/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Death Zone Edition

Veeky Forums Fumbbl Main Season has Season VI signups open now!

Stunty League season 2 is STILL in playoffs round 1.

Secret Autism League is in round 2.

Veeky Forums BloodBowl 2 League is the live, keep in contact with your opponent!

The new edition is also out!

The latest rules, the CRP (aka LRB6):

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League:

Veeky Forums STALL League:

IRC Server: irc.fumbbl.com
Port: 6667
Channel: #tg

Steam Community for Blood Bowl 2:

Cknoor's tutorials:

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet we still won't get the Death Zone pdf in this thread. I'm begining to give up, I mean, the NAF Rulebook isn't that far off the Death Zone anyway.

Stunty is in the semifinals.


Sign-ups for Veeky Forums FUMBBL League VI are open.

To apply, have a read of the group page, particularly the rules, and apply your Ready To Play team to the group fumbbl.com/p/group&group=9828&op=view

Then PM me, username MauledByTheTigers , with your team name and which division you would like to join, Veterans or Rookies. Veterans are open to everybody, with an emphasis on higher value teams, whilst the Rookies is limited to teams 1200TW and under.

If your team has participated in Veeky Forums League V and played 3 seasons now in either division, they must take a season's break. Check the "Exhausted Teams" section of the Rules tab for details. We might also see some old teams coming back after a season's break. Please check these yourself, I will be having a look but it makes it easier for me if you don't apply with an ineligible team in the first place.

If you've already sent me a PM asking me to sign up, I will try to dig through my 800+ PMs to find it, but your safest bet is to PM me again. You might have changed your mind about your new team or whatever.

As usual, don't sign up if you can't commit to playing one match a week for six weeks.

Lots of Love, and feel free to ask any questions,

I don't have a PDF to upload, but I'm willing to post screenshots from the app.

any cool ideas for skaven team bases?

I tought making the usual white lines as glowing warpstone could be neat, but I'm not sure if it's going to looks good

It'd be great to see more on starting leagues and leveling up. I will be probably setting up a mini-league in my city, so it might be useful to refresh what I know.

Also, there is an app for Death Zone? I can't find it anywhere.

Drafting teams

Levelling up

The official app is Blood Bowl: My Dugout.

The basic app is free. To upgrade it so you can make all the teams available in Season 1 is about £3, and the full ruleset is £15.

Normally I'd bitch about GW being Jews on this, but getting the all the rules and an app that tracks team progressive for just over the cost of the Death Zone book is alright.

Just use a dummy mini to test the paint scheme and work from there.

Alright Veeky Forums, post your favourite star players and why?

>Lord Borak

Who doesnt love a huge demented full plated Chais Warrior? Also best Agony uncle.

I see vampires getting in sooner rather than later.
Especially as they've already made a similar model.

I miss SPIKE! magazine.

Thanks, you're the GOAT.

Its kinda back in the latest White Dwarf. Granted its a lot of fid you knows and basic blood bowl conceprs but its something.

I miss it too, Varag and his attempt into modern rap was a cute article. That and Griffs notorious affair with an Amazon star.

Rolled 2 (1d6)



What a glorious 100th game for the Creature shop. 300 tv down to 2000 + murder Chaos team with a legendary coach. Game opens with a friendly rock from the fans immediately niggling a Pest and making 11 on 10 and the murder Chaos team getting the ball.

Then I almost pitch cleared him twice and made him whine about unnecessary fouling? That doesn't even make sense. Can one of you Euros translate this foreign language?

Unnecessary fouling is fouling which doesn't benefit you at all and is just bad sportsmanship.

It can be classified as such:

>Necessary Fouling:
>To get high-dodge teams off the field so they don't dodge out and steal your ball
>To get bashy teams off the field so they don't bash your pieces
>To grind SSP from all-round teams because hey, their players are cheap and won't be missed.

>Unnecessary Fouling:

No fouling is unnecessary. If you score and you opponent can't field players then you get a free TD.

Right, yes, sorry.

>Necessary Fouling:
>To get high-dodge teams off the field so they don't dodge out and steal your ball
>To get bashy teams off the field so they don't bash your pieces
>To grind SSP from all-round teams because hey, their players are cheap and won't be missed.
>Free Touchdowns

>Unnecessary Fouling:

Also don't forget in closed leagues for fumbbl it adds to your tiebreaker.

Sign up update when?

t. fag that doesn't wanna face "scary" teams

>Unnecessary Fouling

is when it's turn 16 of a league match, you're never playing the guy on the other end of the table again this season but you ARE going to need a ride home from him at the end of the night.

Leagues are when it matters the most.

>Unnecessary fouling talk

But sometimes I foul just so I put the mentality against the faster squishier teams(Skaven, Elves) that are attempting to "run the clock" against me early on with the ball in the corner of the TD area into scoring or potentially risk having an injured or dead player.

Absolutely right.

This is one of the better reasons against teams that don't have a lot of spares.

Am I mistaken, or is there nothing in the rules that requires the d16 that comes in the box set? Is it just a turn counter or have I missed something?

I was going to say it's nice for rolling MVP's, but I guess that's not really needed anymore.

What's the strongest team in league play? I'm expecting with the new edition it's gonna be everyone playing that one team.

There is no singular strongest team forever. Some teams are better against other teams and some teams are better at certain team values.

Yeah just like now right? No variety at all. All the tryhards playing one team and it's basically mirror matches.

Depends on how long the league is. Wood Elves and Undead are the strongest in short leagues, but there's a whole bunch of teams that can reach their level in a few games.

How good are the chaos guys with beastmen and chaos warriors? I wanna play them but I don't want it to be a noob trap and end up with a shit team that just looks cool.

It is the biggest noob trap that new people only play because it looks cool and they think they can kill stuff. Congrats, you got caught.

Chaos is best in longer leagues, as they get an opportunity to level their players more. A high TV Chaos team is hell to deal with.

Bad in short term, one of the better long term teams. Long Term meaning about 1800+ TV.

Alright, also additional question: What's the minimum amount of teams needed in a league?

"The more the merrier!" - Bob.

Technically 4. 8 is probably the minimum you "want"

Hrm, my little brother wanted to play a league, I guess I'll just have us play two teams each.

Keep in mind this is not a game for people that get mad. Ever.

That's not an issue, we played Mordheim for quite a bit first and just enjoyed watching it play out.

Can the board game be played reasonably well for two players? Was thinking of maybe getting this for me and my brother to play from time to time if that is any reasonable way to play.

It can work, you can always just give yourself a set amount of Team Value and try different things.

It determines who gets hit by the rock

Borrowed the book off a friend, I'll get one up this weekend

It's a two player game. Should be fine. Switch teams play again. Vary the tv and allow so many players to have 1 or 2 skills.

I want to give you love.

How long would it take for a pair of people to paint the entire BB box, asuming one of them is competent?

What about two competent painters and a third one?

In these scenarios, the minis are already primed.

Would there be any riots? Any thrown rocks? Any table invasions? Any blitz?

Would they paint on a day with sweltering heat or blizzard?

The setting is Blizzard and a moderate chance of riots/thrown rocks if I fail the reroll on painting orc teeth.

orcs have teef not teeth

Gan we were supposed to play our bb2 game, where are you? Hop on IRC when you read this. I'ma eat now.

Maybe I got caught by the noob trap, but I always enjoy my goatboys. Warriors (or Chosen Blockers in the new pdf) can be a little underwhelming at first as they start with no skills, but it's offset a bit by their Beastmen all starting with Horns, making their bulk runners all capable blitzers as well.
Even after just two or three players leveling up, you can see them coming into their own fast, and Mutation skills as a standard on every player make them easy to tailor to your preferred playstyle.

>general, strength and mutation access on all players except the big guy for you
> 3 AG and ST4/horns across the board
you tell me

>no starting skills
You tell me

skills are overrated

Chaos may have 0 skills at the start but I find with good positioning and *average* rolls, they can still be quite good at the start.

Beastmen are top tier linebacks and because of horns can puncture a box like no tomorrow.

That said I always went 3 warriors, 1 mino and 2 rr build. One assist and mino is 3 dice block city.

I typically start with 4 Warriors, 7 goats and 3 rerolls, since the Minotaur can be a bit unreliable, and you don't want that in early games since you need to get your SPP in.

Its a bit "all in" but the Mino has been the tipping point for me in early tv vs other bashers. Unreliable sure but getting claw early on him turns the guy into a meat grinder.

Granted I will also say my track record with minotaurs is pretty bad. Kill and depitch like crazy but ive lost a LOT over my time playing BB, both tabletop and online.

Only other big guys who seem to die quicker is rat ogre and yhetee.

I usually start 4 Warriors, 1 Mino, 6 Beasts.
Leaves me short on Re-Rolls, but I can save for them as I go.

Tend to replace him if he doesn't get Block by his third skill.

For anyone looking to get minis for a Chaos team, Reaper has a very nice Minotaur for a little under $4, "Bronzeheart, Minotaur Hero".
Clip his axe and he makes a natural Blood Bowl player, but I added a spiked Ork shoulder plate and it really completed the look.

I used Reaper minis for all my Chaos positionals.
Went with a Khornate feel to it, so had a Fire Giant for my Mino.

Apologies for the shitty light quality, and the poor job of painting white-on-black.

Shit, are you me?

>buy this guy and the Bones Troll that everyone buys as well
>chop off his axe and really make sure to hollow out the hand
>looks alright, a little lopsided maybe
>get given a couple of Warhammer Quest Minos, use one
>have to green stuff his shorter axe back on

Haha, like me too guizzze! xD

I got a couple of these guys too, need to do similar to this.

There's a class Treeman stand-in too, the Spirit of the Forest. The Bones material means the paint won't fucking chip all the time too.


>no timestamp
You know that won't stop my autism

All the guy needs is claw and he is sorted. Anthing else is a bonus. One assist and a blitz you get vs Str 3 and you get 3 dice, so he doesn't really need block as much as other big guys.

My only issue is keeping the big lug alive or non crippled.

Is GW gonna release new sets of other teams as well?
I bought the new Blood Bowl box, and had few games with my class mates (was fun as fuck, lots of dead players), but while I like the orks (humans are kinda bland) I would love to have shit like Dark Elves etc.
Guess I'll get the Skaven box for the time being.

They've already put out new Skaven, there are sculpts for Dwarves, Pro Elves and Nurgle have concept art. Goblins do too, and they're not even one of the teams released in the new Death Zone.
I've even heard that Forgeworld will be releasing conversion bits for the teams as well, though I'd love to have a link on that.

Anyone got a copy of the 2016 bloodbowl rules?

>there are sculpts for Dwarves, Pro Elves and Nurgle have concept art.


I'll share pics of the death zone rulebook, if someone can get me the core rulesbook.

So, I have a bunch of bloodbowl minitures, for the goblin team.
What else do I need to play 2016 bloodbowl? Cheeper's better. I picked up a dice roller app for bloodbowl.

>Goblins do too


At most you need the pitch but besides that and another player, you're good to go.

>for the goblin team

My green brother.

Do I need cards or shit? I can make a pitch. Do you know where I could get the rules? There's a 2016 league starting up at my LGS, but I don't have the 100$ for the new starter.

Cards aren't essential though.



Its almost completely identical besides 1% extra rules but the fundamentals are identical.


And there is your printable pitch.

There are a few sources for it but outside of maybe needing to access a large printer in an internet cafe, you should be good to go.

Also Impact miniatures should have dice in some form.


Not that user, but pretty sure they released some concept for goblins. See pic related.

Oh that looks pretty sick! Gonna take a guess thats the Fanatic due to the hoody.

Things I have for getting back in to Blood Bowl
>New pitch and dugouts (about £13)
>Team (about £30 for 15 players)
>My Dugout app with the rules and DZ team manager upgrade (about £17)
>BB Roller app for all the dice rolls I'll need to make
>Interception app to work out pass ranges and who can intercept because the templates in the box look flimsy as fuck.

OK Slaughter Gang coach, I'm a bit early, but whenever you're game in the next 2 or 3 hours lemme know.

i'm here, i'll be spinning in 10 min


Thanks user.
Do pirated versions of my dugout or pdfs of the rules exist?

Not that I know of. But My Dugout is the cheapest way to get all the rules and support the game.

Was that released on their facebook or where?

its probably from one of their meetngreets at whw

Not bad. Hope that its actually the Goblin team and not the Underworld. Though the Moonz would indicate the legit gobbos. Would be nice. I love my old Goblin team from Specialist Games brand but an update would be cool.


Nice! 1-1 Chaos vs Orcs sounds like a good scrap.


I believe the rumor mill (a podcaster said he chatted with Andy H. about this) Plastic goblins are upcoming with resin special weapons.

It is moments like this I wish the Blood Bowl fanbase was a bit bigger for I am lacking a Goblin crying from happiness reaction image. Even if it is a rumor, the very thought just makes me feel so happy.

>What I imagine every Goblin coach looks like...