Talk about all Warhammer Fantasy...

Talk about all Warhammer Fantasy. Please be courteous and try to limit your End Times fluff discussion since its mostly seen as just the start of Age of Sigmar.



>Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races) (Hardback).pdf

>Third Party Miniature Manufacturers

>List of Warhammer recommended proxies

>Tomb Kings Range reborn!

>Warhammer Wikis

>Resources (Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

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>19 minutes without a reply
>tfw total warhammer was too late.

Thanks for giving me the inspiration to write more for the Crusades Against Araby novels that will never be published.

don't remember to write about the secret lizardmen coven at the heart of it all.

Anyone playing 9th age at adepticon?

Is the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition worth looking into, and can you play it without the cards, from what I know, it is sort of like the Fantasy Flight Star Wars.

Actually, I wanted to elaborate on the Skaven involvement. Namely any time they showed up Jaffar said 'get the fuck out' to all his human advisors, because the Skaven brought him to power.
My photo. I used that for all my online profiles, changing 'anime' to 'Warhammer'. Feels great to be used even if I'm essentially a parody.

As a Skaven player, I find 9th age totally blad.

I mean it's balanced, but when I'm throwing on a standardized mishap char, it just takes the fun away.

I mean, one of the Bell mishaps was "Apocalyptic Doom", my Wheel could randomly run over ratogres and enemies when hit by's just not that fun anymore

*bland, goddamit

So Jaffar snorted cocaine like the skaven? Or did he employ their assassins?

The plot is that he refused to believe that they were inhuman. Even in the face of one of their hooded rats being 'unmasked', Jaffar would still talk down to the Skaven who would go out of their way to accomodate the Arabyans. He's a huge hedonist, much to the displeasure of his rival houses. He isn't a bad guy, not completely, but he's been given a chance to change the world.

What is then the Skaven interest in him? Are they preparing the ground for an invasion? Or just getting cheap slaves for payment?

The Skaven offer him a fast route to power, as he feels his wisdom isn't used properly, having gone through three Sultans before his own rise. The Skaven promise many things, and also bow, praise and beg before him, until he actually needs them.

Classic skaven, I love it.

Since nobody seems to be here except for us 2, I'll dump my skavenclan headcanon and hope to lure some unsospecting soul in this general

I'll also dump my Skaven story 'Krask'.

I loved CL Werner's Skaven, especially the little details like subordinates showing their throats and clan leaders not knowing shit because they assassinated everyone that posed a threat to them. I loved

General clan info:

Caln Diba is a relatively small and relatively propserous clan situated in the southernmost part of the empire.

The whole clan sits atop a mine with pervasive (but not so refined) warpstne-encrusted minerals, leading the clan to build there rather than pillage the preciou stuff.

Due to warpstone particles being present literally everywhere, in air, food and water, clan Diba is mostly insane, even by skaven standards. The trademark of clan Diba warriors is the hysterical fits of laughter when confronted with stressful situations.

This fits ae however, induced in every skaven that lives a reasonable amount of time in their warpstone infused quarters, and so clan Diba often is joined by emissaries, or mercenary warbands that are "infected" by their laughter.

Cland Diba's fur is on average almost always spotted, and most skaven take pride in those spots (stormvermins and seers also claim to be spotted despite being uniformingly black and grey, and of course every other lower skaven loudly agrees with them).

Clan skaven are faggots trolling a board before they even know the rules. They're basically looking for (you)'s and looking for better ways to look for (you)'s.

Clan Diba is, of course, a thrall clan, and in true skaven fashion, is a thrall clan of Skyrie, Pestilenz, Moulder and Eshin, plus a honest, true and completely loyal ally of the Grey Seers (also much favored, since Diba warpstone comes in an easy-to-carry snortable form. Plus, Diba's reproductive females birth a lot of seers, which almost always hit the sweet skaven spot of powerful enough to be useful, but not so much as to be a treat).

To appease all the major clan, clan diba has itself divided in a rigid castal system, with 1/5 of each population wearing the colours of one of the major clans (the last remaining fifth appeasing the Grey Seers).

Each faction rules just the time to ship the seasonal tributes to the corresponding major cla, then hierachy collapses again in fits of hysterical laughter.

>playing WHF
>not having an headcanon for your army
>not having full backstories for characters
>not recording your games to add them to your army's story
>not organizing a year-spanning living story with your circle of friends, told about in epic-or-not-quite-so battles

My story was basically trolling those that don't. Like the innumerable Skaven players during the SoC that came up with rat-copters and much more. All I meant by posting was that you shouldn't take a posters image.

Who else here is excited by the Wood Elves DLC in TW:Warhammer?

I am, but not exactly for the same reasons. I hope CA fixes the map. Bretonnia is not a fucked up portion of the Old Word, it's easily two thirds the size of the Empire.

>>Louis watched as the rain ran down his hood. it soaked into every fibre, but he didn't care. His mentor was being buried and he was going to memorize every detail of this event.
>>King Guillame was a great leader and a superb warrior. None of his council ever expected him to die before his two hundreth year. Not even Louis himself expected Guillame to outlive him. He could remember almost every act, almost every speech.
>>King Guillame spoke with confidence that defied belief. Louis felt the weight of history upon his shoulders simply by looking on the script prepared by his fellow dukes.

You have to have all this stuff, but I recall that latter books (not the boxed sets) have everything-cards itd. to copy and play.

From what little I have checked 9th age, I got a similar impression. It seems they seek to eradicate randomness, which imho is what makes Warhammer so fun.

I guess it is 7e for me (with 6e daemons and VC)

>Find base measurements online
>Download rulebooks offline
>Cut out a bunch of to-size mini's out of cardboard
>Ask my friends if they want to play Cardboardhammer Fantasy
>"There is too much to read in the rulebook!"

Try seeing if they'd like starting with small, simple battles so they could get a hang of the rules. Or offer to help them with rule stuff.








Agreed. Bretonnia, Estalia, and Tilea all deserve a second pass. On a positive note the map is receiving minor visual updates all the time. Skavenblight has a lovely new green miasma hovering over it, while I noticed less black fog to the east of the World's Edge Mountains, with the Sour Sea fully rendered

skavenblight had the miasma for a long ass time

Well at the very least the chaos-marked frozen lake is gone now.


>Estalia, and Tilea all deserve a second pass

They also deserve unique army roster DLC.

Birdmen of Catrazza unit when?

Kislev too. If they don't include them, as well as offer mercenary camps with Kislev units, I'll be very cross.

Did arrer boyz ever get a plstic kit? They had plastics in the 6th edition starter, but I don't think they ever got any more.

And I have my fingers crossed that they do anything with Araby.

Yeah, the minor human factions absolutely must be given complete unique rosters, preferably before the release of TW:WH 2.

They can't just copy-paste Empire this time. They'll have to make it unique.

Hopefully it happens eventually, but I doubt it'll happen in the first game. All I'm hoping for is that the release of Bretonnia fixes the map. There's absolutely no reason why Bretonnia is all fucked up as it is now.

Great map, gotta save this one.

Kislev and Araby would be pretty extensive additions, but the Southern Realms don't need too much to be "lore complete". Just divvy up the generic Tilea/Estalia/Border Princes into single-city factions without the ability to conquer new territory, and add the units from the Dogs Of War books. Going from memory the only genuinely new units would be Pikemen, Duellists, the Paymaster, Halflings, Ogres, the Hot-Pot, and Light Cannons. Everything else is a rip-off of Empire units.

Addendum: I know that the price of the Beastmen DLC is divisive, but I would gladly pay $20-25 for a "Nations of Man" DLC that gave us playable Kislev, Araby, and Dogs Of War factions, and beefed up the playable space down there on the map.

Incidentally, did anyone here play Warmaster? I only seriously started traditional gaming in the last 3-4 years, and missed most of the old Warhammer side-games completely.

The DLC so far hasn't bothered me like it has in the past. Instead of just putting antlers on a horse or giving a guy a round shield instead of a square one, entirely new models have to be made. Making the nations of men would probably be the easiest, but they still have wildly different aesthetics and would require their own dlc patch that I would gladly pay for.

I'd pay for it, provided every Dog of War unit is represented in the Tilean and Estalian armies. Kislev ought to use the short-lived Kislev miniatures for inspiration too.

They shouldn't get bear cavalry, though. Tzar Boris was special because he had a bond with his bear, not because it was a Kislivean thing to do. He was literally called 'Red Bear' because of that.

I agree, but I think bears could be used in another capacity. Say trained attack bears rather than cavalry bears.

or they could just be a special lord mount, akin to the monsters other lords ride

If anyone were to have a bear mount other than Tzar Boris, then it should be a Priest of Ursun, a Hero like the Warrior Priest.

Well, the reason I say attack bears is because they're used by Kislevite Warbands in Mordheim.

Kislev & Araby have fully workable rosters from the Warmaster game that would be just as playable as Bretonnia is now. If we look to Mordhiem, then we could pad out the Kislev roster into a skirmish-heavy army that would resemble the Russian army under Ivan the Terrible. You'd start with Ungol archers, axemen, and horsemen to fend off the first waves of marauders. About the time the Warriors of Chaos proper show up you'll tech up to Streltsi with muskets and pole-axes, and the Griffon Knights as a winged hussar analogue. Add in some spice with packs of war-bears and the War Wagon and you get a faction that plays very differently from the Empire.

Lore question though, is there anything noteworthy in the Dark Lands besides the Chaos Dwarfs? Every source I see makes passing references to all the Greenskin tribes out there, but there's no big names out there as far as I can tell, and it's basically just "Badlands but with more volcanoes"

Yeah, the Kislev army in Warmaster had packs of bears herded by priests of Ursen, which I imagine would play like Squig Herds currently do.

When I ran a campaign in the Dark Lands I added roaming Kurgan tribes.

>Kislev & Araby have fully workable rosters from the Warmaster game

Neat. I never knew how big their Warmaster army was.

I honestly think that Warmaster's army list using this aesthetic
would be a very satisfactory Kislev army.

Could Trump undo The End Times? Like, with an executive order?

Maybe after invading GW HQ and executing all the writers and devs.

Araby too! Granted their army is a generic "insert Fantasy Muslims here" faction, but that would be unique enough for Total War, and CA has made that exact army for six games out of ten so far, so I don't see why it couldn't be done. Just nix the name Jaffar to avoid headaches with Disney and talk GW into letting them use the old lore and you've got a faction with as diverse of a roster as Bretonnia at release.

Serious answer: no.

Joke answer: Yes, but he'd rewrite it so the End Times are kicked off by Araby instead so Puti... I mean so Kislev can ride to save the Empire from letting Arabyan refugees destroy it from the inside. Meanwhile Pence would write a chapter where the Sisters of Sigmar get outed as a Slaaneshi Cult and show how all women of the Empire stoically bring their babies to full term no matter how many times they give birth to Beastmen. And Steve Bannon would add a chapter about Witch Hunters getting ambush murdered by Pygmies in the streets of Altdorf.

Political satire aside, does anyone have opinions on Duke Alberic of Bordeleaux being announced as a Legendary Lord choice? His shtick seems to be "Not being a Grail Knight", and for CA to pick a fairly obscure character from the RPG seems like a pretty bold choice. Is he referenced anywhere else?

I don't think he's referenced anywhere else due to the lack of proper novels about Bretonnia. I agree it's a good choice as it will allow them to tell their own story using the WFRP backstory as a stepping stone. Though I would have liked Cassyon of Parravon, as he's a young man that flies around on a pegasus and kills monsters all day instead of dealing with his counsellors, but I get that choosing someone with just the Knights Vow is probably wiser.

>Is the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition worth looking into


It's got an entirely different feel to it compared to what you'd expect from a WHFRP game. It's a lot more epic than the wonderful mud-clad peasant-quest that is WHFRP1-2.

It seems more like D&D than Warhammer. If death isn't creeping up behind you while you're sleeping/eating/minding your own business then it really isn't worth it.

Neat! What were your players up to in the Dark Lands?

Basically doing bad things, making pacts with daemons, putting down greenskin slave rebellions, stealing gromril only to sell it back to the Chaos Dwarfs. They were a Chaos Dwarf engineer, a Norse vitki and a Kurgan hunter. Surprisingly, they worked together a lot better than when they played good/neutral characters as everyone was definitely evil that time around.

I don't think bold necessarily equals good, user. Even if Bretonnia often gets the short end of the stick, they did have a lot of big names that were passed over.

Doesn't mean it's bad either, and other lords will be added later on.

How would you convert his rules and stats into Warhammer fantasy?

Just make him a DP

Yeah, if the Bordeleaux campaign is anything what it sounds like, it'll be a narrative about the Duke going on his Grail Quest. Give him a hefty boost to peasant leadership (orcs aren't as scary when you're blitzed on free wine) and watch him galavant across the Old World looking for a watery tart.

I'm sure - you can't have a Bretonnian faction without Bohemond Beastslayer at least - but it feels like a somewhat weak start. Like CA is trying to pick a canon character that's as on the fringes of the lore as possible, while still being a major enough character to form a campaign around.

So are Grail Knights immortal or what? I saw some user say that in another thread so I wanna be sure.

They have really long life spans, but aren't immortal. Though to be fair, I don't think there's been a Grail Knight that's died of old age. One of the Companions would have been over 300 years old by the time he was slain in battle.

Ah I see. Thank you.

Speaking of more minor factions, how's this guy's shit?

It isn't bad, but there are a few glaring problems here and there. I remember reading the Araby book and wondering why Egypt was mentioned, and I realized that the entry I was reading was copy/pasted from the Wikipedia article on Saladin.

As good as it gets, some lore reads like shitty fanfiction or Still, those are the best fanmade armybooks and the issues can be easily overlooked

Literally fan fiction tier, with history copy pasted from real world history. Seriously, the minor factions don't even feel like they belong in the warhammer world, just a magical version of earth. Hardly any interactions with forces who are supposed to be present all over the globe, like orcs, dark elves and skaven

the ind one was pretty adorable.
>literally copy paste the mahabharata.

Honest critique, I think you've got a good core for a short story, but I don't think you've hit the tone you're looking for. Krask seems too willing to accept a random stranger's hospitality, when Skaven are paranoid to a fault. Play up the cringing nature and don't let him have the choice to deny a warm fire and a cup of tea. I do love his "diseased" smile and it's a decent little feel good story, and I encourage you to give it another revision though!

>Wood elves can create an empire.

Is not that against the Lore?

>Grow some trees in conquered territories

Do we have screenshots of wood elf waifus?

If you have a monarchy and colonies, you're an empire.

I really hope the developers for Mordheim actually give us more options for warbands. The video game is awesome, but now I want attack bears.

Whoever lives in that tower has balls of steel.


so what the fuck every happened with that one Elf bitch and her secret new world of whatever? Did that ever get referenced again in AoS or was that literally a paragraph someone threw in before kirby was like "No, fuck it, hard reset, everyone dies but the most well known characters"

Throwaway subplot in ET: Archaon.

See, Lileath lost all her godly power, so at the great meeting between all of the resistance forces she was left just sitting there and feeling exposed. The leader of the surviving Bretonnians recognized her as the Lady and saw she was an Elf then put the pieces together in his mind. He felt betrayed so he told Be'lakor about her secret world which was promptly destroyed as she "lost contact" with it, then he marched all Brets home to die en route when Chaos destroyed the world which is why Bretonnia alongside Tomb Kings and Chaos Dwarfs were the only factions that did nothing in the final battle. Unless you count Nagash as a Tomb King anyway. Which he isn't.

So that whole plot point was like
AYY LMAO nope. Got it.
Oh well, I thought it was kind of interesting, with Grail Knights being like the guardian spirits and all that.

Too bad GW is so insanely hush hush, it'd be interesting to hear the dev team talk about why it was dropped. It was clearly an aborted plan for AoS.

I'd be more interested in how to convert him in the lore.

It'd be cool to have a DP that knew Sigmar personally and his grievances were actually sensible rather than the insane tantrums of a 13-yr-old deviantart user's OC. Looking at you, Archaon the Everhoser.

Inb4 Archaon Defense Force

>It'd be cool to have a DP that knew Sigmar personally and his grievances were actually sensible rather than the

That's Azazel or as he was named in mortal life Gerreon. It would be cool if you knew the fluff rather being ignorant. Fucking hipster 40Kfags are infesting this thread. Get out.

>that would be Sir Irrelevant the Unreasonably Obscure

Like I said, it'd be interesting to actually have such a character around. Though he's kinda boring himself, not much going on.

Gerreon is hardly obscure. You could say Sigmar was the way he was because Gerreon made him that way. If Ravenna had lived there's a good chance Sigmar might have lived a happier, but far less noteworthy life.

I could see how Archaeon might've been cool once, with his satanic Trials of Hercules and his Hannibalistic drive through the Wastes to lay siege to the Empire, but from what I've read of his backstory I'm amazed there's any love for the character.

The idea behind him accepting these things was that he, like other skaven, sense weakness like it's body odour, literally the case with other ratmen, so a blind old man stood no threat to him or the Veil of Secrecy. I also felt that like a person that's been abused or isolated he'd latch on to the first person that's kind to him, much like a neckbeard that falls in love with a girl that talks to him for more than 30 seconds. But I get what you're saying and I've wanted to come back to this story and add a few more chapters, though I've just been so busy with moving and finding new work that I haven't been able to find the time. Maybe in the next few weeks.

It's not that, the fucking thread title is missing.

Which is the best Empire state and why is it Averland?

> One of the wealthiest provinces.
> Best bro's with the Dwarfs.
> Most elaborate uniforms.
> Heroic defenders of Blackfire Pass.
> Our brave leader, Daisy!

How can others even compete.

PS. Get fucked Stirland.