't hold value.

>super sekrit club XD

I want to hold Ram Pinup's soft fur

Next expansion is looking pretty GOAT

i want to hold hands with mommy


If you're referring to the one Showdown resource missing the number 7 it's because there wasn't room on the card. It's just "do nothing".

Actually it's a typo and the other result was supposed to start at 7 not at 8. He just ruled it as "nothing happens" because it's the easiest ruling to remember for it without altering the cards.

Also, in the post you are referring to
>1/100 chances to do things
The only things I can think of where that is the case, is if you are talking about getting a specific hunt event (since there are 100 of them), or the chances of getting a Savior if you take Survival of the Fittest, where that was entirely intentional.

Admittedly, I do feel like Saviors should show up when EITHER die result is 10, but that's just me. Averaging every 10 intimacies and every 100 intimacies between the two options is a huge difference.

I built a few of the unarmored models for alternate starting survivors, or when we start a campaign with a differen gender ratio.

>Adam implying that he won't update AT ALL since the twitch streams lost TWICE, even while fucking cheating

>implying that he won't update AT ALL
I don't see that at all, but eh.

It was for an extra roll anyway, these euros are just retarded.

Like this guy endlessly whining about VAT.

nice gratz on becoming an owner.
30sqm will become cramped once your GF/BF moves in.
i m on my second appartement
100sqm + parking + garage + basement lot
credit costs me 440€/months for the next 10 and a half year.
The first one is rented but in France the realestate is soo expensive that it doesnt hold any real investement returns.

i m pissed those twitch shitters fucked up their game and costed a roll.
i ll have to watch how badly they fucked up.

Wrong reply? I don't see how me building my armor kits for alternate survivors has anything to do with that.

My eyes are bleeding

Satan backer here. Pledged last KS, pledged in this one at Satan level in first 30 seconds. Anyone who calls me a bandwagoner is a twinpleb and can fuck off.

>hue of plastic
>40k/Sigmar painting

You are pathetic.

Wow, even I'm not that pathetic.

... Anymore.

>thanks to kotaku
get out

I just want all the pinups I missed out on first time around, going to sell my duplicates.

>not having two copies of the game
It's like you are some kind of filthy casual who doesn't actually care about KDM at all.

>responding to something this obvious


0. Retail Lantern
-who are you???
1. Black Friday Gambler's lantern (me)
-We backed last time, we backed this time quickly. Truly the chosen ones.
2. Satan's Lantern
-We either didn't back last time, or we backed but missed out on several expansions or promos. However, we backed quickly this time around so that can be forgiven.
3. Black Friday Silver Lantern
-You backed last time, but are a coward and do not trust in the poots. At least you backed quickly.
4. Black Friday Gold Lantern/Gambler's second face
-Same as above but didn't back last time.
5. Silver Lantern
6. Gold Lantern/Ancient Gold
7. People who ask questions about VAT and Shipping
8. People who complain if there were less tiddies they would pledge
9. People who ask if they have to assemble models
10. People who talk in the theatre
N-1. Child Molesters
N. Twinplebs
-Bandwagoners to the core. Abominations that should not exist and must be shunned.

I was a "all gameplay content" backer last time, and this time a $777, but decided to jump to Satan about 5 minutes later because a friend of mine has been super into the game and bought herself a copy about a year back. She recently got a new place and I wanted to gift her a few expansions as a housewarming gift.

why do people feel the need to justify themselve over a pledge on Veeky Forums of all place.
I hope the game wont disappoint.
especially if EU goes down the drain in the next few year and VAT/customs start fucking up the prices.

I think all these people who are bitching about twinplebs and satans and bandwagoners have probably never rolled high on the intimacy table.

Poots plz....

Lots of normies are backing as well. It would be news for them.

Now I don't want to turn this into international geopolitics, but if, hypothetically speaking, EU falls apart the VAT on imported goods is more likely to get lower than it is to get higher.

Yea, this. And even if the opposite happens, extra VAT is a small price to pay for living to see the collapse of the last evil empire.

I never cared much for that model when I first saw the pics, but then I realized there's a huge fucking troll face or something in it's neck.

Frogdog is just boring as fuck though.

i am pretty sure frogdog will get an updated model. i dont really see him putting that piece of crap in an expansion. i dont even know how he can put it in the store. it is by far the worst sculpt they have.

>the last evil empire

Did the EU piss on your petunias or something?


gamblers box confirmed to be at least 300$ retail, probably more.