Knights of the Dinner Table

What does Veeky Forums think of Knights of the Dinner Table?

I remember reading it back when it was in Dragon Magazine.




Loved it.

Problem is though, it's kind of obscure even amoungst gamers in my area only me and one other guy I knew read it...has lots of references to 1980's gaming that I don't think the new generation can relate to

Basicaly watch that documentary on the Dwarven Forge creator see that most veteran DND players were from the east coast or mid west who had to deal with long harsh winters in the pre internet days and are now in their 40's and 50's

I'm hlad that shows like Stranger Things have brought pop culture attention back to 70's and 80's gaming but it's still a whole other world now.

It's gay unfunny Oldfag bullshit

and I love it to death, my brot

Long-time reader, huge fan.

Awful art and a long as fuck continuity make it pretty dense to get into at this point, but having read it for years the new issue is always a highlight of my comics-reading experience.

I rarely, if ever meet anyone else who has even heard of it, but it definitely has a dedicated following somewhere.

It definitely captured the humor of the tabletop experience. Despite the niche topic, I can say I'm pleasantly surprised at how long it's been running.

I'd say these sum it up pretty well. It reads like one of those standard, newspaper funnies comics, like Garfield or Marmaduke. Derivative, predictable, slow, bland, and unfunny, but instead of totally revolving around in-jokes, recycled sitcom humor, and two year old cultural references, it's focused around nerd culture, with the same sort of humor-extracting approach.

Like, I've read dozens of webcomics that are based around nerd culture, many of them around DnD specifically, and virtually all of them, including the ones I stopped reading after ten minutes, were funnier than Knights of the Dinner Table.

KOTDT feels like an authentic gaming group though.




These are ok, but really the longer story arcs are what make kodt shine for me.

I could see this happening





>newspaper funnies comics, like Garfield or Marmaduke. Derivative, predictable, slow, bland, and unfunny,

Same here. It's just a very bland, low-grade comic.


Is there any r34 of it?