Where do the Space Marines carry their ammo?

Where do the Space Marines carry their ammo?

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Bakcpack, pouches, armorium servitors and servoskulls, rhinos and drop pods.

Honestly, it has always bothered me. But, hey, rule of cool.

Under their shoulder plate armor?

In their hearts for therer is no greater ammunition than faith and zeal.

Sometimes they are described as having a small pouch on a belt. I always thought this a bit lame. In my head I imagine extra ammo being in their ammo and dispensing when needed.

Extra ammo in their armor ****

They just aim really well.

In their guns.
For real, though. DW Bolters have like 3 mags in them. Normal ones just have pouches n shit.

Space marines only carry a single magazine.

From the size of the ejection port, their magazines look to be able to carry about 12-15 rounds.

Which is perfect for a 6 turn game, where it is unlikely they will fire that many times.

>that OP pic.

Honestly this makes the most sense to me. Even in universe. They don't bother with extra rounds. At all. They're to engage in any sort of prolonged sustained fire fights. Just charge up your enemy, you somehow miss at that range you can just club them.

Space marines paudrons are actually giant Pez dispensers that drop magazines instead of candy

I don't know user, the idea of ammo dispensing more ammo when needed is pretty interesting

seems relevant

God almighty that's old

And for big battles we know from the pics they have a ton of serfs with them when not on short small-scale missions - for set-piece battles they have tons of supplies and chapter serfs acting as runners

I'd disagree if it wasn't for these demonic quads of doom



Can this thread just be about Space Marine Pirates now?

Bowing to neither the Imperium or Chaos, these free supermen sail the seas of space with their only loyalty being to each other and ADVENTURE!

Could you image a Space Marine Rogue Trader?

>fraternizing with xenos

Sadly Spess Marines generally leave behind familial ties, excepting a few... exceptions

and Chaos hones in on any space marine not protected by the Emperor and makes it their personal mission to fuck their shit, by canon

A SM Pirate Captain is pretty possible, if he's enlightened enough to protect himself from Chaos. A whole crew would attract way too much attention.

Thats a CSM/Corsair so...


Also youtube.com/watch?v=GbdflriheIM

Same Marine?

It doesn't seem like he's a CHAOS marine since he's basically saying "Fuck your gods faggot".

Nah its fine, they would have the power of being Nakama

Devil Fruit powers are so clearly chaos mutations it's not even funny.

Demon possessed or chaos mutants aren't usually known for their inability to swim though?

Tzeentch is a hell of a drug

How about a Pirate Captain Marine who instead of having a normal digi-weapon instead has a lascannon built into his peg-bionic-leg, would you be down for that?

>in my language is 'on the bed'
>the great history of Nakama, the Space Marine gigolo

>Same Marine?
The artist maybe made a 'progession'. Do you know who made it?


looks like Egg's


Man, GW fucked up Huron so hard.
Is it so hard to give him a tube/gas mask beard and a giant floppy hat?
He is a fucking Pirate Lord and looks like your average Word Bearer.

Why would flintlocks ever be a thing in 40k? Or does his pistol only have ye olde hammer for the aesthetics?

I fapped to the girl so often when I was young.

user, you notice it has a cable coming from the gun's grip to connect to some sort of power source? Its clearly some kind of high-tech beam pistol.

Pic related, but it's fanon.

>A Space Marine usually enters combat with one mag loaded into his weapon, and 8 (eight) more mags in stores. Each mag holds around 20 bolts (180 bolts total).

>The mags are placed in the counter-intuitive position due to the highly cooperative way Space Marine fight as a unit, and they operate is known in modern lingo as a 'buddy system' for ammo storage.

>In the buddy system, Space Marine take mags from the brother in front of them. So while a Marine is fighting up front another is loading up behind and in cover.

>The Covenet keeps track of inventory and alerts all brothers as to who has mags, and how many, and will direct a Marine where to resupply to even out stores. The combined Covenets are even smart enough to take operations into account and optimise the system to ensure that all the Space Marines have access to the mags when need (even noting Space Marine performance and predicting ammo usage in relation to blips).

>As with all Covenet systems there is no HUD, the Space Marine 'just knows', as if it was a memory recalled.

Reminded me of this

Laslock, they are flintlock lasguns, also some of the first IG models had something close to flintlock

>the parrot has its own pauldrons and purity seal

I like it, i'm using it for my Astartes rpg

I actually like the simple leather pouches the miniatures show. Sometimes you don't want a super science-fictional response for a simple need. To me it adds to the general high-low tech feeling of the Imperium.

he'll be plunderin yer booty tonight

Well, I did imagine a (renegade?) fleet-based chapter once. Just as there greek and roman marines, this one would be carthaginian.

>Punic Marines
>Chapter Master Hannoba'al Melqart, which maintains the rogue trader charter of his family.
>Heavy use of human and xeno mercenaries
>Base is the space station Kart-Hadast, inside a hollow, arrow-shaped comet.
>an outer commercial zone which works as a free-for-all port
>an inner sanctum houses the chapter's fleet around their monastery. This part would look like the trade federation command ship from Stars Wars 1.
>Ties with lots and lots of rogue traders
>Perhaps they are corsairs, perhaps they are pirates. Depends on the company.
>1st company is called the Sacred Band, a full terminator boarder team welding the power falcatas relics and soliferrum-pattern breacher missile pods of the chapter.
>Armored cruisers focus on ramming and boarding.
>Instead of launch bays, their side has dozens of ejectable armored slabs.
>Each of those "Caetra Pods" is an self-sufficient hab block whose spacer feral clan exists for the moment of the boarding. When it hits the target and the mag-clamps activate, they exit and attack weak points in the hull, attaching meltas and using las-cutters to breach.
>Some time later, the marines themselves go, as well as their mercenary troops.
>Shield pod survivors are promoted to actual crew, and their children become candidates to the chapter.
>The prisioners refill the pods' losses.

Looks like redskittzlesda on deviant art. Doesn't do much warhammer art these days

How sick would a 40k spaceship made to resemble a gigantic galleon instead of a space cathedral be?

Like most of the Deviant 40k artists

I like this, it'd also explain why veterans and special units usually have pouches and shit attached to their armour, so they can reach for their own ammo instead of having to rely on a friend when they're being OPR8TOR


Holy crap bud how young ARE you?




What are these exceptions? Genuinely interested.

In a specialised ammo gland developed with space genetic engineering

Spess Mahreens should be able to spit bullets. Acid Bullets.

Muskets were indeed a thing back in the old 1st Edition ("Rogue Trader") days.

For use by various primitves and savages.

Salamanders keep families in their homeworld, and IIRC Ultramarines are in touch with people of their original family line (Shira Calpurnia had a great grand uncle serving in the Second Company of the Ultras)

Even in like... 3rd edition(?) such as of bows and crossbows were listed in the wargear book, and crossbow pistols.
Maybe even blunderbusses but I can't remember for sure.

They were still a thing in Dark Heresy, going from high-quality flintlocks for low-tech nobles to shitty pipes with gunpowder inside for underhive gangers.

I've considered taking out my old Brettonian army and make them a small Imperial Guard-force from some primitive world.

They'd probably not last long but it would be a cool project.

A few modifications and conversions would be needed, but still.

Say, com-sets and las-pistol side arms for knights.

Stuff like that.

I remember way back when that they had a Bretonnian parts conversion for IG in the GW site. The troops looked like Bloodborne-esque dark fantasy types, with lasguns.

You could have them be the defense force of a low-tech Imperial world fighting invaders?

Had an idea for myself to make a IG regiment based off a world that is closer to our modern day society but obviously with an Imperial-bent, along the likes of they were a lost world for a time that was later folded into the IoM.
Would use auto-weapons instead of las guns since I heard some regiments actually do that, and focus on special and heavy weapons we have close equivalents to in real life such as bazookas/heavy stubbers/autocannons etc and maybe a few flamers here and there.
Also their snipers would use anti-material style rifles instead of the longlas.

It's not unheard of for siege regiments (the ones that make the fucking Death Korps of Krieg look like high speed low drag operators that only engage in short, decisive actions) to be armed with single-shot rifles and muskets.

Ultramarines, Salamanders

Might be worth looking for on eBay.

Yeah, I had something similar in mind.


What Heresy is this?

It seems to be what-if Guardsmen had their own design of power armor like Sisters of Battle, but with an extra helping of tacticool since they aren't all foaming religious pyrophiliacs.

Except there doesn't seem to be anyone in it, least not from where the cutaway is indicating it's automated bits to be. Yest it's described as semi-autonomous, so where's the operator?

Huh, if it's a rubit then its not really powered armor anymore is it?

That.... Actually makes a lot of sense.

I think some old fluff even have stuff like 'plasma blunderbuss', flintlock weapons modified to fire energy rounds. The modern equivalent would be the Tau converted Kroot rifles.

Well I'm guessing it can convert from power armour to robot as the need demands.

Really old lore had proper Imperial robots or the Legio Cybernetic, you, the player couldn't give them any direct commands. You have to actually write a programming stript for them to follow in game.

What is "the machine god will replace your weak flesh with mighty steel"? They just cut off some limbs, this isn't a big deal.

Sparklock-type mechanism (imagine a flintlock but using a battery and something like a kitchen spark plug instead of, well, flint) are probably reinvented over and over in underhives by the poor suckers that can't manage to get even a shitty stub gun.