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Posting random stuff until I get a request
Character Art Thread
I never have anything to request, but I love to dump, so I'll crash here for a bit.
Same I've saved more pictures than I'll ever need at this point, but I still keep collecting.
Anyone got some age of sail/18th century stuff? Fantasy races are cool
I'll see what I have, it's probably not much though
If by 'age of sail' you mean 'pirates', then yes.
got any 5e firbolg pics? preferably in heavy armor
That would be a negatory. Pic related is one of the few nature giant ones I've got, and the 5e versions look a bit different.
I think this is what they looked like in previous editions, not sure.
Back to random.
I will try to fulfill requests anyone has fyi. I might not have what you want, but I'll at least look.
How about girls with heavy two-handed weapons. Don't care if cute, badass, realistic, unrealistic. Well, maybe not too animu
Quick break for a moment.
And I'm back
Here we go again
Don't think that a break of four minutes needs to be announced. This is a slow board.
I need art of a cyberpunk/modern assassin character. A woman in civilian-ish clothes, but holding a weapon. Preferably professional looking.
Thought it was going to take a lot longer. Everything went better than expected.
Humbly requesting some space elves that aren't Eldar.
For a little bit more help, I guess you could call the character a female John Wick.
Good lord my Sci-Fi folder is disorganized. This is gonna take a while.
>tfw I already have all these
Thanks anyways, at least you tried.
How about if I shift into MAXIMUM OVERPIRATE!?
>Koolaid wizard.jpg
Requesting a wannabe, skater punk, street samurai for Shadowrun
Any race works, but preferably no elves
How's that, motherfucker?
Lolis with impossibly huge weapons is such a stupid thing that I love oh so much.
I love you.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Out of curiosity, how much of it is new to you?
Already had
and Everything else was new
I'm glad you got that much material out of it.
Too good to not post