How would he fare as an Imperial Guardsmen Veeky Forums?

How would he fare as an Imperial Guardsmen Veeky Forums?

Eeeeeeh not well.

He refuses to kill, so he refuses to kill thr xenos, so he doesn't obey the Emperor, and that's HERESY!

However, his sheer discipline, courage and determination is what is expected and often done by guardsmen all around the galaxy. Faith in ideals is one hell of a drug.

Great movie btw, definitely recommend it.

Everyone would fare exactly the same - dead, while fighting a meanginless battle on meaningless planet in meaningless part of the universe with zero tactical or strategical meaning.
Probably because someone fumbled the orders on both sides.

>and that's HERESY!

No, that'd be a sin, and most likely insubordination too.

Claiming the Emperor doesn't want them dead, that'd be heresy.

But sinning IS heresy user. I mean, not wanting to fight and kill xenos is pretty much going against the Emperor's vision.

Depends if he counts xenos as people for his conviction not to kill people.

If you will not serve in combat then you will serve on the firing line!

>When you thought the Commissar meant you'd be the one executing cowards

If it worked for Dorden from the Tanith First, it'll probably work for him until Abnett needs to fill his shocking death quota.

>I mean, not wanting to fight and kill xenos is pretty much going against the Emperor's vision.

That's not in itself heresy either. Claiming said vision is something other than what official dogma claims it is, that's heresy.

Now I'm maybe wrong, but isn't going against the official dogma heresy?

Well yes, but as much as we love to throw thst word around as a joke here on Veeky Forums not every offense is heresy in universe. Worship chaos? Consort with xenos? Heresy. Run? Refuse to fight? Cowardice and insubordination. If you read the books they actually understand the concept of differing levels of offense and punishment, and not everything is heresy.

Come at me commisar bros.

You're right on that.

Although, technically, if we go into semantics, do they not justify their right to kill soldiers on the spot by the fact that it is the Guardsman sacred duty and debt to the Emperor to fight, kill and die for Him?

Hence my affirmation.

But anyhoo.

>implying xenos could ever count as people

Well yes it is a failure to fulfil their duty to the emperor, but that's not quite the same as heresy.

See let's say I'm christian. I have a religious imperative to forgive people. Let's say I failed at fulfilling this religious perogative. That's a problem, but it is clearly not on the same level as using goat blood to paint myself with pagan runes and worshiping Satan by knifing people and raping their corpses. One is a sin, and the other is heresy so to speak.

Not that guy, but in the Guard you're dead either way so it's kind of a moot point.

>everything that's wrong isn't necessarily heresy

Just put him in a regiment that deals with daemons, he'd love shooting them

And I can't believe I just remembered this and didn't post it from the start. In the black library novel Imperial Glory we have a cannon example of a pacifist guardsmen. He survived something like a decade of service in the guard without getting shot, and acted as medicae. He could make it op, for a while at least. Ultimately thst guy finally catches the eye of the wrong commisar. Amazingly he still doesn't get blammed.

Not nearly as well as this gal.

Dordens dead user

>until Abnett needs to fill his shocking death quota

I was actually pretty hapoy xith her being in BROFORCE. She's also one of the strongest hero. Why don't we get more movies with women heroes like that? I'd take one like this over a forced female protagonist out there for PC reasons any day.
Don't know who Tankbro (the one with her bazooka and tank) and the one who shoots rockets and bullets out of her vagina are though.

My personal theory as to why there aren't more ladies like this in movies is because producers are afraid their female audience won't relate to a gal this rough 'n tough. So they make their "strong" hero girls all feely touchy with EEEMMOOTTIOOOONS.

The best way to get more gals like this in the movies is to teach gals irl that it's ok to be military Veeky Forums and kill xenos for a living, all while wearing cargo pants and not giving a fuck.

Took him, what, 13 books before getting written off? Corbec died at the 7th. Try Again Bragg a couple o' books before that. That's saying something about playing to your strengths, and Tolin Dorden was one medical badass.

also I cried when I read that part where he and Rhen Merrt did a sacrifice play. Especially Merrt's 'missed' shot. That was fucking poetic.

Hey user, you ever been mistaken for a man?

No. Have you?

You always were an asshole, user.

I don't know, my sisters tell me I wear their dresses better than them.

Being an Imperial Guardsmen is nice.
You die for the Emperor, your life had purpose.

Regular soldiers juist die. No afterlife, no nothing.


Most importantly, Imperials know even in life that their sacrifice is for something.
Obviously there are those MANY examples of lives being wasted away, but the IG exist to stop the xenos, the mutant and the heretics. When they fight, they fight for Mankind's survival.

Our soldiers are more often than not dying for private interests, and are aware of that. Losing your legs by stepping on an IED in Bumfuck, Nowhere, for the profits of billionaires and investors is a bit hard to swallow I presume.

He sure as sure did

Well lets look at the positives. You probably already know how to use solid projectile weapons such as a shotgun or auto pistol. You can read so thats literacy covered. You know about 40k lore, so lets say thats common lore imperium, hell i'll give you common lore war aswell if you've played the tabletop. These facts alone would place you in the top 30% of imperial citizenry. Now given that your a neet you've probably been tithed as a guardsman. But with these skills you could qualify yourself for just about any position you want. Tanker, sniper, perhapse even sergeant if you arnt an autist, assuming all officers are nobles.

I personally would try to become a pilot, fly around in a valk above all the shit. Or immediatly sign up with the imperial navy as soon as im old enough just to avoid the tithe.

I feel like WonderWoman is a step in the right direction, albeit still a bir superficial. In the trailers you can already see some hamfisted feminism.

I might be wrong since I have a penis, but I feel like the message would be better if it wasn't said.
Like we didn't get statements like "I kick alien ass as well as men and fuck you for thinking otherwise" in Alien. She just did, no bullshit.
But obviously, in order for that thought of "Women can kick as much ass as men" to become mainstream and well-spread, I guess you need A LOT of movies, books, etc to spread it, so in the meantime we get those heroins throwing unsubtle messages that feel off and alienate some people that get triggered at the mere mention of feminism.

He would of been executed in training

teenage nihilism the post

Executed for refusing to pick up a weapon. Doesn't even make it out of training.

Read the damn thread. There are cannon examples of pacifists who lasted for a long time in the guard.

As a person with a vagina, all I can say is I'm severely disappointed with the number of other women I see on the benchpress at the gym. Pathetic/10.

We need more Vasquez and Xena-types. I haven't even touched the new Wonder woman or Bats vs Supes because I'm terrified it'll be full of "I'M A STRONG WOMAN! HEAR ME ROAR, MANMEAT!"

I try so hard to push my female friends to come to the gym with me and the very few that come are afraid to even look at weights. I keep telling them that they will never put on muscles as fast as men but they still won't touch them. It pains me to see thel oosing all this time doing bodyweight exercises or even just legs to get a booty when they cool look so damn good with an overall serious workout.

Don't worry, she's in the movie for a short moment and she's busy punching and getting punched by Doomsday. Her theme is absolutely GOAT. You can definitely feel Junkie XL behind it.

This. Though he did go out the way he came in, before getting shot in the face. Whole, dignified, a man's man, gun's blazing, for Tanith, for the Emperor.

Fuck off Cuu, you bastard.

Teenage nihilism is the entirety of 40k.

>I keep telling them that they will never put on muscles as fast as men but they still won't touch them
One, I've always been jealous of men at the gym because even if I work harder and longer than they do, they still put on muscle faster than me because of evolution. It sucks ass.

And two, I will never understand why so many women are afraid to put on muscle mass. It tones you up, keeps the weight off, and gives many women self-confidence. The only downside I've noticed is it's harder to find longsleeved blouses that fit me, because my arms are a lot thicker than the average lady arm in my waist size.

But seriously. There's like, no downside to having muscles. Tell your friends that.

And maybe I'll give BvS a shot this weekend.

scale of a universe doesn't = nihilism

it paints a picture more of beautiful idealism of ultra-human nationalism and individuals within the human state sacrificing themselves for their species against anti-human xenos filth

redditors might interpret it that as nihilism, because they don't understand that now-dead tribalistic warrior ethos which has been weeded out in westerners, castrated

Sadly women are cultured to think they should be sticks. Personally I like a woman with meat on her bones, but convincing them they need to eat more than salad and they should do some real workouts and not just power walking is damn near impossible it seems.

Understanding is different to following.


There's a middle ground for everything, pretty much every woman can look better toned, and not looking like a stick or hamplanet.
Yet they all think that they'll end up like the roiders in competitions if they dare just thinking about lifting.

We are told killing is bad wrong. Period. It's a setting that glorifies violence and war. Therefore it must be bad wrong. It's that simple for some people.

thanks christianity

I don't think it's Christianity. We killed each other for hundreds of while under a lot of Christian influence.

>Sadly women are cultured to think they should be sticks.

The really sad part is that it is mostly the women doing it to themselves.

theology =/= political/material history

christianity = slave morality, pacifism -----> informs the modernist pacifist moral position, decadence and abundance of wealth/resources doesnt help

And yet many of the moral fags are secular, at least in my nation, and the Christian citizens tend to actually view violence more favorably.

I wish I could reach through the computer and shake them until they understood that STICKS ARE GENERIC AND UNATTRACTIVE. I can't think of a guy I know who dislikes more muscular women. Seriously, NO ONE is going to make fun of them for having some nice triceps. Most likely, all the other girls will be jealous. And even if another girl ever did, the strong girl in question can just kick her ass to solve the problem.

Sorry, I'm ranting.

secularists of the current era, and former, are all ideological christians - neoliberals, socialists, they just continue the christian theology of slave morality into godlessness. they are christians without a god


As femanon itt, this tbqh. In my experience, it is very rare for the guy to say "honey, I think you're putting on too much muscle."

I'm trying to think of a way to respond without bein creepy, suffice to say I agree with the sentiment. Fit women are objectively superior. It's a shame more people don't see that.

tits or gtfo

Just keep on pumping user, we'll get our fit women someday.

Aaaah the power of putting someone down so that you can feel better about not doing anything yourself.
I swear the change of mindset when I started gyming was monumental, going from the standard "I'll never look like this hot fit dude it's pointless" to "We're all going to make it, that fit dude motivates me to do eveb better".

...I literally don't think that's possible. I can't think of a single fit women i know who didn't have a pleasing aestetic apearance. Unless your roiding it's not gonna effect you enough to make you mannish no matter how much you work out.

Don't be a childish ass.

No worse than any of the countless trillions.

shutup cunt and show em

I'm not fem user.

alright faggot show your boipussy you white knighting bitchsissy and spread it

See I knew you were gonna say that. What, I can't try to be a decent human being? I'm not stupid enough to think it will benefit me in any way. Even if fem user is in fact female, which I can be no more sure of than you, it's not like I know them.This isn't some desperate attempt to get points so I can get laid. People can be decent human beings for no the reason than just cause they wanna be decent human beings. Furthermore being an ass on the internet doesn't make you a "strong alpha male" like you seem to think it does. It makes you an ass on the internet. Who's probably compensating for what a pussy he is. Congratulations, you can spam buzzwords anonymously on the internet, you are a fucking badass.

The commandment in question was more correctly translated as "Thou shalt not murder," not "Thou shalt not kill."

Also, see Luke 22:35-39

>And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing." Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. "For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: 'And He was numbered with the transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end." So they said, "Lord, look, here are two swords." And He said to them, "It is enough." Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him.

Old JC was fine with self-defense.

unabashedly reddit

D-do they please you, Master? Please don't get the hose again.

Yea he does kill, a lot

>This entire thread
Shouldn't you be on /pol/ or something? Because shit's so edgy I cut myself just reading

Hey look, more buzzwords. You did get one thing right though, I am not ashamed. It's a sad day when a man has to be ashamed for not being a cunt. It's a equally sad day when a man feels he has to harass others to be masculine. Your insecurities are showing through mate.

user stop taking the bait, damn.

r e d d i t

No he doesn't. Desmond Doss never carried a rifle nor killed.
He didn't shun from helping in the killing though, at least in the movie, rushing a Jap that was going to kill based Smitty.

you got your pat on the back from the damsel, gentle sir knight

gold has been dispatched, enjoy stranger ;)

Not killing aliens or heretics when the Emperor wants you to is heresy.

It doesn't really matter to me if this is bait. I object to the anons attitude and behavior. I know he did it to get a rise out of someone. I think it's pathetic. I try to point that out in the hope that eventually they'll see decency and reason, and it will effect a positive outcome on the boards culture. This is frankly stupidly optimistic of me. Or maybe it's just plain stupid and I'm just feeding the trolls, but im trying to do the best I can.

The fuck are you on about?


Stay classy Veeky Forums.


She was a cool character simply because unlike 99% of the other Marines, she didn't puss out like a bitch.

Which is ironic, considering.

Joining the Imperial Navy not as an officer involves backbreaking labour, brutal physical discipline and sea (space?) shanties, though. It is not your average sci fi space navy.

I remember a short story where Imperial Navy ships litteraly go to a planet and grab people in the street because they needed slaves.
It was in the 25 short stories compilation i reckon. A good insight into the details of the crews in an imperial ship. You understand why they are often called floating city in space.

Yeah, those kinds of chicks are great, but rare.